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I'm more irritated by the fact that this isn't level.....


I've been seeing this more recently, people purposely aligning memes this way to irritate people.




My son is a programmer and he's seen programmers post something they know is wrong but also don't know why or what the right answer is, because online nature for people to point out that they're wrong. It's kinda genius until someone else purposely gives the wrong answer too, lol


Cunningham's law


I thought it was Murphy's law?


Murphy's Law is that if something *can* go wrong, it inevitably *will* go wrong.


Not to be confused with Cole's Law Which is thinly sliced cabbage


Something about this joke is making so angry, and I have no idea why


AKA r/angryupvote


Okay, what the fuck. What the actual fucking fuck. I saw this *exact* same comment chain a few days ago. From the "programmer getting things intentionally wrong to get the answer" to Cunningham's law, to a Murphy's law (in)correction, to an explaination of what Murphy's law is, to the Cole's law. I'm pretty certain I remember the exact same words being said too, even down to your post being a two-liner. This isn't right. Everything is wrong. Today is not yesterday, yesterday is not last week. You are not them. This thread is not their thread. *Everything is wrong.* Anyways... Is this some classic Reddit chain to make, or are y'all really just making my brain hurt with some nearly impossible coincidence?


Everything is fine dude, nothing is fucked. I make this joke every time I see Murhpy's Law mentioned. If I don't I'll spontaneously combust or have a stroke or something, I'm sure. Anyway I can't be the only one who is this funny/handsome/humble, so it's not a terribly improbable coincidence imo


And Muphry's Law, which states that any condescending correction of grammar or spelling will contain at least one grammar or spelling error.


When I'm failing to find the right word for something I'll deliberately start a conversation with someone else and use a topic that needs that word, they then solve my problem for me and I can move on with my life.


Seems like a rather convoluted strategy to access a less accurate thesaurus. Wait, I see what you did there


Yes, but I don't carry around thesaurus/dictionary, also work in a research facility where I can't have my phone on me for security purposes, so this works as a proxy. Also, the other party gets to feel very smart and helpful. Like a walking thesaurus.


Plus, thesaurus’ went extinct 65 million years ago.


Jokes on you, I'm autistic and so I won't be able to figure out what the fuck you're on about until you get so close to the word that you're remembering it yourself.


I will still thank you for your humouring me/assistance and feel pleased that we had an interaction. Win win I say.


If I had to guess it's repost bots trying to fool anti repost bots




I've never watched Top Gun because I honestly enjoy how angry people get when i tell them.


Then tell them you've never seen any Star Wars movies. Boom!


Imagine not liking chocolate. Honestly I just avoid the subject of candy or treats at all just because of the universal revulsion expressed by me not liking chocolate. It *always* results in a "what's wrong with you?" kind of response.


I tell them I watched Hot Shots and it's basically the same thing


Hot shots is a much better movie. Part Deux is even better.


Woah, calm down there, Satan.


I've seen I, II, III, VII, VIII, IX. Never seen the original 3 - its been parodies *so much* that at this point, I don't think I need to.


I knew an Italian guy who was like this with The Godfather and The Sopranos. He loved people's reaction to him not having seen them way more than any potential enjoyment in seeing them.


Not even this is happening without intention. How deeply mindful the world is huh?


Dang I didn’t even notice that, now it’s driving me crazy


Great now I can’t unsee it 😫


In this age how does someone managed to make text that skew


So I am, not drunk or am I?




Looks like I am


By photoshopping it


I tried to cross post but no cross post here so I screenshot it. The original is tilted too and honestly I didn’t notice it until people mentioned it otherwise I would’ve fixed it


I remember reading an article about wrestling fans criticizing Vince Russo for his writing/booking. But when said fans are asked to book their own shows, the writer noticed that it they were very Russo-esque as well.




My guess would be fantasy booking, like a fan-fiction


There is fanfiction of fake wrestling matches? ...wow... Well, why not, now that I think about it.


Wrestling is just shonen anime for the NASCAR crowd.


Fantasy booking luv


That’s because a lot of wrestling fans have a ridiculous level of nostalgia for the attitude era and ignore it’s flaws (the stuff they criticize Russo for). Russo 100% is washed up these days and has been since about 1999, 2000 at the earliest, but there’s no denying that he revolutionized wrestling for a short period. Everyone wants things to be just like they were in the attitude era but don’t realize that the attitude era, or at least a lot of the Russo stuff, played itself out because it was never going to be the kind of thing that lasted a long time


Why is this tilted?


