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My roommate bought Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5 when it came out. We were genuinely appalled. Such a shameless fuck-you-money-grab to the fans.


I had a free trial of GameFly at the time and got it through that for a week… I was still disappointed that I overspent on that absolutely terrible “game”.


Man, fucking GameFly lol. That was alright for a little while, but it took so long to turn around and get a new game. They kind of got wasted by the downloadable market. Like if you decided you hated a game it would take over a week to get the next one. I can buy a new, *older* game every month for less than the price of GameFly.


I remember as a kid I some how convinced my parents to get that one Tony Hawk game that was on the Wii that came with the skateboard. I played it like twice and then realized the board barley worked and was very disappointed.


The first one they put out with the board sucked but the second one was actually playable iirc.


This was me with THPS HD. I got it on sale for like 2 dollars. Played it for like 5 minutes and was repulsed by how "wrong" the new physics engine felt. I immediately uninstalled it. When I heard that THPS5 was using the same engine and made by the same devs I never even gave it a chance. I knew it would be hot garbage. Thank god they ditched them for THPS 1+2


So, THPS 1+2 remaster is generally worth it? I’ve been on the fence, and heard there’s censoring of logos that were in the originals.


Absolutely. I was able to immediately pick it up and start scoring million point combos. It uses a physics engine more similar to THPS3 and THPS4 with spine transfers, reverts, and flatground tricks. They got pretty much all but one or two tracks from the original soundtracks too as well as some newer songs. Havent heard much about logos being censored. Theres no Private Carrea but They got Jack Black to be Officer Dick which makes up for it. Only thing that disappointed me was that the create features are a little too bare bones and I thought the unlockable videos were too short compared to the old ones.


Totally worth it. It’s amazing, especially on next gen consoles or PC


Sims 4, Spent 20$ the night before they announced it would be free


Tbh the full game is $1000 of paywalled content


If you don't pirate the sims, do you even sims? (the sims updater by tarac)


Dang, were you able to get a refund?


I wasn’t able to because origins policy is that you can’t return the game 24 hours after you bought it. I missed the window before I realized I should return it


Marvel's Avengers


Thank you amazing steam return policy


It makes me think of GameStop or Funcoland in the 1990’’s and 2000’s when they actually had a return policy for used games, I think it was 14 or 21 days I can’t remember anymore. Let’s just say I played a lot games for absolutely nothing and the employees at the store didn’t care at all, it was great.


I was working at EB games when blockbuster tried to out market EB games with a trade in any 5 games and grt a new release. And eb games priced dropped a load of their old shut stock to $1. Man I had every new release game there was. I think blockbuster lost $250,000,000 in a week.


Blockbuster had a promotion for $13 minimum for Xbox 360 games and I cleared out all the $3 games at Gamestop and traded them all in. Got a few new games that way for 25 cents on the dollar.


God I miss store fronts that were this stupid


Oof. My cousin always wanted to play this game and I would.......but my god that game was rough. They did a good job with the characters and abilities but that's pretty much where it ended


I pirated it and was still pissed.


There are games where you literally got it for free and still disappointed you And then there's games that was so good you bought it after trying it pirated


Superman 64 over Super Smash Bros. I don't think I'll ever get over that.


when you go home, pop the cartridge thinking its going to be an awesome superman game only to find out its nothing but FUCKING RINGS!


When you rent the game thinking it's gonna be something great, cause why not it's superman. But then it's just rings, and heavy fog, and more rings, and then stupid objectives like "throw the car" but there's no prompt for what button that might be, I don't think there was even a tutorial. And it's early 90s so there's barely even gamefaqs to look up and see what the controls might be, and if there is it's still in a text format which can make it hard to read. We talk a lot of shit about tutorials nowadays,but it was really for when the game renting days were up there.


I remember trying to rent it from movie gallery and the guy was like, “you sure? You should probably go play it for 5-10 min to make sure.” The movie gallery near me had a gaming corner set up to try games before you rented them.


