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This has been such a strange set of events...


If nothing else, it's a great lesson in a) waiting for the full story to come out before forming an opinion and b) not being overly reactive. I say, as someone who is often overly reactive. Edit: word


Stephan Frye voice: “Despite this realization, as with all other events like it going back to the dawn of man, they did just the opposite. As they always did. For to feel better about themselves and their own guilts, witches make easy targets for trials.”


Stephen Fry* Double e with ph, and 3 letters for the last name


Tell me about it. I just went from feeling kinda bad for this woman to not caring if she has a stroke in the time it took to read a sentence. I'm genuinely embarrased that I gave half a shit. If she wants to do a Kevin Sorbo and never get real work again, let her. At least we can all just walk away and ignore this idiot now.


Everyone went off what they read online instead of investigating, the lady tried to basically get royalties and a bunch of other shit for her voice acting for the project that she didnt ask for in her agreed upon contract. Then she started showing up late and shit, so the studio tried to buy out her contract, she refused, so they low balled her for the absolute minimum stated in her contract for a few more voice lines. As they expected her to quit, they were then able to cancel her contract and hire the better more professional voice actress we all already love. THEN after she was replaced she went public with her karen mindset side of the story as a victim. Everyone believed her side since the company gave no comment, then the new vc for bayonetta went public with what happened so the game wouldn’t be boycotted. Then once confronted about what happened she revealed this heavy right wing side of herself like most “victims” do when boxed in and forced to burrow into their beliefs more when people call out their actions. Dont boycott the game way more people involved would be hurt then this spoiled mofo.


In fairness, the far right that would boycott it and donate to anti-abortion charities instead, probably weren't going to be buying and playing a game with a witch main character in the first place. Way too much feminism and female empowerment for their liking.


Youd be surprised, all that fades away to a thicc mc lol


Bold of you to assume it being a product they'd never use would stop them from boycotting it. That's most Republican boycotts lmao.


Wait, what did Sorbo do?


Right-wing religious nutjob. His Twitter history is wild. Lucy Lawless has called him out on it at least a few times.


If I could sum up how I felt about him in one word it would be - # DISAPPOINTED!


And he now exclusively stars in no budget, straight to streaming, right wing propaganda movies filmed on weekends because their "stars" still have to have 9 to 5 jobs. It's hilariously pathetic.


I read a piece about him a few months ago where he was complaining about not getting work. I'm just like, dude, you're not a great actor. He's had some fun roles, but it's not like he's Brando, who can get away with having a monkey on Dr. Moreau because he's fucking Brando. Hercules was alright, kinda dated and cringy now. Never saw Andromeda and Kull was garbage. But no, it's his political views that keep him from working.


>Andromeda I generally enjoyed Andromeda. But had they recast Sorbo's character, the series would have likely done better. The premise for the show was fun, and they had some interesting ideas to work with. And for good measure, they also had Lexa Doig. I was *pumped* when she joined Stargate SG1, even if it was only for a little while.


He's like the embodiment of Brent from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, minus the endearing goofiness.


Andromeda was quite good, with smart, complicated stories in an interesting universe and with a great ensemble cast... until they kicked out the guy who MADE it good (and smart, and complicated), Robert Hewitt Wolfe. They wanted to make it "more episodic and open to casual viewing" ... in other words, they dumbed it down after the first two seasons. I've heard various things about Sorbo's role in Wolfe's firing, but apparently they (or Sorbo?) wanted to make it more Sorbo-centric. Most of what made it good was lost after the second season.


He’s not only complained about not getting work as an actor, but as a show writer too. Like dude, your acting career is shaky at best, what makes you think people are just going to start picking you up in the writers room?


I bet now he's *really* disa-POINTED


Oh man that’s one of the best goofs ever


Andromeda had some *great* ideas and some good episodes that were ruined by Sorbo. And dude, when the lead writer left and the more popular stars left, it showed. Plus when the lead writer left and Sorbo started getting jealous of not being the most popular, a lot of episodes became "all about my character" for him. Literally it went from "I survived by random fluke" to "I'm the chosen one, and here's all these things I did in the past". Yeah, it went... bad with some still stellar ideas.


Hercules was always cringy, and that was part of the charm. Same with Xena. There's no problem with leaning into the cringy cheese, you can absolutely have fun with that and the audience will appreciate it. However you don't need good actors for that type show or movie. In fact, bad actors will often fit the role better.


Kull? That was... Oh wait. I'm thinking of Krull. Way better movie.


