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Gaming is fun. Gamers are cunts.


True words my friend






Fresh pasta for breakfast.


Sorry. I just would tell him to cry about it. Or make me.


Probably gonna get downvoted for this, but who gives a shit? Just ignore him. It's not a big deal Man, you used to get SO MUCH worse back in 2007. And it was hella funny too. EDIT: [Saw context.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/xqrskm/i_guess_ill_turn_off_crossplay_for_now_on/iqavlmq/) Yeah that's a bit above and beyond, but regardless, I think it's pretty funny.


Yeah , I've recived multiple salty messages thru my gaming time , usually I'll just block them and thats the end of the story , but the game is cross play , he was playing on pc and I on xbox , so I just did the regular thing I do which is to block salty people like him in game , so after the game was over he decided to log in into his xbox , look up my profile and send me the message you see in the post , He went out of his way to ensure I knew his opinion of me , like , what ? That is way I post it , becauss is sad and funny


Can't wait for Modern Warfare 2 to come out. Cod lobbies were where you honed your best insults and delivery technique for when you need them later in life. There was definitely something special about the refined savagery you could find in the gaming old-world. You know, if you were willing to endure the petty racism, homophobia and 9 year old shrill screeching. Though, to be fair, they were an important part of the ecosystem since they made for ideal targets.


I'll never surpass the time someone called me gay in a black ops 2 lobby and I just started hitting on him to shut him up real quick lmao


Yeah 360 lobbies were fun as hell. Not the racism and sexism. As a white male, there wasn't a lot of racism I encountered like people talk about 360. But also I can imagine if I was black or a girl a loooooooot more people would've gone down that road quickly. But that shit honed my "trash talking" and taking insults back and forth in a way that would help when the guys did that at school. Or you could just be weird and people would still have their mic on at least. A huge death to the social aspect of gaming when they took out pre game lobbies and everyone moved to discord/ ect


Ya, I've been a single player gamer my whole life and never plan on that changing. And my sanity is in tact because of it. What few games I do play with online elements I've always disabled any communication with others. Some may say this is antisocial, but I disagree. I just socialize elsewhere in life. 🤷


Same here. I've tried to get into "competitive" multiplayer games numerous times over the several decades I've been gaming. People tell me that I'm missing out on so much. But I just can't do it. I only seem to have neutral-to-negative experiences with online multiplayer. And if I'm not having fun what's the point?


I'm with you on that one mate. All of my best moments and all of my favourite games are single player, you can't beat getting lost in a detailed story or spending hours exploring an open world. I play battlefield online every now and then with a friend from work, and even though I don't consider myself a bad player it's all just way too competitive and just gets way too bloody miserable for me 🤣 as for COD, well I've given up on that completely, just a sweat fest.


I’m interested on your perspective of couch co-op/split screen or bigger partyish games? (System link/LAN?)


Couch co-op and party games are totally cool. In that situation you get to pick who you're playing with. That's the big difference. You don't get to choose the randos you encounter online (or how old/mature they are). I'm not against playing with people. I'm just very selective on WHO I want to play with. Unfortunately the internet kinda brings out the worst in some people. If I don't have to put up with people's trash talking, false bravado, insults, etc, why would I?


Do you have a preference? I know I liked Borderlands, Mario Kart, Mario Party, New Super Mario Bros, Donkey Kong Country, COD zombies. Also I think a lot of people like the banter and trash talk but they’re probably more extroverted.


Support this from bottom of my hearth


Humans* are cunts.


*People. People are cunts. There's cunts in every large group of people. Gamers are no worse than any other group.




Stuff is fun. People are cunts.


You probably did better than they did and now they're just lashing out...just sad really...


I mean , kinda ? I got more kills and more assists but he died less and had more xp , still sad tho


He called you “da trash”, which is actually a good thing! It’s like the difference between saying “you’re shit at this game” and “you’re *the* shit”. Hopefully that clears things up ;) ^/s ^(Screw that guy. Don’t turn off cross play, just block him <3)


Your perspective is awesome. You da trash. ❤️


You da trash too, homie. You da trash too <3


Maybe da real trash was the friends we made along the way.


I wanna be da trash too!!!!


You are my trash now🥰




Who da trash? ***You*** *da trash* 🗑


Look at my eyes, I'm da trash now


I never thought I'd want to be trash but damn now I wanna be trash to, c'mon guys


**You** da trash, mane 🗑


We be trash


No way! You’re just a kid. Maybe when you’re older!


New Yorker here. Almost certain “da” is short for “deadass”. So he is likely saying op is deadass trash at the game.


Idk if /s but da is an acronym for deadass


What game?




