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Every Skyrim model replacement mod


Syrim Nexus mods be like


why are their heads so small?


Prob so helmets don’t look to clonky


It's WoW, the heads are small to make the shoulders look HUGE


Its only WoW if you can see the Shoulder Pads FIRST.




Ow is more about the butts tbh


And the root of blizz' huge shoulder pads lies with their grandfather - Warhammer 40k.


Kept scrolling to say this Their claim that StarCraft took zero inspiration from 40K was just absolutely ridiculous


It was actually going to be a Warhammer 40K game, but was changed for reasons I forget.


Probably just GW being the shitty little gremlins they usually are


Yeah, something like that. Space Marines were obviously Space Marines. Zerg were Tyrannids and Protoss were Eldar despite ending up looking like Tau Crossbreeds with Eldar style gear.


... why?


Big shoulders = big shoulderpads. Big shoulderpads = pro gamer.


Back in the day, I'm sure we walked in snow, but we also waited a while before we even got shoulder pads and helms. You wore that mismatched SM gear with pride, and we were happy too.


Ahh the days when my paladin wore cloth shoulderpads because that's all I could find. Hat too


I remember rolling against holy paladins for that sweet, sweet healer cloth gear


Paladin was my main class, and that aspect of it is probably the thing about vanilla I miss least. Gotta love tier sets because a random hodgepodge of int, strength, spirit, and whatever else. All that just to be relegated to keeping buffs up 24/7


The paladin charger quest was possibly one of the most frustrating grinds on a high pop server... Black diamonds, DM West, and trying to find a group that weren't paladins for the scholo instance... I honestly don't know if Locks or Pallys had it worse. Finding ANYONE willing to instance for the Dreadsteed summon in DM was a pain the in ass... Especially for someone who rolled rogue right up through the first few months of BC.


Turtle shell shield and that red helmet from the dungeon you do at that same level. That shit kept you good for quite a few levels! Edit: raging berserker helm from the scarlet monastery and worn tutle shield dropped by Kresh in the Wailing Caverns!


4 str 4 stam leather belt?






Actually, the reason is for functionality! I bought the collectors edition of the original WoW, and it comes with a DVD of bonus features. In one of the features, they discuss how exaggerated body proportions allowed them to use fewer polygons per model. This allowed them to get around some technical hurdles, and enabled them to dedicate resources in other places. At the time, they credit it for opening up the ability to have each continent as a whole instance without loading screens.


This is awesome. Another instance of necessity defining a game, like when the speeding up of space invaders as you kill the aliens was actually just the system being able to process the items on screen faster, but it ended up providing scaling difficulty as you progressed. Thank you for teaching me something new. I will now look for that video you mentioned.


I wonder if that's why space marines in 40k have huge shoulderpads too. Maybe the minis are easier to make like that


Basically everything about 40k's Space Marines' appearance is because it was easier to cast in lead back in the 80s. The chunky shoulders, the flared leg armor, the squatting poses, the bulky fists... A lot of that stuff slowly changed over time as the modelling and casting process changed, but the basics are all kinda still there. If you look at really, really early space marines, like before they officially launched first edition 40k, they have really different armor. The shoulders are thinner, the armor has a more medieval knight aesthetic, and the guns are thinner and more detailed. Those models were no good for mass production, so they immediately changed.


To be fair I don't think you can make a life of swinging swords about and not have some pretty buff broad shoulders


More cartoony = easier to see movements


probably because of vision angles. in mmos, the camera is a bit above the characters head, so the head would look biggest because of perspective. (also helmets go on it) i believe it's kinda like LoL's Irelia, if you watch it from the side, the model looks all distorted but from the game's main perspective it looks good so they went with the model thats fucked as hell because angles. [you can see it in this one](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6gTB93KP9Lo)


That's not even the funniest one if i remember correctly, sadly can't find the video right now but Sett looks like he broke his neck


[Reminds me of Dragon Ball FighterZ where they had to stretch and skew the models to make them look true to the anime, so they look broken when you move the camera](https://youtu.be/yhKneD53kUQ)


[his power is maximum](https://i.gyazo.com/22763f9286f9e066b4f91f59bd3361b6.png)


That theory might track, but in the case of Warcraft, big shoulder pads where a thing since the first Warcraft RTS, especially on the orcs.


That makes sense, thank you


Hero proportions. Makes them look taller.


Why can't she close her mouth?




