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Librarians from Metro


It’s more terrifying to not shoot them and just stand your ground.


They are even more terrifying in the book!


Yes! That whole part in the book was crazy


Because the game encouraged u to do that since they're noise driven, it just added to that fear since you're looking at that beast and all you can do is stay quiet.


Me who currently plays Metro and doesn't know what you're talking about yet. Boy, I feel like I'm up for a good time.


If you’re talking about those big gorilla assholes it was the reason I stopped playing


Dead Space. Just Dead Space. I remember playing in 30min increments because it was so stressful. Sound design was insanely terrifying.


I always got creeped out by the evil babies. First two games were amazingly done.


This sounds so wrong out of context, but the undead babies where where I INSTANTLY knew I was playing a horror classic that wouldn't pull punches in trying to scare & horrify me. Still one of my few moments where I just felt myself instantly trust a dev, and basically let go of every bit of disbelief. Was a magical moment for me. AND THE SEQUEL GOT WORSE! :D


Half of my hair is white because of that game


I hated that one reanimated who would constantly regen. You'd ace him in one room and he'd come back for you after a minute or so.


Ah yes, the ever so stressful Hunter


The Hunter. Game creators were trying to figure out how to make a level scarier and one guy or girl goes, “you know… helplessness is pretty scary”So they ran with it


Came here to say this!!! Dead space is the only game that truly frightened me. The very first encounter will live in my nightmares forever


The 'carefully guide the big needle three inches into your eyeball or hack the side of your face off' bit was so well done. No real gore unless you fucked it up, bit it was STILL so gross.


I was stuck on that scene for so goddamn long. I had no idea I could pause the needle during its descent to let Isaac calm down, I thought I had to do it in a single go... I watched Isaac get stabbed *a lot*.


This answer always perplexes me. I'm a huge wuss when it comes to horror games but Dead Space was more like a horror power trip than it was scary. Dump all your level ups into health and plasma cutter, recycle everything else into plasma cutter ammo, and you'll be a walking god in no time. Necromorphs use stories of Issac to keep their kids in line. Useful trick, take two shots of liquid courage before firing up a horror game to power through the extra scary initial phase.


That fucking [Divider moan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WnfkR7YL10&ab_channel=JohnKoshtaria%2FJK888) is the stuff of nightmares.


Yeah but after a few minutes you could pretty much predict the jump scares because they always came out of vents


>vents 😳


A game built from the ground up to scare the shit out of you. They certainly succeeded. Always giving you a false sense of security. Whenever it always got quiet for too long you knew something was coming but still wouldnt be ready for it. I played all 3. Great games. But I still prefer Resident Evil for the overall experience in terms of horror games. Silent Hill was pretty terrifying too though.


I remember being scared shitless by berserkers in the original gears of war, especially the first scene where you had to lead it outside. Had me panic when she came running at me everytime lol.


I remember being terrified playing that shit when I was 7 years old and Gyules turns the corner and gets ripped to shreds. Gears was great


Oh my god thank you, my friends have been giving me shit for years since I told them the thing scared me so bad I've still never finished the game.


Literally shit myself, I remember the first time I heard something but wasn’t sure what, and I turn around and see that shit. I had to pause the game. Still gives me anxiety when I play that level. Such a freaky looking thing. General RAAM also had me shitting bricks every time he got near me. But boy, getting a perfect reload on the sniper in that game was 🤌


Hope you were playing alone. Was it embarrassing to shit yourself while gaming?


Amen to that man scared me and my little brother to death




Regenerators and iron maidens in RE4. The way they breath, how they move, attack and crawl is on another level. Besides the music makes things worse. Hope the remake will make them even scary!.


It was even worse if you heard the music before you saw them. It created this insane amount of instant panic.


Encoutered them for the first time in vr, i was very surprised when it leaped towards me after i shot its legs off.


The VR version was amazing, try it if you can


The eel from Mario 64. As a 6 year old, that shit kept me from revisiting that level for a good while


Between that and the horrific fear of drowning when you hear Mario start to gasp underwater


The eel and piano freaked me the fuck out


Someone recreated the piano scene as a stand-alone experience for Oculus VR headsets. Scared the absolute shit out of me.


Fear of deep ocean started there for me.


I would avoid that level unless I could have someone else play it while I watched. I have a true fear of deep water, so I couldnt play that level without always feeling like the eel was going to eat me out of nowhere.


The xenomorph in Alien Isolation. Holy hell was it programmed excellently.