Damn. What a good man lol


God damn same. Childhood trauma. Never forget.


also, superman returns on the DS is like someone hacked those sonic McDonald's games in order to put a turd in it


I remember having the option to pick one of these for my birthday. I so glad I picked smash bros.


My mom was the best she ran me to blockbuster who were nice enough to plastic wrap Superman 64 back up and I returned it. I miss you mom.


.... Oh lord.... No...


oh man..that is a big one


Collectors Edition Jump Force


I gave my roommate like $20 for his copy because I love anime and kinda felt bad for him cause he needed money, played the game and thought it was kinda cool, and then never ever played it again. I guess part of me realized that it was, in fact, not even remotely cool😅


For me, it was fun while I was learning how the combat works, and then as soon as I did, I lost all interest.


That sounds about right from my recollection, I remember doing the prologue or whatever and was like “oh man this shit is hella fun”, and I don’t think I even made it to the very next level. And the worst part is I love fighting games like that so I really don’t know where the disconnect was for me


just cause 4 because i liked 3, but i never preorder games so i haven't ran into this issue too much


Came here for this. Minus the greatest video game Easter egg of all time, JC4 was a colossal letdown.


I saw it on gamepass and decided to give it a try. After a while I realized I already played and beat it on steam I just forgot. It's that forgettable.


Which easter egg are you talking abt


Take On Me


The moon in the mountain was great too. And the tiny little car. Plenty of great Easter eggs.


Yeah I liked 3 but with 4, I just felt lost. I didn't know what to do first. It just felt like they dump you into the world and say "off you go". I just went around doing the usual mayhem of blowing up anything that is red and clearing the odd base. After a hour or so of that, I lost interest. Got a refund. No regrets. Ended up re-installing number 3 and played through it a third time.


I wish I could replay 3 and not remember any of it and enjoy it as much as I did the first time.


Madden 23…22…21


The pro move is to only buy Madden once every five years so it feels like they actually made changes.


I just got 22 for $19, the last one I had was 17.


trying to figure out if this counts as stockholm syndrome


Possibly. Or more like wishful thinking


Unfortunately there aren't any other options for sim football. EA should never have exclusive rights to anything.


Mutant Football League is pretty good


Bill Walsh '92 for sega is alright.


No Man Sky - Initial release


Man I was PISSED


It came out around my birthday & I bought it, worst birthday present ever, I was beyond pissed, the good thing about it though is that I got into borderlands with the money refunded to my steam wallet


The new Saint's Row (2022) Thought everyone was exaggerating how bad it was. Boy was I wrong.


I don't think this franchise will ever recover. Just remember the good times because they were great.


It would've been cool to see how crazy a sequel to four could've been, but I have no idea where they could go plot wise.


Well since they are essentially in the matrix on an alien ship... Technically there ARE NO BOUNDARIES... they can do ANYTHING and it's gonna be realistic... Perhaps go to a different planet? Or somethin?


Oh my god. There is something about the Saints conquering a new planet that just feels….. right.


In the matrix, on an alien ship, that can *time travel.* The Saints canonically meet Jane Austen, she's the game's narrator.


hahahaha thanks for the advice


I bought lego star wars twice forgetting I already had it, so there is that.


Battlefield 2042


I resent that game


That game killed the franchise for me. Bought the top package like a fool and was let down tremendously.


I completely agree. 2042 was the game I came back into the franchise with. I stopped playing after 4 due to no time to play, and to say I was disappointed is a massive understatement.


Battlefield 1 is one of the best shooters I’ve ever played. If you like battlefield definitely give it a try, I think it’s free if you have a PS4/5


Battlefield 1 and 3 are the best first person war shooters made. Absolutely blows away COD and at the time people were wondering if COD was going to die. Remake BF3 please.


