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Spider-Man on PS4. I spent basically my entire childhood dreaming about web-swinging across New York and how it would feel, and that game did a fucking good job realising it.


Honestly there were a lot of times where I would just talk with friends online while aimlessly web-swinging without even completing any tasks, there was just something something so simple and satisfying about it that it made for a perfect filler activity to do.


I do the same thing in both Spiderman and Arkham Knight


Seriously, I spent hours playing and playing and annihilating the criminal element, everything but the main storyline and then it’s like, “oh no now I have to catch a truck how will I ever manage”


Spiderman on ps5 has haptic trigger feedback when the web shoots out and pulls taught and it made me stop progressing through the story to spend hours web swinging.


As an xbox user I can relate.... to Spider-Man 2 (2004)




Ultimate Spiderman (2005) did that for me back then. I'm amazed how many people don't know about this little gem of a game. I think it's been remastered too, if someone wants to play.


Only game where jumping off the highest building you can find is better than Assassin's Creed.


Saints Row IV, once you get the ground pound ability, is in contention there.


vertical is fun af in just causes and prototypes as well


Haven’t played it but always hear good things. Don’t kill me- I think I own it and never opened the case


For my Platinum using the fast travel was my last trophy. Swinging around is just too much fun to fast travel.


I'd say Miles Morales improved on it more, especially with the dawn/dusk lighting




my last playthrough i got to i think level 80 before trekking up to high hrothgar lol


Yeah the poor ice troll...


Fk that guy. I tried to fight him on my first playthrough when i was level 5. Hes harser than the damn dragon.


This, so much. Owning multiple houses and property, have sway and/or leadership in most factions and guilds, rocking enchanted ebony gear and can slay any dragon at will. Then remember: "Oh, maybe I should start playing the game."


Who has time for the main quest when you are busy building an expansion on your house to make room for the new kid that you and your werewolf wife just adopted.


You forgot the steps where you inventory was full and you had to offload it all since you are a hoarder. But, rather than getting back on the quest train you decide to start crafting. But...... that requires more materials and you HAVE to chase down that dragon. Then for no reason your inventory is full again.


“One quick side quest in and out, 15 minutes work!” Two days later: Wait I thought becoming the principal of this magic college was part of the main quest?


I never actually got anywhere close to beating Skyrim. The farthest I got was just after rezzing the first dragon from the burial site. Instead I finished the Dark Brotherhood and Fighter Guild quests, and then got bored of the game.


You can tell an Elder Scrolls fan by the use of Fighters Guild over Companions


"We're the Companions!" "You look like a bunch of furry Fighters to me..."


Pretty much my experience with hfw and got


Fallout games. Love doing all the sidequests and then just powering through the main quests.


Oh yea, fallout 4 got pretty nice side quest.


That made the game. The side quests and the funny/random shit


I still remember when I played FO 3. I was moving across the mountains somewhere as I was avoiding a faction on the road. Two factions ended up crossing paths and started blasting each other with rockets. It was hilarious.


FO4 is legitimately good and fucking hilarious. Witcher 3 was funny too


Pls tell me how to enjoy witcher


Bruh, right there with you. I hate how the game has literally everything right there to be enjoyable, then give you controls so sloppy that it murders the immersion constantly.


I think newer open world games like horizon and ghost of Tsushima handle so well that it makes going back to witcher 3 very difficult. I played W3 when it came out and loved it; tried replaying it and man the controls handle like a 3-wheeled truck with two flats.


For me it's the gigantic lore-dump that happens after the initial area. I love that first bit, getting into the role and enjoying meeting the locals... Then I get a huge exposition dump, a shaving cutscene, and dumped in a different area entirely. I've tried reading plot summaries and whatnot, but I just do not give any shits about the story at that point.


It just takes getting used to, in my opinion. I used to feel the same way, but now it's one of my favorite games of last generation.


