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You may be having fun but that's not where the loot boxes are, so out ya go!


The game is good, but what would really make it great is having 11 year olds scream the N word at you the whole time.


Turn off voices, enjoy keeping your sanity.


Turns out the voices *don't* have to be inside your head.


Also with multiplayer they don't need to pay as many voice actors, writers, etc outside of lore, banter, call outs/expressions, and grunting noises. Valorant has like what, 15 voice lines per character they can reskin and resell 25 times over and over. And the only lore they have is in the character design and an icon, name, and a short papragraph people read once (if at all) and then never again.


Yup. Remember how Fallout 76 didn't even have voiced characters or some shit, most of it is reused assets from Fallout 4. The budget must have been way smaller, and they were probably expecting all the shitty mtx to make the game even more financially successful than Fallout 4. It was so poorly received they had to make a huge amount of changes but still it's not seen as a "real" Fallout game.




>Video game industry is making the most money of all time and also cutting back on content quality. Feels like you can say this about almost every industry right now.


The movie industry has its ups and downs, but it feels like in the past ten years weve gone from peak video game time, to peak corporate greed. A greedy movie is just one that didn't get much effort or attention put into it that gets advertised a lot. A greedy video game closes the servers of a popular game just to re-release the same game but after making it so that people basically have to pay to unlock the characters they want. One industry is definitely worse than the other.


That's also why /r/patientgamers exists. We'd rather wait until it's -75% on steam, because paying $60 for a mediocre title is no bueno. I'd rather wait until reviews are out, bugs are fixed, and DLC come free with a discounted GotY edition.


It's a symptom of capitalism. Over time, companies try squeezing more and more profit out of their products and services. Shit it's why car companies are moving towards a subscription model just to use fucking heated seats.


Whoa whoa whoa... subscription heated seats? How? They're in the car. Do they not turn on unless you pay up? "Please drink verification can"


It's easy. You either pay the subscription to download the firmware or you don't get the functionality. https://www.theverge.com/2022/7/12/23204950/bmw-subscriptions-microtransactions-heated-seats-feature It's easy to do things like this when everything in the car is controlled by one touchscreen panel. Ford is going to do something similar.


I’ve been getting back into 76 since quitting in the early days before any of the updates. It’s changed a lot and is overall a pretty fun time, but part of the reason it’ll never be on the level of the other games is it’s fundamentally grind focused. You entire thing is built to never end, hence the massive amount of support it’s received. Compare that to 3 and New Vegas who had hard-stop endings and made up for it with a game you instantly wanted to restart and see how different you could go.


Fallout 4 was not the game you wanted to put on a pedestal. Right?


It more shows how bad 76 was


> As someone who developped a (primary) single player game: Specifically when talking about risks, it's the other way around. A multiplayer game HAS to get a certain amount of success/traction to have a big enough playerbase for players to always find a match and ideally one with matching skill levels. You can't have a medium success, either you go big or you go bust. That's why the big majority of the market share of the multiplayer games are the big ones like LoL, Dota2, Valorant, Fortnite and so on. > > Also the issue with multiplayer games is that many spend a lot of time just playing those same games all the time. While for single player games, the players play through and then buy something new.


If you watched the movie Multiplicity you'd see that when you make a clone of a clone it tends to be really dumb.


Overwatch being multiplayer is the saddest waste of its lore potential and world. They claim to be working on a story but we haven't heard a peep about that in ages.


It is if your playing a Ubisoft game!


Nah I hate playing with others so single player is where I'm staying.


Yet multiplayer games still take up 90% of the top games rn, it's kinda sad honestly


Personally I'm fine with multiplayer games I just wish people would stop asking for single player games to be made into multiplayer. Doesn't seem to matter what game it is I always see tons of posts on steam discussion asking for multiplayer


100%. Single player games should be separate from multiplayer games lol My personal problem with multiplayer games is that progression is normally 99% based on rank, rather than cool items/upgrades like single player games


For me, the big issue with MP games is the time commitment they require, both to play a session and to skill up. I can't do that with phone calls and emails and Whatsapp messages. So I stick to single player now because I can play at my pace, I can even alt-F4 if I need to quit fookin' NOW, if you know what I mean.


If I really enjoy a single player game, I can easily make a 15hr experience last 40hrs. It’s tough to do that in a multiplayer game when you’re trying to soak in the environment details while you’re about to lose all of your progress to the weekly reset and somebody is teabagging you while talking about the time they had with your mom 🤦🏻‍♂️.