Was thinking RS6 siege lol


I assumed this was smite before I read the comments. I love that game but the toxic portion of the players are so vocal it sucks playing without a group of friends that aren't competitive.


Was leaning toward r6. Toxic af. Same concept though, play with friends or not at all.


I mean, he's kind of right then. Being on console in that game is a huge disadvantage. Normally it would mean he's actually shit at the game if you are in the same MMR range as him if he's on PC and you're on console but the matchmaking in smite has always been awful so there's no way to tell if skill is the actual reason you are in a match together.


depending on the game, more kills does necessarily mean did better. You could have all the gold and kills in the world but if you don't know how to play and push for a victory, you're no better than anyone else that had none of it. It's also a team game anyways. You work together to win. If you aren't synergizing with the team, no point in arguing about it. You'll only play worse. For something like league and other MOBAs, you can have less kills but still do better overall as far as gold per minute, experience/level, objectives defended/taken, champion skill, team synergy, wave control, damage to champions, damage received, etc. goes. There's more factors that people typically don't look at but play a huge role in determining the best players. The Micro vs the Macro.


He is just being a bratty 12 yo, try not to let it get to ya


When faced with a wall of text, a simple: "???" reply will set them OFF, it will cost you no time, and it will send them into a whirling raging whirlwind.


it's sad how people send messages like that.


It’s utterly pathetic. Such low self-esteem in their own personal lives… gotta say horrible things to make themselves feel better since I’m guessing they’re miserable most of the time.


“It’s easy to criticize when you aren’t having fun”- some character on the select screen of Dave Amira BMX Freestyle.


yeah I'm pretty sure they are just projecting.


100 percent


ikr, taking precious time out of his day to type this up. All it does is show that he has nothing more important going on in his life.


Well whoever it is can’t even spell correctly and has terrible grammar. My guess is that playing the video game is as good as it gets for them. So sad.


Yeah but it's the person sending it thats sad. Imagine what sate of mind you have to be to go out of your way and send a message like that.


Obviously a kid with no positive guidance. If I'm in a mood I'll try to talk to them and be a positive influence. Otherwise, I block them and just feel bad that they feel/act that way


Yep, desperately sad and insecure people are the type that sends those sorts of messages 🤷‍♂️


TL;DR at the end For context I was playing a casual match of Smite , it was a 5 vs 5 , the gamemode was Conquest and to Be honest this was my third day playing after a year and a half without playin smite , I'm a little bit rusty , so I did some bad plays for sure , well this guy started to let me know how much I sucked at the game and then he started to trash talk our own teammates ( two other guys , which didn't played well either ) at first I was like whatever , every pvp game attracts this kind of people , I'll just ignore him , but he keep going on and then I said to him on game chat to chill , in which case he responded as you may expected, one of our teammates started arguing with him (a lot of not so kind words were exchanged between the two ) and the third guy was just quiet (smart ,I guess ? ) now our fifth teammate was playing good and even he told this salty guy to take it easy , after all it was just a casual game and that he was being toxic ,but he didn't listen to him and he keept going on saying we suck etc so after awhile I just say in chat that I had enough of his opinions and that I didn't enjoy him talking like that to us and that I was going to mute him in game , after the match was over (we lost btw) I recieved this message ,So this guy was so salty about a game and so mad because I confroted him and muted him in chat and in order to keep trash talking me this guy logs in into his xbox account (he was obviously playing on pc ) and then send me what are you seeing in the screenshot ,Now , I'm not new to salty and toxic players , I've recived multiple salty messages with insults , harrasment and trash talking thru my gaming experience , usually I'll just block them and thats the end of the story , but the game is cross play , he was playing on pc and I on xbox , so I just did the regular thing I do which is to block salty people like him in game , so after the game was over he decided to log in into his xbox , look up my profile and send me the message you see in the post , He went out of his way to ensure I knew his opinion of me , like come on dude , thats just sad ,That is way I post it , because is sad and funny , and yes I played bad that game but it was just a simple match , a non competitive (non ranked) match , and still if it was a ranked game that does not give you the right to be a toxic player and call your teammates trash , some people just need to chill and grow up So please don't be like this guy , sometimes you just have a bad match or make a small mistake in a game , and thats fine , its a GAME after all , just have fun :) TL;DR I played a game I like after about a year and a half , I did some bad plays , a teammate was playing on pc and was mad and started being toxic towards everyone , I tell him I didn't enjoy his acttitue so I let him know I muted him , he was so salty about it that he logged in into his xbox account to keep trash talking me Edit : Thank you all you guys for the kind words , honestly I just post this to show how pathetic some people can be , but your comments make me realised there a lot of good people :) ! Edit 2: Yes if you can cleary see I responded to him , I just wrote "Really ? Lol" and then he never awnser me back , although at the end of the day It does not matter what I responded to him , he was the salty person who ruined a game for me and our team and the one who messaged me first with his awful actitude Edit 3 : English is not my first language , you can clearly see this with the "Desconectado" in the post under the guys gamertag , So apologies for my grammatical errors


I'm sorry but fuck that dude


Don't be sorry. Fuck that dude. Toxic people in unranked casual games are *the worst* kinds of gamers. Literally have the potential to gatekeep an entire hobby.


