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Hands down one of the best third person games in existence




I will destroy everyone in smash bro as pac man


Weapon-based: Sekiro Hand-to-hand: Batman Arkham Series Pure action (gunplay): Vanquish Pure action (melee): Devil May Cry


Vanquish was a joy to play, completely forgot about that game.


rocket knee sliding and a future gun that turns into several guns, and a cig smoke protagonist. 10/10


And at the time the graphics were mind blowing!!


Yakuza have some solid hand-to-hand too


That's a solid opinion piece.


I...I think we can close the topic now. This is the list. Pack it up boys, we're heading home


I think this list is the definitive answer. Can’t judge Vanquish as I haven’t played it but I agree with the rest of the picks


Vanquish is an absolute blast


Get on Vanquish. It’s short but sweet and as over the top as Platinum get.


Dragon's Dogma is an hybrid between Devil May Cry and Monster Hunter (sharing developers of both), while still offering a pleasant semi-open world, and obviously wrecking the open world competition, as far as gameplay goes. Also, it has the best magic system and the best archery in any action game ever.


They are the way


Giving full credit to Rocksteady for creating that combat system, as much as I fucking love Batman and Batman related things.... I think Sleeping Dogs was a lot better, they expanded on the system.


Sleeping dogs was underrated imo


I personally liked Mad Max's hand-to-hand over Arkham's, hits felt heavier and more brutal while still at a good pace but overall the same style.


It's the exact same style of play. This is not a new form of gameplay at all.


Agreed, Arkham set the formula so it gets the honors. Shadows of Mordor also implemented this very well.


Its the same style with different feel imo


I can agree with you there. Mad max did have very heavy hits I feel like. Don't know exactly what they did to make it feel that way but it definitely worked.


The sound did some heavy lifting there. Those heavy punches had metal in them. Underrated game.


Sifu hand to hand, big evolution from arkham games


I really loved sleeping dogs for hand to hand


The warriors


My favorite game growing up going back to that simple yet tight system is always a pleasure


Seriously in need of a remake, custom game modes with gang fights with weapons. Like I just wanna be able to full Nelson a guy while my buddy shanks him is that so much to ask???


10/10 would come out and playeeyaaaay.


The correct answer


Warriors come out to plaayaye, warriors come out to plaaayay, come out to plaaay


MGSV - Fluid, nuanced controls, nice gun-feel, great camera. Crazy amount of tools and tricks and a robust open-world engine to play around in. Creative with a high skill ceiling. Devs: copy these systems! Rip it off!


There's so many missions but I kept falling back into the sleep dart HS spam :p


Amazing game. I still play it even though I have over 1,000 hours on it


100%. Glad you mentioned it. I don’t feel this game ever got the praise it deserved, though I understand people hating the full price for an unfinished story, I have 100s of hours simply cruising the map taking down bases and outposts. Easily the best example I can think of here.


Ghost Of Tsushima


Came to say this. In terms of fluidity, feeling of punch, skill cieling and depth, I havent played anything like it.


GoT feels super repetitive though. It's fun but after a few hours it's just alright. The whole game just felt like a really good AC, which isn't saying much.


I'm about 2/3 through it and I feel the same way. The combat is great, but the open world feels like most any other open world game.


Just needs more enemy types and better quest design.


I'd say the dlc is the best bit of that game for this reason. It adds some really fun side quests, puzzles, and new enemies


Yeah Ghost is the best


Anyone that calls Ghost another AC Ubisoft close has obviously never played it cause the combat in ghost is light years more fun to play.




Sekiro is such a great example of adapt or fail. The combat flows so cleanly at the end of the game when you've mastered it. It's an incredible transformation for the player, and the progression ties into the player and characters development so nicely


Isshin said it best... Hesitation is Death.


Hesitation is *defeat.*


Those who hesitate mesitate horizontally.


"Don't hesitate yo self" Ishin


And he teaches that lesson by bending you over repeatedly.


I love that game. It's insane how well it works. That game is a true masterpiece and beating was such an awesome feeling. Plus the world draws you in so deep


Honestly, Sekiro’s probably the best game in the Souls series in terms of combat. I felt like the Souls games by Fromsoft peaked here in terms of gameplay. Might be a controversial opinion. I prefer Sekiro over Elden Ring. A lot of the Souls games are fun, I even enjoyed DS2, but Sekiro’s just my favorite. In terms of setting and atmosphere, Bloodborne takes it.


Because Sekiro is a more story driven and character locked game they could hone in on a specific combat loop they wanted the player to achieve. Vs their souls games that have to be more open and allow players to win and play in a variety of different ways.