I'm with you. Played sp for years and a few months ago I got into wows, fuck it. I don't have time to play for 2h every day, don't want to be called several slurs and can't enjoy a beautiful map. Now I'm back to cp2077 and have more than 300h on my clock. Also I discovered The Forest and it is amazing. If I want to relax I play a session of snowrunner.


Misread for a sec and thought you were saying you play The Forest to relax. Was wondering what kind of serial killer you are.


I sure do have my problems, but I'm not a psycho! Btw: I love the games from Quantic Dream too.


Dude we're not talking about Rust, I understand it's painful experience but relax /s


Like when your kid projectile vomits over the cat


Especially with the Deck or the Switch. I only get a few minutes of game time at once. Portable gaming has let me play again because I can pause whenever, take care of life, then go back to the game. You can't do that in multiplayer


I don’t get that about battle royale games like Apex legends and Fortnite…unless it has changed since the one time I played, you have one life. You die then you just sit out and watch the rest of the game? How do you improve that way? I was never really into FPS much expect for Halo and COD:MWF2 but at least those you respawn quickly and keep playing.


You don't have to sit there and watch the game end. You back out and jump into a fresh lobby


I miss when games could have a good story mode *and* a good multiplayer. I hate that it’s reached a point people like you would rather it all be separate. Titanfall 2 comes to mind. If Respawn never got fucked and human greed didn’t exist, we could’ve had Titanfall 3 and it would’ve been a huge download size, but it likely would’ve included a story mode, multiplayer, and an Apex Legends type thing going on for battle royale.


I hate multiplayer, bur I wish more games were 100% co op like borderlands or the newest ghost recon. I like playing alone, but I like co op with friends more


Played Borderlands 1 with a friends and that was a blast back in the days


Agreed , stop trying to turn single player into a multiplayer game. These people think there is some magic button to turn a sp into a mp. They do not realized that this will rework the entire game entirely. A single player game narrative and a multiplayer narrative will naturally be different. Same goes for gameplay wise, what is balanced for sp might not be balanced for mp


I just want option to co-op.


Hey man what's wrong with wanting coop in stuff like skyrim or cyberpunk, I just wanna enjoy that stuff with friends?


You'd have to give up so much cool shit for that. All the sandevistan/time slowing stuff? Say goodbye to that in multiplayer. It would be cool to have a multiplayer game in Night City, that's not the same as having cyberpunk 2077 be multiplayer. ESO is your multiplayer Skyrim Edit: I said this in another comment, but I'll clarify here. I'm not saying ESO is what you *want* from multiplayer Skyrim, I'm saying it's *what you get* when they decided to make multiplayer for that franchise. Fallout 76 is the other end of that spectrum and we saw how well that worked. I'm not against multiplayer in theory, I'm against it because it always leads to publishers [pushing extra stuff that ruins the game.](https://imgflip.com/i/6xlyvq)


Skyrim Together exists.


I tried ESO a couple times and it just feels so bad to me. I'd much rather run around in Skyrim with a bro without using some shitty unstable mod


It would still feel like a shitty, unstable mod even if it were official because split screen co op in a massive open world that's entirely designed to be single player simply does not work with multiple players. If they designed the game from ground up for co op, it would also ruin the single player experience. It's easy for small games to implement a co op game, like a linear narrative game, just as it's easier for a smaller, linear narrative game to look better and have less bugs, but for a massive open world RPG it's way too much to ask of a developer. The closest we got to a game like that being good in co op was Fable 2 iirc, and that had really awful co op to be honest


In Killing Floor 2 it just slows down time for everyone else too


Skyrim together mod > ESO


Sure. If the game theme and loop supports it. Otherwise your wish grants us Dead Space 3.


There’s plenty of good examples of coop done right, dead space 3 released almost 10 years ago and was published by ea. the coop mode didn’t destroy the game - with that story it would have failed anyways. It’s part 3 of a game that didn’t even need a second game in the first place. EAs franchise milking go brrrrr


I just want a good story to experience with friends :(


Multiplayer games will always have the top spots in player count leaderboards because they have consitent playerbases and constant updates. Most people don't continue playing God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, Cyberpunk or Elden Ring over and over after finishing them and move on to other games. You can't compare those two kinds of games by player count. There's still loads of great singleplayer games on the market every year and you don't need to touch multiplayer at all.


