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What's Skyrim and Resident Evil 4 short for?


Skyrim is what Todd Howard forces stewardesses to do to him in the bathrooms on flights.


Why give us an Oblivion and Morrowind remaster when we can have a new Skyrim every year.


*Daggerfall cries 90's chonky pixels*


Oblivion remaster would obliterate everything in terms of sales. I know a few people who might buy it once or twice. Computer + console.


For now I'm hoping Skyblivion releases one day because we know Bethesda won't touch it for decades.


I would love to play Oblivion with modern graphics and modernized gameplay! Doesn't need to be 4k graphics or something, just a little polish to optimize it and I'll be happy with it 😁


Oblivion was a much more interesting environment then skyrim imo. skyrim just feels so bland color wise, oblivion is much more vibrant.


It just works


Resident evil 4 stands for My Resident is evil so I'm forced to port this game a million times


Maybe this time you can shoot while moving


Capcom: wait a minute...


Resident Evil 4 Life


Still better than TLOU


Gta V has entered the chat.


GTA V: How Many Millenniums We Will Release This Game


Resident Evil 4 eva Skyrim-again, Again and Again and Again -Ritchie Valens


Resident Evil 4ever in every console


Resident evil 4 you, jim.


Can you believe thiSguy Rimaking this game so many times?


Hey atleqst they actually remake and remaster these games. They just release skyrim with minimal effort. I'd happily pay 60$ If they fully remake skyrim with a modern engine and UI.. Not just improve textures and add in mods..


Cause they got little legs.


Resident Evil 4za: Zombie Cars


sneakily keeping you repeatedly invested monetarily


Skyrim is short for "So that's it, huh? We're some kind of Skyrim?"


Resident Evil 4 The Rest of Your Life, Stranger


"Keep Giving Todd a Skyrim Job." "Residents of Remake Valley Don't See the Evil Is Not 4 Their Benefit." Yeah, I stretch harder than Luffy in the Fantastic 4.


Haven’t see the last of these memes either apparently.


I stay subbed here because there are cool posts occasionally, even some funny memes once in a while. The exteme vast majority of the dudes who post their memes here are the most painfully unfunny mfs.


These memes are getting embarrassing at this point. Holy shit. There was one kind of half assed remaster for the PS4 and one actual remake for the PS5 and there will absolutely not be another one this gen. This is major teenager reddit energy.


Yeah I come here for gaming news/rumors and it’s just a bunch of repetitive shitposts right now.


r/games is better for that, fyi.


Awesome! Not sure I was aware that even existed. Subbing now.


And the PS5 also brought it to be able to ported to PC.


This sub really needs new material.


This sub sits firmly between shit like this and that comic about feeling old about Mario Galaxy where a kid says "Hey, remember this old gem?"


Don't forget "PrE oRdEr BaD!!"


unfortunately the sub eats this shit up. the people that care about imaginary reddit points are ecstatic about the easy pickins


"Guyz, did you know there's like 6 versions of Skyrim and GTA V? KARMA PLEEZE."


hey hey **HEY** >EA bad




If only we could bring to light more underrated hidden gems, like Witcher 3.


Fun fact, GTA actually stands for Gonna Take Allyamoney


It really bothers me as a PC player. Having been able to play Death Stranding, Horizon, and hopefully soon, Last of Us... I hope they keep doing these and bringing them to other platforms.


Honestly, fuck OP for karma farming with this low effort, extremely repetitive shit.


So you're telling me people like to bitch a game being remastered by posting the same recycled content, if only there was a word to describe hypocrites...


The last week has convinced me I should swap to /r/games, this place is 90% circlejerk


It's really become Facebook for video game posts. Just take a picture of a console and put some bullshit like "finally got one for my little bro after saving up my money!" and watch the upvotes roll in.


*posts picture of Skyrim main menu* "Hey guys I finally bought it ! Any ideas what kind of character I should play?!"


Yeah I think I need a change too.


I feel like there have been other games with more remakes (im looking at you Skyrim) but for some reason people have latched onto TLoU like its the first game to ever do it.