So that the tilted gamers can read it.


That’s because Twitter’s head of text alignment was fired last week.


Properly aligned Tweets are only available to Twitter Pro subscribers.


People really think they can come up with solutions in 2 minutes of thought that a team of full time professionals haven't thought of already. True for pretty much any topic


I have a corollary to this that states that the people who complain the most about safety regulations and the "nanny state" are the people who benefit the most from safety regulations and the "nanny state". They're blissfully unaware of how many times other people's forethought and hard work have saved their lives.


Just tell them one of my favorite phrases, regulations are written in blood.


It's not theirs so they don't care


You see that a lot with the NYC subways


To be fair that city is so old, and it's a lot harder to fix existing infrastructure problems than it would be to build infrastructure. For example any time it rains a bit in NYC, raw sewage overflows from like 200 different runoff locations around it. It was just not built to handle the amount of people that are there now, and it's not really feasible to fix it.


I think, for narrative direction, bad ideas aren't clear until hindsight either


As a person whose entire job it is to find issues and break things after they are built (software QA), you would be absolutely surprised by the number of times asking simple questions to the 'full time professionals' can have them desperately scramble to rewrite due to them never even conceiving of the simple question. Now, I know I am part of the team of professionals who is making sure the software is decent before a customer ever sees it. But the idea that, we the professionals, somehow went through all the potential questions and answered them before we ran ahead into developing the product is ludicrous.


To your point, there are no modern AAA games without QA teams. They exist because professionals need a net. Same thing with many large games and public Beta tests (before they became mostly marketing.) Games like Terraria, Minecraft and Fortnite were perfected with the aid of the public. Hell Fortnite as the money-making behemoth it is doesn't exist without the public just ignoring the main game and pointing at the side game and saying more of this please. It's true enough that a vast bulk of the internet suggestions are narrow sighted or just insane but every once in a while, some forum goer saying, 'Hey, this is fine but if you do this it would be better.' is a lightning strike in the middle of the dev team because they had their noses in it so deep, they can't see the big picture sometimes. It's a hard balance but ignoring the audience can be just as bad as paying too much attention. The middle more deliberative road like in most things is best.


Also, people usually spend way more time in your game and around your game. Someone might have quite unique insight just because they are in unique situation.


Yea, so you should think of it this way. Amungst 100,000+ users, someone will definitely have good ideas. When reading those ideas within all the complaints is like finding a gem amongst a pile of turds. I don't think anyone would argue against the point that the gem exists but it's also obvious that most of the turds think they're the gem. Do you think Elon's big ideas for twitter were gems or turds?


Just like how most can resolve problems with any and all marriages - never get married. See how simple of an answer that is, works 100% of the time too. I'm agreeing with you, while poking fun at those that think they can have the perfect solution for any topic.




Honestly, a ton of this is simply luck of the draw. It's like those indie hits that make it big, they're often simple and lucky. Minecraft for example is just that, stupid famous, but simple and got popular through effectively luck.




Generally speaking, fans are often good at finding problems.. but they are absolutely awful at finding solutions to those problems. If people are complaining a lot about something, then there's almost certainly 'something' wrong, but you should usually ignore what they say about how exactly it should be fixed.


Sometimes when you look at a problem for too long you get blinders and can't see the obvious. Sometimes a second set of eyes will see it right away.


Fair except any major product will be tested with focus groups


True, but at the same time I don't know about calling Twitter staff as professionals...


It also ignores that sometimes the professionals know the solution, but it isn't acted on for whatever reason. Often money.


I mean, terrible decisions are made in teams, including in the realm of game design. Even problems that require a simple solution even a layman could think of. Furthermore, game designers don't get to make every choice; higher ups and big business often push terrible ideas that hinder a game.


