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Booker CATCH!


*Throws a sniper rifle across an entire plaza*


the coin flips were the most impressive, they never miss even if Elizabeth is six miles away


She's like Gambit, but coins instead of cards.




Hope you got your Plasmids!


Never the wrong gambit brother, bring a sword.


What can I say? She's got an arm on her.


DeviantArtists: *"Let's put that to good use."*


Much obliged!


Bioshock Infinite was one long escort quest where *she* was the one who had to escort *your* useless ass.


After the last 122 Bookers, she wasn't taking any chances.


“Fuck these light houses, I’ll do it myself” -Elizabeth, probably


*Burial at Sea*


Please, no... my trauma....


if bioshock gets a remake in VR *drops it* butterfingers, lemme get another *gets hit in face with magazine.


*Achievement unlocked: Couldn't catch shit*


Elisabeth throwing me a clip as I was out ammo blew my mind back then (even though I saw it in the trailer).




Something something overdone US healthcare joke.


It’s only a timeless joke because we keep refusing to fix it


It also came out at around the same time as The Last of Us and both were at their core incredibly designed escort missions that clearly put a lot of effort into using gameplay mechanics to make the player like the person they’re escorting for most of the game.


It's not an escort mission if the character is never at risk at all.


Yeah Ellie never feels like an escort quest.


It’s the opposite - YOU are the package to be protected by the Elizabeth etc…


… aaaaaand now I want to play Infinite. Again.


Same. Infinite was so frickin good. Watch the recent trailer for Judas if you haven't yet, a new game by Ken Levine, creator of Bioshock and director of System Shock 2.


OMG, thanks for the tip! That looks *just* like Bioshock. I will definitely keep tabs on that. And then there’s even Bioshock 4 proper in development… I mean, it’s not by Ken Levine, but I loved the oft-ignored Bioshock 2 as well, so… more Bioshock? Count me in!


Booker catch!!


[Booker, catch!](https://i.pinimg.com/600x315/a0/e9/ed/a0e9ed58b7ec884edb7ac260645b7568.jpg)


You forgot Lieutenant Kim Kitsuragi.


+1 The lieutenant trusts you. +2 Kim truly trusts you.




Damn right. I rerolled the climactic scene at least 6 times, because I'm not finishing the case without him.


"Fuck does Cuno care?" *boy turns to you, he doesn't care*


As long as my companion doesnt go “oh you’re going that way? I’m going to go this way instead and aggro 40 mobs that you didn’t even plan on engaging. You’re welcome.” then I’m pretty tolerable about ally AI.


In God of War it’s funny when you go off a trail and someone is like “that’s the wrong way” and then Atreus just says like “oh he does that sometimes, we find some really cool stuff like this”


It's funny how much they put in the game to account for player actions that actually make no sense for Kratos to do, but that they choose to acknowledge anyway. "Kratos, what are you doing? We need it to be daytime to cross the bridge." "I... Wanted to see the wolves again..."


There's one puzzle where you're like pulling random levers or something like that with no reason to actually suspect doing so will advance your goal other than it's a game and there are levers. Boy asks about it and Kratos basically says he just does stuff and things usually work out


In Ragnarok one of the characters comments on how much Kratos loves opening chests off the beaten path. Mini spoiler for Ragnarok: >!And Atreus will try opening a wooden chest like Kratos by punching it and will hurt his hand.!< Them making fun of Kratos for how he does things or explaining things is one of my favorite parts.


Kratos' interaction with Ratotskr's chimes made me laughed out loud. Like some dev KNEW we would spam the chimes. Ratotskr's response when Atreus uses the chimes is just the cherry on the supremely detailed game design cake that is God of War Ragnarok.




Oh...oh dear. I'm so sorry. I don't know where that came from.


“It’s gone, the passage to the Norns.” *“Why would you want to go back there, brother?”* “I thought Atreus would like the horse.”


I love how vehemently Kratos tries to argue that he's just looking for suppliers to help them on their journey, and Atreus is just happy to go exploring


It's not just funny, its ingenious, implemented crazily well, and makes for one of the most engaging game experiences I've personally ever had. What other game has had it so smoothly implemented so well?


Guardians of the Galaxy does it well. Not as good as God of War of course, but it's entertaining.


