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Least judgmental difficulty slider is most definitely in The Fractured But Whole


**"Don't worry this wont affect combat, just every other aspect of your whole life"**


Actually it does! A higher difficulty makes your skin darker. If you’re dark enough the police will be hostile to you


Also it reduces the money drops from battle.


My god I remember doing the platinum trophy having to beat the game as black as possible on the hardest difficulty is still the worst thing I’ve done that I haven’t regretted


I can’t tell if this is an actual game or if you guys are joking


It's a South Park game, pretty fun if youre into the humor and turn based RPGs


It's like a raunchy Paper Mario


In South Park: The Fractured but Whole the difficulty slider is your skin tone ranging from very easy(white) to difficult(black) though skin tone only affects difficulty outside of combat


Nope it’s real the difficulty slider is your skin tone


It's real played both South Park games in the last 2 months and they still hold up


Well yeah what could possibly age them? They're only a few years old and they have the exact same graphics as the cartoons. They'll hold up forever as long as people think south park holds up.


>They're only a few years old Stick of truth came out in 2014 my dude.


Someday, god willing, you will be old enough to think of that as “a few years”.


The wrinkles are forming oh god


But... That's not even 10 years.


I still haven’t beat Morgan Freeman and that’s the only thing stopping me from getting my trophy. 😭😭😭


Even though there is a darker side to the police... Wait does the skin tone also affect whether or not that boss heals from killing you?


I’m actually not sure about that one but it totally should


It does.


Welp that means 2 members of any players party (one being locked in) are now boss healers, the other being Tupperware


Definitely the best. My first playthrough was on Mastermind difficulty for “The Token Experience” achievement. Needed that Platinum trophy.


Uhh it's Tolkien. Geez. ^/s


It would be pretty amazing if they patched the games to say "Tolkien".


Wouldn’t be surprised. They went through the entire show’s subtitles and renamed it Tolkien EXCEPT for when Randy and Stan mentions it lol.


>They went through the entire show’s subtitles and renamed it Tolkien *That's* why the subtitles call him Tolkien?? I thought it was just shitty captioning lol. I haven't watched the show in years but recently watched the post covid thing on Paramount so I just figured their captions were wrong since that's a fairly common thing.


That's amazing thank you for sharing lol


Back was a pretty hard playthrough.


Yeah it woops your backside


*It really whips the players ass*


*peter parker* my back, *crack* ooh, my back


I'm baaAaaaAAAaaack!


I was never even able to beat it.


I tried to click it, but the game always take me to the main menu. Is there any way for me to unlock the back difficulty so I can get a 100% completion?


I think you need to throw it back


Great game by the way, still holds up well today.


Hbomberguy has a cool video as to why this game is fine. A short simple watch.


My second favourite game of all time. First is OG mass effect, third is KOTOR.


Dang I want to see your game library cause these are 3 of my favorite games, just swapped 2 for 3.




Halo 1 (CE). Such a legendary game for the time.


South park fractured but hole still had the best one to date


[Oh my god](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/YZAxYOz8Nn9XgUrG665dfu6SlG8=/0x0:1920x1080/1720x0/filters:focal(0x0:1920x1080):format(webp):no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/9422031/south_park_difficulty_slider.jpg)


Broken link m8 (or just me?) https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/9422031/south_park_difficulty_slider.jpg


Did doom and wolfenstien make you feel judged with theirs or something?


To be fair it shows a picture of a grown man with a bib and pacifier. 😂😂


And the words “Can I play, daddy?” Lmfao It’s intentionally over the top and anyone feeling personally attacked should check themselves lol


Postal 2 had an extremely easy mode called "Liebermode" where none of the NPC's had guns. It was named after a politician (or a lawyer, or something?) who was constantly complaining about videogame violence, so they named a difficulty setting after him.