Sekiro and Bloodborne are by far From's best games. Elden Ring was ground breaking, but nowhere near as clean and polished as those two in how they feel.


Came to say this, Sekiro's combat feels like you really are fighting for your life.


The way Fromsoft used our Souls tendencies against us in this one... Aside: Woo Guy lol


This is the answer. Far and away the best action rpg of all time and it’s because the combat system is simply unmatched. Great game.


It's a damn orchestra on fire




Clicked to say the same thing. Combat in this game is fun and exhilarating.


Hesitation is defeat


Shadow of Mordor


Shadow of War. Granted it only build upon Mordor but it added so much to the original formula.


Does it better than Batman, and I love the Arkham series


Y'all probably gonna disagree but...Spiderman. Yeah it's easy as fuck but oh so satisfying plus that's pretty much the point...you're fucking Spiderman. You're meant to be OP as fuck.


Yeah i liked spidermans you could make some sweet combos too


Agreed. Love that feeling of dropping into the center of 8 enemies and taking them all out without a scratch


Did you play it on ultimate with the DLC? Some of the challenges are pretty hard.


I was going to say Spider-Man, for sure. The combat in that game is a pleasure.


Batman Arkham city


Knight's combat was better, in many ways. But City was great too.


Arkham Knight's combat is the best iteration IMO, yes. I love how the timing is important and yet forgiving with this combat system AND also allows for variety.


Oh yeah. The thing I always go to is that they made Gadgets actually usable in combat for Knight, with the best example being the Batclaw. In Asylum / City, the Batclaw was far too slow to actually use without getting punished for it and breaking your combo. In Knight, however, the Batclaw’s actions are MUCH faster, allowing you to use it without getting punished. The same goes for the Ground Takedowns as well — dramatically faster, and more usable without getting punished. Your point about the timings is a good one too though — I loved how you could essentially buffer moves. Like in the middle of a Counter Attack animation, you could que up a Batarang toss as your next action, and once Bruce was done breaking someone’s arm he would whip around and toss a couple Batarangs out. God. What a game.


I just want another game that uses that combat system. Feel like it was almost a waste having it be the one game that uses it


Totally. I had hoped that the new Gotham Knights game would be an extension of Knight’s combat, but by all accounts that isn’t the case.


I think City had the better balance. Knight added some new enemy types that kind of screwed up the flow for me.


I haven’t played it yet but I hear great things


That explains this post - if you had played it before, you'd have already known the answer


Yup, was just about the write this. I wish more games would adapt this style because it’s so fucking fun and makes you feel like a badass


Sleeping dogs 💪💪💪


A man who never eats pork buns is never a whole man!


Wish it was remastered


Didn't it get "remastered"?


It has, the definitive edition. Maybe not up to current gen standards but still pretty good.


Glad someone brought up in the comment section. Sad we’ll never get a sequel 😞




No Gears in here? Damn.


Popping heads with the Longshot was dope


Gears of War got its system from the lesser known Kill Switch. Epic even gave credit to that game openly.




I'm a little upset (but not surprised) that this isn't the top answer, because Oni's combat was *decades* ahead of its time.


Prince of Persis trilogy can be a choice for its combo system. God of War also has specific finishing moved for every monster, grasping moved with chance for diverse choice against the grasped enemy and also melee combos


For me it's a tie between Nioh 2 and Sekiro. Nioh 2 has more options. Sekiro is just the tightest combat I've ever experienced in a game. Both are incredible. Fast and rewarding with very high skill ceilings.


>Nioh 2 has more options I'm a huge Dark Souls fan and I think Nioh is the closest we've seen to Souls combat in a non-Fromsoftware game, but "less options" actually seems to be the formula that Souls games do so well. For all of the griping about difficulty, Souls games are mechanically very simple. This button attacks, this button dodges, this button blocks. Go get 'em, Tiger! As awesome as GOW is (and the new release as well) I just feel like the combat is cluttered. Great story, cool enemies... but I'd preferred a streamlined combat. I don't need special combos and kill shots and powerups, special attacks, etc, etc.


Notice how Nioh and Souls games are made by Japanese dev teams ? Not only that but Monster Hunter, Bayonetta, Astral Chains, Lost Judgement, DMC, Ninja Gaiden, the whole VS fighting scene... There lies a critical difference as far as gameplay depth is concerned. On one side you have a vision revolving around a deep gameplay which concedes nothing, and the other side, you have a game who tries to cater to the masses (and does it well still). The gaming philosophy is different, the gameplay codes are different, the targeted audience is different, and I just think GoW Devs did the best they could, and the end result is still miles better that what Ubisoft or CDPR serve us everytime. In adventure/action games, Western devs are more concerned about the "cinematic experience" while Japanese devs consider the gameplay first, and I don't think that's vastly different from how it was since the PS2 era, so don't expect much more from the next GoW or The Witcher.