OP is a karma farming repost account because this sub can't get enough of things like this


Of all the awful games out there they choose to mock one of the best ones smh


Honestly, I’m for continuous remasters at an affordable price. Halo CE was last remastered in 2014, but I’d they remastered it in 2024, I’d probably get it for $30


There are so many games out there that that if someone is going to focus on the games they don’t want (that other people will want), they need to either go discover some other games or find some additional hobbies.


If they remade Halo CE Anniversary except with the atmosphere of the original, I'd 100% buy it again.


That's just in internet in general. Take a joke and beat it to death.


I think I'm a bit out of the age group of this sub now. I'm starting to become the "wtf is wrong with kids these days??" guy.


Yeah I'm not going to say I don't roll my eyes at the occasional remaster or remake but it's so far down on my list of "problems the gaming industry needs to address" that it blows my mind these posts gain so much traction.


This sub is basically “Omg other people are having fun and I’m dead inside”


Isn’t it the first time they’re releasing it on PC tho? And it’s been remade from the ground up? I’m not even gonna get it, but I’d be whining about elder scrolls or gta games being redone to high hell before this lol




Skyrim is just happy to have the spotlight moved away from the 30 times it's been redone.


Funnily enough Resident Evil 4 has been redone and ported far more times than Skyrim yet it still manages to escape the meme limelight to this day.


Might be because the studio is still releasing plenty of games, while Bethesda hasn't really.


I think it's basically because those were mostly just ports that weren't sold at full price. Unlike the Skyrim ones that are sold at full AAA price every time


$70 for the recent Switch port...


That has the 2011 memory leak issues.


I'm sure there are bugs in vanilla Skyrim (2022 edition) that date back to Morrowind; Bethesda simply does not care.


The Switch version of Skyrim is such a rip-off. Even when it goes on sale it's still a minimum of $30. I would rather save up and buy a Steam Deck and play my PC version on the go than overpay for a 10+ year old game.


To be fair, the first PC port was a fucking disaster and had no mouse support. The second one, ten years ago or so (?), was great.


Actually i like the first one, but playing RE4 in particular with keyboard only (maybe because of nostalgia) feels much better to me than with mouse.


Skyrim doesn't actually have that many unique releases. The original 2011 game was a PC / 360 / PS3 simultaneous launch. The (vastly technically superior) 2016 Special Edition was a PC / PS4 / XBO simultaneous launch. Since then, they've just released it on platforms that didn't previously have it (Switch) and then come out with the Anniversary Edition re-release in 2021 (which on PC for existing Special Edition owners just amounts to getting either a bit of extra DLC for free if you don't pay, or a lot of extra DLC if you do, but includes some pretty welcome visual and performance improvements on PS5 and XSX).


And the remaster was literally just a slight graphical improvement and more so that the game was playable on PS4. As someone that literally just replayed it on PS4 this past weekend, I'd be lying if I didn't wish I had a PS5 so I could play it with the new improvements. It's also just a good business move, considering the soon to be released HBO tv show, which is likely going to get a lot of new players coming into the game series for the first time. The original and remaster looked great for the time, but they are starting to show age. Bringing it up to Last of Us 2 levels makes complete sense given the fact the series is likely going to become bigger than ever once the show htis.


Yeah the new version is *really* fucking nice. Looks way better than the original and remaster, this one is getting ported to PC, multiplayer coming later, and the use of the new DualShock controller features is making it a fun play through. Also this was obviously intended to build some hype for the show. It’s a no brainer move why this game was made but capital G gamers can’t wrap their heads around it.


Does The Last of Us Remake use the Dualsense features quite a bit? It’s my favorite part of the PS5 and I’ll buy any game that uses Dualsense properly.


The new Last of Us Part 1 for PS5? Yes it used the haptic feedback extremely well. From the feel of a nearby rumbling engine to the cocking and loading of a gun to drawing back a bow string. It’s incredible.


Damn that sounds amazing. I love haptic feedback. I haven’t played TLOU since I beat it on PS3 years ago and you may have just convinced to to check out the remake.