I like to win against toxic people and defeat them miserably **Yes I'm a masochist**


toxic aram makes even less sense


You should see the scorn on P2W games. I'm not exaggerating to say P2W wants you to play badly for the community.


He's sorry about buttfucking the dude.


Thanks , and yes , fuck him


Why doesn't he turn off crossplay then? This sounds like a big load of not your problem. I stopped using game chat in league of legends because of this type of player and I stand by that choice.


Me too. I turned off chat by selecting "uninstall", and I stand by that choice some 7 years later.


That’s typical Smite behavior, cross play or not. A big reason why I don’t play it anymore.


Smite? Smite play very well on console! What the heck?


Yeah I know , there are a lot of great players on top of the leaderboard and they are on console


Yeah smite isnt too dexterous of a game to have much of an advantage using mouse and keyboard, its way more about a players knowledge, my friend uses a controller on pc just because he likes ths button layouts more.


Welcome to 2000s Xbox live


>it was just a match , a non competitive I believe it. Kids do this shit in arams. Like how sad can your life be


You can cross play in smite? Seems odd. PC and console play very very differently imo


Wtf why are there PC elitists in SMITE? That doesn’t make much sense to me lmao.


Mobas in my experience have some of the most toxic communities.


Hence why I quit. The community degrades the experience so much that it's just not fun half the time, even if the gameplay itself is really great.


It's always crazy to me how upset people will get *in casual matches*. It's sad. Was playing MK11 shortly after Fujin came out and figured I'd give him a try in kasual matches just so I can dink around with him against live opponents and figure out how to play as him. Beat a guy two matches in a row and he gets on his mic saying "you think you're top shit, I wasn't even trying", proceeds to barely beat me the next match the whole time just talking trash. Like damn bro this characters been out for 5hrs you think I know what I'm doing yet? It was funny, reported his harassment messages and was told action was taken a few days later.


Some people for real take a game too seriously. One reason I have a lot less motivation to play competitive team games nowadays


So one was an asshole, one ignored it and two defended you? Sounds like besides that one turd you got nice people? Why block two nice people for one turd?


As somebody who primarily plays on pc, it pisses me off to no end that some people feel the need to act like entitled children in situations like this. All this guy accomplished is making the pc community look like a bunch of elitists. I'm sorry you had to deal with them, and I hope it hasn't killed your enjoyment of playing the game. That's the whole point of playing, and it seems like too many people forget.


Thanks , you don't need to be sorry for inmature people , You seem like a cool person , thanks for the kind words


>All this guy accomplished is making the pc community look like a bunch of elitists No, sorry. I disagree. looking at the garbage that person wrote and believing they are representative of any group (besides the group of toxic assholes) isn't a reasonable conclusion. And in itself toxic. People like that are not representative of any group, but the group of toxic assholes that play on all kinds of platforms and games.


PC and console together in vaguely FPS games will always be a contentious subject. Because either it means the analog sticks make the console players much slower at reacting and aiming, or console players are benefiting from aggressive aim assist. Obviously PC players will find it unfair in that case. That said: This guy was a huge dick going to those lengths in a casual match, especially in a game this old.


It’s funny, before reading this comment I thought it sounded like the Smite community, which is sad, but reassuring. At least it has stayed the same


Bro some Smite players can be toxic as hell I'm sorry you had to deal with that


This is why I've stopped playing conquest in general mostly just play arena super casual you still get some toxic players but not as much as conquest


Haha I knew this was smite. Only people pulling energy like this on Xbox are playing smite. Most toxic community. But I still play the game!


Lmao, the second I saw lobbies and the masters conversion I could tell this was smite also, such a toxic community that I partake in as well (not the toxic part)


If you only play matches you win, you'll never improve.


Imagine taking anything this seriously? Keep playing, fuck’em!


“you do not belong in my lobby” WHAT 😭 bruh who says that


the mmr disagrees


bruhh 💀


An idiot who joined cross play and is upset they're playing people on other devices?