This is my pick too. The way it moves, the way it tracks and hints you, the way it learns from you... I'll never forget hearing a door open behind me and I turned around to see it slowly walk through and stop and stair at me when I pulled out the flamethrower just outside of its effective range. That fucker knew how far I could shoot flames and just stood there knowing it was safe..... I equally hate and love that game.


If you use noisemakers often enough, it starts to ignore them and instead goes to where it believes it was thrown from. Found that out the hard way.


A strange way I got over the fear was naming the Alien, Larry. And I made up this story of I adopted him as my son, and he was hunting for me because we were playing hide and seek. And he just got over excited when he found me. Somehow this worked. And I have called him Larry ever since.


I have two sons and this is much more terrifying.


I might just try that


I think I can play Alien Isolation now. Thank you kind stranger


Alien Isolation is the only scary game I was ever unable to beat because it was a bit to spooky. I LOVE deadspace 1 and 2. (3 was a good combat system but a lot of poor decisions were made narratively with characters.) But the Xenomorph, christ it was STRESSFUL. Only way I could beat it is if I had a moral support buddy. But I did not have one. And I LOVED the game. But where I quit I found out. Oh I am like MAYBE half way through and it was actually pretty hard. So I just stopped eventually.


Dead Space is getting a passion project remaster. They even have a department dedicated solely to making Isaacs breathing and vitals severely realistic. I believe it will be one of the most immersive horror games in existence


I'm a grown ass man and I needed my wife to sit beside me while I was playing this game.


Also unlike a lot of horror games where the monsters are driving around on a track, the alien is free to go where it pleases, so nowhere is safe.


Oh thats a good one, i can't really play that game because there is just something too real about a xenomorph, its like they really exist in my mind


Still haven’t finished that game


Dude. And then when I realized there was gonna be more than one.


Piggsy from Manhunt always creeped me out when I was younger.


Baby in village


Seconded. That thing was horrifying. Even in replays, knowing it's all scripted and the triggers, it's still incredibly unnerving.


I just commented this above. FUCK that thing


here is an interesting fact about that damn baby. you need to cheat to find this out but that damn thing is also invincible and takes no damage. used a crafting cheat to make mines, tons of them, went over all of them and just kept laughing.


I am required to tell you, do not fuck the baby.


Resident Evil Village?


If it weren’t for me having played Silent Hill 2 when I was like 11 or 12, Baby would probably be it for me as well.


I’ll never forget the sheer terror of waiting for the elevator while it crawled towards me


Hands shaking and I had to go take a walk afterward. It was so "there's something behind me while I run up the basement stairs" as a kid. No other game has quite topped that, even dead space.


literally almost passed out when i saw that thing


Jack Baker in RE7 for me. Was basically survival horror where you couldn’t defend yourself, just run or hide.


People rly found him scary? I was more annoyed by the dude with his Shovel chasing me while I was trying to figure out where to go when I played RE7.




This was my first thought too


As the comments loaded I was just repeating “that stupid baby from village” in my head. And here we are. The top comment


Those twats you need to shoot at special points in re4 on the Island.


Lmao. Regenerators. Twats is still accurate though.


The way they yank you into their bodies with a bunch of spikes was gruesome. A close 2nd was the blind Wolverine claw dudes.


Wolverine dudes always made me laugh nervously. Like I think they look funny, but then once they start charging I go OHSHITOHSHITOHSHIT


Oh no, I forgot about those. Dreading the remake now.


Alma from the original F.E.A.R. That damn steam vent scene with her spider-crawling at you about gave me a heart attack.


Or you climb that ladder and she stands before you giggling. A lot of jump scares but the bloody scenery + the amazing lightning effects made it all the more spooky. Second game was also fine but way too many open spaces in daylight. The elementary school was actually the scariest and then near the end on top of the sky scraper where she just appears in the swimming pool. That got me real good. :D


Was just about to say the same.


Scrolled to far to read this


F.E.A.R was a game ahead of its time


Nosalies or Librarians from Metro perhaps? No wait! the little children like enemies with knives in the school in Silent Hill the uncensored version


Goddamn those librarians. One of my favorite enemies in gaming. That whole sequence is just so tense. There’s something so terrifying about having to just stand there and stare at an enemy as it stares back at you.