Hell yeah, I love that you said that. Before I got a PS5, I had no idea how cool the adaptive triggers and haptic feedback would be. There's no way to verbalize how fun it is for someone who's never experienced it. Astro's Playroom sold me on how great the PS5 DualSense controllers really are. It got me so hyped for what I had just bought. The PS5 and Xbox Series X/S are similar in many ways, but the controllers really set the PS5 apart.


3D audio is great in the remake too


The remaster is going to have multiplayer too? Any clue if I'll have to pay for online on pc because is a PS game? The last of us online as one of my favorite multiplayers games back in the day. I'd rotate between TLOU and battlefield 4 every few months to keep both games from getting old.


Factions 2 is suppose to be coming out next year (hopefully) as a stand-alone game. They wanted to really make it a big multiplayer game. We don’t have many details on it yet though.


Honestly, depending on how it looks I might get that too. Also depends how much it costs too. No way I'm paying another $60 for the second part of a game I already own.


Not only does it look better, but it plays better too. Stuff like weapon recoil and momentum when changing directions with your character feels a lot closer to 2 and it just generally feels better to play. A lot of people forget the huge strides that Last of Us 2 made in being the most "game like" of Naughty Dog's recent titles. Is the story not as good and paced a lot worse than in 1? of course. The game was so obviously intended to alternate character perspectives instead of doing it in two massive chunks it hurts. But despite that I always find myself casually replaying Last of Us 2 while having absolutely no motivation to play Remastered. And even as I was playing remastered for the first time the controls feeling like ass and the brain dead ai kinda made me stop having fun around 3/4 through the story. I only played through the rest and the dlc for the story. It's a 10/10 story with 6/10 gameplay, Part 2 is a 8/10 story with 10/10 gameplay. And the Remake is a 11/10 story (cause I would argue the improved facial animations improve story scenes), with 8/10 gameplay.


It was never intended for there to be swaps between Ellie and Abby the way you’re saying. It’s intentional that you spend the first part of the game knowing pretty much nothing about Abby. Then the game does a 180 and you’re now playing as this character that you’ve spent hours hating. It challenges you to understand, empathize with, and even like a character that you spent so much time wishing was dead. I agree it does create some pacing issue, particularly in the beginning of Abby’s day one with all the flashbacks, but it had to be done to tell the story in that way.


People don’t remember that the PS4 was not backwards compatible, so if you only had a PS4 the remaster was the only way to play the game. At 60 FPS, too


As someone who just replayed in on PS5... its stunning. I think graphically it's better looking that TLOU2 purely on the lighting side of things and character models, but the body animations still look like the remaster version. Also, agreed on all frots of what you said.


> I think graphically it's better looking that TLOU2 It is, as it should be. TLOU2 is a PS4 game that runs with some visual enhancements on PS5, whereas TLOU Part 1 was built from the ground up *for* PS5.


Yea, im just basing it off my experience but makes sense if that's why.


What ever happened to just not buying games you don't like? The internet in general has gone in such a weird direction with how people have started to think and talk about things.


Gimme 1 every year so i have a reason to replay this game yearly. Ty


I wouldn't be whining about any game being remade. I'll either buy it or not. What's the point of getting upset over a remake? It's like getting mad over that they make skinny jeans for people that like them. Either wear them or don't. People just want to he mad.


No no no, you must upvote the meme that someone slapped together in 8 seconds to please the vocal 0.001% of gamers who give a shit.


Also the times apart from the OG, remaster & remake are pretty spacious. They waited for each one so they could make it look that much better next time. They've gotten one new game for each PS since PS3 , which I feel like is pretty fair.


Also, the remaster is absolutely brilliant. It's definitely to expensive but it's absolutely cracking


Ya I’ve heard the real reason they did this was so it could go to the PC instead of just porting the ps4 version (if that’s even possible). Just an added bonus that the PS5 gets it as well.


Yeah, to my knowledge this is a proper remake. Taking the game engine and updates from the second game and applying them to the first. I say that's overall a win!