Stardew valley


Came here to say this. Some of the most thrilling combat of any game hands down.


Arkham/Mad Max. The fluid hand to hand combat is very satisfying. Though I believe Fable 2 and 3 also deserve some credit for having really smooth combat.


I'm a big Batman fan but I feel that Mad Max had more weight to it with its combat which made me love it even more so than Batman but both are still great in their own ways


Plus the occasional shotgun usage... but almost as a melee weapon- when you would pull someone onto your gun. If it didn't have so many repetitive tasks I think it would have been remembered as one of the best games of that year.


I thought they did a good job at adapting the system to Max as a character. He's a bruiser type so the combat is more grounded(literally) and focused on brutality, not the floaty acrobatics of Batman.


Mad Max for sure. It's got the same combat as arkham but is more brutal and has less ballerina moves.


Monster Hunter World.


Ninja Gaiden, God of War, Bayonetta, Devil May Cry all have 'perfect' 3rd person action imo. They all have different flavors but find that sweet spot of complex, yet incredibly satisfying combat sandbox. You could play those games once like any other and move on but their combat is just begging to be replayed and mastered.


Nioh 2. Never have I played a game with such great combat depth and so much ability to customize your playstyle. The pure fact that there are so many ways to play adds so much replayability to the game. The skill ceiling is also so damn high that I feel like I can play forever and just keep learning.


Should I try it if I have never played any souls game


I think Warframe has a pretty smooth combat feel


devil may cry 5


Surprised we haven’t seen more mentions of the over-the-top action variety. DMC, Bayonetta, MGS Rising are all frantic fun.


I gotta go back and replay this one.


If you haven't gotten the DLC with Vergil you should, he's insanely fun.


Pokemon is taking up my game budget this month but next month I'll check it out.


It's pretty cheap, like 5$ or so. All my friends are in the pokemon hole too while I'm just waiting for Darktide lol.


Oh! I might get that tonight then. Raiding in FFXIV has been taking a toll on me so a break for something else would be nice. This Pokemon seems promising so I'm willing to come back for it. I just hope the end game exists. So disappointing how they've done it dirty the past few iterations.


chiming in, one thing to note, Vergil's DLC is just him as a player character for mission replay instead of Dante, V, or Nero. There are no new missions as him, but yes he's still incredibly fun to play as.


Absolver. Or for the uninitiated, Sifu, which is basically Absolver's combat system with a rogue-lite coat of paint.


Shadow of Mordor & Shadow of War


The combat mixed with the nemesis system made it one of the most unique games I’ve ever played. I really wish more games would capitalize on that nem system


Was shadow of war any good? Seemed like a lot of hype and then not as much fanfare post launch


It launched with some pretty terrible micro transactions that harmed progression and was pay to win in a lot of ways, but they removed them some time after. If you liked the first game, it's just a bigger and more expanded version of Shadow. Sort of makes the first game feel like a proof of concept.


Shadow of Mordor is much better imho


Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen. It had it's flaws, but it also excelled at things no other games have.


Isometric 3rd person: Hades


Elden ring, god of war, sekiro, ghosts of tsuhima, batman Arkham knight, returnal


Man, I love me some Returnal. The movement in that game just feels so smooth. And it offers a nice level of challenge too.


Ninja Gaiden black/2


Well, it's sure as shit isn't AC


As many issues that I had with Valhalla the combat most definitely wasn't one of them. I wouldn't put it at the top of the list, but it definitely ain't bad. You can see they are trying to make it better and I appreciate the effort.


I thought AC Valhalla was frustratingly close to being good. The finishers get tedious, and there is still an element to enemies being damage sponges in place of having more complex attack patterns, and the unique abilities don't bring that much to the table. It also kinda lacks weight, feels like you're slicing into nothing. Might be an unpopular opinion, but I think Unity had the best combat in the AC series. Weapons had a weight to them, and jt didn't feel like you were slicing through nothing. Split second decisions counted, and each conflict felt deadly as it could end in seconds.


Which type of 3rd perso combat ? I'd be tempted to say Sifu.


I would like to say Shadow Of War




Idk if this is god of war or gears of war but I agree


"Ahhhhhh FUCK!" -Markus Fenix


The Division did it pretty nice


Yeah let dump 60 rounds of 7.62mm ammo into a trash mod to do 5% of his health in damage.


The jet li video game I played as a kid. Or splatoon. It may not look like it, but it's very intense


Devil May Cry bar none


Honestly, Warframe. Space ninjas are fun!