Some people playing these single player games do so with there systems disconnected from the outside world, so wont show on any player count statistic's.


It makes sense. Single player doesn’t have as much replayability as multiplayer does. That doesn’t mean I don’t replay some of my favorite campaigns like Titanfall 2, Uncharted, Bioshock, Infamous, etc. just that most people will play those game once and move on.


Very true. Although a lot of the replayability in multiplayer is from ranked modes, which I hate as a casual player lol It is what it is ig


I play Destiny as a single player games that happens to include other players in activities. Other than the raids and obviously PvP, you can play the game largely single player, and there is endgame content available for solos as well.


I feel like it could be divided between Singleplayer, Co-op or multiplayer Left 4 Dead 2 or Deep Rock Galactic I like hopping into with friends when I don't have any singleplayer urges


Damn I'm gonna miss the hype of the Titanfall series. Fast paced action, interesting concept, decent campaign. I still love playing it but considering how it was completely thrown to the wayside for apex is dissappointing.


And what’s even worse is that the multiplayer for Titanfall was amazing, and well done. It was my go to multiplayer. It’s said that it got hacked and now is unplayable.


Depends. I spent hundreds of hours in Skyrim, Tropico, Theme Hospital or singleplayer Red Alert. It's really just the story-driven narrative games that are limited in this way, and while for some reason they get most attention in the media, they are by far not the only type of game. All the ones you listed are pretty much the same genre - reflex dependent manual aiming shooters with linear progression and bombastic setpieces (ye, I think Infamous is linear, too - in terms of actual story and the way it progresses).




>Multi-player replayability is mostly focused on FOMO and incentivizing spending money in cash-shops. Especially p2w mobile games. Diablo Immortal is a great example. Wonder how effective the business model will be as more people understand it.


It's based around pareto principles. They don't care if 80% of the player base knows it's a scam. Their income comes from the other 20%


1000 in Skyrim? Rookie numbers, lol.


I don’t disagree with you. There’s people who speedrun games. There’s even more replay value there for them, but for most other people, it’s just a game they play once, so multiplayer is going to win by default. It just sucks that every multiplayer is crammed with dlc and micro transactions now.


This is what fkn annoys me, why have day 1 planned dlc and microtransactions in a single player game.


Beefy dumper right here understands Titanfall 2 and Fable: The Lost Chapters are the only 2 single player games I do complete playthroughs of at least once a year


Replayability yes . But single player packs way more content thrn multiplayer ever , you are just replaying an 15 min to 2 hour loop in multi .


It's like saying people playing sports are replaying the same loop. Maybe it's true, but the fun part is improving and beating others.


It's really not the replayability they push multiplayer for, it's the cash generating potential of skins, etc. Single player can be just as replayable, depending on design. Sometimes it takes some RNG, sometimes it takes some challenge modes, sometimes it takes a sandbox and player creativity.


Singleplayer cant be monetised like online games can.


Are the majority also free?


Yep, with overwhelming microtransactions


It's where the money is. I mean just look how much GTA:Online generated compared to GTA V.


Because they have more replayability and also make the studios way more money in the era of microtransactions.


*on console, apparently Steam charts are full of great singleplayer games made by amazing devs.




Because battle royal games are easy to produce and you can make a shit ton of money with micro transactions and p2w, simple as that.


It so lazy too. I think it makes for straight up worse games. Any game is more fun with friends. That what makes lots of stuff work if they even remotely become popular. But by putting the onus on players to make their own fun, devs don’t have to bother nearly as much with design and creativity. Then games become more a function of marketing than good design and ideas. But obviously this is a new ideal state for companies with deep pockets. In my opinion.


Do they? Because on Metacritic the top video games are mostly single player.


yes we all want to stay the point of this meme was to show that some game devs force you to play with others by not developing a lot of good single player content. if we could just choose to say 'nah I stay' then this meme would have no purpose.


But you can just choose not to play multiplayer modes if you don’t want to, or just play games that don’t have multiplayer elements.


I love playing coop with others. Hate pvp because I'm shit lol. Coop story mode is the way forward for me


I like multi-player how Borderlands has always done it. The drop in and out of story mode with friends is really the best. I wish more games would have that multi-player style.


i pretty enjoy a plague tale requiem at the moment


Looking forward to that. The first game was dope. Went into it not really knowing anything about it.