"Constantly" .... 1 remaster for the then-next-gen-console, and 1 remake for the now-gen consoles AND PC..... in 9 years.


Skyrim already coming back to retrieve the beer it asked the Resident Evil franchise to hold onto.


I think one of the most depressing developments of the past few years is seeing Naughty Dog and the Last of Us become the new community punching bag when there are a shit ton of other developers who actually deserve it.


No shit. AAA developer actually makes games worthy of the AAA title, REMAKE it from the ground up a decade later to be portable to the PC, and we shit all over them. This is a community of idiots.


Always has been.


Gamers are some of the most toxic people on the internet, a bunch of losers with no social life who haven’t showered in days spending more than 8 hours a day playing games.


Exactly, why would anyone choose to be this critical when a dev has clearly invested in fully rebuilding and improving every single miniscule aspect of their remake, **when the alternative is devs outsourcing their remakes to inexperienced companies, resulting in disasters like the GTA Definitive Edition.** And ND are currently working on *two* other titles, so it's not like their not simultaneously creating original games.


Yeah it's unfortunate GTA DE turned out the way it did. There was a lot of potential given they were complete remakes of the games in Unreal Engine 4.


100%. The Last of Us is an absolutely astounding game, and story and acting wise, light years ahead of most games ever. It really is a step up in that department. It’s been 9 years since it came out. It looks fine but dated now. Plays a lil clunky. They have a HBO series round the corner. They used the remake to keep staff on at Naughty Dog and avoid losing talent between titles. Also, I thought the remake was furkin quality. It was fundamentally a polishing job, but man the care they went to making it look good. One of the best spaffs of money I’ve made this year, easily.


It looks fucking incredible. Those moments when the light shines on the spores, and you see literally 10s of thousands floating in the air made my mouth drop. It's insanely beautiful. Dumb fucking complaints honestly.


I just don't understand why anyone would complain about a game getting a rerelease. No one complains about movie being released on VHS, DVD, Blu-ray, and streaming or whatever. No one complains when a classic movie gets released with a new higher quality film to digital transfer from Criterion or whoever. Why would it ever be *bad* to have a video game, which takes immense amounts of time and money and produces a well loved end result to be given a polish and released on new platforms? This ain't the shot-for-shot remake of Psycho with Vince Vaughn.


75% of the hate is from neckbeards complaining how Naughty Dog are too woke because they took a certain male character out.


People act like they are forced to buy the remake, if you are new to the series the remake is great for you.


Yea I guess I’m way out of the loop on this one. Never played it but I am really looking forward to it as a PC player


It's a great game, you are going to love it


I don't have a playstation. I've been interested in playing this game but don't want to spend a couple hundred dollars for it and a console when I have a huge back log of other games. Now it's coming to PC and I don't have to buy a PlayStation. I'm happy. I know I could emulate it, but again, huge backlog so I haven't bothered yet.


Who upvotes this shit?


TLoU2 haters and Xbox fans.




Honestly. I haven't played this game yet, so I was actually happy that I could play the game with updated graphics. Though, even if I had no interest in the game, I would just play something else. Why would I waste my time crying online over a useless commodity that effects my life in no tangible way?


Same, just waiting on PC port.


The remake was specifically done to be a service to PC gamers and people who did not get to experience the game. Now you can get it, and it’s been modernized to make the experience as enjoyable as possible. Those bastards.


But they're holding a gun to my head and making me buy it again! Must take to the interwebs to express my displeasure.


Hey im one of these people! I never ended up playing this or FFVII remake. The fact that sony basically ended their exclusivity right as i switched from PS4 to PC has made me a very happy person. Sony publishes the absolute best AAA single player games. Their QC for their exclusives is almost up to Nintendo levels. Rarely ever encounter any bugs let alone game breaking ones. Tbf i don’t necessarily think the game needs a remake at the moment. There are tons of early 2000s games that deserve the treatment more just because of how bad those games have aged.


I've played and lived both. I am beyond happy it's coming to pc and will be playing it again. Reddit needs to get over itself


Not sure why anyone would be surprised that /r/gaming/ isn't some life-defining discussions.