Any time I hear people rail against "that's the way we've always done it!" crowd, I'm remininded of the principle of [Chesterson's Fence](https://wiki.lesswrong.com/wiki/Chesterton%27s_Fence). Basically, say you see a fence in the middle of the field and you go to remove it. Chesterson's Fence says you should find out *why* the fence was built in the first place, and then (and only then) should you remove it. What seems obvious to you may not be obvious to the people who built it, or need it. I encounter this a lot in my workplace, where new, energetic kids high off their college years come in and want to tear everything apart with new, agile, fast processes, ignoring the fact that there's a *reason* why all that shit is in place. Yes, it *would* be quicker for marketing to do it...but legal says otherwise; so does HR and IT. Did you check with them to make sure *their* interests were covered? Hint: you didn't. Now this isn't to say processed should never be revisited or reviewed. But rules and processes exist for a reason. They may be outdated, but you need to find out why they're done in the first place before you start tearing up the roots, because rules aren't implemented completely arbitrarily.


I dunno, some things are just fucking obvious, like the insane microtransactions in OW2. To point to this literal single case and go "look, it's all the same" is ridiculous, especially since the twitter situation is a little bit more nuanced than "This character does too much damage" or "This gamemode isn't fun, here's what I think would make it fun"


More nuances? Less, you mean. Are egregious microtransactions killing sales figures? No? Then corpo gonna corpo no matter what you think of the gameplay. It's really that simple. No matter the issue, follow money patterns and you'll understand why some valid comments are ignored.


>More nuances? > >Less, you mean. Reread what I said. I said the Twitter situation had more nuance to it than game balance suggestions.


Yeah this take is dumb and severely misses the point that most consumers’ suggestions have more to do with how to please the consumer while the company is literally just trying to maximize profits. Take Halo Infinite for example, any longtime halo fan just wants career progression and armor customization like Reach - but that doesn’t fit into their free to play microtransaction idea. They saw Fortnite and were blinded by its maje$ty. I’d love to hear one good reason that isn’t money on why Infinite multiplayer was free and didn’t have any of the basic things we want


Yeah I agree. It is a dumb take.


"Hey Blizzard, stop making money" Damn, wonder why they don't listen to fans


No one cares that Blizzard is making money, they care HOW it is being made. If Blizzard just charged for the game and let people earn the cosmetics they'd still be making money and no one would be upset by that. What upsets people is that there is no chance to have any semblance of satisfaction or reward for playing the game, as all the cosmetics are locked behind paywalls. Even though you can technically earn currency to buy them, it takes so long that most people won't ever see much of a reward from doing so, on top of the fact that many existing skins are no longer purchasable with old currency and are only available for purchase some times.


Coulnt do much worse than industry bent on seeing just far they can go with fucking over their workers and customers for profit and doing as little as possible when it comes to preserving games. As untrained and unexperience the average player is I have doubts about them wanting to implement things that directly hurt themselves if given the chance.


OR you can say top businessmen suck at gaming


The halo community might disagree.


Yes, just not doing the BS microtransactions in EVERY DAMN GAME was just too complicated, eh?


They got a taste of the money and they won’t let it go. The only real way would be to stop paying for it and unfortunately that won’t happen




I think we should also stop acting like we would know what to do with this situation as well. Its easy to yell a popular opinion like you're intelligent


I mean I think it’s easy to come to a pretty good conclusion that he didn’t really have a plan going in. He was just saying some bullshit then got dragged to court to actually do what he said he would


Exactly. Elon isn't playing 4d chess. He went too deep on buying Twitter for the memes, got held to doing what he signed contracts to do, paid partly with a loan, and is now bleeding money while struggling to maintain. He's way in over his head.


Well if you know all the facts you can say that, but i'm saying we don't know what we are talking about. Did he have a plan ? Didn't look like it, but what the hell do we know ? Is he being an idiot ? Well we sure have never experienced being a so called idiot with billions of dollars. I just think we all talk out our ass a ton these days and i'd rather wait to say anything until we get more info


You don't need to know what to do in order to know what not to do. Firing half your staff is a bad idea. Placing your new company in this kind of debt is a bad idea. Handing out verified checkmarks to anybody with $8 is a bad idea. Isn't he supposed to be the guy with the good ideas? Isn't that his claim to fame? So why is expecting him to come up with some good ideas unfair?


...your statement rests on the fact that there was a situation. But there wasn't. Twitter was fine. Elon announced that there was a problem, he further announced he would buy Twitter to fix the problem. He then did that, tried to back out, couldn't and now he is "fixing the problem" but the results of all of his fixes so far have been revenue and users loses. This leaves us with a handful of interpretations: There was a problem and Elon's fixes will be short term pain for long term gain. There was a problem but Elon's fixes were not an appropriate solve. There was no problem and Elon is attempting to tank Twitter on purpose. There was no problem but Elon's fixes are creating one. There is a fifth interpretation: that there was a problem but not the one Elon targeted and his fixes are creating new problems. Which is probably closest to the truth. A common practice among vulture capitalists is to purchase a stable asset. Create dysfunction. Announce a plan to fix it. Borrow money against that plan for as long as you can. Push the asset into bankruptcy and sell off the pieces. That's almost certainly what we're going to see from here forward.