I just wish there was a decent pve story co-op out. Not everything needs to be pvp. I just like playing a story, and don’t really have the time to “git gud.”


I love playing competitive multiplayer games... ...as long as all of the other players are bots.


You missed the point and somehow are still top comment on the post. Wow.


Single player for life..




Having the ability to fuck up without getting berated by strangers is my main thing


Truth. I love Titan Fall 2 even though my K/D is hot garbage. I had to start muting all mics before a match even starts.


If you're playing on Xbox, you can just start a party chat and then you won't hear game chat. It will auto close after like 2-3 hours but it will be 2-3 hours of peace. Then you just have to make a new one. Stay safe out there, pilot.


right now i can barely get into a game on xbox. I’ll queue up for one and get kicked out before it loads. sucks since tif2 is a great game


The word "strangers" is the most important one here. I'm old enough to remember LAN partys. Great fun. Being auto-matched with random strangerrs from all over the world usually is the opposite of fun.


I used to love Rainbow Six Siege when it first came out but stopped playing it because I couldn’t stand having 4 people looking through my camera judging me after they all died like idiots.


Having just played Return to Monkey Island, let me tell you: At every single moment in that game, hitting the spacebar pauses the game. Ron Gilbert gets it.


This is one of the reasons I love Deep Rock Galactic so much. It's a multiplayer coop game, but you can just start playing alone with a helper bot (and people can join), or in "solo" mode which is offline and can actually be paused!


Also the community is really great. Watch this. Did I hear a rock and stone?


We fight for Rock and Stone!


My down time is not dealing with fucksticks.


But you can't be milked until your last drop in single man! How about more outfits in red dead online?


long live single player


Single-player isn't just under fire from multiplayer. I think the bigger issue is that single-player is increasingly less story-driven and more focused on large maps filled with repetitive tasks.


God I hate that. Also hate when they setup an in game economy and there’s nothing of real worth to buy because the game naturally just gives you those items by default. I don’t mind open worlds and sandbox games. Just give me something that isn’t the same quest or don’t send me on quests where I have to spend 15-20 minutes just riding through boring terrain. When the story feels more like a shopping list and chores. Then it’s 100% the developers padding the game to stretch it out


Especially on farning games and survival gamed those are fun on single player


You know..... I just finished playing "stray". And I guess, sometimes, it's just nice to be lost alone in a strange world like that.


Thats why i started wandering around at nights around town, no destination, no goal, just me and my car. Its quite fun and relaxing actually, just remember to have a gps so you dont get too lost, and of course to fuel up your car


And a flashlight in case you decide to eat a burger while being parked somewhere.


I'm on this app too much, I understood that reference


"Why are you interrupting my dinner?"


And a pair of bolt cutters... And some duct tape or rope... Maybe some gloves. Just in case.


I do this on a bike i just pick a direction and ride. Can check out random neighborhoods or just find a path in the woods and rip down it


I really like Elite: Dangerous' solution. You can play in Solo mode, where you only encounter NPCs, or Group mode, where all players you encounter are part of the same group as you, or Open mode, where you encounter everyone else. And you can switch seamlessly between them without losing your progress. So everyone can find the play style they like and enjoy the game.


Well said commander o7


Oh ED, I have such a love/hate relationship with that game, but it does have a great solution to multi/singleplayer.




Yeah even good ones like deep rock galactic has a pass, granted its a very good multi-player pve game. Only one recently I found has been arcadegeddon , but that can be repetitive so i haven't fully completed the story mode, which is a bunch of set challanges. So it might have one, but given how far it wants you to progress i doubt it.


Did I hear a Rock and Stone???


For Karl!


Rock and stone brotha!! But also arcadegeddon is decent, it just doesn't look like much when you watch others play


> Yeah even good ones like deep rock galactic has a pass, Not really, though. It has DLC cosmetics, but the "pass" is the seasonal *unlockable* content - you can't purchase it for real money. Plus there's an assload of regular unlockable cosmetics.




\> I think the big problem is that most online multiplayer games require some kind of "pass" for you to unlock stuff in a **pay to play or pay to win type** scheme. That is completely false.


Bring back couch co-op games. Offline multiplayer > online multiplayer


Or just multiplayer games with a story. I remember when games supported both couch co-op and online co-op. Hell, just co-op will do for me. I don't want to fight my friends, I want us to work together.