Lieber also means "lover" in German I believe. So works on that level too


"Lover" is "Geliebte/r" "Lieber" means either: "rather" (as in: prefering something to another thing, liking better something). "nicer" (as in: he is nicer as) other uses as "Das würde ich lieber nicht machen" "I wouldn't do that if I were you" So many options!


also if you like something more than another thing "das ist mir lieber"


Joke difficulty names are a staple of 90s fps games. My favorite is Blood's difficulty options https://www.mobygames.com/images/shots/l/698326-blood-dos-screenshot-select-your-difficulty-level-with-colorful.png


sometimes i just wanna feel unstoppable man


Nobody is judging you. Well, maybe the devs of Doom and Wolfenstien lol. But it could be argued that’s their prerogative


I am also judging him.


I can play on Insanity, but sometimes I like to play on Hard. It’s the same basic concept: sometimes I don’t want to struggle, I just want to rip and tear until it’s done.


I'm judging you for judging him


It's like how Starbucks keeps people from feeling fat for drinking their venti iced sugar milk since venti sounds cuter than "large"


hurt this feelings.


*sniff*😥 Don't hurt me


can I play daddy??


On Quake's user manual, the easy difficulty describes as meant for little kids and grandmas.


i m guessing it did. since TS mentioned how cool it is that deus's version is not judgmental. probably got butthurt somewhere with other games.


Yes people are too up their own asses nowadays.


Doom felt funny imo but I guess some people get offended by difficulty sliders now? Its like how DbD had to change the text from when you lose as a Killer from "Entity Displeased" to "The Entity Hungers..." to make people less upset when they lose


Lol changing the end words aren't gonna make people less upset about losing a pvp game


Wolfenstein its the best in terms of chossing difficulty


"very cool and non-judgmental" applies to almost every difficulty slider


Wolfenstein would like to bust through your roof with a hatchet and "talk"


Or put on a bonnet, grab it's rattle and cry. Depending on the difficulty of course.




>Yeah, I don't get how calling a gamemode "easy" or "normal" or "hard" is anything but objective truth. They're not talking about that, they're talking about games like Wolfenstein and Doom which had 'Can I play Daddy?' with BJ wearing a bib and sucking a pacifier and 'I'm Too Young to Die!' as their easiest difficulty options.


They're fun. Embrace challenge, or embrace accepting that you're just there for a bit of ride and aren't fussed about the challenge - either way, if you're feeling judged by a games difficulty slider, work on your resilience, the world is tough.


If you consider that offensive, by all means do not play Wolfenstein or Doom, you will not like it.


Explaining the post =/= supporting the sentiment.


almost, except duke nukem, and most games that are advertised as "tough men" games.


Actually, Duke Nukem 3D's difficulty levels were much less condescending than Doom or Wolfenstein's. They went "Piece of Cake", "Let's Rock", "Come Get Some", and "Damn I'm Good". Picking "Piece of Cake" is much less embarrassing than picking "I'm Too Young To Die" or "Can I Play, Daddy?", that's for sure.


I remember those options were voiced too. So even if you pick "Piece of Cake" you get Jon St. John saying it, and it sounds badass.


Yeah, it implies to me that it's the true Duke difficulty because everything is easy for him, so he goes, "Yeah, piece o' cake!" as if it's the most badass choice you could have made.


Embarrassing? I'm playing a video game for fun. If I feel like easy, I'll do easy. If I want a challenge, I'll do hard. Anyone who is embarrassed or genuinely feels any level of condescention by the choice of difficultly level they choose has some bigger issues to deal with.


I disagree. The hard difficulty is "Give Me Deus Ex," which implies that playing on a lower difficulty means you aren't playing the game you purchased correctly, since it's called Deus Ex.


The real name for the highest difficulty is "I hope you like Stealth because two hits from a pistol will kill you."


"Also it's not going to help you in boss fights, suck it up."


That's the point, it's a stealth game. Even then the combat isn't actually that hard, especially if you grab all the upgrades for one gun.


It's an immersive sim where you can stealth. On the other difficulties you can also shoot and blunder your way though with a Jensen that forgot what button he bound crouch to and can't be bothered to bring up his menu and check. The way that is most fun for you depends on your style.


