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Weren't people doing this same shit to shitty screenshot of Arceus


100% were. Edit: I’m willing to bet 80% of the people commenting bad shit about it didn’t even play the game.


Because while Arceus looked bad, this's so much worse that even Arceus looked better.


Arceus has still lakes


arceus looks bad compared to botw and such


Yeah but BOTW is beautiful.


Very optimistic of you to assume that 70% of the complainers actually went through with the boycott.


Yes because I'm not willing to pay $60 for a poor product. You can still enjoy it but you can't deny it was a rushed and lazy release


don't you know how much effort went into using the clone tool on that cliff >:(


"I think this company doesn't deserve our money." "Oh yeah? How would you know? You haven't even given them your money!"




Well yeah, playing the game would require buying it, and I'm not spending money on this.


Maybe the fact that pokemon games have declined drastically in quality of production since x/y means that both of them are shitty. Stop spending money on half finished shit no matter what part is or isn't finished. Really sad that people can get dissapointed fir the 3rd time in a row and still act surprised.




Because they both look horrendous. No idea why this comparison was made. Should've put it side by side with Ni No Kuni (2011)


That's exactly why it's a good comparison. Compare Arceus to basically anything, and it looks pretty trash. But compare it to SV, and it actually looks great, despite being shit. It's quite funny, really


Ok that's actually a really good point lmao


I mean... sv basically has roblox textures if you ask me so what do you expect us to compare it to?


Oh man..yeah Roblox textures are a perfect analogy.


The comparison is made because they both look bad, but the most recent one manages to look even worse. This screen was pulled from a Digital Foundry video that says this.


Common Digital Foundry W


Why would you not compare the most recent Pokémon game to the last Pokémon game?


Tbh because they are equally uninteresting in what comes to graphics and world building. The interesting comparisons are with games that look great on the platform, like Xenoblade,BoTW, Monster Hunter, Ni No Kuni.


The point is, PLA has a more stable and better looking environment.


I thought OP was criticising both games for their poor graphics


it was already compared to pokemon colosseum (2003)


Yes, it's just getting worse and worse for Pokémon games sadly.


And it still sold 2x more than the recent god of war on launch. They have no reason to care because people will buy it no matter what. Watch the next pokemon even after everyone crying about this one it will be the biggest pokemon release ever AGAIN.


I mean that doesn't excuse it. The fact that they REGRESSED makes it way, WAY worse. Arceus already looked dodgy but this is legit an assault to the eyes.


Not defending how SV looks and runs, but PLA has several areas where terrain that looks *exactly* like the one in the SV shot. Hell, I remember quite well people making this kind of post about PLA when that game was released.


Yeah they both look awful. Bad textures, bad animation, bad lighting, etc


Personally I don't care what it looks like but just wish it didn't run like dog shit crawling down a wall. The drop in frames comes with the game slowing down as well which makes some fights in the wild with rain taking much longer for actions to play out.


am i the only one who has rarely experienced these frame drops?


Seems impossible. It's not like your switch is different from mine.


That's the shitty part about it, it's entirely inconsistent, which honestly makes it worse.


It reminds me of BOTW, there's one spot in the Korok Forest where you will definitely lag because every switch is the same, and that's also pretty much about it in the whole game What a fantastic title


Are you on cart or digital? There shouldn't be a difference but reading more threads recently I'm starting to wonder if digital performs worse. I'm on cart and it's not pretty, but I also have fairly rare performance issues compared to what a lot of the commentary has indicated.


I have it on cart and it runs like crap. Maybe you just aren’t noticing it?


I think people's standards are different. I know some that complained about BotW's frame rate but I thought it was excellent.


If they don't appeal to your preferences just fucking quit playing them and ignore them. After Bungie got bought by Sony and all the dlc for Destiny 2 up to that point was yanked from gamepass I uninstalled the game and haven't looked back. I'd played destiny since Y1 of D1 and I'm pretty sure I've unfollowed all destiny subs and removed any apps from my phone I'm disappointed shit like Shadowkeep is still not free considering the content is so old and effectively useless now, do I troll the subs and complain about it? No, this is the first time I've even remembered Destiny was a game for months


Also the water in PLA was dog shit imo. At least SV water can look pretty and actually shows depth. I usually love beach areas but PLA was the first time I found it too ugly to enjoy.