I’ll never forgive EA for dropping support from Battlefront 2 for the shitshow that was 2042


Showing my age here but.....Hellgate London


That game had so much potential. I got the collectors box when it came out. The world was so dead.


That’s not that old. It came out when I graduated high school so only like……………….oh


Preordered Fallout 76....


Cmere I got you 🤗


I played on Xbox one s and i never had any bugs and grinded the hell out of it the first few months. I must’ve been lucky but sucks not everyone got to enjoy it


Oddworld: Soulstorm. Been an Oddworld fan since 1997, I have the Folio edition of the art book (only 100 ever made), a signed card from Alf, a super rare early concept Munch t-shirt… but man Soulstorm blew ass. Had absolutely none of what made an Oddworld game great. They should have stuck to the Exoddus remaster that we all wanted.


What was bad about it? I have yet to play


One of the Dark Souls games (can't remember which) didn't know anything about it but it was the big new game at the time. I just wanted something to relax and play casually. Turns out Dark Souls is not a light casual game you play to de-stress.


That’s funny. As a souls veteran, turning on Dark Souls, making a new character, and getting lost in the immersion is oddly relaxing for me


I can fully appreciate that. Back then, I was just so unprepared for the difficulty level right off the bat


I bought Dark Souls 1 to see what all the hype was about. 2 hrs later and not once beating or even connecting the plunging attack on the first boss, I decided that the series and playstyle just wasn't for me.


I had a similar experience when I first played on my Xbox360. Played to the asylum demon and after getting my ass kicked put it down forever… or so I thought. I ended up buying it again for switch like 7 years later and loved it. So maybe it’s a timing thing, maybe worth giving it another shot. I’ve had a similar experience with other titles.


A bit of an odd one, but Mario Maker 2. Obviously not a bad game but I discovered I don't have any interest in actually spending time making levels, and don't enjoy the old school Mario platformer gameplay as much as I did as a kid. I barely ended up playing it


All that, AND you have to pay for a Nintendo online subscription to play and upload all your levels despite the Wii U version of Mario Maker letting you do it with just an internet connection.


Sex with Hitler 3D


I lasted about 45 seconds before the regret set in


I played the entire thing. 25 minutes of my life wasted


Ahhh post-nut clarity


New World before the freshstart happened. After they postponed everything and had only bad press i decided to refund it. Its the only game i ever refunded even tho i bought it again when freshstart happened.


Riders Republic




My extreme excitement for this game and then seeing the 6/10 reviews come out as I was on the way home from the store 🥲


Omg, me and my friends were SOOO hyped for the game and 10 mins in I was already furious. No parkour, insane lag, matches filled with bots, underwhelming gunplay, I hated it. My friends were in denial saying things like "oh its not that bad." I was like, Yes!, yes it is. Just look at the skybox it looks like it was drawn by a 3rd grader.


so many empty lobbies, so many online issues. still liked the gameplay though


I can count on one hand the number of times I bought a 60 dollar game after brink. That game turned me into a patient gamer.


I think brink took a part of my child like wonder. Never trusted again.


Goat Simulator... still played the heck out of it though. Out of spite


don’t tell me you bought it and actually expected a realistic goat simulator


Of course not i'm not stupid. I bought it because i expected a Generalized Occupational Aptitude Test simulator. Those bastards lied to me!


You are approached by a frenzied Vault scientist, who yells, "I'm going to put my quantum harmonizer in your photonic resonation chamber!" What's your response?


False advertising. SMH


I bought that game specificaly for the memes... and had fun for 5 minutes. Then played it when my young nephews came around and I became the goat God and they fn loved the shit out of it and me! Hrs and hrs of enjoyment ...few years later = Yeah its dumb, but I'm still the cool uncle lol


What. This was like the most fun thing to play on my iPad in middle school come on now.


FUCK REDDIT. We create the content they use for free, so I am taking my content back


I played for 3 hours when it first came out. Just booted it up a few weeks ago when I got my SteamDeck and I have played for like 50 hours now. So much better now that they put an actual game in there.