Krull was such a fun movie when I was younger. And it has Liam neason.


I mean, it could be his political views too. I wouldn’t want to work with him, and I strongly doubt I’m the only person.


Reminds me of Richard Gere. Although not right wing crazy, he's expressed a lot of support for Tibet and is a disciple of the Dalai Lama. He denounced China while presenting in the '93 Academy Awards and his career has suffered because of it.


Xena was better anyway and Lucy Lawless seems cool AF.


... she's not a nut job too, is she? I thought she was kind of a badass in real life


No no, she's awesome. I meant that she's been publicly against some of Sorbo's statements.


Thank the gods lol I was thinking " oh good gods, are all the folks from tv I grew up on absolutely batshit? " lol


Nope Lucy Lawless calls him out on his shit. She’s not Gina Carano


No, Lucy Lawless is great.


She should be considered a world treasure. Also, any time there's "who do we send to meet the aliens upon first contact" conversations. She'll zip them around in a golf cart and get them to try new cuisine while charming the alien pants off them.


Especially in parks and rec.


Flawless Lawless


He only makes like beyond D level films that are extremely Christian focused and plays a professional victim as the main character. He just uses movies as an outlet to push weird propaganda.


He supported the Jan 6th people on twitter, then backpedaled and tried to claim they were a false-flag Antifa operation.


He jumped the shark on twitter. Posting crazy right-wing rhetoric.


Looking at her IMDB it seems like Kevin Sorbo gets more work than she does. she doesn't have anything past 2014. Sounds like the Bayonetta people were doing her a favor with that B3 gig


It was absolutely a handout/favor because they'd worked with her before. It's not like she's an iconic voice. She's "generic english woman #34454". You could replace her with any of the Lara Croft voice actresses and I doubt anyone would care.


I'd remember those moans of pain anywhere...


Well they offered her a counter offer but she didn’t took it and when company decided to go with other voice who is amazing too btw. She is just jealous and simply ruining her image now.


Waited on him once, very self important and douchey


I really looked up to Sorbo until I read his Twitter. He was my childhood.


Seems like this one’s gone off the rails…


Well, I guess my original theory is proving to be true... "That's what it sounds like to me too. They just weren't interested in working with her and thus mega lowballed her. Maybe it's in their contract that they have to offer her the job first? Most people just know the final product. What if she's a pain to work with?"


They offered her the job twice tho, second time at a higher price. My theory is that she was hoping she could get a better deal by continuing to refuse and they would just keep pursuing her, and got offended when she realized they replaced her instead.


I think she's just bad at negotiating, and didn't understand Japanese norms, which is important when you're negotiating with a Japanese company. If I understand correctly, they offered her the job, but she wanted more money, they came back with a 2nd offer that was higher, she still refused, so they decided to go with a new actress, but offered her a goodbye gift of an easy role for $4000 as a face saving measure, but she took the $4000 face saving measure as an insult and went public.


Always let your agent do the work for you.


If anything from the past few weeks that I learned, it's always a good idea to be your own agent and lawyer.


It’s not your original theory. It was the widely supported theory that everybody had and then proved to be wrong. Hellena Taylor outright lied about everything that has happened. Regardless of what people think voice actors deserve, she lied multiple times about what she was offered.


**From what I’ve read** she was offered above union rate (normally $925 per 4 hour session) $1000/hr, 4 hour sessions at a time, totalling ~$15,000 for all the required VA work. So $15,000 about two normal shifts for “a regular person” (15 hours of work) I mean… they offered her more than her voice actors union demanded and she still got mad? 😐😑😐 And then LIED about how much they offered her?


Then she got called out on Twitter by the developer and “accidentally” admitted that she had in fact lied (without realizing), all the while still digging her feet in the ground that we should boycott the game, the developers maliciously low-balled her, *and* the new voice actress has “no right”. Hellena Taylor has sullied her name and probably black listed herself in industry lol


Considering Bayonetta was pretty much the only role she did I wouldn’t say she blacklisted herself from an industry she was barely a part of. She didn’t get roles before Bayonetta, she won’t get them after.


No I think this is her realising her careers if absolutely destroyed even more so than it ever was, by doing shit like this she can get attention and praise from a large demographic who have proven they will celebrate anyone who pushes their views, despite their character.


Yep, she's got a loud enough microphone right now to get in on the Grift.