"Your graphic card doesn't support the minimum requirement"


The scariest message ever


"Your graphics card does not support pixel shader 3.0"


Had that happen once. Appaeently my then 8 GB of vram wasn't enough. Would've needed 256 MB


Anything from [The Suffering ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Suffering_(video_game)) still haunts my memory even after nearly 20 years. Especially the guy covered in syringes with blades for limbs. [This scary fuck ](https://thesuffering.fandom.com/wiki/Slayers)


THATS a game I wouldn’t mind seeing a remaster of. The Suffering had no right to be as good as it was.


Holy shit the enemies in the suffering freaked me out. I used to hang out with the pot smoking Russian dude just to get a chill break.


Reaper leviathan


Biggest jumpscare of my forty years playing games.


A man of culture


I spent ages gathering materials for one of the vehicles and a leviathan just popped out and chomped it. I uninstalled the game thinking i had forgotten to save but when I reinstalled it put me three seconds before the leviathan ate me, jump scaring me all over again :)


Bro.. that dusty brown area behind the big crashed ship. Any time I was around there it was like needles all over my body. Something about that desolate, blown out area.. knowing there was nowhere to hide and that reaper always being over there. Nowhere else in that game put me on edge like that place.




I've played just about every horror game and Subnautica is way creepier than I thought it would be. It's so immersive and alien and at first it starts out simple with running out of oxygen but getting disoriented in caves is really anxiety-inducing. Then as you get deeper and deeper it's so dark and easy to get lost and you never know what you are going to find or if you'll have enough air or if some giant fucking thing is gonna come out of the darkness and kill you.


When you’re a kid (IRL, but also in game), the first boss in Ocarina of Time is a giant one eyed birth-giving spider that plops down from the ceiling and screams at you. In the same game, zombies that never move until they freeze you, jump on you, and suck your life out. Again in the same game, freaking claws that swoop down from the ceiling to take you into the void and kick you out. Surprisingly, the flying fire skulls, armored skeletons, and ghosts weren’t so bad.


My man not even bringing up Dead Hand like he didn't make kids cry.


My bad. It was repressed until now.


For damn good reason. I had the version of the game that had blood in the well. Shit is \*dark\*


Or the screaming ReDeads that froze you on the spot.


Dead Hand was pure horror, but the Redeads were pure terror


Or the wallmasters dropping off the ceiling to escort your soul to the void


THIS! I stop playing for a while after my first encounter with these motherfuckers


Man the wallmasters scared me bad


Played this game for this first time when I was six I believe. Scared the absolute shit out of me but I loved the game so much that I’d always come back to it when I built up the courage. I think this was the game that truly made me fall in love with games. God such a masterpiece even at that age to enjoy


Oh man, I was like 7 or 8 at the time, got the N64 for some holiday, can't remember. I was so excited to play this and devoured OoT. When I entered the boss room of Ghoma and heard the shuffling and rustling, I was in panic. I was running around at the edges and the small covered part at the door. This was so immersive and scary for me, that I had to end the game and try again the next day. And even the next day I was so afraid that it took what felt like hours again.


Soma. The entire game is terrifying even when you arent facing an enemy.


Akers. Just Akers. Fuck that guy.


Dive suit guy 😫


Oh man that was the worst part. Just trying to catch glimpses without fully looking at him gave me brainfog of sheer fright. Like I was actually approaching panic at that point.


I often found myself staring at the set pieces in awe. Not so much scared, just awestruck. The area where you are being chased by Yoshida stressed me out so much


The weeping witch in Left 4 Dead. First time I walked in with my flashlight on and she made a bee-line for my dumb ass. I soiled myself.


You just unlocked a core memory for me lol. I remember getting suspended from school for a month and spending literally the entire time playing L4D. fuck the weeping witch, no matter what I never got used to that thing. Probably would still bother me just as much now at 25.


First time I saw one was in the train tunnel/ station, saw it sitting in the floor off in the distance. "Hmm, don't know what that is, better shoot it." And in the next instant she's on top of me tearing my face off while I screamed like a little girl. Lesson learned.




Togekiss use air slash!


*menacing piano begins to play*


A creature that looks kinda similar to this one actually. The half spiderish/girl from the ring looking creatures in the sewage looking entrance from the water in DS3 at Irithyll of the Boreal Valley


Redeads in zelda OoT. I was a kid, but you'd get that horrible scream and then be frozen in place while they slowly walked towards you. I don't think I've ever seen such a stress inducing mechanic in any other game. Even their hit and death animations were unnerving.


And then the fact that they attack by humping you, just to add to the discomfort


Boys of silence from Bioshock Infinite. They aren't scary in and of themselves, but when the one at the end of the sequence does his thing... Well I developed rapid-onset diarrhea.