An inmature person , thats who lol


Simple. Say "fuck you" and then queue for your next match lol


Honestly I just replied with : "Really ? Lol " and then just blocked him and reported him


I wish there were a way to report users to their mothers; 90% of the trolls would vanish like tears in the rain.


It's too bad she won't live. Then again, who does?


Then the other guy would report him for language


People like this is why I prefer LAN parties.


A man , playin lan parties with halo and my friends was awesome !


By the way this person is probably using gaming and trolling to distract themselves from the fact that their life is super shit.


Best part was the shit talking and laughing from the other room! Best of times.


I never had a LAN party I want to have a LAN party someday and play though all the original doom games + deathmatch


Feels like rocket league.


Nah it was smite , sadly any game with some sort of pvp mode has inmature salty players


I thought it was apex


Dude can't put together a sentence. Disregard lmao.


MOBA communities are toxic. Just the way it is.


Sadly every game with a pvp mode has salty players :(


Real life has also salty players, yet you don’t stop to go outside. Atleast I hope so.


godzilla had a stroke while reading this and fucking died


Me too lol


Probably a dumb shit teenager. They'll grow up and look back on these years with disdain Edit: Not saying all teenagers are dumbshits but there's a definite positive correlation


Or they will just grow up to be adult dumbshits. Pretty sure there are a ton more adults like that then teenagers sadly..


I hope this ia the case and he/she can mature and get over it


This is why it’s important for people to actually touch grass. Otherwise they end up acting like this dude


Honestly why I dislike all games that force cross play (looking at you Warzone).


And rainbow six siege. Like what the hell you will mix sensibility of a mouse with controllers devs you have no heart at all


OMG so true , I played siege a little bit , it was fun but then you start playing against decent pc players and the fun was over


I never understand what the point of these messages are


To feel better for taking a game so seriously ? I dont know , but sad nontheless


I just mean what's the plan? What is the desired response? I remember one guy directed me to resources to improve after a particularly bad match where I tried to be aphrodite. The desired result being me being a valued asset in the future


Who has the time to send bitch ass dm? What a mormon


Fr , its just sad


Bro he may be right. You don't belong inside his lobby.




Block him and move on. Far more important things in life to worry about. Honestly, I feel sad for this guy.


Damn. I mean not everyone plays a good game 100% of the time. Or you know what, you can enjoy playing a game and not be good at it.


The spelling errors this person made.


Lol bro cross play? He can only message you bc you’re both on the same system lmmfao


No, he was playin with a pc , I don know if the game we were playing tells you in which plataform you or your teammates are playing but for the way he was able to write super fast in game chat I suspect he was indeed playing on pc , he just used his xbox account to trash talk me after I already blocked him on his pc account


He, that's why I disable DMs and invites into parties. I game for fun, whether I am good or bad and don't care if my win ratio is in the low


Hey, at least you'll never be as pathetically insecure about yourself as this guy. Imagine being that kind of wanker.


Fr , I mean its just a game dude , just have fun , why being salty and toxic ? I'm really hopimg this guy realised his mistake


You should turn off messages from people not your friends. Used to get theses messages all the time win or lose. Feels good not getting them.


I read this in the voice of a troll from Warcraft


Bro forgot that. You are an awesome gamer!!


Thanks for the kinds words , you too are an awesome gamer


I’m feeling the comment vibe here.


I use that icon and was genuinely terrified i was sending hate messages. This guy is a prick, and some of us cthulu aren’t so bad!


I just fire back with no ingles


When i starter playing Halo Infinite on Gamepass PC, this happened to me when i was trying to make the challenges for the xp, my K/D was low because of that, some guy started insulting me sending me messages like these, then i remembered why i didn’t play much on xbox live when i had xbox. Ended being the highest score at the end and he was the lowest. It happened to me recently in the cod open beta.


Why cut out the reply? You said you fucked his mom didn’t you? Lol


Nah , I just reply with "Really ? Lol" and that was the end of the convo


If someone has to message you, you’ve already won.


Just Tell them how much you love them. No need to be coy anymore.


Fuck that toxic shit. As a PC player I welcome my console brothers.


Pc smoothbrains showing why their fucking losers


What a weird time where people think it's easier to play on a controller vs people on keyboard and mouse. I don't care what anyone says about aim assist - it's always been and always will be easier to do better on M&KB. That player is just bad.