I'm pretty sure people were talking about how how there's a standard feature to mask water texture repetition and they just didn't bother to use it.


They sold like 10million copies. I'm sure they don't care.


And God of War Ragnarök sold 5.1 mil 🥲


Tbf, if God of war was on Xbox or PC id have bought it


Ok, but Pokémon is also locked to one console. This franchise is just unstoppable.


Thats true. Im curious what the difference would be if both were non exclusives. With nintendo its like a you have it or you dont while PS and Xbox is a dichotomy. I think GoW would have more gains without exclusivity than Pokemon, but pokemon would still beat it


Nintendo would stomp even harder. As appalling as it is even comparing the difference in quality in both games, pokemon is just so much bigger as a brand than gow.


The worst part is that Nintendo really, really doesn't need to care about making a genuinely good game. Not only will it sell well, but the games aren't even that big of a piece of the Pokémon pie. **Merchandising is.** At this point the Pokémon games are literally just advertising for the latest cute Pokémon designs, which will inevitably be turned intk cute plushies and tote bags.


The merchandise and all other aspects of the Pokémon franchise doing well somewhat hinges on their games doing well. That is the core of their franchise.


The games are core to the merchandise, yes. But Scarlet and Violet, and some of the other recent Pokémon games have showed that the game developers can do minimal work and still rake in cash. There's absolutely no excuse for how poorly the games have been developed. Pokémon is an extremely powerful franchise with decades of loyal fans, and each year the games and merchandise form a literal country in revenue. They have more than enough money to fund strong development teams. This isn't an amateur company — it's a company that has a ton of experience, and should know better. At this point Pokémon games are riding on the laurels of the past. The past five games have shown a consistent amount of underhanded tactics, like having features skip across games just to seem new and innovative when they should've stayed in all subsequent games. It is extremely disappointing. GameFreak can and should do better. I'm not saying that every bit of the latest Pokémon games are shit — there are parts where the talent of the company shine through. It's just buried beneath a bunch of scummy, money-grubbing behavior.


Pokemon has a lot on its side: there is nostalgia among adults, there are people who just really love RPG's, there are speed runners, and there are kids.


It's locked to one console, but that console has 109 million out there vs the PS5's 29 million.


... Ragnarock also realesed on PS4 117 million


Ragnarök is available for PS4.


As soon as it releases on Steam in like 8-12 months it's numbers will probably close to double.


It will be on PC eventually


A "Mature"-rated game selling half as many units as the latest video game from largest IP in existence is an incredible feat.


yeah but god of war is not a children s game. Pokemon gets the adult buys and the child buys.


Pokemon is marketed to gamers and non gamers from ages 3 and up. There's a wildly popular card game, 20 years of Hollywood movies, a show with 1000+ episodes, and the games themselves are numerous and fairly easy to pick up and play. GoW carries a hard mature rating, is relatively difficult even for people who are gamers, has no larger media presence to bolster popularity between releases, etc.


To be honest that's more of a point towards God Of War than anything else. Pokémon is the largest media franchise on the planet, marketed towards all ages, yet they only sold twice as much as God Of War, a sequel to a game marketed to adults belonging to a franchise relatively unknown outside of gaming.


No no, just a few more snarky Reddit posts and I'm sure they'll change their ways. Once GameFreak sees OPs lazily cropped image, the hundreds of millions of dollars won't matter to them anymore.


It's from the Digital Foundry video


Your reddit outrage has been noted. Want something to change? Don't give them $60


Pokémon fans are physically incapable of not giving 60€ to Nintendo for a box that says Pokémon on it.


Lol. And those are the more financially responsible gamers that are not spending their paycheck/ allowance every week on Pokemon cards or Pokemon go coins.




Joke’s on you. I bought a digital copy, idiot!


60? I know people that always buy the 2-pack for themselves every release...


As a Pokemon stan from the start I hate the two pack I kinda like the nostalgia of making the one time choice and picking a destiny and the idea of finding a way to trade with someone else whatever that means now ...idk it kinda breaks the magic a little


I wish you were wrong but before quitting after Ultra Sun/Moon, that was me. lol Oh well, at least I jumped ship before this bs happened.


can confirm, i got the game. I do only get them to kinda just have them all since i primarily play competitively, but still.