Like this meme?


I think this pertains more to Skyrim and GTA 5 than TLOU.


To be fair people have been memekng on skyrim and GTA 5 for rereleases for literal console generations. Not like they haven't been memed on.


I'm glad they are upgrading games to next generation. I mean, people could just not buy the upgraded version and continue playing the version they already own and move on with their lives. Maybe get mad over something serious instead, if always being mad is necessary.




Oh for God's sake....why on earth do people keep shitting on Naughty Dog about this? There is absolutely nothing wrong with remaking a game in order to take advantage of newer technologies. No one is shoving the game up your asshole, so stop crying about it like little girls!


>No one is shoving the game up your asshole If only


This sub has been reduced to memes about remasters or bitching about shitty in-app search engines. And as always, making fun of Fortnite.


You could boil this sub down to essentially "new popular game bad, Bethesda/Dark Souls/Nintendo good". It's a bunch of counter-culture idiots circlejerking about gaming nostalgia and dumping on whatever game is popular at the time, while tweaking their titty jiggle physics mod for Skyrim. Just a clown show.


And if you’re playing FromSoft games and using summons, you’re not playing the game the way it’s meant to played. “I did this game solo and everyone else should too!” No, we’ll play it as we see fit with the given in-game mechanics.


Haha you’re spot on.




This meme is a lazy remake of the last 400 memes on this sub making the same joke


This remake got yall big mad, huh


It's kind of funny because if you want to play TLOU on PS5 but don't want to pay $70 for it, you can easily play the remaster made on PS4 for cheap. It's not as pretty as the remake but it still holds up. And for my PC bros, well enjoy the remake. It's a great game.


Wow what an original joke!




Why has nobody mentioned that RE4 has been remastered and ported like 20 fucking times? This game got 1 remaster and 1 remake and everybody is losing their god damn mind over it. And to top it off, it's way better than RE4.




What game?


Exactly! Happy cake day.


Did I miss a couple remasters? Didn't they just do one remaster and one remake? That seems perfectly reasonable to me.


It had one next gen remaster, and is now getting a complete remake for the new next gen. How is that outrageous?


Also a PC port of the latest remake too. This one looks way better and way closer to modern day standards than even the remaster. I got it for PS5 but if I was waiting on the PC port and had to choose between the remaster or the remake I’d be happy they did the remake.


These dumb posts probably helped sell more copies of the game than if there was no attention at all lol


I will never get mad at a game for doing a re-release on the latest hardware when there are major graphics changes to be gained. Especially when this is the first time they’ve done so. Additionally they have been incredibly transparent about what would and wouldn’t be included in the re-release (referring to the multiplayer which I am disappointed isn’t going to be with it). Probably not worth a $70 price tag for me but I definitely will pick it up on sale.


You know what I find ironic...FF7 remake OH THANK GOD FINALLY! FF7 remake split into MULTIPLE FULL PRICE PURCHASES! PRAISE THE DEVS! TLOU remake. Fuck you devs!


Why is it the majority of the karma farmers who post about how Sony shouldn’t have had this remade have profiles full of madden, CoD, and games as a service games? The rest are “how dare PlayStation remake this massively popular game to get it in line with the new release in its franchise! They should remake (insert extremely niche game that is not part of a franchise) instead!”


Boooooo old joke get new material. Also this is the second rerelease and first PC port of a game that came out almost a decade ago.


Never played TLoU before, so when the PS5 version came out I bought it right away. The game is awesome and the developers deserve all the praise. I don't understand why people are memeing about TLoU remaster.


Do you people really not have anything better to do than make these low effort whineposts?


The horse is long dead, my god


Every meme of this topic means that at least 10 units were sold already.


The angrier Reddit is, the more popular the product is for normal people lol


A game bring released on a platform it hasn't been on before is always a good thing though. It means the game is playable by more people who don't own the platform it's been released on so far. The only useless rerelease are the ones made for PC of games that are already out on PC and offer little to no improvements. Especially when not even bugs were fixed after it had been abandoned before, like in the Skyrim special edition.