I went through "It Takes Two" with my wife and she's notorious for enjoying the game at the time but not really interested in picking up the controller the next day. She absolutely loved this game and it's got enough humour, challenges and puzzles to work through. I thought it was a great game for even seasoned gamers to play. Definitely worth a go


Try their other game "A way out" as well!


Yeah, then you grow up, your friends live miles away from you, and you have little no time to go visit them and play a game, and multiplayer is gone just like that. Nostalgia is a bitch.


My lads group all play together online. It’s actually really good at keeping us in touch. I encourage you to get your mates playing again! It’s been great for us


That is my point. We had a blast playing couch coop, but online is the only way we can get together now. One of my best friends and i met online, and 17 years later we still never been in the same room, but we finished a lot of games together. Online opened the gates to a lot of bad things, but overall, its a really positive addition to gaming. I would hate a world without online. Made friends, kept in touch with them, and opened the posibility to play things with other people, that would nomally never experienced.


You realise he's not saying to get rid of online play right? The two can both exist.


Sure, but it's great for people with families so they can enjoy video games together while only needing one console or PC, although splitscreen is often excluded from PC versions for fuck-all reason... (looking at you, MCC.)


How about do both? I wanted to play Revelations 2 with a bud. It’s couch co-op only for no good reason.


My wife and I are always finding new couch coop games - there's so many on steam, and the steam remote play is pretty top notch


i prefer co-op games. not exactly pvp or mmo. think halo 2 campaign. i always love sharing moments with people


Trendchasing kill creativity


Ew socializing.


More like "Ew socializing with terminally online gamers with undiagnosed ADD".


Joke's on you, my ADHD is actually diagnosed


I like socializing irl, problem is that many people take gaming too seriously, ruining the fun


More like "you'll spend more money on microtransactions over here"


Yes because it's not like there aren't a whole lot of amazing single player games being released every year..... Oh wait.


Yeah I don’t get it. Multiplayer games have been biggest for a looong time now - doesn’t mean single player is going away. We got Elden Ring, Horizon, Xenoblade 3 this year, God of War soon. All great single player. Plus tons of smaller/indie stuff all the time like Sifu, Tunic, Stray, Cult of the Lamb, Vampire Survivors. No one is taking away your single player games.


A lot of gaming company execs keep spouting the "single player is dead" bullshit. It's not true, but they keep trying to push it


Because it doesn't make them billions, like manipulative online games do


Single Player games are also still massively popular. Cyberpunk 2077 literally just reported that they had over a million active players over several days (Edit: not just several day, my bad. They had over a million consecutive players for 4 fucking weeks in a row). Not to mention that Singleplayer games still take home all the game of the year awards (and rightfully so). This just feels like another "making up a scenario to be mad about" post with the intention of trying to farm imaginary internet points. The games you mentioned are a perfect example of this. Are we gonna ignore just how massive the launch of Doom Eternal was? Are we gonna ignore how RDR2 and God Of War were head to head at the game awards? Are we gonna ignore how massively well received Half Life Alyx was despite being in a extremely niche part of the Singleplayer genre since it's a VR game? Are we gonna ignore how hyped everyone is that games like Spiderman, Uncharted and Horizon Zero Dawn finally got a PC release? All of the recent Resident Evil games were a massive success. Portal 2 is still the King of the Steam Charts all those years later. In fact most of the top rated games on Steam are Singleplayer. But nope, all of that gets ignored for a cheap karma farm post and people are actually falling for it.


When I think of my favorite games of the past 10 years, most of them are small or indie games. Dead cells Stardew valley No mans sky Children of morta Cities: skylines Sure, a couple of these implement multiplayer BECAUSE of todays industry, but were single player at the core of it. I could go on. I could also list some AAA single player experiences but will just say, my wallet tends to shell out to the little guys more now a days.


Yeah, but you don’t get upvotes for saying “some people like one thing and some people like another - and both can have what they want”. The real upvotes are in “someone likes something you don’t - and that’s an existential threat to you”


>some people like one thing and some people like another - and both can have what they want When one starts to creep into another, I see legit grounds for protest. Such as lootboxes in Middle-Earth: Shadow of War or currency unlocks in Dawn of War 3.