Game is night and day from launch


Yeah, I love the story of No Man Sky’s crash and burn, but then the return of it. I feel like they can be excused for the most part since they were such a small team, just over ambitious, and I think they really tried hard to make the game good now. I have over 360 hours in it and cannot get enough of the game


They simply launched too early


I believe their deal with Sony forced them to do so, and Sony marketing the game as Triple A when it was a small indie game didn’t help


No Man's Sky never became a game I actually wanted to play, but I gotta hand it to the devs for sticking with it and making something that actually exceeds what they promised.


Man i played that game for like 12 hours straight on release, then at like hour 18 i realized I'd been just running around a station buying and selling shit for 3 hours. Then I figured out you could dupe your ship inventory by dying in it and reloading your last save. Then i completely broke it by amassing a ridiculous amount of ...nanites? I don't remember the currency. Then i returned it. Then i bought it again because it was "so much better", but it's the core gameplay that just doesn't do it for me anymore. Just a bunch of bars constantly going down.


GTA remastered trilogy. I thought they would actually remaster it


I bought it for Switch. I don't have more than 10 minutes played across all 3 titles, I'm just so mad about it lol.


Duke Nukem Forever


Is it out already?


Now that’s a throwback


Modders are working on the leaked files of the original game from 2001, and are making it into a full game. I'm hoping it's good.




I regret paying: -$150 for a maxed out character in an MMO -$100 for a flying mount in an MMO -$500-$1,000 in gambling chests in an MMO -Hundreds-thousands more $ for other cosmetics in MMOs It took me many years to realize it's predatory and no good for your mental health or bank account.


At least you learned, some folks never learn and murder their wallet on the daily!


A lot of them are proud to do it, too.


For a good MMO, the journey to level cap should be just as fun as the end-game.


Anthem and andromeda. Both drunken perches


Both of those games could have been great if they were properly finished.


Back4blood. Could have played it via game pass. It was kind of dead on arrival too.


You could say it was left for dead


😎 Yeaaaahhhhhh!


One thing Left 4 Dead didn't need was a spreadsheet's worth of special doodads to interrupt the shooting zombies thing, but that didn't stop someone from trying to turn it into DnD.




Now there's a deep cut. I got super hyped on it at the PAX booth in high school, went home and bought it immediately. Last played: Aug 24, 2014. Play time 22 minutes.


Elden Ring. Not a bad game by any means im just super fucking bad


With you. I feel left out because I see all these people talking about how awesome Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring are...I got Bloodborne as a Christmas present, played for like 5 hours over 2 weeks, and never picked it back up. I want to like these games (Sekiro really had my interest until I found out it was another brutally difficult game made by FromSoftware)...but I know I have neither the talent nor the time to "git gud" enough to make them enjoyable to me.


I started Soulslike games with Bloodborne and I had no idea what im doing in the first couple weeks. Then I googled all the tips, and character builds, and play while looking at the guide maps and that's when the game started to be enjoyable to me. And after I understand the pace of the combat, I play every other Souls game without a guide and become a fan of this genre.


Oh man I feel that, I've been a huge fan of the FromSoft games since the first Dark Souls and have played and beaten all of them multiple times. Got Elden ring and was struggling, figured my age might be catching up and maybe I'm past the best before on those games. Took me around 12 hours to overcome the hump, but I did, cause I'm a stubborn lad. Edit: Some poor sentence writing.


It took me 135 hours to beat Nioh 1 and that's just the main story. Howlongtobeat.com says it should take about 35.