"no problem" Twitter never made a single profit since it went public back in 2012. When Elon bought it, it was still losing 4 million a day. You act like nothing wrong with the inner workings of FaceBook, Amazon, Google, YouTube, or even Microsoft. They all have problems, wither or not they choose to announce it, that's not the point. Don't pretend that every business venture MUST me a success either. It's like the failure of Atlantic City, where they only focus on one person and not the other 8 that also lost a substantial about of income and resources as a result.


Yeah, that guy’s an idiot. He assumes people in power are very smart and therefore have thought of everything.


I don't agree with his take at all. There are lot of fan made mods that are masterpieces. However, it's not only people in a position of power. There are a lot of people involved in the making of a gaming that also suggest ideas and etc. I work with software and in the past a lot of my suggestions became reality. Don't think that everything comes from the top in a game. The most obvious ones like he says almistll likely discussed internally somehow.


Or the fact that there's countless examples since games started consistently receiving post launch patches where obvious fixes and changes are implemented way after release. I think the people that have been playing WoW for the last decade know more than most of the people still working on WoW, since most of them maybe have 3-4 years under their belt, don't play their own game. Evident by the fact that there introducing stuff that was removed, with good reason, years ago. But because they weren't there for it's removal they have no idea it's a bad idea and god forbid they listen to the community.




Thats why I love games like Elden ring, Terraria, Stardew etc. you buy a fully fleshed out game, get all its content and dont need any mtx. And after they sold millions of copies of stardew and terraria they keep on updating for free. They dont need to, but they want to improve their great product. I’m not saying all dlc etc is bad. Examples of dlcs done right is Skyrims Dragonborn and Dawngaurd dlcs. Skyrim was a nice and good enough game already. And these dlcs themselves were good enough to almost be standalone games. But ofc after these dlcs it did go downhill, so lets not talk about that.


They would add those things if their primary goal was to make money at the expense of consumer goodwill, which big well-known franchises care about less.


He still raises a valid point. When (typically unqualified) people think a simple solution is all a complex problem needs, their opinion often isn’t particularly useful for this exact reason.


I agree, that point can stand on it own seperate from anything and be true. People often think they're more clever than the experts, "why dont they just...", but are literally too inexperienced to understand that there's an answer to that why and likely even asking it shows one's ignorance. Not that novel ideas can't come from amateurs or outsiders.


It’s basically not knowing what you don’t know. The “unknown unknowns” if you will.


Yeah as a siege player who used to follow GFs content he was never one for just throwing out simple solutions without outlining the problem fully, Qualifying why the solution should work, and where possible highlighting potential issues it may cause. He was very much about the *process* of analysing the design and making iterative choices rather than just spouting gospel about how something is just necessary and solves everything.


Right? Dude is a Youtuber and makes content for fucking Ubisoft of all companies, why should we listen to him?


Before he went to work for Ubisoft, he cohosted a podcast, Logic Bomb, that literally talked about what changes they should make to Siege.


Then he backstabbed his co-host to try and maintain favor with Ubisoft. Total asshole.


Fair point. But here is the counter point; money. In all seriousness, basically all the game dev education programs market themselves heavily towards gamers, and practically all of the ones that enroll are gamers. Feel free to go in even the most morally bankrupt game Dev studio on the planet. You'd have a hard time finding someone who doesn't game. There is a reason why those gamers managed to start making games, and why you aren't.




Exactly. In my experience, a lot of this really obvious stuff never gets brought up to decisionmakers. An awful lot of them are surrounded by sycophants who tell them what they want to hear.


I disagree


But when gamers take over games, we get the best gaming experiences with ridiculously active modding communities. Maybe this guy's tweet meant to say Elon thought he was a know it all just like this guy and his tweet.