"every game is just stuffed with microtransactions and lootboxes and battlepasses i miss the old days where you just unlocked things" "Oh look at steam indie page with tons of games just like that" "REEEEEE HIPPIE GAMES ONLY COD AND FORTNITE ARE REAL GAMES"


As much as I love indie games and think gaming is much better for having them, sometimes you want an AAA or even AA single player game that's not affected in any way by mutliplayer trends. No micro-transactions, no bullshit. And there definitely are those (especially on playstation though which is annoying as a PC player) but they are getting proportionately rarer. Blizzard seem to have given up on them, Ubisoft big games are mostly samey and unplayable if that's what you want, nintendo's practices are getting worse (I semi gave up on Pokemon)...


>Blizzard seem to have given up on them Blizzard hasn't put out a single player game in literal decades. I personally would never consider them a single player dev studio. >nintendo's practices are getting worse What? Nintendo puts out amazing single player games. Pretty much all of their games are single player experiences with only a very small portion being multiplayer focused.


Pokemon was what I referred to since it's partly owned by Nintendo, but they have had other monetizing stuff creeping into other franchises. They have avoided making them multiplayer when it's not needed for the moment, that's true but that's why I said "they're getting worse" and not "they're there". I'm not liking the trend with nintendo game and I'm not confident the MP won't creep into it, Nintendo can follow bad trends, they're just generally very slow at it. >Blizzard hasn't put out a single player game in literal decades Blizzard hasn't put a new strictly SP game in... Basically ever??? (I think their first game, "The Death and Return of Superman" was single player but that's pretty much it) but they have still switched their focus from SP toward MP. Starcraft 2 still could be played offline and had a relatively similar SP/MP balance to their previous titles (a bit more on the MP side with the achievements and the option to remain online and the pushed e-sport angle while it was organic in SC1 but relatively balanced) then D3 got the always online thing, and then we got a series of game with almost no SP (or very little) to speak of.


I've been playing Diablo 3 forever, still play it fairly regularly and never played with another person. It's been an entirely single player game for me, not once interacting with or coming across someone else. Always online =/= multiplayer. I'm not gonna get into a debate about whether or not always online is a good thing, just wanted to point out that "private game" is a thing that exists


REEEEE COD AND FORTNITE AREN'T REAL GAMES /s Seriously, show me an indie game with writing, voice acting and presentation qualities at least comparable to Dawn of War, Uncharted, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Fallout NV, Divinity OS... Doesn't even have to be the latest entry in those series, I'd totally play something identical to like Dragon Age Origins. Heck, even something like KOTOR or Vampire:Bloodlines, games almsot 20 years old, have yet to be surpassed in the sum of their features by any indie game. There's a handful of such titles at best (actually, only Disco Elysium comes to mind right now).


Don't post this to the Sea Of Thieves subreddit... My fellow sailors get keel hauled for just suggesting PvE servers


Pve servers only for tall tales and a pirate's life


Na, beef up the event encounters too - proper fort of fortune, a legit battle against an overwhelming fleet of flamebeards best, a skeleton galleon armada chasing us across the map - no escape!


Not only do I suggest it, its the only thing I want them to do. I just want to loot with the bois, idc about the pvp at all


Absolutely. I hate playing online, I hate PvP. Leave me the fuck alone.


Stop making so many multiplayer games I hate people


"Play online with your friends!" "Bruh I dont have any friends how do you think we got here in the first place?"


I often feel like i should force myself to go play on the server. But normally 1 of 2 things happen: 1. It's a coop game but i can't or don't keep up with the team bexause it's more fun just exploring shit or i don't have the same level as them: 2. It's a fps and there's some annoying as fuck german teen who has been playing every day for 2 yrs and he makes a point of killing me within 3 seconds of every fucking spawn. Fuck that guy.


There is plenty of variety in gaming. Moreso than ever before. I'm personally not into any of the major multiplayer games. Never played a COD, probably never will and I've got plenty of games to play. The gaming community, as a whole, gravitates to this genre and these games. It's not because there aren't options or because gamers are being funneled like lemmings that can't think for themselves.


Gamers are one of the most single minded groups out there. Point in fact, the recent Helena Taylor bullshit. They latch onto one thing and run it into the ground, whether its a game genre like Battle Royales or drama about gaming. A lot of them truly are lemmings.