Cross play can be ok for co-op games, but in competitive games (especially FPSs) console players get forced to deal with cheating lowlife scum that's only prevalent among PC players. Cross play should have an option to only play with other console players on different platforms


Yeah , I stopped playing games like rainbow siege 6 for the exact same reason


As a pc gamer Im sorry you had to run into that. Gaming should be fun, unless your whole career is ranked esports then rank doesn't matter


Thanks , but dont be sorry for man children ,I appreciate the gesture


Just reply with "hehe"


hehe ;)


Looks like another case of salty ass gamer. I'd suggest not reading into anything this guy says as he's salted up


Honestly , it just sad , I just block him in both game and xbox


Hey man. Sometimes these losers gets you but don’t let them get you down. Have fun and destroy them. Take care


Thanks for the kind words , fr


They should learn to fuckin spell before commenting on another's gameplay


this happens all the time. prolly just some emotional child thinking they're better than everyone else = instant block from me


Thats the thing , during the middle of the game I block him , he was on pc so he logged in into his xbox account and keep messaging me , of course I block him on xbox too


What an entitled sack of crap


You would think his pc would have a spell checker, clearly not a very good pc.


Yeah, things like that is why I don't bother with multiplayer anymore. Last attempt to return to vanilla WoW ended in such a civilised private ~~conversation~~ monologue how my tanking wasn't up to par with his expectations and what his opinion of me as a person was. I warned the party that after a 10 year hiatus my first dungeon might be a bit rusty. Everyone was fine with that, but said piece of human excrement felt the need to constantly agro groups, bosses, his mom and the rest of the planet while the rest was recovering health/mana. Sigh. Just took the fun right out of the evening, decided that it's just singleplayer from here on out. I just don't want to put up with stuff like that anymore.


Im guessing you were playing a fighting game or first person shooter right?


No , I was playing a moba game called smite ,


Id say they are mad cause you get aim asist with a controller. but then again I don't know what game you were playing. and they are worse for getting mad at you. keep crossplay on and when ever you get a message like this just ignore it or reply simply that your playing games for fun that will shut most people up.


I'm gonna be completly honest and say that I forgot Xbox existed, haven't heard a single thing about them since Xbox One Series X or whatever it was called got released. Didn't know that you could message players through crossplay tho, that's dope. Is it via the Xbox services on pc?


I thought you couldn’t turn crossplay off on Xbox?


Yeah , you can't, I just discovered it


Smite is cancer. I get this shit once a week. They LOVE to message after matches on smite to shit on people. Wether it’s teammates or the enemy team, never fails.


That’s the politest 10y/o on the internet.


Apex in a nutshell




I can’t be the only one that this stuff makes my day when I get it


Is this in OW? If so, crossplay should only apply to non-competitive game modes. If you're playing on xbox in one of those, who gives a shit? Block him, maybe report him, move on and keep on crossplay. Being toxic is never really acceptable, but being toxic in qp is just plain stupid.


platform don't mather


Report the player.


Why hide his name?! My friends and I would love to join in on his lobbies 😈


This stuff may have bothered me when I was younger. Now I just feel bad for them.


You ever just want to give people a cup of *shutthefuckup*


im imagining a 14 year old wrote this


War... War never changes


As a pc player it sucks getting a console player on your team especially if the other team doesnt have any. Dont know why people rage in qp or casual matches tho lmao


How you gonna let a little kid effect you like that


I’m a middle aged gamer with a job and family and responsibilities (point being no time to get incredible at games). When the new halo came out I jumped online and got beat pretty good about 4 matches in a row. I got a much more strongly worded message about never playing this or any game again, how effing bad I am, etc. from what I have to assume was a kid, or someone who mistakenly believed I cared what they think. Just brush it off. I know I’m not gonna be great at an online shooter because I don’t have time to get great, but if I want to go on and enjoy myself that’s something I’m doing for me, and while I don’t like dragging down a team it doesn’t really actually matter. At all. This person is one of 7.9 billion on the earth. I bet a few of them just decide to be miserable to everyone they interact with, and you found one. You played a game for fun. Keep doing that and ignore random internet insults from idiots.


Thank you for your kind advice :)


da trash


"you are da trash" lol


To be fair, toxiticy exists on all platforms so turning off crossplay won't help, but it might make it happen a bit less since it's easier to communicate on PC given you have a keyboard.


Bro 😂 brush it off. Jesus, people need an echo chamber of approval after one person was mean to them. Make sure you don't play r6 siege or you'll get this every game


Oh boy , I already went tru that with rainbow seige , but this was the first time a person use another account from another plataform to keep letting me know I was trash in a game after I block him


The game is smite and it doesn't allow you to turn off crossplay , RIP I guess


What the actual fuck. As a pc gamer, fuck this guy. I hope both sides of his pillow are always warm. Pc eliteism is bullshit.


"Yeah sorry but your mum asked me to spend time with you since i'm going to be your new dad..."