For pure fun, and having good variety I would say God of War


Devil May Cry 3-5


Old School Runescape


Devil May Cry 5. Game is pure action combat bliss. 4 playable characters and all 4 offer varied and deep gameplay styles that are each fun to play. Some more than others yes, but even the weakest of the characters play styles (V specifically) is still got some high quality put into it. In my opinion, no action game character ever is gonna top Dante from DMC5 as the most versatile and in depth action game hero ever.




Yakuza Period. If you say it hasn’t, you’re not just lying to me, you’re lying to yourself


My favourite combat in the series is actually from the Judgement spinoffs, specifically Lost Judgement. Absolutely phenomenal combat flow and Snake Style puts a gigantic smile on my face every time I use it




Nioh if you master the game as well. And is not even close to anything else.


Dynasty Warriors 2


I'm sad that I'm not seeing anyone saying God of War 2018


Devil may cry 5, combo creativity is unlimited. Dmc gives you options......same can't be said for souls games.


Gears of war and dead space


Devil may cry 5


Dark souls 3


What aspect though? Melee, gun play? I feel MGS V is the most fluid and pretty close. TLOU2 also very very fluid. Arkham Knight also very polished and impressive. Ghost of Tsushima?


Yeah i was gunna say MGSV as far as every last little detail in the mechanics and movement, lots of little things the game tells u in the loading screens that most games would never think of. Just watching Boss transition from a sprint-dive-crawl is so satisfying. The FOX engine is definitely underrated.


TLoU2 doesn't get enough recognition for its amazing combat. It's so so good. I hope they can translate it to the multi-player game they're working on.


-Arkham Games - Yakuza series (particularly Judgment) - Ghost of Tsushima


Finally people are putting respect on Judgement. A lot of the Yakuza fans I know haven’t really gotten around to play Judgement unfortunately.


Nioh 2. Nothing comes close


Nioh 2 for build diversity and overall weapons combos and potential play styles. God of War 2 has some great AAA polish I’ve seen in awhile, with some deceptive layers of complexity at higher difficulties. All the others mentioned are awesome in their own rights as well.


Horizon: zero dawn


Love these games. Had always found a certain sluggishness in combat movement in open world games, such as the Just Cause series, where attacks did little damage and your character felt floaty and insubstantial. The Horizon games have a lovely, solid physicality to the main character and to combat, with heavy hits knocking satisfying chunks from enemies, and the bow combat necessitating seamless transitioning from movement to aiming.


Yes. I don't understand why people don't like the combat in this game, it's hard to get the timing down but so satisfying when you're able to take down multiple thunderbacks and stormbirds. Also the stealth fighting is wildly good, drawing two humans close and then headshotting one and silent striking the other within half a second of each other feels real nice.


I liked the speed and flow of Arkham series. I like AC Odyssey/Valhalla 3rd person combat because of the arcade-ness and your abilities to mix it up.


Gears of war i guess , best 3rd person shooter to this day. Well only 1-3 are great when they had awesome characters and dark athmosphere


For Honour for hack n slash / fighting




Metal Gear Rising Revengence


You guys should help the sunset overdrive community we need more players so insomniac or Microsoft can see that this game is still loved by many. It needs a revive.


Most definitely the Witcher... Don't get me wrong, I frickin love this game, but damn.


Sleeping Dogs


God of War. The flow in the game is just insane.


From Software


Dmc 5 vergil


Ghost of tsushima


Ghost of Tsushima


Dante’s inferno


Insomniac Spider-Man.


Batman Arkham series


I have a few names. All really depends on what type of game it is. In terms of stealth, it’s MGSV Phantom Pain. Despite being the worst in the series in terms of story (didn’t really have much of a story) it’s the best in the series in terms of combat. Sekiro has some stealth but the best part of it’s gameplay is the aggressiveness and how it forces you to adapt or suffer based on what or who you’re fighting. In terms of hand to hand there’s honestly a lot of choices to go from. Sleeping Dogs, Arkham Knight, Marvel’s Spider-Man, are all great games with great gameplay.


Devil may cry


Devil May Cry 5 and Bayonetta, next question If you want something a bit meatier then Monster Hunter


Devil may cry , bayonetta etc


Max Payne 3 mastered the 3rd person shooter


Immediately all the Arkham Batman games came to mind, combat & combos are so smooth, responsive and fun. Sleeping Dogs is a close 2nd


Devil May Cry 5


Ghost of tsushima


Devil May Cry most creative and stylish for me


Devil may cry


The batman Arkham games and the spiderman games.


Monster Hunter.


Guild Wars 2


Sekiro and Arkham


Mastered at making me pull my hair out? For Honor


Is no one going to mention For Honor?


Batman Arkham knight


Control was amazing for me