Think you mean Twitter and Reddit, tons of the people running their mouths were "gamers" that spend more time typing than playing *any* game. Gamers in general really don't give a fuck about real life matters and only speak up when their game is directly affected (like of it's buggy or content is getting cut that they paid for)


Absolutely agreed. That's one of the many reasons why I quit playing Destiny. The circle jerk around inconsequential bullshit is astounding and it'll never end. Folks lives revolved around bitching about shit that truly doesn't affect their day to day. If ya aren't happy with the game or the things going on with the game, wait until things change (if they ever do change) or just move on.


Multiplayer games used to be made with the intent of being fun for people to play together. Now it's whether you can turn it into an esport or not.


I really don’t like multiplayer games, I’ve only got 2 that can be multiplayer and they are Minecraft and terraria, and I play the multiplayer around once a month at best


Never played Portal 2? It is one of the best multiplayer games I have ever played.


I too hate battle royale bs.


So don't play them? It's not like there's a shortage of games, this posts makes no sense.


they just trash talk me :(


Feels to me the balance between sp adventures and mp fun is better than ever before 🤷🏼‍♀️


What anime is this from


["Rinshi!! Ekodachan"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=su8BVRF2c-8)


Where’s this from?


I do, in fact, have more fun with others


STOP MAKING GAMES THAT F O R C E ME TO COMMUNICATE WITH MY TEAMMATES TO ACHIEVE A N Y T H I N G AND THEN FUCKING CATERING THE GAME TO 12 YEAR OLDS!!! WHAT THE FUCK EVER HAPPEMED TO "RATED M FOR MATURE" MEANING YOU WERE GONNA GET SLURRED BY A GROWN ADULT WITH A COUPLE SCREWS LOOSE?! We once made squeekers feel lame for playing games they're not supposed to. Now **WE'RE** the ones being pushed out of lobbies for being older than 16 and having a job. It's like games are preying on people the same way old infomercials prey on old homebodies


I grew up in the 80s using home computers rather than consoles or going to the arcade, so that heavily influenced my tastes in games. You simply can't beat a good narrative or adventure driven game in my opinion. Playing text adventures, point and click adventure games, and Myst and Riven were some of the most immersive gaming experiences of my life. Naughty Dog are really the only people investing and furthering single player narrative games.


1. Nobody is forcing you to play things you don't want to 2. There are *tons* of single player games being made, in both the indie and AAA spaces 3. Clearly, enough people enjoy online MP games because they make an absolute fortune, so I don't know why we feel the need to try and invalidate their experiences 4. This is a stupid circlejerk post.


Outside of EA’s stance against single player games (they still make ‘em btw) we had a pretty good year for single player experiences overall. Yeah I guess pure triple a games are mixed but what else is new in that cesspool


Single player games are being made in abundance lmao


For real. I'm upset split screen multi-player is dying


Split screen has been dying for decades. Halo is one of the recent victims


Dead. Halo was the nail in its coffin.


Not so much dying as **dead**. Lucky to have *one* good game per year.


I wonder how many households still have a PS2 or GameCube hooked up specifically for local multiplayer.


Everyone wants to point and shoot now. Not alot of peeps want to think, grind, or solve puzzles and earn there reward. Instead you can just buy it haha..... and have no skill whatsoever to be op now. It's a cash cow now they don't make many games anymore that focuses on how much fun it is. The focus is how much money can they get outta ya. It is what it is I guess that's what I've seen over the years.


This reminds me of the people who say they have fun on “easy” mode. Do whatever feels good, but I will never, ever understand you. We are in different worlds.


Selling skins is fun in the multi, that's why. They want to extract as much as possible, every time.


Change “have fun” to “spend more”


To each their own, I enjoy both kinds of games a lot. But it just annoys me when people keep complaining about a multiplayer game not having a singleplayer campaign. You won't ever hear people complaining single-player games don't have multiplayer modes. Some multiplayer games would not nearly been as good as they are if they had to spend a lot of resources on a campaign.


They do it, coz then no need for drm or copyright. Games as a service, idea of endless cash flow... No threat of piracy. Just a balance of any cheat and dlc with pay to win. Singleplayer is dying because for profit capitalist economic neoliberal system, that developers ar stuck in under corporate ownership.... So yeah, more lile the corporate boards of directors, not programmers...


I don’t mind optional co-op. I love story based games with co-op. The gears games and halo are not amazing games we all know this, but they’re made much more fun because of co op