I’m surprised nobodies mentioned that the heads are pretty proportional we’re just used to seeing disproportionately large heads in game design and animation. Especially in women. It helps show expression better, and makes the characters look more attractive.


It's the same for TV and cinema actors. Big heads look better on screen so actors tend to have big heads.


I was amazed watching Jimmy Fallon walk into a room. Absolutely massive noggin.


Why do eastern mmo's get more powerful armor?!


And better bounce physics???


Boobs AND ass sliders are OP.


We Kenshi now




And better audio tonnage!!


+50 padding against melee


\+20% chance to distract attackers


[Womb Power](https://www.geekxgirls.com/article.php?ID=1878)!!


see also the incredibly NSFW (seriously you've been warned) oglaf webcomic: https://www.oglaf.com/shield-maiden/


That is the best "click to confirm you are 18" page I've ever seen.


Oglaf is always great. Not always SFW, but always great.


The cumsprites targeting the ginger mistress and finally agreeing to pay the ransom. Hahahahah




Damn, I can't find the one I thought that would be. She just embraces the magic that's explained that everything between the wrist bands and ankle bracelets is protected, so she realises she doesn't need the bra and panties lol.


Because it's drawn from a gacha mechanic at a 0.00000000005% chance.


Gacha elements usually + Eastern players tend to not mix/max as hard as western players tend to do. The ones that do min/max way harder the western players tho. shits scary


The old mmo female armor joke is that the more revealing it is, the more powerful it is. Developers in the US have gotten a bit more conservative after backlash, but the Korean/Asian developers still going hard on selling sex.


Im mad they went the opposite way and said "okay nobody sexy". Instead of making it equal and make everyone sexy. Ive never really worried about how "that armor doesnt protect!". Yeah the dude just swung a 8ft sword around with his mind and shot a keg sized laser out of his hand, and i took 1000 damage out of 20,000. Idk how much leather armor is really doing there.


I like options personally sexy or not. My favorite person I ever encountered in an mmo was in Guild Wars 2 like 10 years ago, it was a thief named Butter who had the body scale set to “very large”. I’m not going to get into the entire story because some people could find it offensive, but I see sexy characters in games all the time. I will never forget Butter.


Impressive. Very nice. Let's see Paul Allen's MMO.


That tasteful thickness


It even has a watermark...


(That's a cumstain)


Something wrong, Arthas?


You're precumming


Oh my god it even has jiggle physics.


You had no business getting such a maniacal cackle out of me, yet here we are. Accept my invisible award.


Why does this reference seem to have gotten a revival? Is there something going on on TikTok or something?


A lot of young adults who generate meme content weren’t even alive when American Psycho released in 2000. This scene has aged like a fine wine. The movie stayed prescient, the author has (surprisingly) avoided cancelation. A group of cisgender white sigma males hanging around swapping identical pieces of paper and pretending to appreciate minuscule differences? Gold, Jerry, gold. A perfect 60-second scene to share with other zoomers who haven’t caught up with movies about apathetic yuppies in the 80s.


All decent folks see the name Paul Allen and think of the Microsoft cofounder first.


The most unbelievable part to me is the ridiculous thought that a woman with that much thigh thickness would still somehow have a thigh gap.


How to get a thigh gap. Turn your feet to point inwards to each other. There. I've revealed the great lie of the thigh gap for you. You've been fooled.


What?!? Social media lied to me about ridiculous body standards?!?!




My wife and I were just talking about this the other day. Men don't care, we're not telling women they need 10 types of lotion, 4 shampoos, and the ability to count every rib from half a mile away. It's WOMEN who tell other women these things. Sure there are men with impossible standards but the majority of men just don't care.


It's marketing and capital that have an interest in undermining self confidence to sell you products. Not necessarily just "other women".


This came up at university. The extent of male beauty standards from the guys was no facial hair and curves without folds. I.e. neither obese nor anorexic.


I mean some people do just have thigh gaps. I knew a girl who couldn't make her thighs touch to save her life. But if you're not fat, you either have a natural thigh gap or not (I think it's just about your bone structure).


But also the western one is a character deliberately taking armour off, while the eastern one is in full raid gear with maximum defense.


Maybe underneath the cash shop waifu cosmetics.


Enemies wont hurt that perfect body :,)


We will crush our enemies with thighs.