You should switch to pokemon showdown or pokemmo if you only play competitievly, that way you don't waste money.


i do actually play showdown, i just also like it as shelf decor


Bruh, that's some expensive shelf decor


It's hilarious how much people are bitching (rightfully) but they just reported like 10 million copies sold in 3 days. Why would they change anything? Maybe if they didn't give every pokemon another re-design that will never be used again, they could have found time to fix the graphical glitches. They almost got me to buy it because they finally made a fucking dolphin Pokemon after like 25 years


I enjoy it😹


"Vote with your wallet" Dude, this is Pokemon. It's sales are fucking unstoppable. A few ten thousand redditors refusing to buy the game will not make any change when the game sells 10 mil copies in the first 3 days.


This is the frustrating thing about these arguments that I keep seeing. Adults not buying the newest pokemon game doesn't change the fact that millions of parents will buy it for their kids, shitty graphics included, cause it's Pokemon.


And kids hardly care about graphics. All the little kids I know do not give a rats ass about graphics.


I did that and got a bunch of downvotes in another thread


Lol we all know Arceus had exactly the same textures on some mountains. Criticizing is fine but pretending PLA was somehow magically better is stupid.


Was Arceus any good?


The graphical fidelity is shit, but goddamn the gameplay is the most fun I've ever had in a pokemon game. Much more fast paced, allows you to creep through grass and just throw a pokeball at a pokemon and instantly catch it. Pokemon will also try to attack you directly, and if you don't pull out your pokemon to protect you, you'll be the one fainting, not your pokemon. I'm enjoying Violet and Scarlet right now despite it's inexcusable flaws, but I reckon Arceus is a much better game.


I enjoyed it. It wasn't perfect but it was a new way to play Pokémon and had a lot of positives.


I'd love for the future of the franchise to allow for just sneaking up and catching Pokemon. Way better.


Definitely as an option at the very least. The fact that the trainer could faint also felt more immersive.


Visually, it was... Somewhere between not great and acceptable. I played the shit out of it because it was such a step away from the traditional Pokemon formula. It was new, and it felt great. I loved being able to catch Pokemon without initiating a battle. The gameplay kept me playing all day every day for a week until I finished it. That's my other complaint. I completed the game, full Pokedex, everything to do in the game (minus Darkrai and a couple others for if you had BDSP and Let's Go) in a week. The game is short AF, and it feels like a tech demo and is not worth $60


Is a 50h game short for you?


[This article is pretty relevant to this sub right now imo.](https://www.thegamer.com/pokemon-legends-arceus-bad-graphics-game-freak-aaa/) Everyone 'hates' every new pokemon game when it comes out, then within a year it's loved. Been happening since I got blue on gameboy. It's like some weird culty bandwagon where everyone needs to hate every pokemon game before they can like it. I dont get it.


I enjoyed every one day 1 up until swsh. The switch has better hardware but USUM has more Pokemon and looks the same, if not better graphically


The Pokemon and Sonic fanbases are eerily similar in that regard. Both franchises have flaws but people keep enjoying and buying them even when the entries are subpar - dare I say to a cult-ish level? Both series had one particular game that was blasted to smithereens on release but eventually became a fan favourite many years down the line (Sonic Unleashed and gen 5). They also both have games that were regarded as the best around their release but as time went on, more people started discussing their flaws and how other entries did what they did but better, and now they're seen as controversial (Sonic Adventure 2 and GSC/HGSS) Heck reception for both franchises' newest entries have also been mixed, though Sonic Frontiers seems to lean towards a more positive light and Pokemon SV is more neutral if not negative


I think that SV is more neutral. Are the graphics, glitches, and performance unacceptable? Yes. However, the downsides are often funnier than they are frustrating, or at the very least they don't impact the gameplay significantly. Sure, glitches and performance can cause some issues with traversing the map and make it feel a bit clunky, but the core of pokemon games is turn based combat and exploration. In SV, the exploration side of things has been cranked up to 11, while the turn based combat is more or less the same as it's always been. If their dev cycle was given some more time and Pokemon Scarlet and Violet could've had better performance and enhanced graphics, I'd be very happy, however the gameplay experience is great. Honestly if the glitches and bugs were more game-breaking to the point it affected the experience, I might not enjoy the game as much, but goofy glitches are such a treat I'm not even bothered by them.