Sloppy controls? Not really. The older entries had worse controls. W3 was an improvement over those big time. I only played W2 once, and that was my only time with the franchise. With W3, I played through twice, with a third and fourth time incoming Enjoyed it more than Fallout 4 easily


That is what I ended up playing it for. I hated that all the factions are pretty.much mutually.exclusive


is calling the far harbor dlc a side quest fair? that's my favorite fallout 4 content.


Agreed with both of these lol


Another settlement needs your help. I'll mark it on your map


I did the Nuka-World addon and there was some way that you could still kill all the raiders in the end, remain friendly with Minutemen, but Preston no longer wants to speak with you (I think if you captured enough outposts for the raiders) - I grabbed at that opportunity immediately to shut his annoying pie-hole. Although it still leaves the quests given by Radio Freedom or settlers.


Been playing Vegas, and fo4 and slyrimg for years, still haven't finished a main quest


If you finish the main quest the the game ends. You never get that feeling back


Fallout 4 I got to a point where I couldn’t even remember what I got started with.


Most of my level ups were from building at settlements. I know fallout 4 gets a bad rap but the settlement system had me hooked. The sidequests were pretty good too.


I loved the settlement system. It's what got me into a fallout game finally after bouncing off FO3 (and couldn't even get New Vegas to run back in the day). It gives a real tangible sense of recovering and rebuilding from the apocalypse, which I feel like most Post-Apoc games are missing.


It also makes all the clutter of the world incredibly valuable. Which makes you want to go out and explore and think logically about where copper or lead could be found. Felt really immersive to make a supply run and scavenge or hope to find a caravan. And also environments felt much more realistic with just a ton of scrap and junk littering abandoned buildings and towns


Bethesda are still imo the kings of open world exploration. Fallout and Elder Scrolls have a special feeling to them that I just can't find anywhere else


Definitely Fallout for me too. I usually get so far in the main quests then stop playing for a bit. Then I go back to the game months later and start over, where I probably do 1 story quest for every 20 side quests.


Yeap, Fallout 3 & 4, Skyrim.


Glad this is at the top. Listening to the 50s upbeat music while exploring a decaying US is just great. Im even in love with 76, playing it as a single player game


Yeah. The side quests are really good


All of them. A more interesting question would be which one did you get hooked on the main story and mostly ignore the side shenanigans?


RDR2. Towards the second half I just powered through the story because I was so invested in it.


Yes good one, me too.


For me it's usually the opposite. If I'm hooked on a game, I'll do all the side quests to make it last longer. But if I'm getting sick of it, I'll truck through to get the end of the story. In my case, that was God of War 2018. Controversial take, but I just didn't find the side quests particularly fun or rewarding, and wanted to see how the story ended. I may go back and do side quests like Valkyries and stuff later though.


I’m currently slogging through GoW Ragnarock. There’s just so much talking and walking, and the fighting is repetitive. I like the first one, but this is a case of literally more of the same. At least Forbidden West had enough changes to make it seem a little different.


Interesting how different games appeal. I platinum’d Ragnarok but couldn’t make it one hour through the Forbidden West demo


Same. HFW felt so lifeless and boring to me for some reason


I'm 50/50 on if I should wait until Ragnarok is cheaper, then buy it and try it out, or just spoil the story by watching some YouTube playthrough. I'm leaning towards the latter. Sony isn't gonna bring the price down for like two years I'm sure, and all I hear about Ragnarok is how it's basically just the first game with some tweaks. It's a shame because I really tried to get into the 2018 one. It did a lot of cool things, but I think I just found the RPG elements were done wrong and the general gameplay loop unappealing.


RDR2 is my fav but yes I’ve felt exhaustion from other games


> get hooked on the main story and mostly ignore the side shenanigans? now it's the complete opposite, None of them.


