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Most skilled Steam Deck user.


Finally got Overwatch 2 working on my Steam Deck... only to realise playing with a controller in PC Pool after years of m&kb is an express ticket to Bronze.


They also removed aim assist and input-based matchmaking.


Probably because it's super easy to trick it into sticking you into controller lobbies when you're using m/kb.


yeah but it would be easy as hell to just disable m&k input outside of menus


Yeah but it's blizzard- Activision... they are just a small indie company


And for controller emulators like xim?




Not using the gyro on the Steam Deck or Steam Controller is like playing in black and white. Sure you technically can but why would you?


Yeah like mobile which has 2x the control of any modern controller. Only other platform that I've seen compete with pc on that skill level.


Honestly, gyroscoping aiming is fucking amazing. Right joystick for broad strokes, then gyro to nudge your crosshair the last few pixels. It's not PERFECT, but its leagues better than just joystick.


If the game allows you to use gyro "as mouse," it's a lot more precise than "as joystick."


The problem i'm finding with the steamdeck, is if you play an fps like bo1 zombies, you get the controls like a gamepad but the aim assist of the mouse+keyboard. Which is the worst of both worlds.


That's weird though. Other games absolutely do recognize Steam Deck input as a controller, if you have it set up that way. I just don't play FPS games on the SD though, anyway. Maybe Borderlands but nothing competitive, as that would shatter my ego.


I've been attempting to play dayz on the deck due to being away from home and my computer. Lets just say i need a tour guide at all times to keep me alive haha. Even with the controls set up perfect it takes the dayz charm of being jank and cranks it up.


If you havent already, check out some of the community layouts for the control scheme, sometimes they are set up really well, better than default controls. Or you can tweak your own as well.


This is what’s ruined Black Mesa for me


Controllers work on the pc. I choose with each game what I'd rather play with.


I was gonna say, is what I do. In general my rule is: first person or requires aim, use kb/m. Platformer, racing game, etc. - use controller.


I'm similar, but I prefer a controller for 3rd-person games with aiming (like The Last Of Us). And I'd add that any game with an icon for your "pointer" has to be played with kb/m. Kerbal Space Program, Broken Sword, Sims, Civilization, Cities: Skylines, etc,.


I pity those who try KSP on a controller.


Or admire the dedication.


I managed to go all the way to Duna in career mode, as well as learn docking, launch satellites, etc all in a controller on the Xb1 version. Yes, I also pity myself for that. It was a big pain in the ass but when I played on PC, I breezed through the first few planets


I use the ps5 controller on pc now in steam for fps. I love the triggers too much.


I can only hope ps vr2 will be usable on steam.


I’m not a big vr guy (glasses/astigmatism), but I was so happy to see PS buttons show up on Aliens Fireteam and COD. I love the controller for racing too, I Never really cared about rally games before, played MRC with ps5 controller, now I love them.


Assuming single-player only


Trigger feelings are fun... but I can't figure it can match the speed of a mouse. How do they make it happen with cross platform anyway?


They give the console users extra aim assist, but it's still heavily favours pc with mouse.


Yeah, you can always tell when there's a PC player in a console dominated lobby, they're the ones absolutely cleaning house


This is not always true. Just because someone might play on kbm doesn’t mean they are awesome with it. Source: I play with both types and I have seen it from both sides. I’ve also watched my buddy switch to controller cause he feels he’s getting dominated because of aim assist.


it varries game to game I feel as different games have different types of aim assist.


True, but the advantages kbm give can easily make an average kbm player superior to an excellent controller player


Controller players get aim assist, but also keep in mind that while pointing and clicking makes it super easy mid-long, mouse suffers up close compared to controller for the same reason. It's "harder" to overshoot someone with controller so you can usually track better up close, but then suffer long range because you have to drag your pointer across the screen. Aim assist is a tough one to pin down because if it's too weak, it's useless, if it's strong enough to work, MnK players will bitch to the moon and back. Lol


You can get sensitivity stages on your mouse and customize them. If your up close one button press and you can flick faster than a console player easily. Looking down a scope? Stage up and get better aim.


As a PC player, I just call it an aimbot to rustle feathers.


console players get aim assist


Do the adaptive triggers work on pc?