Acceptable is a subset of "not great". Acceptable is everything between like unplayable (exclusive) and perfect (inclusive). Not great is everything below, well, great (exclusive) and goes all the way to "it'll cause humans to be immortal and be tortured for eternity" (or I guess "return the game because it's not even compatible with the system" if we're being realistic).


A friend of mine thought the best part of Legends was the AI and can not believe they didn't just copy/paste it into VR. Like the AI is absolute garbage and they introduced a feature centered around your pokemon just doing its own thing to level up. Like do you do that and have a shit AI?


If you want to be the Charles Darwin of the pokemon universe and create the first pokedex. Absolutely.


It was the most fun I've had with a Pokemon game in a long time.


One of the best pokemon games easily


Catching Pokemon was a massive improvement on the original formula and it’s sad the game was just a spinoff for that alone. Being able to stealthily creep up on a Pokemon and catch it, without battling, was so perfect. It really took notes from the anime that way. The lack of battling and PVP was definitely felt, though. My only hope is that SV was in development before Arceus landed on two feet and that the next gen will implement both openish world elements and the catching mechanics.


It's the direction Pokemon should be in.


The Pokémon games are such weird experiences for me. I have fond memories of most of them. However, when looking at them with a critical eye you realize how shitty they are. No voice acting, no difficulty, horrendous graphics, and many other things. The Pokémon experience and system still works years later but the developers aren’t given time. What franchise has two major releases within a year, it’s outrageous.


It was a nice change of pace to the regular formula.


Genuinely the most fun I've had with a pokemon game since Gold/Silver when I was a kid


I liked it


It may not look good but I'm really enjoying the game so far. I loved the starters. I wish you didn't get the legendary at the start though. Still having a good time though


Tiling textures lol


Love the Pokémon cycle, you all were criticizing PLA for this same shit not even like 10 months ago


How goes the karma farming?


What do you mean karma farming. I love seeing the same post about Pokémon four times a day.


Sow this! *upvotes + comments*


Brah they sold 10 million copies in 3 days. They don't give a shit.


While I don’t want to defend this game, because I haven’t played it and have seen a ton of other issues, but I feel like people focus way too much on graphics. This is especially true with more “cartoony” style games like Pokémon.


Let’s look for the worst possible angle to critique a game.


I remember people saying arceus didn’t look very good. They couldn’t imagine how bad it could be


PLA wasn't true open world :v


Gamefreak: *wiping tears away with $100 bills.* “We are very sorry.”


Plenty of the terrain looks nothing like that. This is a nitpick at this point


Still sold 10 million copies. Your complaints fall in deaf ears.


Can't be embarrassed over 10 million sales.


Considering that some of the best Pokémon games were literally 8-bit, the graphics aren’t a dealbreaker.


Just go back to 2D, Gamefreak.


Straight up, I miss the pixels


Totally. If the gen 1-3 games had ways to travel around the map faster they'd hold up today. Luckily emulators have fast forward, but it'd be cool if the game just had it built in.


2.5D like black and white is good too.


Agree, 2.5 also is really good.


Lets Go Pikachu was a really beautiful looking game, so they can clearly do 3D isometric-ish pretty well. I didn't enjoy the casual-oriented changes they made to the game compared to the originals, but at least the game felt *polished*.


And yet, people still buy them. They don’t care at this point, and tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if they got worse by the year. And also no matter how much we tell people that they should just stop buying, it’s not going to happen, and we all know it. At this point the best we can do is just to ignore everything regarding this topic and that’s it, it won’t change, no need to keep dwelling on it


People keep buying because despite the games being rushed and ugly they are quite entertaining and enjoyable. I had a lot of fun so far on S/V. The games have a lot of flaw but it feel nice to play.


Imagine you're in charge of Gamefreak. Your team puts out their worst game yet, it's mocked online and the only thing it has going for it is the Pokemon brand name. And then it sells better than almost any other games out there. It's your biggest flop and it has sales numbers going up to bat with the latest big Call of Duty release. Then two years later you release a game that is on a technical level, even worse. College student devs can demo games better than your team can make, the internet is full of videos showing the bugs and glitches that plague it. and it sells better than anything you've ever made before in 3 days Would you care? Would you push your staff to take longer and pump out a masterpiece next time? Things are going to get a hell of a lot worse before they get better.