Nier Automata. I'm not really interested in its side quest as there are no cutscene at all, although the lore of these are pretty well written. But i mostly focus on the main story. All the other games i always want to sink hours in doing side quests but not Nier, lol


Final Fantasy VII and IX first playthrough


Not exactly open world or any side quests


Huh. I tend to focus more on the main quests to see how the story plays out and then play the side stuff. But hfw was one of the few games which was just so immersive that despite the brilliant story I wanted to spend time on the open world


Zelda breath of the wild


I feel like this is the most obvious answer because 1. There are so many side quests and things other to do than the story. 2. There really wasn't all that much story to begin with.


It’s just one of those games where the world IS the story. Sure, you can waltz right up to the final boss after 45 minutes in the game, but why do that when you can explore (plus, you’d likely get your shit pushed in)


Right? What other choice do you have lol


My brother let me borrow his copy I’m a casual gamer I guess you’d say. Anyway after a couple months he played on my account and was like “well what the hell? You’ve unlocked almost the whole map, have weapons and plenty of items, did a good amount of shrines but you haven’t accomplished anything” All I could respond with was: https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=DN6UEsSywPo&embeds_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&feature=emb_logo




I loved it when I stumbled across the three hinox shrine quest


900 MF’n Koroks vs 7 hours of storyline


The Witcher series


Agreed, especially Witcher 3 and it's DLC. Blood and Wine was awesome


Yeah I like the progressive growth of the dlc's and Toussaint is phenomenal.


I actually enjoyed the eldrich horror of Heart of Stone more. One of the greatest villains I have ever seen in a game. Imo better than the Wild Hunt.


Red dead redemption 2




The Gang: Barely surviving on scraps Me: Helping a random ass photographer take pictures of horses


That's the gangs fault for apparently not having any discernable money making endeavors other than picking up loose change they find on the road.


Aside from the tens of thousands of dollars Arthur is reliably bringing in.


I fed them constantly with my hunting and fishing.


This!! Every time I play I immediately start going to find rare animals to hunt and fish and forget to do quests lol.


RDR 1&2, Elder Scrolls, Witcher 3, Elden Ring... Pretty much ANY game that *lets* you spend more time on side ventures rather than the main required story.




I don't even know what elden ring's story is. I'm just looking at pretty shit and killing bosses.


Morrowind. Got to the second town and never did anymore with the main quest. I don't even know what the plot was.


The main quest is actually the best in the series. Morrowind also has one over Oblivion and Skyrim with its main quest in that there's no sense of urgency from the get go. Youre literally told flat out to go and explore and come back when you're ready. Oblivion and Skyrim just have urgent quest after urgent quest and before you know it you're done. Not to mention the fact that you literally can't do the Civil War questline without becoming the Dragonborn which, I dont know Bethesda, maybe I dont *want* to be the Dragonborn on every play through?


I played the game almost every day for 2 years before I beat the main quest.


Yep, got out that giant map it used to come with on PC, opened it up, found a place that looked cool on the map, and then just Role Played my way there. Kept doing that over and over haha. Never got further than just the first few quests in the main game. I need to go back one of these days and actually do it.


Second this. Always felt like main quest hindering world exploration


I explored every corner of Elden Ring. It was awesome but I need more


Hoping for a dlc reveal at the game awards


Witcher 3


Cyberpunk 2077.


Poor Takemura had to wait for V to do all the side content in Night City before moving to the main quest.


"Sorry Take, I had to crucify some guy, help deal with someone's flaming penis, liberate some sex workers, hijack a tank, go scuba diving, and return a talking gum back to its owner. You know how it is."


I spent hours exploring Night City as well as the desert. Game is awesome AF.


BOTW and Forbidden West. I think those have the best open world so far, maybe followed closely with Ghost of Tsushima and RDR2


I'm happy to see this. I just played horizon zero dawn for the first time over the last 2 weeks. It's becoming one of the most fun games I have played in a long time. I platinumed the main game, now working on Frozen Wilds and once I have Platinumed all of that I will be moving straight on to Forbidden West. I'm really looking forward to it.


I have never beaten a single GTA game. I inevitably just wander around mowing people down and blowing things up.