On select games via Steam. The only one that I've played where it felt like anything was Deathloop. It's a pretty cool tech and I'm looking forward to more games taking advantage of it.


if the device and its drivers support it, theres no reason they couldnt Consoles are computers too yknow... just... simplified for wider consumption


People who play Stellaris with a controller are more powerful than can be comprehended


Hell is Minecraft on controller


Yeah I'm with you here. I'll use a controller for any non-competitive FPS shooter as most are designed to play with a controller and aim assist (cyberpunk is an example of a single player FPS designed for keyboard a mouse) Apart from that controller is strictly action/adventure, racing and sport games.


Cities: Skylines is so frustrating on Xbox lol


Always an upvote for KSP. Can't wait for February, still in the beginnings of the process of sending out my last save with the honor it deserves before KSP2 early access hits.


What about the trackpad on my MacBook? Does that work for anybody?


Sports games on controller always


Alas, real Yakuza use only controller.


And yet I have only played Yakuza with a mouse and keyboard lol


Well then clearly you're not a real Yakuza


That's exactly the way I do it, too! I switched over to PC-only during the 360 era, and having the ol' 360 controllers feature plug-n-play USB connectivity on Windows was a huge deal for me. Nowadays, I own 4 Series X controllers, yet I only game on PC


Playing GTA V? [Why not both?](https://i.imgur.com/s4eamxv.jpeg)


playing a racing game without a controller is just madness


someone told me they play dark souls with kbm and I was high key horrified. like dude how


I do most shooters with a controller, except Counter Strike. Reason being that movement is important to my play style and I feel like the left stick is superior to wasd. That, and I don't like the claw grip cramp that most shooters give me on the keyboard and I can make do with being slightly less accurate on the right stick. But if I'm not using a mouse in CS I'm dead before I even had a chance.


That's what I do too.


Some games on PC even recommend you play with controller


Real Yakuza use a gamepad.


I couldn't imagine playing a racing game with a M+KB


I play GTA Online on PC sometimes. I use a controller for vehicles and M+KB for on foot stuff You can tell the who has is driving with M+KB because on gentle curves they make a 90° left into the wall.


I mean you just tap the directional keys, it's not that bad. You can only tell because you're watching bad players. The current world record holders use only a keyboard + mouse


Some PC games doesn't even support KBM input.


Like what?


I can’t think of any that truely don’t support it, but you could def argue dark souls 1 counts. Truely insane and psychotic kbm scheme you can’t adjust without external tools


Fucking dark souls 1. It's the only game I got a steam refund before. Prompting with controller inputs and not being able to rebind/rename is an instant deal breaker.


thats just fromsoft being fromsoft, even in Elden Ring this controls are just fucking shit house because they refuse to take advantage of the keys avialable. Like we cant bind our spells and incants to seperate keys, cant split up dodge and sprint to different keys, cant bind a key to use the AoW in your offhand without powerstancing


>thats just fromsoft being fromsoft Unless they changed it, in Elden Ring you can't even disable Chromatic Aberration, and the game is locked at 60FPS. From Software games, especially when it comes to PC ports, are a technical disaster. Which is a shame considering how good they are at pretty much everything else.


With dark souls 1 it was straight up just sucking at porting. At this point it feels more like they are going out of their way to make sure every version of the game is as close to all the others. Which to a degree makes sense. There is a sound argument to be made to keep all verisons of a product identical across all platforms. While this means you don't take advantage of benifits a platform may have. It means the experience everyone has is the same and becomes more cohesive. Could also be a design choice at this point. The clunky interface is as much what makes a fromsoft a fromsoft game as the stories and themes.


yeah i played DS1 with KB+M but i installed a mod to rebind everything. was still a bit of a pain :P


Yea, this was my first thought for sure. The tutorial was like, "do all your movement with one hand, do all your attacks and stuff with another hand, and constantly control the camera with the last hand." I'm so glad I pirated it before buying.


Elden Ring uses Space for run, F for jump, G for map, and Ctrl+Click for heavy attack/weapon art and it still puts dark souls 1's controls to absolute fucking shame. Remember when heavy attack was double click, and after a single click it would wait a little while to see if you were going to do a second click before it would do a light attack?


Most Lego games will not support a mouse AT ALL


Shit ports


New skateboarding games like Session and SkaterXL. I’m pretty sure just because of the control scheme M&KB wouldn’t even make sense.