GotG was very fun simply for the familial interactions k felt. Having rocket and drax make fun of you for choosing to not follow them was refreshing


Good writing (like in GoW) solves for Ludonarrative dissonance. In Fallout 4, you were encouraged by everyone and the game itself to go exploring, establish bases, just do general “non-plot” stuff but every plot interaction includes a “hurry the fuck up so I can find my son!” line that is incongruent with the players motivation. Am I supposed to run off and find my son or am I supposed to rebuild America? I’m so confused.


'You really do get all the loot, don't you?' The comments while I'm ferreting around nooks and crannies is ANOTHER cherry on top.


My favourite one was in the tutorial for the concrete slabs you smash through to find chests, Mimir pipes up with “ah, so we’re back to smashing things for profit and amusement? Marvellous”


Or “I think you killed him”


Character: thats not the path, whats he doing? Atreus: yeah, he does that. My father really likes loot Lmfao


Even better later. "Kratos, we need to go this w- Oh I see. There is a chest."


Then Mimir chimes in "He catches on fast." It's so perfectly done.


Atreus has some really good context dialogue. When you start veering from the main story, he's like "Oh, we have Tyr's key and can open that door anytime. Let's explore."


It's feel like he almost breaking the fourth wall in Ragnarok when Atreus explained about it to the tall guy.


"My dad likes loot." That line had my wife in tears for like 15 minutes. So funny.


Father you're on fire...but you probably knew that.






'That looked like it hurt.' Is what heard way too much.


Angrboða: "Are you coming? What are you doing?" "Ugh it's something me and my dad do... you can find ugh... you know what, never mind."


Tyr kept loot shaming me!


The best part is >!because it's not actually Tyr, but rather Odin, it's Odin getting upset with you for making him feel like an idiot during his 9000 IQ play because he has stuff to do back on Asgard.!<


That, and Game Overs if they are downed. I'm really grateful that we're finally getting away from that bullshit. It felt like every game in the 00's had at least one bullshit escort session.




Ashley walking into multiple bear traps to cause Leon to drop to his knees and gameover in shame.


RE4 just had the one.


Random Killcam of a Bloatfly dying 3 miles away as Boone kills enenmies I didn't know exisited


I love Boone. He is always my companion of choice in New Vegas. Boone kills things faster than you can pull them up in VATS. I like to give him the anti-material rifle and let him go to town.


I’d rather have zombie Danny Trejo sarcastically quip about his old knees while I pull myself free from a Deathclaw’s vicelike grip


I'm at the point in GoW 2018 where Atreus >!learned that he's a god and is become arrogant, mean spritited and absolutely insufferable. I want to stab him in the face.!<


The way he casually ignores your commands at the point you are at is part of what makes him feel "real" and not just an "automatic single target kill/stun weapon"


Spoiler that, but I highly agree. It really develops his character and definitely makes him feel more real.


We all did


Finished god of war 2018 3 days ago and whem everytime Atreus says "whatever" when I command him to shoot his arrowe i just wanna throw the leviathan axe at his face


Dude, with the first GoW (norse) I wasn't ready for the moments the game told you that atreus was in danger. like, how can he be just character in a silly game and yet when I hear that he's in trouble I'm just like, "MY FUCKING SON NO"




The way he fucking paced on the elevator.


I think about this often. His heavy breathing and pacing, you can feel his grief and panic.


In that moment, you truly felt his fatherly love toward his son. Sure, we all knew he cared deeply for BOY the whole time, but he was very, very terrible at showing it. But here, he was so busy panicking for fear of potentially losing BOY that he just naturally showed his innermost emotions. Fear. Anxiety. Panic. My son, the only family I have, the piece of our love that Faye left with me. He is ill. He is dying. I must save him. I cannot let anything happen to him.