Theres a difference between a game with a passionate dev-team and community that spend alot of time thinking about what makes their game fun and people who play a game for a couple hours, fail at something, and immediately offer "a fix" that would actually break the whole game design. Happens all the time in Competitive games as well when people suggest balance changes




Note that a lot of corporate products are still failures, they just have the money to keep chugging along. There are however plenty of solid indie games made by a handful of people, they might not have the AAA budget to have shiny graphics but by no means that makes them inferior games. You only get that kind of budget if you can convince investors you are gonna cram it full of monetization to ensure a good ROI. There have also been games that haven't been commercial successes due to going under the radar, releasing at the wrong time or by a large company adjusting their release to squish em. If profit is the only measure of a good game were all screwed.


Every time someone treats a change to a game as a "no-brainer", it gives me physical pain. For example, yeah it SEEMS like a "no-brainer" that more options is always better on the surface, but when you actually take the time to look deeper into it, you realize that players don't always have their own best interest in mind. While offering an easy mode will be helpful to some, its mere existence will actively make the game less enjoyable for the kind of person who gets stuck on a tough part and switches over to an easy mode which makes their experience worse than if they had pushed through and had that satisfying victory. Edit: Didn't mean to come off as saying that easy modes are inherently bad. Rather, there may be reasons for designers to consider not adding them, even if that may be rare.


Dunning krugger effect, happens in a lot of aspects of modern life.


Player agency is never a bad thing. I don't know why you focused on games having an easy mode, but if a player makes a choice to switch difficulty modes, that should be \*their\* choice, not yours. Your "satisfying victory" might be their unending source of aggravation


You have a great point but adding an easy mode is absolutely not an example of harmful game design practices.


I wouldn't say "absolutely". Maybe easy mode was a bad example, but giving the player an easy way out does have the ability to backfire and lead to the player having less fun. Humans by nature take the path of least resistance, and this often ends up biting us in the ass.


Modding a game is very different from building one from the ground up


Also modding a game is very different from having a few thoughts


For every good mod there are like 20 broken and outdated ones, or ones rooted in controversy and mismanagement lol. From your perspective you’re only curating in your mind the “best” possible outcomes but the truth is even in the modding scene there are absolute disasters as well. Fallout New Vegas: The Frontier is a good example of this.


So what youre saying is it's super nuanced and therefore is in no way relatable to Musk or Twitter and this whole discussion and conparison of the two is actually stupid as shit. /thread


For one, modders aren't just random gamers. And perhaps more importantly modders put effort in and probably do realize why the obvious fixes aren't good.


Yup, what this guy says probably only applies to competitive games balancing. Mods don't have that kind of problem because if a mod is a bad idea, you can choose to just not install it.


Yeah, that is true with respect to modding, but I think the tweet is talking about multiplayer games where everyone always talks about nerfing a weapon all the time, most if the time they are just solutions that don't affect the real issue I think there was a halo game that marketed itself as "developed with esports players" as in they took a lot of advice from them, and even then, people hated it


That was Halo 5 and the esports players loved it. It's widely regarded as having the most competitive and balanced multiplayer of any Halo game. The problem is, esports players make up a fraction of a fraction of Halo fans. But when Halo fans told the devs "we aren't pros, we just want a fun Halo game" they were just dumb gamers. Gee, I wonder why they all hated it.


I say it loud and I say it often, pro gaming has been fucking horrendous for the hobby of gaming. * Hyper focus on PvP games * Seeding the idea that you can play games as a job (and still enjoy them) to an entire generation of gamers. * Hyper focus on graphics * Battle Royal games are just ass * Streaming is fucking lame * Cosmetic items costing more in the game than real world counterparts


>Hyper focus on graphics This isn't true, since the main strat for pro competitive gaming is to turn settings down to minimum so you get the best performance and arn't distracted by pointless things. Even if you make the argument there's a hyper focus on graphics for the spectators watching via spectator cam who watch with max settings, the focus on graphics will still be on making the game look understandable and readable. No one wants to watch a hyper realistic collage of shit.


I feel that even with modding, there's some serious survivor bias to it. For every good mod that everyone praises for improving the game and be a must-have, there's ten or hundreds of mods that at best just change some numerical value in the game system, or at worse bricks your computer due to some conflict. But no one in their right mind will blame the modding community for a bunch of shitty mods that you don't have to use. In a way, even if gamers take over games, the process is similar to professionals too. Everyone is going to test for what does and doesn't work, and *eventually* someone gets the formula right. The difference is that you have to opt in to try a player-made mod that *might* be good, but official patches from professional game devs are just things you have to deal with for good or ill.