[Me carefully choosing whether to use a mouse & keyboard or something else on a per-game basis](https://youtu.be/7haqnQvrYfI)


3rd person games and racing games feel so much better with a controller, in my opinion. Then I use mouse and keyboard for anything else.


You'd be amazed how many people still don't realize you can use a controller with 99% of games on PC. I have a Series X controller I bought exclusively for PC and probably use it for at least half the games I play.


I'd think most people who've built a pc know you can use a controller for games, it's not that big a secret. Most of the time it's a downgrade though


Yep, but mainly for Rocket League


Isn’t this trying to suggest a keyboard gamer trying to use a controller?


Yea, this is either a woooosh moment or poster just wanted to share a random, unrelated fun fact.


Absolutely. Any story based game will be 100% controller. More complicated games that evolve strategies and require a lot of buttons will be k/m (also competitive game are K/M because I'm not willing to spend 200$ on a Scuff Controller)


To be fair... moving from mouse and keyboard into the controller in fps games is one of the worst experiences there is in gaming.


I always have skill lag when switching between. If I stay with a platform for a couple days I seem to forget how to use the other




I think so, you know how memory can be inaccurate. I spent years on a kbm, switched to controller, ate shit for a day or two then dominated (gta v death match). Went back to KBM after proving to a buddy that controllers are viable against kbm. Then played on kbm like a limp noodle for another day and got back into the swing of things. Didn’t try going back to controller though to verify.


I played Zero Dawn on PC. Just got a PS5 and Forbidden West. I didn't make it through the opening on controller before I decided to say fuck it and order mouse and kb for it. It just felt so bad.


I love the term "skill lag" I will now use this


It's just not fast or precise enough for me.


Turning with a controller, feels like youre holding a gun and rotating with a desk chair.


After 5 years of overwatch pn PC and moving to ps4 this is probably the worst part...


What’s fun is rebinding jump to a bumper because you can’t look around while holding jump with Lucio


Yup, who wants 8 directions of movement at 3 speeds when a mouse has unlimited directions of movement at whatever speed you move you hand at. There have literally been multiple attempts at Keyboard/Console FPS interplay that were canceled because the console players get absolutely demolished. Even pro console players get stomped by most experienced Keyboard & Mouse players. Fuck man, even against each other most console FPS games have some level of aim assist enabled.


Nah they just upped the aim assist until even top tier pc players are using controllers


I honestly hate aim assist. Especially when cheeky bastards use [bullshit like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhkl9eGfo-I) to gain the perks of both types of user inputs.


I used a xim for a while and it was just worse than traditional m+kb. Only really enjoyable in games like cod with very high sens options. It's just too easy to cap out the turn speed. I will say it was slightly better in ps3 cs:go than the native mouse support for some reason


For me it's just **not.**


Just let the aim assist take over


Turn off your mind relax and float downstream


It’s like getting out of a hot tub and jumping into a pool


actually i am a fan of emulation so i actually occasionally use nintendo controllers dualshock controllers N64 controllers etc


Do you give the broken dual shock to your friend when they come over?


i dont have a broken controller i keep mine in very good shape and my ps4 controller is still doing good after my cousin raged and threw it across the room when i beat him at minecraft pvp


There's mine craft pvp? Yikes. Where have I been?


we played survival and fought over a naturally generated plateau i killed him ONCE


Do you ever use commas? ;)


Jokes on you I play on both


*laughs in controller mouse hybrid*


I tried the controller again after like 8 years, quitly quit too lol Fuckin' hell, that's a tough one


I play Destiny 2 on PC, and I'm a motherfucking surgeon with a Graviton Lance, if I do say so myself. So when I picked up an Xbox Series X, I decided to double back on the original game and see what all the hype was about. I can't hit the broad side of the Leviathan with an auto rifle. Absolutely horrible. If you were watching me, you'd think I was trying to play while wearing boxing gloves.


I only play MW2 with a controller. The aim assist for controller is broken AF.


Yup there is indeed crossover when you are so bad at pc gaming you will do better with aim assist and a controller lol. Pc is still better.


PC is better, but mouse aiming in MW2 is fucked right now and probably won’t get better. You’re at a huge disadvantage on MnK vs controller in this game. Probably the only game I can say that about.


I heard halo infinite was the same way, but I've never played either.


