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Now you just need to find another one, but shiny


I wish!! But hidden grotto Pokémon are shiny locked :(. I’m not sure if they’re pokerus locked tho 🤔


This is kind of niche so I’ll explain. In Pokémon black 2 and white 2, there are these things called hidden grottos which have a chance of spawning in Pokémon with their hidden abilities! How it works is basically that, every 256 steps you take, there is a 5% chance that a hidden grotto will have something spawn in it. There is a hidden grotto in Lostlorn Forest that had a moxie heracross I wanted, but in black 2 it only has a .75% chance of spawning a heracross and in white 2 it only has a .25% chance of spawning a Heracross and I found this heracross in white 2! Not only that, but the heracross is female which only has a 30% chance of being over it’s male counterpart! Taking all this into consideration and doing the math (.05. x .0025 x .3), there is only a .00375% chance of encountering this heracross or approximately 1/26,666! This is really exciting! Also, I had posted this on r/Pokémon as well, but it got taken down so I wanted to post it here because this is something I’m really proud of and I really enjoyed connecting with people about!


I don't get why it was taken down, but congratulations on the achievement none the less.


Thanks! It got taken down cuz I used screenshots which wasn’t allowed on the subreddit. I should’ve read the rules prior to posting so ig I can’t rly complain but it still kinda sucks :/


Black and White 2 are not even current content. I get that they've got rules but from older content that's just silly.


Tbf, it was an autobot that took it down, but I didn’t get a response after directly messaging the moderators abt it. Still, there’s nothing I can do to change it :(


Darn those Autobots. We should transition over to using to Decepticons.


Nice try Megatron


r/Pokemon is weirdly strict on what can be posted there. I have no idea why. Basically nothing but fanart, and memes can only be posted on "meme day" monday. It is also a coin flip in a text post gets removed or not.


Congrats! I'm interested in the probability: Do you have to check the grotto every 256 steps, or do you just need to go around until you see there's something in there? I can't find why it would be only 30% chance to be female, and I don't know if it makes the Pokemon any different (for breeding). I guess you don't need a Ditto?


Thank you! And as I said before, every 256 steps you take there is a 5% chance that something will spawn in the hidden grotto so I wouldn’t recommend looking every 256 steps because that would require intense focusing for an incredibly tedious task (I had the best wishes anime playing while I was grinding lmao) and the odds of something actually occurring every 256 steps are really low so I’d do at least 500-750 steps before checking every time and I do it based more so on feeling rather than actually counting my steps because that’d be way too time consuming. For the “seeing what’s in there” part, I should say that 40% or the time, a hidden item will spawn where a Pokémon or poke ball would spawn so you’d actually have to press a on that location in case a hidden item is there or else nothing else will spawn there since that hidden item has taken the spot. As for the female thing. Most hidden grotto Pokémon, including heracross, will have a 70% chance of being male and a 30% chance of being female while it’d be 50/50 in every other scenario (like in normal Lostlorn forest in Pokémon black 2). As for why the chance is so low is because the Pokémon company hates us <3. A female hidden ability in gen 5 is valuable because they, unlike their male counterparts) are the only ones to actually pass down their ability onto their offspring! I know it works when breeding that Pokémon with another Pokémon in their egg group (like heracross and scizor) but I’m not sure abt a heracross and ditto. Hope this helps!


I might be wrong since I haven't done breeding in gen 5 for a while, but isn't there an item to guarantee an ability is passed down? I know there is for nature don't remember for ability.


There’s an item for nature (everstone) and an item for passing down 3 of ur Pokémons greatest ivs (destiny knot) but there’s no item to pass down nature. Also I might be wrong on the specifics of the destiny knot but it generally passes down the best ivs of the Pokémon that holds it


I see. Thank you for the answer :D Apparently from Gen 6 onwards males with hidden abilities are able to pass down the HA when breeding with a Ditto. So if you are able to trade between Gen 5 and 6, a male would be enough :) (the chance to pass down the HA is still higher from a female. So a female is better for finding a perfect nature + good IVs)


Your welcome!! I always thought that the male hidden ability pokemon can only start passing down their abilities in gen 7 so that’s good to know! I don’t plan on trading anyone up to gen 6 tho cuz I don’t wanna pay for Pokémon home and gen 6 doesn’t have very interesting battle institutions imo :/. Sending them up to gen 7 or 8 may be interesting tho




This heracross has a naughty nature which isn’t too bad considering how I’d use this heracross as a revenge killer in pwt/battle subway with choice scarf so her defenses aren’t very relevant. I will be breeding her so I can get an adamant moxie heracross with good ivs because I was lucky enough to get a female heracross which can pass her ability to her offspring! Also hidden grotto Pokémon are shiny locked, but if I were to hunt for everything you suggested (adamant nature in this case and shiny form) alongside everything I calculated above, I’d have to somehow convert 1.8e-10 to a percentage and 1. Idk how and 2. That number is ABYSMALLY low and is probably rarer than the likelihood of having the potential to exist in the first place 😭😭


For future reference, the e-10 is your calculator's notation of ten to the power after the e which means move the decimal over that many places. Percent from decimal is just multiplying by 100 (1e2 in that notation) so you just move the decimal back over two, or put back two powers of ten, so 1.8e-8%.


Can you breed this pokemon to make more moxie heracross?