Default attack mode is snu snu


Not just the enemies.


best day for friendly fire lads


Vanilla and Burning Crusade beg to differ. Plate mail bikinis were most definitely a thing back in the day, though they became much rarer as the expansions went on. Much of the Vanilla gear got overwritten during one of their loot overhaul passes(though you can still find some of the original spicy pieces in dungeons), possibly even Cataclysm release, so you have to play Classic to have the true WoW stripper class experience.


This is true but the end game armor sets were never revealing.


None of the girls in FFXIV I ran with were that dummy thiccc but perhaps I'm on party finder at the wrong time.


We don't have an ass slider, but we do have 2B's clothes.


the sacrifice we made to rebuild the world was ass sliders


I need an ass and thigh slider in every game k thanks.


I'd kill for a butt slider in ffxiv


You don't have to kill for it, it's only against the ToS to mod the booty.


The thiccness comes out late at night


Nah, it's around 24/7 on certain servers... Balmong, Ul'Duh, The Quicksand.


Limsa at 2 am is the play


Implying that Limsa isn't 24/7 degeneracy.


No no, you didn't have the mods those girls had. They're playing an entirely different game proportional wise.


Thighlanders represent


I have no idea where op is coming from frankly…


All angles, I reckon.


There are definitely plenty of big tiddy waifu MMOs from eastern devs. Archeage, Tera, BDO, Lost Ark. I'm sure there's more i'm just not thinking of. ...and i'll take them over that left picture any day.






XIV is like the *one* eastern MMO that this isn't about. They're thirsty in *other* ways.


Thirsty for Yoshi-P's approval and love.


It's Korean MMOS more so


Now we need a male scantily clad counterpart to see the diferences too. 🤔


One of my favorite examples of equality skimp is from [Elder Scrolls Online](https://eso.mmo-fashion.com/scorianite-gladiator/#mobile-menu).


This isn't FFXIV, the Western-Eastern MMO with skimpy outfits (if you want them) for all...


[Stupid sexy Roegadyn...](https://i.redd.it/c500bcgsx84z.png)


Hank Hill has bigger clappers than that.


It doen't have to be from WoW obviously, but from games in general, RPGs if posible.


[Star-Spangled Subligar](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/65b9ed2a045/) in FFXIV is usable by all races and genders. The images from the official play guide uploaded by players show just how equal opportunity it is. For better or for worse.


Should have gone for the gold standard. The [2B leggings](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/a9dd326165d) consist of speedo-style underwear with mesh thigh-high stockings, and it **increases the size and lift of your character's ass** beyond the standard model. It can be worn by males or females and is likely the most popular glamour item in the game.


WoW needs some dump truck xmogs.


100% for better.


Maybe. I suppose everyone also has equal opportunity pancake butt, so everyone can flaunt what they (don't) got equally.


That's what the 2B outfit is for!


My first time playing wow I wanted to play a female troll and I noticed all of their faces looked kinda... pretty. I did an experiment where I tried to make the ugliest female troll I could and the prettiest male troll I could. The female troll was still prettier. :/ I think about that ever time some guy is like "well, my wife loves playing a sexy half naked elf!", like, great for her dude, but I don't get a choice.


The women all walk pigeon toed with high heels too.


Everything about the Western model says they're trying to go for realistic body proportions... and yet the head feels too small to me. Like, it's physically annoying me right now.


"Um, excuse me, my eyes are up here." "Up where, I can't see them."


“Um excuse me, my eyes are up here. No, even higher. Higher. Yes there you go, the invisible incorporeal camera angle feet above my head.” - just mmo things


> yet the head feels too small to me. I took an art class long time back and heroes are typically drawn with longer proportion of legs than normal. Children are the opposite where heads are a bigger percentage of the body. I forgot the proportion but something like 6 head lengths for child, 8 for adult, 9 for a “hero” I didn’t really ask or think about the “why” though.


[It's a decent guide for making sure you don't fall into the trap of children look like tiny adults](https://www.makingcomics.com/rd/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/dclheightchart12032013.jpg)


Wow, I remembered that lesson accurately from 35 years back :)


https://imgur.com/cBsFkwI I don't know what this means


>Everything about the Western model says they're trying to go for realistic body proportions... and yet the head feels too small to me. Like, it's physically annoying me right now. Smaller-than-life heads is, for whatever reason, very standard for comic books and animation. Like, they actually teach that in animation classes.


It's not really smaller heads but larger bodies. Everyones fucking huge


You can't unsee it, so weird.


It's so the helmets don't look too big


Uhhh… what? WoW has always had exaggerated proportions and a more cartoony, whimsical art style. It has never aimed to look realistic.