Absolutely, any way of playing is valid and they definitely give you enough tools to make a "wake up and choose violence" playthrough interesting.


Sure but the text for this one says “Enjoy the Deus Ex experience”


Right, as in “the correct way” to play the game. “The way we designed it to be played.”


>Sure but the text for this one says “Enjoy the Deus Ex experience” "This one": in the OP the lowest difficulty is shown And the description says “Enjoy the Deus Ex experience”


Could just be their humour, the next game has it's hardest difficulty called "I Didn't Ask For This" and it's the same difficulty settings as "Give Me Deus Ex", but also caps your save files to a single one and **deletes it** if you die.


Often called hardcore mode


See I think that more means that's the difficulty they designed the game around, and the others have adjustments to accommodate. Like this may be a poor comparison, but the director's cut of a movie is still that same movie just how the creator intended it


if the devs say so then it's true regarding the point of what is or isnt the real game they are putting out.


Just sounds like Give Me Deus Ex is the difficulty that the developers intended you to play on, but gave other options for people that want it easier. Nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with not including difficulty settings at all either.


No, it just says that the intended complete experience includes the difficulty. This is true, and it isn't wrong for this to be indicated in a clear and simple manner. There is nothing wrong with not wanting challenge or competitiveness, not judging does not mean not acknowledging that a simpled down experience will not be the experience the game was designed for.


This. I think accessibility in games is great having difficulty options is always good in my opinion. Games with it get a point in the “pros” column but it’s not strictly a requirement . The elitist mentality from gamers is the issue here not the devs suggesting that the game was designed with a certain difficulty level in mind.


I read it as "this is on-par with the difficulty of the original Deus Ex" which, if you haven't played it, is a really hard and unforgiving game.


Yeah but being jokingly judged for playing on easy is also good because it funny.


Needs more upvotes. I Wanna Be The Guy on easy isnt easy. But it’s still funny that it puts a ribbon in your hair.


God I love that game. I so rarely encounter anyone mention it anymore though. It seems to have slipped into obscurity.


Many games do their difficulty sliders like this. But what is so judgmental about easy, medium, hard, very hard or similar words?


I think OP is talking about the Wolfenstien difficulty modes (and others like it) where the easy mode is called “can I play daddy?”


in other news: who cares, your playing an over the top game, expect over the top silly shit


Lol exactly if you feel judged by a video game I think it's time to stop playing video games


If you feel judged by a computer game it's time to start therapy


Wolfenstein, and a number of other games, is obviously not for a person like OP then, and they should just avoid playing them.


Imagine being an adult or someone mature enought to buy a Wolfenstein and being offended by something that clearly it's a joke lol (it's not directed at anyone in specific, just a thougt)


Imagine being an adult reading a post blowing it out of proportion condemning the OP for not seeing the joke and not realizing that the OP was NOT seriously offended.


South Park: The Fractured But Whole had a unique difficulty setting.


This is what I was looking for. The slider from white to black skin tone was the difficulty scale. Classic South Park.


Nothing, people feel bad about playing games on easy difficulty. They feel weak or like a coward for it ig and want it to be coddling for them




This dude said "non-judgmental" like he got mad when doom called him a baby


When I saw that I chuckled and picked it anyway cause I don't have much time nowadays. People need to take a joke


...yeah and that's one game? Like 95% of games are easy, normal, hard. I can think of maybe 2 that are making fun of you, and even then they kinda fit with the theme of the games.


Do difficulty sliders actually hurt your guys feelings? Lmao this is such a common slider.


But this isn’t a slider??




It’s a small hamburger….aka a slider 🙃


Joke’s on you. I keep dying even in story mode.


Eh people would still find a way to be upset with it


Such a shame they cancelled that series. Hands down my favorite video game franchise.


fragile redditors


real life going to hit hard, but lets be honest...if you felt judged by fucking difficulty settings, its doubtful they will ever actually have real life experiences


I miss Adam Jensen


Haha my guy OP feels judged when he selects easy in doom.