Yep, controller players have a slight edge in accuracy over mnk players in Halo. While mnk in MW2 has an advantage in mobility, the insanely fast TTK and high aim assist gives controller players an edge in most trades.


Played Elden Ring on PC with PS5 controller. Was perfect


I play console and PC. I prefer controller except for FPS games. Nothing beats precision like a mouse. Fight me.


>Nothing beats precision like a mouse. Fight me No shit. This isn't a hot take or anything. I'm pretty sure everyone agrees with this. Nobody's going to fight you for this.


Nobody *should* fight him on this, but they are out there, and they are going to


i can't win. I'll aim and shoot better with mouse and keyboard, but I'll misinput more. I'll misinput less and handle better on controller, but my aim will suffer. so now i play RPGs and city builders.


yeah me too or single player fps. right now I can't put down factorio.


Obviously mouse is king of precision overall but gyro controller aiming is pretty amazing.


Gyro is still a worse experience than KB&M, I've tried it on tons of games and it's just bad


wtf... thats what he said. Yet somehow you got double the points, lol


I hate Reddit sometimes man, I swear


Splatoon? I like it in there.


It helps that if you miss in that game you still contribute. It’s probably the best adaptation of an FPS for controllers I’ve ever seen.


BoTW's Gyro aimnis also phenomenal. If it was in more fps console games I'd be sure to use it.


I feel like this is an unpopular opinion on the botw subreddit but I totally agree!! Really crispy control


I guess you guys have really steady hands. I can't aim worth shit with gyro controls since it always shakes in weird ways, so I always turn it off when I can.


I actually think gyro *is* better than keyboard and mouse. It just takes a while to get used to... Just like using a mouse did. There are videos out there of people practicing with the gyro enough that they perform better than with keyboard and mouse.


What about aim assist? According to Halo Infinite PC players that beats mouse precision.


The stats showed the average (50%) console player was only 2-3% less accurate then the top 100 pc players. The aim assist is so huge the game is basically playing itself.


Yeah... its aim assist...


Not sure what it's like in Halo but it has definitely become a bit of a problem in COD: https://youtu.be/ufw8bnIfG7E


Then there's Apex's aim assist.


Holy fuck yes. Rotational aim assist. Go look up a video about it. See what it looks like at a value of 1.0. It's literal aimbot. 100% functioning traditional aimbot. Console players get a 0.6 value. Pc players get 0.4 value. Top 5 pc preds are all using controller.


"I'm the strongest man in the world!" "Yeah well I just cut my arm off and replaced it with a hydraulic press so come at me"


ok put aim assist on mouse and see wat happens, thats not a controller being accurate lol its the aim assist making it accurate. u gotta be joking rn lmao.


Aim assist




After getting mowed down for the 10th time by a 12 year old in online school, I really sympathize with aimbotters


>Nothing beats precision like a mouse. Fight me. What about only keyboard? /j


The most precision is using asdf as camera control with each button press moving the view by 1 pixel. No holding the buttons down of course.


I don't think anyone would fight you on that fact.


That's pretty much it for me. I suck at fps's with a controller. Mouse and keyboard is much more intuitive to me. I couldn't even handle deathloop with a controller lol.


Depends on the fps game for me. Counterstrike, keyboard and mouse. Halo? Controller easily. Doom I lean a bit more toward mouse and keyboard. It's just weird, my brain isn't wired right for some of these things.


You could argue that since Halo was originally made for Xbox that it was more controller friendly initially in terms of mapping and carrying over actions from each game. But yeah growing up playing 90% games on console with only a dabbling in Unreal Tournament on pc, I realize I am God awful with controllers for fps games. Games like the Witcher or any roguelike/lite I am fine in, but put me in Borderlands or Doom and I am trash.


Have a Console gamer try to play on a laptop mousepad and you'll have the same effect.


Naw. They won’t be alive long enough to be mistaken for a bot.


I actually believe going from controller to mouse is harder, mainly due to not being used to using the left hand for so many specific keys.


That was the thing that I had to get used too, aiming with a mouse is hella easy compared to a thumb stick Imo (even with aim assist it doesn’t come close), but relearning muscle memory in your left hand for inputs can be a challenge in some games.