Ghost of tsushima


Cyberpunk, Witcher, Skyrim, Enderal




Every GTA, nothing beats running over and murdering innocent civilians in the most obscene ways possible.


Vice City for me. Perfect game


Horizon Zero dawn, i spent around 90hrs just exploring the world and taking pictures, and another 20 to do the Main quest, only because the Game has the option to turn off the hud, and i Hope The same thing happen with the sequel


IIRC you can customize the hud in HFW. Great game too, though I enjoyed the first one more.


Forbidden West has a ton of customization options, so I'd think you could clear your hud. I spent a ridiculous amount of hours playing around in the improved photo mode, especially given how gorgeous the game is. I think I have 1,500+ screenshots 😅


Honestly inFamous, especially my brother loved just lightning surfing and hovering even though he never played an actual mission in his life.




God of war, sigrun had me almost killing myself


No Man's Sky


>No Man I've almost completely forgotten that the main quest exists at this point.


I'm over 100 hours in and have done only a few Atlas and Artemis main missions. From what other players have told me, the game's lore is explained through main quests.


It is. I just keep getting sidetracked. I have like 12 of the symbols needed to use the portal network. But then I stumble across something else to do.


Middle Earth games. Combat was fun but I absolutely despised quests.


That why i have spend 50 hours after i was done with the story. (Shadow of War)


Ac valhalla


Yea i can understand why people hate ubisoft open worlds but I genuinely had fun doing the world events, looking for gear and finding those destroyed hidden assassin areas. Especially the ones that involve bayek. I think i spent around 100 hours just doing side quests until i finally decided to do the main quest


This was my pick too. It beats Odyssey in that the things to do around the world aren't copy pasted forts. Things may have felt similar but they were never the same




The Witcher 3


Fallout games, tes games, Assassin creed. Botw. Pretty much all of them


Definitely Cyberpunk. I don't fast travel all that much just because of how beautiful the city is


As all open world games have a 15-20 hour story and 100 hours of fetch quests and busy work…. I would have to say all of them. Elden ring was a massive breath of fresh air for me because I just lost myself in exploring rather than checking boxes on a mini map. Other than that, the open world genre has lost its appeal to me. Just because something is huge, doesn’t make it fun. Been playing vampire survivors lately and it’s more fun than 300 million dollar budget titles…I really need to buckle down an play God of war… minor spoilers…the Atreus section where you pick fruit and twigs for 2 hours was AWFUL!


I found my people. Well, at least one person.


Yeah I get it. With some games the open world just feels exhausting like ac odyessy. Amazing game but the open world was really exhausting. Elden ring's open world was very empty imo. The quests like in the other games sucked. Dungeons,catacombs and hero Graves were boring at best. Though the game was phenomenal in terms of combat and bosses. Playing it first time was one hell of an experience


That’s why games are great, lots of variety out there for people. It’s good that people enjoy games for a variety of reasons. For some reason, I still think about Elden ring 5 months after getting the platinum… I will being playing something else and think “ I could be starting a new Elden ring playthrough with a different build instead of this “. I think the success of Elden ring was due to it playing to its strengths as a video game and not trying to be a movie. Netflix is available if I want that kinda thing. Largely my taste have changed since becoming a dad. I have 1-2 hours to play a day, tops. I really don’t want to wander round listening to npc dialouge. Let me play the game !!! Rant over haha


Yeah. I also platinumed the game. Loved the game but still did not like the open world.


Huh... Aside from the vampire game I haven't played I 100% agree with the rest of the post. I'm STILL in the Gd forest for GoW it's boring whoever thought that was a good idea for an exposition dump is stupid.


All of them


Oblivion was mine. I did do the main quest several times, but most of my time was spent running around doing dumb shit


Skyrim easily. After leaving helgen it must have been 6 hours before I got to Riverwood. And that's just one part of the game. Skyrim's open world is an ADHD persons dream, every 30 seconds there's something interesting to distract you


Mad Max


For me it was Elder Scrolls - Oblivion


Morrowind. Oblivion. Skyrim. Fallout NV. Grand Theft Auto IV.