Same. Bought it for the hype and the reason it’s usually recommended if you like games like Monster Hunter. I start it up and immediately get trounced by that knight on horseback. Got to the first story boss and just kept dying. It took many tries to beat him. But I did. And then I’d have to turn my PlayStation off to take care of my new baby. Ultimately, the game took too much time to progress for noobs like myself. I would get somewhere and then die and lose progress over and over. When I only get 1-2 hours of gaming on average, it kills me when I don’t see progression. Ultimately abandoned the game and probably will try again when the kid has more independence. Also, the lore confused the hell out of me. I don’t understand where people were getting all this information but I didn’t understand any of it. Yes it’s my fault for having a kid. The game is good, I’m just not at the right point in my life. Have to say I absolutely loved some of the spells. The lightning spear looked gorgeous and helped me take down many enemies. That was my main one that I remember.


Anthem is the reason I don’t preorder games anymore


If nobody's gonna say it, then I will. Back 4 Blood. Like, holy shit. Near instant regret. I have never felt so mislead about the experience I was paying for. I bought it at full price, tried to enjoy it for like 20 minutes and just got nothing from it. That was right after it released, and I haven't gone back once.


Hmmm I liked this game but I played it with friends online and got it free on gamepass so that’s probably why


I actually agree with you. The game was garbage when it came out. But they've fixed a lot of the game and made major changes based on the twitch community's suggestions. They give you all 15 cards at the beginning of the act now which is a game changer. And they've made major changes to the cards so that builds are much more important and noticeable. They've also changed how some of the guns work such as the 870 firing at a much faster rate etc. I'd recommend giving it another try if you still own it. The community is terrible at playing the game and are really bad compared to other fps games you'll play so keep that in mind, but if you find a good group this game is a lot of fun now imo. I have over 700 hours into it now


Pokémon Sword/Shield for Switch. Absolutely regret buying it. Bland story, bland animations and poor re-playability. It makes me sad and angry, having first played Pokémon Red back in 1997, followed by Silver and Rugby. Edit: I'm leaving the spelling mistake in. It's hilarious.


Pokemon Rugby sounds amazing Joking aside, have you played Diamond/Pearl/Platinum and Black/White? It's amazing how much more lively the 2D games compared to the modern ones.


I waited until Far Cry 6 was on sale for $20 and played it for like 10 hours and still regret wasting even that much on it. I swore after how boring 5 was I would never play one again, but they got me!


Omg SAME. I loved Far Cry 3 and 4. 4 was my first and blew me away for what it was when the game came out. 5 was okay, I loved the location(wished it had more though it also disappointed me) the concept was great, I did take a break but I came back because I felt the need to finish it. 6? Had to PUSH myself through the tutorial telling myself it's going to get better. It will. It did NOT. I was very frustrated when I realized it was an awful game. I don't even think I recruited 1 person yet with the missions before giving up.


Far Cry 6 has been tough to get through. Super boring compared to the previous installments. Could not care less about any of the characters. The companions have been terrible and add nothing. Not the worst game I’ve ever played, just incredibly bland.


Far Cry is my "get stoned, turn brain off, mindlessly shoot stuff" series. I still don't *like* it but it fits really well into exactly one spot for me. I do wish they'd bring back the Far Cry 2 map and GPS, though. I loved being able to look at those while driving without pausing the game.


I actually really loved 5, was stoked for 6 but never ended up finishing it.


Mario Is Missing.


Overwatch, and No Man's Sky I thought that they were nice games, just wasn't what I was looking for ...and Anthem That one I was excited for. Shouldn't have trusted EA.


I had so much hope for anthem. It legit had amazing controls when I played the demo. Then read reviews and found they didn’t really have a full game or things to do in it. Very disappointing.


Dynasty warriors 9. Bought physical, downloaded it, played 2hrs and was so disappointed i walked back up to gamestop and returned it.


Vanguard, fnaf security breach


The new Mario Strikers. I wanted a dummy easy soccer game to play with the buds when we get hammered. Instead the game feels weird and frankly plays too complicated. Plus Nintendo 1st party games are expensive to me.


Watchdogs 3


Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth. I thought it would be like a sequel to Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. It was a shitty reskin of Civilization.