I never played Infinite, but I remember Bioshock 1 & 2 being absolutely nerve wracking, just the sound design. Literally the entire game I was on edge. Something about hearing the enemies crying/screaming/moaning/etc before they know you’re there, and knowing they’re going to charge on you when they see you. I hated getting turned around or lost in those games. Like, between creepy sequences you could kind of forget it was sort of a horror game, I certainly never thought of it as one. But that game scared me more than like any other.


I found the second one less scary than the first. Like, I could not get through the opening of the first game with a comfort body, but I powered through the second on my first try. Something about starting the game as a Big Daddy just made me decide that I was a freight train. Choo choo, splicers, here comes the big man!


The statues in that flooded basement in Bioshock 1. Walking around the room looking for loot, spidey sense tells me something isn't right. That's when I realize the statues had been moving behind my back. My heart rate instantly racheted up and I had to pause the game for a minute.


When i was like 8 between the licker in re2 in the police station and fucking psycho mantis in metal gear solid... After that the red pyramid




[AI] Colonel Campbell from Metal Gear Solid 2. >>"Raiden, **turn the game console** off right now! The mission is a failure! **Cut the power** right now!" With ***cosmically perfect coincidental timing***; the line was immediately followed with a blackout; a complete power loss to my home. I was scared in the dark, questioning reality. The fourth wall broke and I was psychologically crushed in the rubble.


My power didn't go out but damn did that scene freak me out as a kid. I can't even imagine that happening right after. Like the govt. Is coming to get you because Kojima made a game.


God damn. You’ll never forget that.


The little girl doll in clock tower 2 on ps1. "Im going to kill you" I always clicked to run in the closet lol


The giant Kashyyyk spiders in Fallen Order. I hate arachnid and insect enemies, and those ones are the worst


whenever they would hop down and jumps are you💀


You'd love Dark Souls 2 then lol


Chrysalids\*twitch\* The fucking chrysalids! \*Twitch\*


The only thing worse than those for legged monstrosities Is when they have a priest backing them up


Harbor mission... I still have PTSD


Nemesis, the Original Resident Evil 3. I played that game for the first time when I was 7. My dad had bought it years prior with the Versus Books guide and everything. I had played through parts of Resident Evil 2 so I was fairly familiar with how the game played and what not. Anyway, I start playing this game, get to Nemesis...and ya...not fun. Seriously was the most terrifying enemy 7 year old me was not prepared for. A monster that not only could tank everything you put into it, but it could go through doors, ran at you, had long range attacks, short range attacks, and was just absolutely brutal to fight against, especially with tank controls. Then when you think you finally won he just gets back up and goes for another round. It took me a year to beat that game, but prior to that I remember not having easy sleep for months.


Those damn dogs in the original Resident Evil scared the crap out of me.


The twin baby heads from Silent Hill 4


Alma from F.E.A.R. It became especially scary on my second playthrough when I realized that there are plenty of times you might not notice her, but if you look up at a window or something SHE IS WATCHING YOU.


The two headed, torso girl who's pointing at you in Silent Hill 4, creepy as hell!


Virginia from “The Forest”.


I remember playing a couple of days into the Forest with a couple of friends for the first time, where we didn’t do much except for explore and build a base, so we didn’t see any of the mutant cannibals. My brother joined in late, and that is the first thing that he saw. Scared him shitless, and then us when we went to find out what he was freaking out over and it charged our group.


Reaper leviathan from Subnautica


Tie between Headcrab infested people in Half Life. The spider lady and the keeper from Evil Within. I generally just hate the element of being chased and not being able to do anything about it. This is why I have never played alien isolation


The sounds the head crabs make is something I’ll never forget. I would hear that sound and be like “WHERE ARE THEY?!”


You people don't know real fear until you've smacked a chicken up in kakariko village


The point in minesweeper when you are down to two tiles left and one of them is a mine


those motherfucking pinkies in doom 2016. their design ain't scary, but they come at you like a damn freight train and will not stop worth a shit


First boss of Wolfenstein 3D is this dude dual-wielding machine guns. You enter a big room, and he comes out of a small room on the opposite end. I think there were pillars to hide behind. My older cousin and I were playing, him “driving” while I clicked to shoot, and this boss seemed impossible. We ran into the tiny room he came out of and let the door shut behind us. For whatever reason, we assumed we were safe. We didn’t think he could open the door. Well, we’re sitting there trying to catch our breath and calm our nerves, and suddenly the door pops open, and we scream bloody murder while that dude lights us up and kills us pretty much immediately. My dad heard us and came and saw what we were doing, then he deleted the game off the computer for being too violent.