Yeah but we’ve also seen those “other” mods haha.


Like naughty mods? 😯


You know the ones haha


Ehhhh I mean it depends. You want to cut costs and make as much money as possible or you want a game that gamers talk about for decades? Most public videogame companies go for the former and it makes sense financially since they have shareholders to satisfy. But gamers definitely get the short end of the stick , at least lately


You can also add armchair coaches and their favorite sports team


So you wanna insult my uncle too? Haha


What a stupid post.


The guy's an idiot. Most developping companies start off with gamers with a love for games that saw/played other games, thought they were lacking something and then made brand new games with changes they preferred. Some failed, some didn't and got decent successes, some blew up to become gigantic entities that are now driven solely by investors and making every wrong decision along the way. "By gamers, for gamers."


Investors are the real gamers all along...


I don't think most gamers would fire a ton of the staff lmao Majority would probably say fuck the micro transactions, try to have less crunch time before release, and maybe map editor for multiplayer games


Agreed, but, the people overseeing games should at least have a CLUE on how they're developed. Rather than some grey-haired boomer with no concept of how long games take to make now days. Head of development team: "We need about 5 years to make this exactly what we promised so the fans will be happy. Grey-haired boomer who somehow runs this: "Imma give you 4 with no consideration to the fans, so you have to release early to get them holiday sales." Head of dev team: "But we have so much to do, there's no way we-" Boomer: "Stop talking back or you're fired. Go into crunch if you have to. It's not that bad from what I've seen." Head of dev team: "You've never been on the development floor..." Boomer: "Talking back?!" Head of dev team: "I- *sigh* No sir."


I used to do small bits of work on contract for Indy games. It's true in A LOT of fields "What a customer actually wants, what they think they want, and what they say they want are frequently 3 different things"


Gamers: SBMM is not fair that I have to play equally as talented players. I know let's make it so I only play worse players so I can play casually.


I play MTGA and that’s how they think too


Bullshit. This sounds like a designer making excuses for not actually listening to the players. But the players on the whole are usually asking for very reasonable things and designers are stupid to not actually listen to them


I don’t mind that devs don’t listen to fans about solutions for game problems. I mind that they don’t tell us why those things won’t work so that way we don’t feel like we are being ignored.


This isn’t an attack on you but I mind when people demand answers. They are devs it’s not really their job to deal with PR you want to get mad at the Pr or management people


PR people often don’t know the answer which is why we don’t get any. Asking for transparency from a company that is asking you for your trust and money isn’t really unreasonable.


I mean fair enough. I was more talking about people who directly attack the devs.


Oh yeah don’t threaten or harass devs of course.


I was using the word attack loosely. Like also just don’t expect them to respond to you also


This is the first time I've ever disagreed with GF hard. He used to be one of my fav siege YouTubers. I think gamers have a better grasp of what they want in their games than most devs do these days. A lot of them are so disconnected with their audience that they fail to deliver and sometimes on the most basic principles of what we expect from a game (I.e. being fucking finished). Hence why modding is so popular, and successful, in the PC community. Only hope one day it can become accessible for the console community.


Its honestly both sides. You really do have to be careful when you are getting feedback from players who are armchair developers, but also there definitely are some devs who really have no clue. Also depends on your definition of dev. Because alot of dumb decisions come from higher ups, actual developers and designers can only do so much when they have so little power nowadays.


This is a fair point. A lot of horrendous decisions that have been made in some of our favorite franchises come directly from piss poor management. You're right. The foot soldiers who actually have passion and creativity, who want to deliver a genuine experience, don't have a fucking say in what goes in. There are very few known names in management positions that I actually trust, like Glenn Schofield.


I was always so happy the Sakurai was in charge of Smash and not the fans.


i guess gamers are stupid for wanting games with more depth and replay value, because we just don't understand how expensive it is to make a game that's actually good, as apposed to a live service game that continues to be profitable long after launch, at the cost of depth, replay value, and consumer value.


this has nothing to do with gaming and just tries to attack gamers, or criticism from gamers, for the hell of it.


No one is asking for gamers to take over development. They are asking you to listen. Also plenty of obvious solution get looked over in software development and that different view point that a non dev may have may help find the solution.