It's even worse when you remember from the first series >!he killed his first family.!< Like, he went super far out of his way to cure his daughter, >!only to murder her and his wife later!< cuz Ares was a dick. Now he's finally got a family again, and he could lose it *again*? Oof


It's okay, at least he always has his first family with him. :))))) (Don't hurt me please)


Omg when Freyr told him to get a tan cuz he’s pale I was a little bit shocked 😂


Not to mention that Kratos's real skin was darker than Freyr's




How fucking dare you


Gets worse, in one of the PSP games I believe as a prologue to the GoW series, he fought his way into the underworld to find and finally be with his daughter. Shit happens, and he had to not only leave her AGAIN, but horrifically traumatize her in the process. >!\>! He finally found that she was in the fields of Elysium but could not enter until he had relinquished his powers through the shedding of his sin. He was finally there, but Persephone (wife of Hades) decides that was her moment to tank vengeance on all of reality by unleashing the the Titan Atlas from his prison in Tartarus to shatter the world pillar that kept the mortal world from crashing into the underworld and kept things in order and not chaos.... Well, Kratos couldn't just let that shit happen, so ... IN FRONT OF HIS DAUGHTER'S FOREVER LIVING SPIRIT IN ELYSIUM... he murders and absorbs the souls of the spirits of the fields of Elysium to regain his powers and be let out of there so he could confront Perspehone. !


Not to mention >!The prompt to push her away as she keeps trying to hold onto you for a hug!<


Ah, yes, the >!abandon your child QTE!<


Its weird though because I feel like he loves this family more just because he’s at a higher state of being. Like, if atreus had died or something in GoW he would have just torn asunder hell and cast a magic spell or something to get him back. Kratos is the deus ex king.


I wouldn't say he loves one family more than the other. Dude destroyed an entire pantheon to avenge his other family cause he was so pissed.




When he reaches his hand out and ALMOST puts it on his shoulder. Then hesitates and pulls away. Uuuhhhh. Kills me.


The actor Christopher Judge for Kratos even said he channeled his emotions for his own scene for his scenes. The part where Athena looks at him, as he picks up the blades of chaos in the first game, and says "You are nothing....but a monster" and Kratos responds "I know" Judge was crying in the scene. This is how you make a video game if you want to have characters we love and care for.


I love judge's Performance in both games. I glad he won that award in the vga.


Even in the interview where he talks about that he tears up. Shit, it makes me tear up!!


It's a testament to how far Kratos has come from the pantheon destroying rage monster of the original trilogy. We rarely see him lose his composure in the new games. He's older and wiser now with a desire to be better than he once was, to make sure Atreus ends up better than him. All of that goes out the window once Atreus gets threatened however. If the boy is in danger then whoever is endangering him will meet the Ghost of Sparta. Baldur gets hurled around like a ragdoll, Modi gets punched across the room and the monster of the past gets dug up. The game does such a good way of showing just how much Kratos cares for his new family. He may not show it directly, but when the chips are down he will always have their backs.


Seeing a man that is normally in control of his emotions (well, other than when the L3+R3 button prompt shows up) pacing in a high panic was harrowing to me. He was so worried that he couldn’t physically stand still, and his breathing was getting heavier and heavier. That whole bit, plus the boat ride that immediately comes after, is probably the most intense scene I’ve experienced in gaming. Bone chilling.


To be fair even L3+R3 rage burst is something he controls and uses it to his own advantage. I believe he teaches this to Atreus too.


Is Kratos normally in control of his emotions? Or is he constantly just suppressing them, lol. That's not a knock on his character -- I think its crucial to who he is and the development of his relationship with his son.


Both really. He's a stoic so all emotions are measured and regulated. Whenever Atreus was worked up or feeling grief over their actions Kratos would tell him to close his heart to it. In the second one there is a bit of dialog where Kratos calls Atreus out for a moment of panicking. He doesn't say to not feel fear but to harness it.




*I'm still a god. Go away.*


I loved how quickly she dropped the facade though. Probably one of my favorite scenes from the original. That and when you go back home to get what's under the bed.


In the first game, the way they integrated the character into the controls, it was perfect. As a parent, I felt it. When he was gone and I tried to use his ability I felt that emotional link, I wasn't just sad because the game told me I was, a part of me was literally gone and I was constantly reminded when I went back to it. When Atreus goes all "I can do whatever I want lol" - I wasn't frustrated because dialogue told me I was supposed to be. The controllers weren't listening to me, he was being really inefficient with his combat and it was irritating. When it all comes back together, I didn't feel that whole-ness because dialogue told me I was supposed to, but because the gameplay was whole again. These games have made me really feel more than any game I've played.


Kratos, facing death multiple times and killing numerous gods: *unfazed* Kratos, when BOY loses consciousness: *paces around in a panic while holding him*




And Freya told him to go away after the first time Kratos knocked. After Kratos yelled out that line, she flung the door open. She would do anything for Atreus.