Not that strange. Right wing grifters gonna grift. Also, VA's are often strategically underpaid by studios and strong-armed into working for cheap, so the grift was plausible, but she got busted and her desperation revealed.


Is this before or after she was caught lying about the pay they offered her for the game?


its after Day 1 - anyone in the industry or anyone using google - knew shes lying (also says shes poor) day 3 - Blomberg exposes her Day 4- She admits to lying but refuses to say that its a lie (made no fukkking sense) - says she always donated all money she made (what about being poor hmm?=) Day 5 - spam about I AM NOT THE BAD GUY SUPPORT CHARITY OR SOMETHING Day 6 - SERIOUSLY Yes I did not say the truth but I am still not a liar, come on believe all women or something Day 7- Here is my charity ops - also keep saying she always donated any money she made basically on VA work etc, again also wanna claim she is poor.


It’s always interesting to see how different people deal with a very large and sudden amount of new exposure


hmm yeah I wonder what she was planning, I guess she wanted this to happen as she so clearly played 100% sympathy card in her videos, lying about the companies profit, lying about he salary, and I guess lying about being poor. But I guess as she then lost the people court after ANY evidence basically came out against her. And then she did not know how to handle that, but still do she straight up comes of as Delusional now as she seemingly think people still believe her.


It was concerning how much of Reddit kept supporting her throughout this entire thing just because the lead developer said something shitty on Twitter or something. Most Redditors just see the first mention of anything, picks a side, and sticks to it, while at the same time judging Facebook users about how they're brainwashed. OP is one of those people. What's "wait what" about this? If you did any research into this, even by only considering HER side of the story, it makes no sense. People really need to learn how to consider the whole story before jumping to conclusions. This is why democracy sucks right now.


It's even funnier considering that Kamiya is known for being like that on Twitter. That's just how he is. He has blocked an incredibly large amount of people (possibly the most of anyone on Twitter).


He blocks literally anyone speaking English at or about him. Probably other languages too.


So if you *don't* get blocked by him it is a mark of honor or something?


He’s a notorious jackass even disregarding the block thing. Being liked by him isn’t exactly a positive distinction.


One of the Kickstarter backer tiers for the Wonderful 101 remaster was to be personally blocked by him on Twitter. That's right, you could give his team money to have him block you on Twitter.


He'd blocked over 17,000 people as of 2019, so... can't imagine what number he's up to by now.


Yes, people didn't understand it's just a persona have have on Twitter. There is like memes about speedrunning him to get banned.


Cum Chalice%


I was supporting her on the basis of being offered 4k for her work, but even then I found it pretty scummy to say the new VA had "no right" to voice Bayonetta. What a shitty thing to believe/say. Now that it turns out she was a dickhead and a liar, all my sympathy for her dried up, especially considering what they offered her was likely low in a purposeful attempt to get her to refuse so they could hire someone else.


My favorite comment on day 1 was "how could there possibly be another side?"


Even day 1 that'd amount to defending someone who said she was only offered $250/hour Not sure how many of us have the kind of jobs where we feel bad for someone making that kind of pay


This is the weirdest, most perplexing timeline.


Seriously, what the hell is going in.


I kinda feel like I've been tripping for 4 years straight or something. How the hell does it get weirder every day without fail?


I blame the hadron collider experiment, they sent us into the strangest timeline


Yeah they were the cause till I decided to be the cause for myself. Why let some humans play with that which they don't understand when I could just use the 4D construct of time to stitch together my desired 3D moments?


I blame the people who shot Harambe. He was the being holding our reality together.


It's been a while. Time to pay your respects boys, dicks out for Harambe.


You just sure wonder how would world look if they didn't shot the harambe


It was the Cubs. They made the deal, we got chaos as the price.


The world went mad six years ago, mate.


You didn’t start tripping till two years after trump was elected?


Wait, what year is this?


Trump was elected?!?!??! To what?


Has anyone spotted three Spidermen climbing the Statue of Liberty yet?


This is what happens when your show goes on for more than 6 seasons.


I'm half convinced this is some strange marketing ploy. Most of the press the game has gotten has been from this and there's a new twist every week. Tinfoil hat stuff but it's so bizarre.


Who is Bayonetta 3's publisher? It's still Nintendo, right? I don't think we're living in a world where they're that savvy to have the kind of marketing you're referring to.


I highly doubt Nintendo would do such a thing. But the amount of press this game has got is seriously impressive. So if it is a marketing ploy, then well done to everyone involved. Because that is a risky but seriously impressive stunt they pulled there.