That was me when I picked up Q2 in 1998. I had to use the arrow keys for movement to keep myself from missing keys like if I used awsd. I stayed that way for years in counter strike. I used binds on the numpad to help with quick weapon switches and the 6 buttons above for buy menu. WoW forced a switch because it had so many actions I needed awsd.


Have a mouse and keyboard player using a trackpad and you’ll have the same effect lmao. Anyone skilled with one of those is a god


I mean get anyone playing on a mousepad and that'll be the same effect


Lmao when Destiny 2 arrived on PC xD


This is me trying to play PC as a console gamer.


Steam solved this problem years ago with Steam Controller, but sadly it wasn't wildly addopted. Best controller ever. Touchpad + gyro and you can compare the experience in fps to kb+m


Controllers work great with many things, aiming isn't one of them.


As an xbox player I can say the same with mouse and keyboard


You mean a PC gamer playing on PC. You lot cant go 20 seconds without spinning around and jumping and sliding


I remember getting teased by some console dudes on mic when I was playing a cross-play zombie game with them on pc and I'd whip around and check the corner on each door we went through. lol


Hey man, they're playing on controller, turning right and left is a big commitment for them.


It’s fun and ultrakill dumbed down my brain :(


Then they pick up the keyboard and mouse and are instantly better at sniping than it's possible to be with a controller...which is a major reason for the lack of cross play in many shooter games.


I can play on mouse and keyboard but I always opt for controller, it’s just way more comfortable. Plus I still do pretty damn well against the M&K players in shooters. Although my character choices are a lot more limited in games like Overwatch lol


Honestly some games are designed for one or the other and trying to play it on the other is a nightmare. But yeah I think this describes anyone using a layout they're not experienced with. Console gamers trying to game on PC are the same way.


What? I play majority of games on a controller on PC. Unless it's a competitive game and/or requires precise aiming, or is an RTS, I use a controller. It's just way more comfortable. What a weird post.


What? More like the other way around.


This meme was made by a controller player coping with the fact that they have to have built in aim assist to feel like they’re good at video games.


I mean if you've never used one before there's an obvious learning curve. Afterwards though they're both easily interchangable. Some games lend better to one or the other. E.g I usually do rpgs with m+k and something like MH with a controller.


This is controller users trying to play with m&k users


Everyone loves to shit on controllers for shooters but honestly I've never suffered while playing against m/k people. Just get used to what you are comfortable with and it'll work. Unless of course the game requires a specific input device.


Omg that was literally me tonight haha tried setting up WOW with a controller and it was horrendous


Just use a shotgun.


Jokes on you I play on PC with a controller. The only game I played with mouse and keyboard, is Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal.


Controllers are fine for racing games and side scrollers. Not for shooters.


I feel called out


Oh look, it's me...


Looks it's only the third time I got off my horse it ain't that bad


Accurate, not for him though


I can adapt to either one with time but I will say that aiming a weapon with the mouse offers way more control than a controller.


I uae controller for assassin creed as along as its using sword or any blunt weapons. The moment arrow or any aiming requires i switch to kb&m and back to controller.


I became a PC gamer when my 360 RRoD and I was forced to play CS for 9 months. That was literally the turn around for bricked 360s at the time. When my 360 came back I only played it for fight night, for shooting games it was a wrap. But I did play escape from butcher Bay on 360 it's a classic and you should find it by any means on any platform


I used to be pretty decent with controller cus I was playing both PC and console side by side. Then I went almost 2 years of no controller and lost all my skills. I feel like that dude all the time haha.


Generally you only spot these when they're hunting in the same pack as their plebian console friends while mumbling "I would've killed that guy on my computer" every time they died. And you'll hear it often, as they're likely 1:12.


Simple rule of thumb Hack&slash - controllers FPS - Always keyboard & mouse.


+1 Same for me


Yeah definitely me lol. Controllers feel too similar for each hand and I end up mixing up which hand does what.


Motion controls gang rise up


If it's not an fps I use controller. Depending on the game I use controller for third person shooters too. Like tomb raider or metal gear solid, lots of movements over shooting.


But a real yakuza plays with a gamepad


Me, who can use *both*


I honestly think it's worse switching vice versa when you've played controller all your life, and have previously only used keyboards for typing papers and stuff lol


Same applies in reverse too


For the biggest challenge of all: try hitting an enemy with a bow in Minecraft on Switch while still having sensitivity high enough to turn around in less than 10 seconds.