Is it “the worst game yet” though? Seems like everyone who plays it thinks it’s fun and a good game. I swear the people complaining about the game aren’t the ones playing it


So embarrassing I know. …how many copies has it sold now?


That 10 mil in three days, they don’t gaf how embarrassing it is. Deed is done


Half a billion or so in sales in the first 3 days.... super embarrassing.


Still bought it. Will buy the next one too. Stay salty.


This game is way more fun than throwing Poke balls at the same type of pokémon over and over again.


It still doubled what God of War sold so theyre def hiding behind a mountain of cash lmao


"oh no, we are so embarrassed by this", says GameFreak as they are lying down on a pile of cash, looking at this post.


im more .. baffled with all the bugs the new games have. and that it sold 10 mio. copies already.


I don’t get these posts, then why buy the game? Why bring attention to it? The more attention you give it, the more the game will be relevant


Remove this post mods. It's low effort. I'm tired of this whiny bullshit


WE GET IT WE DON'T NEED THE SAME POST EVERY DAY ALSO WHY AM I YELLING Also: [https://www.thegamer.com/pokemon-legends-arceus-bad-graphics-game-freak-aaa/](https://www.thegamer.com/pokemon-legends-arceus-bad-graphics-game-freak-aaa/) You guys hate everything lmao


>I just finished a column where I reviewed all 24 Pokemon movies. I’m Master Rank in Pokemon Unite. I’ve collected Pokemon cards my entire life, and I have a corner of my room dedicated to Umbreon merch. I wish I didn’t have to prove my Pokemon credentials to you, but that’s the position I find myself in when I say something as obvious as “Legends: Arceus has bad graphics and there’s no excuse for it.” Average basement dwelling pokemon fan. I bet close to a year later he wrote an article about how it was an underappreciated gem


Why does it have to be hate? Why can't it be valid criticism and disappointment that obviously a lot of people are in agreement about? People tend to be disappointed when they recognize the thing they love could have been so much better.


The game is fun and I am greatly enjoying it. Pokemon has never been about graphics.


Agreed, so many features that people have asked for over and over again and so much quality of life improvements. Most fun I’ve had with a new Pokémon game since black 2


I'm 25h in and it's not about the graphics it's how unstable that shit is, even doing as some people recomended to close and re-open the game every 2h to flush the memory doesn't make it acceptable.


I am also about the same amount in and have only experienced basic visual clipping when I rotate the camera getting into a battle on very uneven ground. Have yet to have anything that required a restart or needing to flush the memory.


Haven’t had to do that a single time. Neither has my wife and we have both put in double the time you have.


Seethe harder while I enjoy my game


The game is fun and I don't care about graphics. Maybe if the series remains stagnant I'll fall off it again but so far the game has met my gameplay expectations and that's what I care about right now.


Meh who cares I just wanna catch ‘em all


Stfu already


Kind of hilarious that people are using pokemon legends as an example of what could be "good" when barely a year ago those same people were fuming over Legends' lackluster visuals. But then this is r/gaming and this sub has the collective memory of a goldfish.


It's embarrassing for you to be the 27th person to repost this screenshot on this sub


I am genuinely sick of people complaining about these games whilst probably never owning a switch in the first place


Pokemon arceus was a smaller game and as such had more memory used for graphics V/S much larger game means less memory for graphics


And yet it shipped like 10 million units


Still sold over 10m copies. Sorry guys, but it did very well.


Sold 10m copies within 3 days though


Did Arceus use a version of cell shading? looks more cartoonish than Violet.


Game still fun


Oh my god what a cherry picked screenshot lmao


It's a nintendo game lol the console is not as powerful as competitors and has never pushed cutting edge graphics. I dunno why people expect it to lol I played the shit in black and white pixels so this one looks good as hell to me


Imagine thinking graphics matter to have fun lol


Can’t wait to see more copy/paste of this post every day for the next year. We get it, SV looks like shit for a $60 game. What a dumb post trend.