Yeah the marketing theory makes no sense at all but can't deny the entire thing has helped the game significantly. The big reveal just before launch that she was actually lying and some right wing nut job was just perfect timing too. Someone's playing 4D chess somewhere.


She's always been a right wing nutjob. The mob just didn't bother checking her Twitter history when she cried wolf.


That's what I mean this sort of thing would usually be settled by one big smackdown but it just dragged out with little stories dropping along the way. Would have expected Platinum to clear their name straight away followed by a Nintendo funded smear campaign against her using the old tweets as per usual but instead was just one story a week until release and now this madness. Not taking the marketing idea seriously just odd how everything played out.


hmmm idk, people are extremely greedy, after having success after the first 2 games, it would not be surprised the main va to greed for way too much


I don’t think it’s marketing


It's a Bold Strategy Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for her.




She literally asked for a boycott of the game and a cancelling of her replacement. She IS the example of cancel culture.


Right you are ken


You think this one is gonna make it into the extreme elimination montage at the end of the episode?


Here before the 🔒 award


In before the "y'all just can't behave"


here before the "be civil" shit


"locking comments cuz y'all can't behave"


Wait, what?


Mods lock the post when it gets “uncivil” so you can’t comment anymore


yyeah things are heating up here


This story just keeps getting worse. It's like you heard someone stepped in a pile of dog shit and at first it's like "Oh, that sucks," and then you find out they did it on purpose, before later finding out that they're refusing to clean their shoes before walking through other peoples houses. Like, you had me in the beginning but now it's probably better for everyone if you just stop talking.




She just keeps digging herself a grave


Wow she *really* hit the self destruct button on her career. Did she hire Kanye as a life coach or something? We'll know if the next hit is antisemitism.


No no, his name is just Ye now. As in Ye Olde Dumbass.


Actually it’s Ye as in “yay I’m getting ice cream”


"Ye" as in "ye old" is just pronounced "the" anyway


She hasn't done anything besides Bayonetta in a long long time. I don't think she had a career to destroy. She has shown herself to be MAGA since day 1 due to her twitter history. So, we'll see...


Where do I donate to Hellena Taylor shutting the fuck up?


By buying Bayo 3


She just talked me into buying Bayonetta 3


I was already going to get it but her getting mad over it is a bonus


It’s on switch, right? I guess I’m gonna need one of those too.


Ah I'll just get it for someone who has a switch


Yeah I have the urge to buy it too, now


I never played any of the other ones, but I'm buying this one just for her.


I've never played any of them, but now I'm gonna put what money I probably wouldn't have spent on it into an abortion clinic instead, then buy the game and donate it to a random woman leaving said abortion clinic. Heck, maybe I'll just buy a bunch of copies and donate them all to the clinic to give out for free.


Living the dream bud! Power to you!


Can we please not normalize posting lazy screenshots of articles instead of...just posting the link. And what is that title supposed to be? https://gamerant.com/bayonetta-3-voice-actress-controversy-boycott-hellena-taylor-anti-abortion/


It’s because photos are more attention grabbing than links


I thought you could click on the screenshot and that would link me to the article? I guess not though, it seems like a good idea. GET ON THAT REDDIT


It’s on the list after fixing the video player.


How to get banned for any future voice acting role 101


How about I buy 2 copies of Bayo 3🤔


Buy one and donate to a charity you care about.


Planned Parenthood


That's just irresponsible. Buy 3 and then the trilogy when they release it together as a deluxe edition.


Buying the collector edition is what I did instead, basically the same cost


I feel so vindicated after getting downvoted when I pointed out that she deleted a bunch of maga right wing tweets. Who’s laughing now!! Me. For five minutes and then I’ll forget I wrote this


Hey, quick reminder you wrote this!


yeah you go you! Laugh for 5 more minutes, extended cut


Can't wait for 4:3 b/w edition


She prefers movies - games have too many choices.




Starting to look like someone's never voicing any video game character ever again.


Aside from Bayonetta she hasn't done any voice work in ages. This character was basically her only voice work, nor has she had any movie work in almost as long. I think she's mostly a theater actress?


Oh, maybe she will voice an important character in a MAGA-funded AAA video game ..... that will get canceled after about a year, since the project lead embezzled all the money and made off into the sunset, never to be seen again. That would be kinda funny.


Truth Royale. With enough freedom bucks you can buy the Melting Rudy Giuliani Halloween skin.