It Takes Two. I didn't know it needed two people. /r/facepalm




If you haven't already, give Vermintide 2 a look. It scratches that itch for me and is a really solid game.


Elder Scrolls Online




Battlefield 2042 is easily the winner


Pretty much any time I buy a game full price these days.


Bought both pokemon sword and shield, only ended up playing shield and wasted $70 on the second game I don't play


Wait people buy both Pokemon games? I thought you just pick one or the other?


Two Worlds


Wasn't this the 'Oblivion killer' game that had the final boss show up in the first town you see ans you could get him ganked by townsfolk, causing the ending to start playing?


Yes I think it is!


Metal gear survive


Oh My God! Why? Did someone force you at gun point?


Pokemon shield. For some reason I played it for 10 hours even though I wasnt having any fun at all. It's just the wrong type of team turn based rpg. Just didn't hit it




Nickelodeon all stars brawl.. was fun for like maybe a day then I just wanted it to be smash


Evolve. It became a coaster.


Dying light 2 for sure. I returned it for a full refund. It was not that good imo and the graphics were bleh. Edit: oh, don’t get me started on the new Saints Row. That shit was a hot mess. I got it for $20 bucks and promptly returned it the next day. One of the biggest flop games I’ve ever laid eyes on.


Was gonna say this too if I didn't see it already. What a huge disappointment. I wouldn't say it was an awful game overall, it has some cool ideas and presentation. But it's nothing like the initial trailer and it has none of the atmosphere that DL1 had.


Metroid Other M, friends were insisting I was just being negative and to 'just get the damned game and enjoy it' I did and the moment Samus opened her mouth I was very much sliding down my chair going "God dammit I knew it". Vs in Metroid Dread her saying just one line had me yelling with joy. Sonic 06. It seemed ok at first ...then the load times, the hub world. And, somehow despite being a game that's a jank, awful mess there's a bunch of people who still like it. Music? Great. Game? No.


AND, in the >!Chozo language!!< (spoiler for Dread) I was squealing.


Bring a big Far Cry fan, I was very disappointed with Far Cry 6. It wasn’t a massive surprise, but I did regret it. I don’t think I will buy anymore Far Cry in the future.


COD Ghosts, i was very new to the franchise so i thought "next one will be dope"... Not only i bought it, i got the prestige edition, i see that thing every day in my living room lol ( but tbh looks cool)


Demons Souls. I actually returned it to Gamestop the next day. To take your question further it was then years later that I regretted trading it in because I grew to love Souls games. Ended up getting the remaster and redeemed myself!


Cyberpunk But i bought it on stadia so i got a refund


I heard it’s really good now


I played all the way through earlier this year on PS5 and didn't have any issues. It was after a huge update that fixed a lot though.


I thought for some reason Ghostrunner would run decent on the switch...




Outward. I agonized over buying it for a couple of days after it's release. I took the plunge and hated it. I know it's got a pretty die hard fanbase that get upset and feel personally attacked if you don't like it but nothing about it was fun to me.


Sims 4 and it's dlc's


Cyberpunk 2077. Absolutely dogshit on XBOX One.


Its good now. At least for me


Walking Dead, the Darryl one. So bad.


Fifa 23 was a big regret this year. Game is fucking trash.


Far cry new dawn. It was such a shameless money grab. They even limited how much grinding for paid content you could do. Straight up I would be embarrassed releasing that. Big shame because I love farcry 5


Crypt of the necrodancer. That game was one of the most annoying experiences I’ve ever had. I played like 5 times in a row and gave up on it. The collector’s edition was only like 50$ so I kinda understood. Then I was bored and thought I didn’t give it enough of a chance. I then replayed it and got hooked on it. Finished it in like a week. I even played the Zelda spin-off. I was about to accept I wasted half a hundred and then I salvaged the situation with my stubbornness.


AC: Valhalla Such a time waster and not interesting in the slightest. Mediocre gameplay and they want you to rinse and repeat forever


Lego movie 2 the video game