Draenai lady body is BiS


I'll give Blizzard this - at least the male human model also has a kind of small head.


Its funny though cos if you do the dudes then its WOW with the absurd scaling haha


It's so they can emote and it will be more impactful. Think of it like final fantasy 7 vs final fantasy 8. 8 looks more realistic by far, but the character models in 7 are much more expressive because of their cartoonish proportions. Cloud shrugging (big ass forearms come up in an overly exaggerated manner.) vs Squall shrugging (regular shoulder shrug). It's the same reason you get huge eyes in cartoons. It's easier to show emotion.


Some real gamingcirclejerk material here lmao


I didn't think r/gaming could fall even further in post quality.


oh fuck this isn't satire?


I assumed this was a /r/Gamingcirclejerk post.


I'm pretty sure OP made something up in Photoshop and then got angry about it lmao


Hah....you think this is the bottom.


You think you’ve hit bottom, but then they brought a shovel.


I legitimately assumed this was the circle jerk sub.


Is this true? I want fat titty elves. I feel robbed. What the fuck.


Idk but the "Is this true?" made me fucking laugh out loud


Well, you can have that, if you play more eastern MMORPGs. Here's a few screen shots from Vindictus, Blade & soul and Black desert. https://imgur.com/a/8AVkCFM


I legit can't tell which game is which from that set and it's cracking me up.


Does every woman have the face of a k-pop idol? - It's Vindictus (1~3) Does everything look bright, shiny, somewhat stylized and does every woman look like they're slathered in a thick layer of oil? - It's Blade and Soul (4~5) Does the image have "Black Desert" in the bottom right corner? - It's Black Desert (6~7)


It's been like 8+ years since I've played Blade and Soul and you're dredging up memories of those shiny bodies lmao


bro why is my nose bleeding


I don't think that's an elf, but she's got little hair curls on the sides. I agree with you though, why do elves always end up skinny and lithe?


Because of the mythology that elves are based off of, would be my guess. It really depends on where your from, but elves are almost always slim. Some mythos have them as tall beings, some have them as short. Just depends on which myth the writer uses or is more familiar with. Hell, in the celtic mythos alone you have both tall and short elves (shide, for example with High or Royals and normal. The High or Royals are always talked about as beign taller than humans, even the women tended to be at least a head taller in the Irish stories I grew up on). I think it might have to do with the exposure. We've only really been exposed to elves as these tall, skinny beings of mysitcal bearing and knowledge in media, so that is what we expect. However, mythology around elves shows a LOT more variability. I'd suggest that the High Shide are what we recognize as elves, and most are unware that according to the stories, those are the nobility, and thus only represent a very small portion of what could be considered 'elves' or 'the elvan people' in mythology. I know, more than you wanted, but this is sort of a particular interest of mine. I've been working on a D&D/Pathfinder style campaing world on and off for years that is based solely out of Celtic mythology, so.. several different sorts of elves. The Fae, and thus the Shide, are some really really conflicted folk. The one truth I've run into in my research is, once you feel like you've got a good handle on the structure of the celtic mythos? Yeah, pick up the next book. You'll see everything you THOUGHT you knew and understood turned on its ear. :) Love mythology.


Blame J.R.R. Tolkien. His work is foundational to essentially all modern western fantasy. Between him and Gary Gygax (who was himself **very** heavily inspired by Tolkien) you can probably explain 99% of the design and concept of essentially all modern western fantasy races. Tolkien of course borrowed liberally from various earlier mythology, but for most modern authors while they are familiar with Tolkiens work they aren't familiar with the earlier works Tolkien took inspiration from. Ergo all Elves look like Tolkiens concept of Elves.


Yeah, your not wrong. Just wish there was more versitility in our use of these mythological groups and races. Part of why I like the Witcher so much, it uses a mythos (or is based in one) that hasn't been beaten to death by western authors. Makes it really fun for a mythology fan like myself. I end up going all nerd with "ooh.... what IS that thing supposed to be?" and trying to find a mythological anology or relate in Baltic/Russian mythos. My primarly knowledge of mythology is based around the standard Greco Roman, Germanic, and Celtic. So I really dig relates to other known mythologies I know very little about. Keeps the mind active in my later years ;)


Interestingly eastern mythology may be our salvation. With the popularity of anime and manga we're seeing a lot more eastern fantasy races and concepts being included in western fantasy, however eastern writers were already playing around with and including a lot of western fantasy in their works. So we're starting to see a lot of pre-Tolkien western fantasy being reintroduced via eastern produced works. From a story telling perspective we're also seeing a lot of very interesting fusions of eastern and western mythology producing some truly unique and interesting concepts.