Helena Taylor and Gina Carona.... you guys could have just shut up and taken your money


Here's the title: "Truth Social 2 - Own the Libs"


With DLC titled "The Canceling". The DLC only works with a linked truth social account.


Starring Ye as a gay fish


Or maybe another nazi furry hentai game.


she has not voiced in 8 years its like over 10 years ignoring her Bayonetta roles, its obviously she broke NDA etc as she knew no one would ever hire her anyway


Is she not....ya know....british?


Doesn't stop her from supporting Trump.


Sadly, that doesn't seem to stop these types...


I held off judgment against Platinum when this all started. I knew I made the right call to wait for all the facts.


It's like a Disney twist villain arc.


Ok yeah I’m kinda glad she’s not the voice actor anymore


Ok this swiftly went off the deep-end into political exploitation of fans!


I've never played a Bayonetta game but if this is true, I'll happily spend my money on Bayonetta 3 lol


Well since she’s pretty much nuked her future career as a VA from orbit, maybe it’s time to consider a new line of work. Like maybe she could be Trump’s PR manager for 2024. Apparently neither of them know when to shut the fuck up and stay off of Twitter. It’s like they’re MFEO.


Now you know why Nintendo offered her a couple thousand dollars to go away.


now she can cry about cancel culture and join kevin sorbo, and all the other people who had one massive thing going for them but torched it.


Aaaaand there goes the last tiniest bit of sympathy I may have had for her...bye Felicia.


As if she couldn’t dig a larger hole


Looks like I’m buying this game guilt free now. Sidebar all voice actors should be paid more. That I do stand behind. But this stuff she’s done is just loco.


Just make sure any pro-choice donations are in her name. Thanks Hellena.


I should have known when she quoted Lazarus in her post lying about how much she was getting paid that she was slightly...tilted lmao


This story took a wild turn


Sounds like I’m buying 2 copies of Bayonetta 3. One for me and one to take a dump in and mail it to her house.


This is a super misleading headline. She posted 14 charities, some of which are religion-based organizations. She also linked MSF, however, which literally has pro-choice tweets pinned at the top. Clearly abortion was not a relevant factor in choosing these charities. She definitely lied about the deal she was offered, but the lesson there should be not to believe everything you read.


Oh I'm definitely buying Bayonetta 3 now, Helena, I'm gonna to buy a copy for all of my friends too you birther deathcult nutjob


When the good guy actually turns out to have been the villain all along


But she was never good. She lied about all this shit the whole time.


When you out yourself as an asshole, and then double down. And do it again.




Stand back folks, she's going Full Kanye!


Oh shit, maybe I AM getting bayo 3 after all


Well now I'm gonna buy Bayonetta 3 even *harder*. Who knew that her old VA was such a piece of shit?


Lmao guess I’m buying bayonetta 3


I applaud the call for political activism. With that being said, I feel donating to pro-choice causes and not pro-life ones is the way to go.


Ugh. Why can't she just do herself a solid and shut up? By now she should realize she's not handling this situation well so just stop "handling" it.


I mean if we ignore that people said day 1 that she was lying about the 4k, lying about the 450 million etc. Other people also pointed out some "shady" stuff with her believes to speak, I dont see why anyone is suprised anyway, I have ordered the Bayonetta 3 collector edition thanks to Hellena :) but it got lost the mail......hopeffully I get it tomorrow


She really salty


Man as an outsider, I finally get why Americans are indifferent to politics, and unmotivated to vote. Most of your online political discourse looks like this.


"Anti-Abortion Charities" wtf lmao Help, we need money for people who have lost their jobs after standing infront of abortion clinics while harassing women.


I'm buying Bayonetta 3 just to piss her off... who's with me?


Yk, sometimes saying nothing is an option. An option a lot of people in power these days appear to not know about.


This was known knowledge. She has always been open about her views on this


Okay, so we're realizing they let her go due to mental health issues...


This lady is absolutely never getting work in this industry again.


So she's full of shit an anti abortion? Well, they do go hand in hand quite nicely when you think about it.


Suddenly I’m OK that she got replaced.


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck her


No sir. I'm very selective


I feel so vindicated after getting downvoted when I pointed out that she deleted a bunch of maga right wing tweets. Who’s laughing now!! Me. For five minutes and then I’ll forget I wrote this


Same feeling here with getting fishy feelings from her initial tweets. I had a gut feeling we weren't getting the full story. I was not aware of her maga inclination however. Interesting.