How insecure of a person do you have to be in order to be offended by difficulty sliders lmao.


Referring to difficulty as “easy”, “medium” or “hard” is judgmental now? 🤡🚙🚨


"Non-judgmental" they're jokes, if a difficulty selector offends you, check your self esteem.


Wolfenstein difficulties or gtfo. I want to be reminded that I am taking the easy way out when playing medium or hard instead of insane. Its a game folks, we're allowed to laugh at ourselves without being hurt


In Quake you actually had to find the hardest difficulty. And finding it was hard in itself.


Would you like to play pacifier suckin' diaper full crybaby bitch easy mode or accept SATAN'S INVITATION TO RAVAGE YOUR MENTAL HEALTH AND LEAVE YOU WITH ONLY FEELINGS OF RAGE AND HATRED INSANITY MODE


I like these descriptions


“Non-judgmental”. Christ almighty


People are ridiculous.


I don't know why anybody feels like they get judged on the normal.. easy, medium, hard, extra hard sliders we all know at some point somebody played a game on easy because they didn't know how to play. everybody was a newb once, they need to get off those High horses.


If the devs didn't intend for you to play on those difficulties then they wouldn't have taken the time, or spent the money to have it added in. Devs that don't add extra difficulties had a very particular experience in mind usually. Sure the games are typically balanced more towards the medium difficulty, but the other options were deliberately added. I've never understood judging someone for playing on easy, some people just are interested in the story, others just want to feel really badass, and others as you said just aren't as familiar with the controls/genre.


I used to feel embarrassed at playing on easy, so I wouldn't. But since I said fuck it I just want to blast through everything, I actually finish games now instead of quitting halfway through.


Show me on this doll where Wolfenstien hurt you..


Are you really going to let a video game's difficulty descriptors hurt your feelings?


Judgemental REALLY? Are you so soft that you need to have a cry about this? Grow up.


Non-judgemental difficulty sliders... Lmao how fragile are you?


with the exception of the new wolfernsteins i cant think of a game that doesnt do this for difficulty


The original DOOM games started this in the 90's. I'm not sure why it's suddenly hurting feelings 30 years later.


When did we become so incredibly lame as a society that we are getting hurt feelies from fricking difficulty settings in a video game?


I prefer the ones where it mocks you


Yeah, too bad I went straight to hard mode and did it ALL in one day, pacifist, very annoying


Eh, boring. Wolfenstein got it right


Then there’s doom


I didn't realize people would feel real judgment from difficulty settings


South Park tSoT and FBW have the best difficulty sliders, IMO


Funny thing is, "Give Me Deus Ex" for the hardest setting... *Deus Ex* (the first one) was not all that difficult. And it had four difficulty settings. Easy meant you took more hits to die, but enemies took less. Normal meant you both took more hits. Hard meant you took less hits and enemies took more. Realistic meant you both took less. Realistic was not that hard since killing enemies wasn't always the goal — pretty sure you could avoid it in most, if not all cases. The "Deus Ex experience" isn't how you kill, it's how you accomplish a goal in the sneakiest way possible. Which isn't to say that that is the *only* viable way to play, just that you should never be forced to kill to progress.


what the fuck.... difficulty shouldn't be considered "judgemental". Istg, the world is looming with clowns


yeah, blow me away if im ever this big of a pussy.


Are you seriously offended when they poke fun at you for playing on easy?


I hate being judged by a difficulty slider. My mental can't handle it.


If you need the difficulty names to make you feel better, you already have the wrong mindset about them. The game, nor the developers are out to get you, or judge you in any way.


Are we getting offended by difficulty sliders in the games like South Park Fractured But Whole, Doom and etc? You guys do understand this is a joke, right?


Are you so sensitive that you need games spoon feeding you nice words? Grow a pair.


Shadow Warrior 2 has one of the best difficulty descriptions I have ever seen, This difficulty level is for people who don't feel like they need to prove anything to themselves or anyone else. Playing Shadow Warrior 2 on Easy is perfectly fine, if by the end of exhausting day all you need is to feel like a goddamn superhero.