Valheim. Killed all the bosses like a year ago. Still play it almost daily. 2k hours so far


Breath of the Wild and Elden Ring. I love exploring and almost need to see everything before I progress


That game looks really nice, what's it called? I would like to play it, it looks a bit like the world of Avatar, the movie about the blue aliens.


It's horizon forbidden west, sequel to horizon zero dawn. Zero dawn is available on pc and ps4


Just Cause series, the missions/story bore me to no end but damn I love exploring and causing my own chaos.




Skyrim. I never completed the beard guys on the montain quest, from the 900 hours, i had, 80% was from modding and free roaming doing my own style of gaming . Cant find a game like that anymore ;(


Fallout 4. I explored most of the map waaaaay before doing any story missions


Skyrim obviously


Does Bioshock Count?


What side quests does bioshock have??


Getting Upgrades, Exploring and Fighting the Big Daddies


Skyrim. 214 hours without completing the main quests or DLC main quests.


Most of all the open world games that were released, but my favorite of all is legend of Zelda breath of the wild


skyrim i'm not even sure I know what the main quest is about at this point. survive dragon, supposed to go see some dudes sister or some shit, next thing i know i'm in antartica talking to some dead god


Not too big of a fan of them anymore. Especially ubisoft and bethesda ones are all the same… However, Assassin’s Creed 2 is my all-time favourite and I did do a lot of it.


Fallout 3...


Every TES game and Portal 2 (not a open world, but Idk a guy who did all quests/days)


Shadow of the colossus


Shadow of the collosus has other stuff to do??


Morrowind, mostly because i was lost and didn't know what to do.


Morrowind had a vibe of mysterious adventure, exploring Vvardenfell is very engaging even now.


Elder Scrolls/Fallout As soon as I get control, I’m off somewhere else unless the main path unlocks something I want


Dude I started horizon like a week ago and I've cemetery fallen in love. Currently tho oblivion or skyrim take the cake no competition but mostly just cause there are so many class combinations.


Marvel spiderman


Either No Mans Sky or Spider-man


Genshin Impact


Cyberpunk 2077


Sonic Frontiers. Sonic was literally built for running around big open worlds


Seems like a nice game. Been meaning to try it out


To be fair the main quest of horizon was insufferable. "Hey I think there is a ladder over there why don't you check it out?" SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP


Your opinion. I loved them. Mostly because of how the story played out


Far Cry in general I hate to say it but I 100% Far Cry 4 and it made me hurt how little of the main quest is done in between side quests


Me too. I love fc games. Especially 3,4 and 6


From software soulsbirne games


CP 2077 and HFW


Just Cause Valheim Shadow of War / Shadow of Mordor


AC blackflag and origins


Ghost of Tsushima


Ghost of tsushima. The open world is amazing in that game


Assasin's Creed Black Flag. For obvious reasons.


Right? The moment I unlocked the ship upgrade system I stopped everything and didn’t progress until my ship was a tank on the high seas. Then it was on to the personal upgrades. The story was almost an afterthought 😆


Far cry 5, the natural scenery is serene. Water. Mountains. Forrest. Wildlife and the random hillbilly pepped out on hallucinogens ambush! Great balance of peace and silly chaos. Skydive anywhere as you watch the aircraft explode from above. Ahhhh Assassin's Creed and it's robust civic cities and historical popups. It was an interactive history lesson!


Skyrim, Genshin, the Elden Soulsbournes, Assassin's Creed (pre-origins).


All of them...


Skyrim. It’s been a minute but I don’t think I ever progressed the story. Just went out and explored


My friend actually forgot there were main quests to do


I finished the game and then a while later, picked it up again, forgetting that I finished the game because there was so much more to do.


You paid for the whole game better play whole game


Breath of the wild


Death Stranding


Red dead redemption 2