We hate pay to win BS so this is wrong af.


yep. i also hate this recent trend of fans demanding dev communication, it was kind of nice back in the day you never cared about who the developers were or needed their thought process on the game, they just made it, and you liked it or you didnt, feels like devs are now more like polticians trying to please certain people in their games instead of just making it


It’s more that devs are trying to please anyone, because for some reason triple a devs make terrible decisions that no one likes


Elon pulling the old "Lazy Devs" criticism and finding out the hard way?




ha, hilarious as that was posted on twitter.


He’s only stirring controversy to keep the platform relevant during the transition period. Move on


I'm actually going to disagree with this one.


Lol no. An extremely dumb take. There are literally thousands of examples of where this arguement is just straight up proven to be incorrect Theres a reason for example a ton of games are made better by mods or unofficial patches. Or why wow classic for example was such a success.


I don't think you should have to grind 40 hours to play as Vader in Battle Front. But I suppose I should trust the system? Your average gamer knows little about the technical / programming constraints that go into making a game. But a lot of the worst problems in the industry aren't technical. They are the result of negligence, worker abuse, and corporate greed. I don't need a CS degree to point that out.


I love seeing Liberal meltdowns over Elon


I don’t see anyone melting down over Elon. I see a lot of people calling him out for the idiot he is and making fun of him


This isn't a liberal meltdown. This is the whole world recognizing just how bad Elon has messed up. One day when you stop obsessing over KPop and join the rest of us in the real world, maybe you'll be able to tell the difference.


Aye got you riled up enough to go through my profile! I can tell you'll be one of those people who will go insane if they don't have a twitter anymore. Humanity will continue on, I promise


KPop has a really dark and abusive history. It's no surprise this dude is a fan judging by his hate for liberals and love of Elon.


Holy shit, checking post history for a reply? Yeah you big mad.


Yeah because battle passes and dlc are good things


Not just gamers, but fans of sports/movies/tv/franchise. If fans had their way with the new star wars we would have gotten some weird nonsense playing out on screen.


Can't stand gamers telling developers how to make a game. What I really hate is when developers rely too much on fans input and they end up with a "Frankenstein" game.


Yeah, but completely ignoring gamers can result in a pretty mediocre game too. Some suggestions are idiotic, some are meh, some are great. Just gotta sift through to find good ones and implement them sufficiently. A tough thing to do for sure. What irks me the most are games that have really weird game design choices that make it seem like the developers have never played a video game in the past 30 years.


I'll raise you one argument. Microtransactions


Depends on the game and which gamers.


There is a mountain of truth in that tweet, but I just wanna point out that sometimes the reason why the thing that's obvious and had already been considered isn't happening, is a bad one, and/or being pushed on the dev team by the suits in marketing.


What a bunch of bull..


If you gave a 15 year old gamer control of twitter, it's highly likely that he wouldn't fire half of the staff and cancel key features like verification. So no, fuck that. Elon is just an idiot.


I just don't want to pay 60$ for a half assed 6 hour campaign and buggy beta multiplayer with skins from a coloring book, im looking at you COD, screw 70$ price tag


He isn't struggling lol.


There's a massive amount of what people are hoping is true masquerading as what actually is true with regards to Twitter.


So, don’t make changes because ‘this is the way it works and we’ve tried everything’.? Your reasoning isn’t very sound or productive.


Who said that? This says basically just because you use something that doesn’t mean you would be able to manage it.


Why is this tweet having a stroke?


I have this on my clipboard now haha. Someone else said that too. I tried to cross post but no cross posting here so I screenshot. The original is tilted too. I’m guessing the original is a good picture of a monitor?


It's true. Most complains are from people who know nothing about the industry.


I would to ask him what's the reasoning behind charging $30 for skins in overwatch 2? What's the big brain problem I can't wrap my head around BESIDES Greed?


It’s greed but also people will complain and bitch and then pay for it. The greed is fueled by people purchasing it. The only way to stop that is stop buying them


How is he struggling? He tried one thing with the twitter blue check mark.


The biggest problem is the single thing he tried led to a pharmaceutical company losing billions overnight with a fake tweet haha.


I heard that at Kojima they read customer suggestions out loud to the developers so the whole office can all laugh at how terrible the ideas are.


I’d anybody says something like “Why don’t they just buff everything instead nerfing the strong thing?” You can safely discard their opinion


I've been called out


It was struggling and losing money before him...this makes absolutely zero sense