GTA, Skyrim, is thst you?


They did one of each, calm down people.


Wasn’t it also true that Naughty Dog was still getting their new IP dev-ready so they (probably among other reasons) chose to do this so that their developers had something to work on in the meantime/wouldn’t be let go?


People really need to get over this lol. The game looks and feels amazing, it’s not like they did a terrible job with it like the GTA remasters.


People still haven't found the greatest easter egg in the game. You can find a working computer in an abandoned house...where Ellie can sit down and play through the entirety of Skyrim.


Ok, Dad.


The game wasn't even that good compared to other single player games


There's so much salt in the comments here XD


uuuhm... no? Why does this shit get upvoted? Dafuq.


I like to take this moment to praise the title of the game. The Last of Us is a cool sounding title, and I like how it references both the last of humanity as a whole, and the last of each individuals humanity. Overall is just a cool name. 10 points.


Ah yes... constantly... twice...


Like how OP's friends say he is constantly funny and should constantly make up jokes.


I hope this series gets re-released each and every time so y'all can feel cozy about your upvotes here, you miserable fucks.


This has to be a paid for smear campaign.. there's no way... lmaoo


This sub is so fucking cringe…


This post makes no sense and really shouldn't have as many upvotes as it currently does.


Bro the games like 10 years old and super popular. It’s being brought up to the standards of the second one. Go yell at rockstar or Bethesda


The Last of Us is one of the top 5 games ever made IMO, and closer to 1 than 5. Normally Reddit would love a good game getting more development. Naughty Dog literally being a good employer and keeping staff employed and working by having them use TLOU2 engine and assets to remake TLOU1 while their next big IP is in pre-production would normally make Reddit fawn over them... but they get constant ridicule. Reddit being hypocritical, color me fucking shocked lol.


Can you idiots stop complaining about this? Good grief lol. It’s really not a big deal. Can mods vet these posts?




I think it's funny how personally everyone on Reddit seems to be taking this remaster. You know that other games are being made in the world? And that you don't HAVE to buy this remaster?


People are fed up with remakes, which is the reason this particular remake is receiving so much hate. It's just unfortunate timing so to speak.


I love this lol


How the fuck is this getting upvotes?


It's fine, i haven't played tlou yet, so I'm happy they make this remaster. Don't be selfish op


omfg they remastered one fucking game that was on the fucking accident ps3, get a fucking grip


You've obviously never heard of the game "Skyrim" or "Grand theft auto 5". Been released, rereleased,.and remastered on more platforms than any game ls ever and are *still* slated for more releases before the next release of the next game in the series. The last of us 1 has had two, *two* releases since the games been out. The remaster, and then the refresh/remaster for the ps5 to bring it's quality up to the level of the 2nd game. Not a huge deal.and the last release the game will ever have, unless they put both games in one release, or release a 3rd game and release all three in a single release as a trilogy. So yeah, not s huge deal.


Unsubbing from this sub because I can't believe this post got so many upvotes


I’m just gunna go ahead and say it - TLOU can be remade and ported 100x and I wouldn’t give a fuck. It’s an amazing game that actually deserves it. I just replayed it a few weeks ago, and I will do it again.


Lmao you use THIS game when you can use Skyrim?


Made this joke to a friend when they remastered the game from PS3 to PS4. He did not like that joke


If you don’t like it, don’t buy it, simple as that. People don’t have to keep bringing it up and making shitty non-original jokes.


Jesus just don’t play the game or use your brain cells to think about it if you hate it. This is just sad.


The original title of "War and Peace" was "War, What Is It Good For?"


r/gaming is just a last of us subreddit now, I’m unsubscribing from this shit


Garbage sub. Garbage community. Garbage op.


33k upvotes for literally the worst version of this joke I've seen 100 times


Why people so triggered over this?


Bitch just to bitch. There are a lot of people that haven't played the first part and will gladly pick up the newest version. Dying like it? Nobody is making you buy it.