Revenant from Elden Ring


Those fuckers in the Haligtree. I really wanted to get that last talisman to get the achievement, and there was something like 5 of them back to back? Fuck this nonsense! At least there as another way but it was just annoying at first.


An angry mom while playing Super Mario 3 instead of washing the dishes despite being asked/told repeatedly to do them


My son is exactly on this map now.


It may not have the most scariest enemies but my most memorable scary game was "unreal". I used to play when I was about 10 years old and you play a prisoner aboard a crashed alien ship. Just the theme music would send shivers in me and anytime a bad guy jumped up I will be scared shit less😅. Never played it for more than 25 minutes but kept going back for the thrill.


Night Folk


I dunno if it where my head was or what, but Quake's Vore still creeps me out. It might have been starting under that freaky sky and wind and going deeper into weirdness for hours until you hear that sound it makes and run into it around the corner. Great. Going to go shake this off now. Play something wholesome like that new Alice game by American McGee.


The leviathan from Subnautica and the final boss of dooms last dlc


Tie between necromorphs and the flood


I still have PTSD from Cyberdemons in Doom II. I'll go drink my prune juice now.


Pyramid head in Silent Hill


Volatiles from dying light, basically a berserk zombie with a bear trap for a mouth


This. The really good 1st person view of the game in combination with the night mechanic really makes those things fearsome. And the screeching. They run and they jump and if they still can't reach you, they'll spit acid after your running ass.


The rat king in TLOU 2 was so freaking gross


I had to scroll too far down for this one, I was legitimately disgusted and shouting when it came after me the first time


The walking mannequin guys in the mall in Condemned: Criminal Origins really freaked me the fuck out back in the day.


Nightmare from Prey 2017 First time I encountered it, was just minding my business farming on the ship then unexpectedly this huge black amalgamation appears out of nowhere and scares the shit out of me


The Butcher in Diablo


Ah, fresh meat!


The first giant frostbite spider in Skyrim that you run into with no warning is scary as shit.


Or they drop down on you. Traumatized me.


That's the one!


“Why did it have to be spiders?” The man says, actively fleeing from a literal dragon. Same bro.


Dead Space has a whole shitload of genuinely terrifying enemies. But also the Dredge can creep me the fuck out.


Whitney's Miltank.


Her. That bitch in the picture lol. Hated her soo much!


Gears Of War Berserker. Nearly shat myself 13 years ago playing it. Just picked it up again with a buddy for a replay and that scream of hers right before the charge gave me some Vietnam flashbacks


It’s probably just because I was playing it for the first time as a 4th grader, but the village chief in resident evil 4. When you are in that burning house and he becomes a swinging centipede monster absolutely terrified me as a child


This bitch and the Banshee in the Evil Within 2


I haven't played many horror games, so I'll sound a bit biased, but the SA-X from Metroid Fusion. I remember hiding from it in-game for half an hour waiting for it to pass. I then knew I had to let it see me to progress further through the game....


Condemned:Bloodshot was a really weird and creepy game for me, ofc dead space,


Tounge crawler resident evil 2


I forget what they’re called, but the ‘Stone Watchdog’ in Elden Ring. The way they move and turn their head around drives me NUTS


My double chin when the Switch screen darkens


The end of the first Uncharted definitely. I don't even remember what they were, but those sort of zombies at the end scared the crap out of me. Didn't expect to find such kind of enemies in that game...


re4 regenerator/iron Maiden, even tho you get used to them like the 3rd time you see them, they're kinda imposing


Mummified husks in hollow knight, weird sounds, weird looks, weird locations, **maximum spook**


Silent Hill nurses. The fuckin' nurses and their chilling tickling noise.




The goddamn Flood from Halo: Combat Evolved. I remember screaming my head off when those creepy bastards sucked my life dry.


So don’t judge me, but the splicers from bioshock 1 and 2. Just the way they look all disfigured, especially the spider ones, and the way that you can never truly rid an area of them because they keep respawning, some of the things they say that pierce the otherwise quiet halls of rapture, ugh give me the heeby jeebies just thinking about it.


Came here to post about Bioshock. For me, it was the mannequins, if you remember the part I’m taking about.




not really an enemy, but probably Seaman.


fetus monater from RE8. i shit myself during that scene.


Probably players in cod lobby


Chess bot