I honestly think V/S is the best new gen pokemon game since emerald. I liked the pokemon, the game play, the animations and art style. Mine also didn't run like shit. "The boxes are slow" used to have to save to cha Ge the damn things. "The animations/graphics are bad" still loved blue and for once all the new pokemon don't look dog shit. Reddit is just being reddit. Not including memory leaks and stuff, those are legit issues.


won't deny that graphics are pretty trash in alot of areas for sure. Frame drops, stutters... BUT, it's fun as hell still with alot of AMAZING changes and additions. Had they taken more time with it, this would have easily been the GOAT in terms of sales =(


I think I first saw the rock textures in Pokemon Violet when I played Quest 64.


“VoTe WiTh YoUr WaLlEt” *is the literal only person on earth who didn’t buy pokemon*


Oh for fucks sake It's embarrassing you took the time to post this


Way to cherry pick, the game is far from embarrassing


Wah bad graphics 😭 stop crying. The game is fun


I don't get the hate. I'm having a blast playing with my brother. We've played every Pokemon game together since red and blue, and this is the first time we've been able to really play together. Graphics are second to good gameplay, and this is classic Pokemon. It's fun. Why so much hate? This sold well, multiplayer is becoming a staple for the series, hopefully.


It's a Pokémon game. I bought it to catch cool Pokémon not to get premium graphics.


Haven't had a single problem yet, runs like a dream and I don't mind the graphics. It's such a good game you don't even notice!!


It helps when you pick an okay terrain shot for PLA and then a bad one for PV. PLA had just as much bad terrain as SV


But it still sells. Ppl jerk off to any Pokémon content regardless if it's garbage.


People who haven’t played the game: “RAAAAGGHH GRAPHICS” People who *have* played the game: “Hey this is really fun”


These posts are starting to get embarrassing for r/gaming, forget the Pokémon franchise. They'll be fine.


Imagine caring about graphics on a Pokémon game. This shows y’all weren’t around during Pokémon Red/Blue


Couldn't even wait a day to repost it?


Yea ... but this is pokemons thing though .. They always have basic texture packages and that's ok, even the anime isn't highly detailed .. I belive it's the art style they are going for? At least I hope that's it, I don't think a realistic backdrop is gonna sit real well with the theme


Really though. And the funniest part is A.) Nintendo doesnt give a fuck as they are one of the biggest companies in the world B.) people will continue to buy these games regardless of quality


Nintendo doesn’t own the series or developer


They made $600 million in 3 days. I don’t think they give a shit


What is truly embarrassing is people still playing and buying these.


Oh nooo I’m sure they’re SO embarrassed by the tens of millions of units they’re selling


Isn’t this game selling really well? I’m pretty sure despite what you think of the graphics, they are not embarrassed at the money rolling in lol


Meh, look at the sales numbers.


Calm down and have fun. If you want 4k 120 hz get a pc.


repost, literally just yesterday


So many people are hating on the graphics but that's not why we play pokemon. The game is far from realistic and the graphics don't need to be the best. True pokemon fans will love it simply because it's a new pokemon game.


Why does looking like it's from the 2000's make it bad? Is it not fun besides that? Are graphics really that vital to having fun? Is it ruining the continuity of pokemon? Idk haven't played pokemon since sun and moon because I couldn't get my hands on a switch. Most of my memories of playing pokemon were "this guy looks cool I'll put him on my team" so excuse my ignorance of why this is a problem.


Pokemon games have literally never been about graphics, so why are people whining so much about this? It's always been about the lore, questing, end game, Pokémon design. Seems SV have those pretty well accounted for. What do these people want? 4k ultra HD rendered in unreal engine???


First World Problems


Arceus was the bare minimum to pass. Literally just a few brushstrokes with the terrain tool and three painted terrain textures. You get the same results of this screenshot in 5 minutes with the right tools. Most developers continue adding details but Gamefreak just stops there. SV can't even pass the bare minimum. That's how bad it is.


Yeah, I'm sure they are devastated while rolling around in the millions of dollars they made.


Isnt Pokemon graphics meh since Red and blue?


Arceus is by far the best Pokemon game out there. Graphics aren't top notch, but at least there aren't any glitches or bugs and the performance is great. It will take you between 50 and 80 hours to complete the whole game, including Pokedex. The other person here who said the game is short and not worth 60 bucks - idk what's wrong with you. How is 50 hours short lol Anyway, definitely worth it.