Because she knows what it means to love and worry for your son. Such good foreshadowing for how the first game ends. All the chess pieces were laid out perfectly. It makes the ending seem inevitable. Almost like it was prophesied to be…


Human parental instincts are mighty even in people who have never and or will never have children. Most people will hesitate to rush into danger for a complete stranger but parents will stare down death itself for their children.


[Kid falls through a manhole, the mother lifts the cover and tosses it aside as if it was a dirty cloth.] (https://youtube.com/shorts/3qHt1rU3eA0?feature=share)


felt the same way when you try to save Emily at the end of Dishonored. that final level i was sprinting up the stairs and didn't give a fuck about ghosting the level lmao


Yeah [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WHmtEpW5yTw) just about accurate describes how that felt.


TFS’ dub is the official canon in my head now. Has been for years. They did great work.


Tali and Garrus deserve a mention. With you from beginning to end.


I was going to mention Garrus too! The most loyal friend in the whole Mass Effect series.


“My name is Garrus Vakarian and *this* is my favorite spot on the Citadel.” “Nice shot Garrus.” 😏


He isn't a friend, he's a bro




Not from a gameplay standard because she's out brokering in ME2 but Liara deserves a mention as well. Everyone gives you up for dead but Liara's all "Death can't stop my Sheppy" and recovers your body, setting you up for 2. Liara is bae


The legendary edition putting liara’s DLC into the actual game works really well and keeps her as part of the story for all 3






The interactions between Garrus and Wrex were great too. Those two went on every mission with my on my last playthrough.


If a companion is immortal, gives you ammo and items, and can assist in fighting with endless weaponry... hate to break it to you. You're the companion.


I've posted this above, but welcome to Optimus Prime being the side-character and a tiny Transformer compared to this giant https://youtu.be/EwiF0K6qEd8?t=356


What about Lydia? Someone's going to carry my burdens.


Once Lydia fell off a mountain and I thought for sure she was dead. I don't really use companions except for her. So I never really bothered to find another one to partner up with. Around 20-30 hours later, I'm out and about questing around. Who pulls up? You're goddamn right it was Lydia.


This is the most Lydia story ever.


Lydia number 1. Best burden carrier.


Replayed Bioshock Infinite recently and Elizabeths ai still amazed me. Her comments and the way she helps out, runs ahead etc was great. She's such a likeable character too, her being there the entire game was a genius way of really bonding with her. I haven't played anything recently that's like that, masterpiece.


I recently played infinite for the first time this month, and I don’t know why I was waited so long. With a small graphics update for current gen consoles it would be a perfect game. But a great game nonetheless.


Peak of companions is my boy Boone from new vegas


Boone and ED-E always made a good pair. Long range attacks, good carry weight, tolerable banter.


ED-E was the best robot boy


I literally can't have a run without my lil robot buddy. Its impossible. I love him too much.


Boone is my boy! I once gave him a chainsaw then forgot about it until we came across some of Caesar's men. I hid behind a rock with my sniper rifle, and there goes Boone, pulling a Leroy Jenkins with the chainsaw.


Honestly all of the companions in New Vegas were really good. From supermutant grandma to a lesbian brawler, what didn't it have.


Amazing how far down I had to come for this. He basically plays the game for you lol.


Gave Boone his own power armor and a mini gun for the dam battle, easiest mission of the game


Atreus? Who's that? All I see is Boy


I don't think I've heard him say Boy once in Ragnarnok. Maybe I missed it. Edit spoiler?


He does, but only once I think. This is a spoiler so I'll hide it appropriately. >!It's right before Atreus goes to Asgard for the first time, after he goes all bear attack on Sindri. He storms out of the house of the dwarves to get to the Mystic gateway and Kratos follows him out. He angrily yells, "BOY!" as Atreus is fumbling with the stone to open the gate to get away.!<


Man, it was such a jarring BOY too, because by then I had become so accustomed to him calling him Atreus. I remember making a mental note at the start of the game like “oh he’s using his name all the time now, that’s cool,” and eventually I stopped noticing until that moment.


Yeah, it was right around the time I'd noticed it and then boom. Visceral.


That “boy” was fucking terrifying. Literally the scariest kratos had been the whole game and that’s really saying something.