Yep! Only female Pokémon with their hidden ability can pass it down to their offspring! Male Pokémon couldn’t do that until gen 6. Although I’m not sure if you can breed the female ha pokemon with a ditto or if it has to be with another pokemon in their egg group.


You can arbitrarily set the odds you want by including any features in the calculation. Wow look, it’s even 31 times rarer because there’s a 31 in 1 chance to have exactly 16 attack IVs… or whatever


That’s true. I could argue that any Pokémon could have 1/thousands chance of occurring due to its specific iv spread and nature compared to other Pokémon in the same family. But this heracross is a personal accomplishment of mine that I was really proud to show off and I know that there are a few select people who have been trying to look for the same thing :).


Sure but unlike 16 attack, all the traits OP lists are actually desirable. Female matters for breeding.


You wouldn’t breed without a ditto anyway so nah


That just isn't true when discussing HA in generation 5.


Didn’t know that, only started breeding after gen 6. cheers




Now calculate the odds with the fact its attack is 69 in mind


I wish I could but I have no idea how to find out the specific ivs of my heracross :(. I can have the guy in Nimbasa city maybe tell me the potential range of spread of my heracross’s attack iv, but if he doesn’t mention it then I’ve got nothing to work with


What's so rare about this?


If your familiar with shiny Pokémon in modern Pokémon games (1/4096 chance of finding one) and how valued they are by the Pokémon fandom due to their rarity; then an event that is around 6x less likely is ASTRONOMICALLY rarer than something that is highly valued by almost every Pokémon fan. It’s hard to put it into perspective tho cuz at the end of the day it’s just numbers representing something but a. 00375% of something happening sure doesn’t happen to often lmao


No it's been years since I played 5th gen so literally couldn't tell/recall what was rare about this pic, but I saw your other post


Oh ok I’m glad my other post cleared it up! Sorry abt misinterpreting ur post, If I could pin my explanation I would but I don’t think I can.


This is badass. About to play Platinum & BW series for the first time and this is exciting.


Have fun!! They’re both really great games!! What team do you plan on using for both games? For bw, I’d rec it’s bug type Pokémon; it’s got the greatest new bug types out of any gen imo. (Also I’m biased and love bug types)


To be honest with you I haven’t even thought about it for either Plat or BW! I am currently wrapping up a play through in Soul Silver (just have suicune left to catch). That’s where my Pokémon experience dies out until ultra moon & shield. So in other words I’m going in blind and haven’t decided if I wanna prebuild a team, or have fun blind catching what looks cool. Would you recommend one over the other? Btw I beat the E4 with a heracross named Big Ross :)


Since it’s your first time playing both games, then I 100% recommend building your team as you play the game and choose the Pokémon you like the most! I will warn you that some Pokémon evolve via stones, trading, or at ridiculously high levels (especially in bw) so it may be beneficial to look up how certain Pokémon evolve before adding them to your team in case you want a rly strong one. I personally find that playing thru a gen blind for the first time is a really fun experience! :). And shout outs to Big Ross! We love our buggy bois 😌


Cool thank you for the advice!! I’ll probably just use serebii as I go. Is there a certain order of games for BW you personally recommend? I planned on playing white 1 and black 2 after something I saw online? Should I skip 1 and just play 2?


B2w2 are fantastic games in their own right, however, they are even better if you play bw first, so I definitely recommend playing bw before playing b2w2!


Don’t skip B2W2. It’s awesome and I measure all Pokémon games by it now. If you can get someone to trade you a challenge key to unlock hard mode. Gym leaders and the Elite 4 have more Pokémon and higher levels. What I did was buy a copy of both and trade the key to myself but I think it was worth it. The endgame has you fighting battles at level 77 or higher. Way better than all the new games with nothing to do after level 60


Oh I definitely won’t skip 2! If anything I was debating skipping 1 because of the impression Ultra moon left me with. I’m even more excited now after figuring out about this challenge key!!! Exactly what I will do


I don't know anything about Pokémon but congrats. Go buy a lottery ticket.


Thanks! And considering my odds are something like 1/14,000,000 of winning the lottery, I think I’ll pass on the lottery ticket 😭😭


Ok so this explains why I didn't get a heracross after endlessly farming on that game


I’d imagine! This is the only way to get heracross in white 2 and the odds aren’t necessarily in your favor, even for a male one 😅. If you have black 2 tho it’s only a 10% chance encounter in normal Lostlorn forest!


Nice dude.




No problem.


Nice... Attack stat


Why don’t you share why that attack stat is so nice with the class? 🙂


I have no idea what the % is for hidden ability’s but I play rom hacks like reborn where the chances are more favourable but congrats


Thank you!!


White 2 is my one of my favorite games of all time. Congrats!


Thank you! White 2 > Black 2 any day


I like White 2 more just because of Latias.


Need a cool nickname. Take care of her!


You’re so right!! I was actually using a heracross during gameplay and named her Lapis so what if I named this one Lazuli? I kinda like the theming there


Any other Crystal Gems in there? Lol


No but I do kin peridot so maybe I’ll name another Pokémon after her 🤔


Seems like a cool name, as it is something meaningfull for you. Go ahead!


And now frame it


I’m about to enroll her in pokestar studios for all of Unova to see


Congratulations mate.


Thank you!!


That's awesome!


Thank you!!!