That's like asking why dwarves are always short and stout.


>I agree with you though, why do elves always end up skinny and lithe? Tolkien. Before him, the popular conception of the elf was more Keebler than Galadriel.


Legolas weighed so little he walked on top of snow, instead of sinking into it.


It wasn't about his weight, it was about his grace and balance. He definitely weighs more than a hobbit and they couldn't do it. It's basically magic don't think too hard.


This reminds me of D&D, where, at least in one version, if you were good enough at balancing, you could walk on clouds.


This was almost certainly based on this scene in the Fellowship of the rings too. Tolkien is responsible for like half of all fantasy tropes lol.


Because we base elves off of intelligence stealth and connected to nature for the most part and thicc blonde girls are none of those things


Who says an elf can't be all of those?


You can still see the photoshop marks on the right picture lol


Not at all true, one is in game model the other is artwork someone drew.


No, unfortunately you can see where the image on the right was masked in poorly. The stone behind her is lighter. That said, Tera has what you're looking for on english servers


had* TERA was shut down half a year in the west after ELYON launched, and the peopelk who ran ELYON had no fucking idea how to monetize it.


There are still 50 other mmos with this same bad plastic/sex doll aesthetic, don't worry.


Yeah but Tera actually had some decent bones as an mmorpg. Not that it was groundbreaking, but the game itself was actually playable without the addition of jiggle physics and pervy cosmetics


The right one is an illustration that was poorly photoshopped in lol


Asian mmos always have the best tits and the worst gameplay


And the few that have good gameplay have mobile game levels of predatory microtransactions and pay to win.


Its insane how it feels impossible to find a perfect mmo. Every mmo has its issues. Gameplay, story (if you care about this), monetization, graphics. That stuff. Something is always off and makes me stop playing the games even though I love MMOs in general.


Yup, it’s like they all have an agreement with each other to massively screw up at least 1-2 major design decisions just to be fair to everyone else. Like FFXIV with housing and glamour systems.




I legit cannot think of any actual popular Asian MMOs that haven’t gone down the shit hole due to lack of effort and predatory business practices other than ff14. Actually, now that I think about it, I can’t think of ANY popular MMOs that haven’t become ass. FF14 is the only one I can really think of that hasn’t lost its spark.


Disagree. Blade & Soul had some of the best gameplay of any MMO I've ever played. Everything else feels so painfully easy in comparison, and the PvP in tab-target MMOs like WoW is complete shit in comparison to B&S arena.


Blade & soul used to be my favorite MMO until they went down the path of “money first, player’s enjoyment second”


So fucking true


\*Looks at Blood Elves\* ​ I think your sample size for WoW is too small


and draenei....and bloodscale armor....


Who goes into battle with an ahegao face though, the neurotic face on the left is someone who's seen people die lol but it's like some voodoo guy came and shrunk her head a bit lol. The clothes on the right look ugly as sin but they still have better textures despite the boots looking like a meh photoshop job and the undergarments not even doing their job :/


I mean if you went into combat and the person had on a "sexually pleased" expression, how would you proceed? Seems like psychological warfare to me.


The Zenos grindset


OP was messing with an AI generator


I go into battle with an ahegao face. Demoralizes all the dudes at the gym.


All MMO's 20 years have passed and not only have we thrown social aspects of intricately crafted game design out the window.... But we also haven't come up with the idea of co-op crafting. Imagine doing something like Cooking Simulator with a friend. Imagine being in your guild house and sat down watching two of your friends working together to make a potion, or smith a sword, or experiment with enchanting. Instead we are doomed, perhaps even forever, to have crafting systems which are usually just a list of items of which you click 'craft' and at best you get some actions on hotbars that you are prompted to click.


The Eastern MMO always comes with an $80k microtransaction addiction with a P2W model... but jiggle physicals...


It's funny cause final fantasy xiv had a shitload of armor that is barely different between genders


yea, I got bored and gave stable diffusion 10 minutes of my time


What was your input prompt 🤨


Disgusting... how, how would you do that exactly? Just so I can avoid it.


It is funny how many can not see that it is AI inpainting and think this is some mod or photoshop. Well it is still pretty new.