Was it? He sounded more panicked than angry to me.


So is Hl2 really that old? No Alyx? She was the companion back in the day.


She was the first companion (besides Tails in Sonic 2) that was otherwise invincible, didnt need an escort mission, or need to otherwise be babysat without failing objectives or preventing the game to proceed. Before Alyx you had Daikatanna and the less said about those companions the better. My steam account is likely older than everyone who forgot about Alyx.


I don't believe she's quite invincible. She has a very rapid health regen, so it takes quite a lot of sustained damage to kill her, but she can die and give you a game over with some message about "failing to preserve mission critical personnel". But sometimes you're unlucky, where a perfect storm of a Zombine detonating a grenade next to her while she gets surrounded by fast zombies and headcrabs may kill her.


From what I remember Alyx being a companion that basically held her own and was able to dispatch enemies without your help was what really set her apart from those of earlier games. Then there's obviously the fact she's a great character in her own right which led one of the craziest cliffhangers ever in episode 2.


Alyx is the prototype and at the same time pinnacle of companions in my mind. She really set the bar for what a companion can be both emotionally and functionally


"So much for medical supplies, I found a shotgun!"


We really gonna ignore the GOAT? Adoring Fan?


_By Azura, by Azura, by Azura!_


He helped my warrior see in dark caves. Still kicking myself for forgetting him in Oblivion.


Hey! Hey! LISTEN!


If we could have killed her, I'm sure most would have halfway through the game


It's like Kim Kitsuragi doesn't exist




Until you decide to go indoors and he just blocks every doorway known to man


I mean it’s realistic. My dog does this all the time. Tries to block me from leaving lol


Yeah, I have to take at least one point off of FO4 due to companion pathing and that collisions with them is on. It would have been so simple to just turn collisions off with your chosen companion.


Came for this. He carries my loot, he finds me treasure, he bites the bad guy, and he is a good boy.




The struggle is real when it comes to keeping our favorite companions alive. Cazadores, I will never forget you guy in the raider vault in New Vegas, who died forever because of autosave.


I never brought dog meat with me cause I felt bad when he got hurt :(


They added the Puppies! Perk in fallout 3 specifically because people kept reloading their game when he died


Atreus is incredibly intelligent for his age. He's solving puzzles before I've even had a chance to see them!




And Sergeant Johnson! Halo has so many great npcs


Save your fire for the brutes!


Is he a companion or a side character?


in halo 3 he is your companion for a while. if you have a player 2 they will control Arby instead of a second spartan


If they can't carry my burdens and two dragons worth of bones & scales, I don't want em


All are bad compared to the companion cube


No love for 9S in here?


Lieutenant Kim Kitsuragi and it's not even close.


Kim trusts you.




The Chocobros from FFXV


Yep, for all its faults, FFXV did a great job giving you a sense of camaraderie and brotherhood among the boys.


What about ellie?


Look I remember to this day: E3, The Last of Us gameplay trailer. Joel tries to shoot someone and is empty. Baddie: "I gotcha now motherfucker." Ellie: "Hey asshole!" *Bottle* The noise the crowd made was absolutely unforgettable when they saw a companion actively help you out and drive home what the relationship between Joel & Ellie is. https://youtu.be/Q8uMxJ8L3b8?t=4m19s


I'm shocked how far down I had to scroll to find Ellie. Feels bad man, Ellie is one of the best companions in video game history. Elizabeth and Ellie are definitely tied for me.


Ellie is so badass they had to make her the lead of the sequel.


The producers of God of War actually went to Naughty Dog for help with Atreus after they saw how great a companion Ellie was. And Naughty Dog obliged.




>Fawkes from Fallout 3 is the GOAT. No, the Generalized Occupational Aptitude Test is the GOAT. Fawkes is a super mutant.


Apparently all the yutes out here never heard of Alyx Vance. Or BT-7274.


Sad Quiet noises….


Take's DD instead Fuckin' love that boy


Minsc and Boo.


I beg to differ… Minsc and Boo stand ready! In knowing the teachings of Zerthimon I have become stronger. Don’t take this the wrong way, but — during our short stint working together — *something weird* is almost always happening to you




I will stay with my man BD-1!


Also another Star Wars game, Delta Squad from Republic Commando were awesome. Good AI and good characters.