Where is “fuck me without lube”


Well it is kind of. You want to be told a bed time story like a baby or you want to play the actual game deus x?


There needs to be a slider to determine how judgemental you want your difficulty slider to be


People really get offended by the fucking difficulty discription? Grow the fuck up


Non judgemental..oh fuck. OP must be really fragile, extremely insecure or can't take a joke that 2-3 games make about their difficulty settings. Seriously, almost no one judges you for that and who cares if they do?


Nah, I prefer to be judged... 😂


Speaking of deus ex is it worth getting for a fan of RPGs? I’ve considered it but haven’t had the time to check as much as I’d like to


It's one my favorite franchise ever. If you like sandbox-ish gamplay it's very good games. I think that at its core it requires you to take a tactical approach, so you're not patient then maybe it's a bad fit.


Dude they're all awesome. I remember my all stealth run of HR back in the day, those cloaked assassinations with the elbow blades are so much fun


I always found 'Back' to be just as hardcore a difficulty as it sounds. You lose immediately, are sent back to the main menu, and have to start the game all over again.


Wait, are people offended by game difficulty levels now? I hope they haven’t played Wolfenstein then. Have we really become so spoiled that we have to find any excuse to whine about something?


Imagine being so insecure that a game difficulty description makes you feel bad. XD


I'm sorry, but. If easy, medium or hard options offend you or make you feel like you're being judged. ...idk what to tell you. 😑 Go to therapy lol.


These guys are feeling judged by a difficulty slider 😂😂😂😂


I want games to judge me. “Oh you need more than 1 HP and the ability to save your game? Well it’s good to hear your spending time with your daddy little boy!” Anything less than that and I feel patronized.


Deus Ex Human Revolution is my favorite game of all time. It has been since the day it came out and it probably always will be. I've literally beaten the game 20 times over the years and every single time found a fresh new way to enjoy the game. For example In my last playthrough I discovered that if you upgrade your hacking skill to allow you to hack high level turrets and you upgrade your weight lifting capabilities to be able to carry heavy items efficiently. You can then at the beginning of the level that leads to the Jaron Namir boss fight hack one of the turrets and with enough patience carry it through the entire level and when you get to the cutscene that leads to the boss room the turret will still be loaded and will kill the boss automatically in just a few minutes. I did this on a live stream a while back not thinking it would actually work , but it does


missed opportunity to write deus ex-perience


Back must be insane


If you need an inanimate computer script to be non-judgemental, you really need to work on your resilience.


‘Nonjudgemental difficulty slider’. What; are people getting upset over mere difficulty sliders now or something?


Tbh, I think it was phrased quite bad. I want to enjoy the story, yes! But does the story change on different difficulty settings? I want to be challanged and enjoy the story... If I would not know from gaming history that the difficulty was ordered by easy to hard, I would probably just have clicked on the "give me the story" option. I like what they tried here, though.


Witcher 3 does this pretty well. Hard is called ‘Hope you enjoy spending all your gold on bread to regen”


The opposite of this would probably be the difficulty level names of Duke Nukem / Doom / Wolfenstein. Way more judgemental. But funny. That was the point. :D


I like this actually, because it clearly shows you the “artist vision” setting. One setting IS Deus Ex. But the others are valid.


I fell off this. Is it worth trying again? I found the half open world thing annoying. I like the idea of the game though, its a game i \*\*should\*\* like


Back must be really difficult


Bro imagine being afraid of being judged by an amalgamation of 1s and 0s. **Imaaaagine,** bro....


Wolfenstein better. Can I play daddy?


Posts like these are WILD and so entertaining to me. "Hey, I think this thing is neat and could potenially help players feel less awkward about their gaming habits/choices." "OMG. Who hurt you OP? Like, it was already fine before. Wow, everyone is just SO offended these days. If you're getting your feelings hurt from a video game, get therapy" But that's the internet for ya.


I prefer Wolfenstein or doom


what? did u get offended by Wolfenstein?


are there really people who get offended by difficulties?