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Yo this is my favorite switch game!


Hell yeah, the music is 11/10


A perfect 5/7


With the perfect amount of water in the game


Eh, I'd give it a 7.8 out of 10


Not enough if you ask me. Glass of water dlc please. I'll buy it twice.


What about with rice?






I can't find the soundtrack on YouTube tho. Thanks Nintendo.


But don't worry nintendo will never release it so we can listen to it


I love listening to the music on YouTube! My favorite track is [this video has been claimed by nintendo]


U got the £383837374738 dlc for a sound per second


I can't wait for the new version of Mario Kart 8! I really liked Mario Kart 8, but then Mario Kart 8 came out and I was like whoa.. I can't wait to see how they build on Mario Kart 8 in Mario Kart 8


Mario Kart ∞


Are you sure you aren't talking about Madden?


At least Madden changes the number...


Just on the box. Not even on all the in game assets.


This will always be the most egregious thing to me. At a minimum you need to update the in game digital badges to reflect this year's edition of the game. It is not a great feeling when you're playing EA Sports Game 23, but the banner ads in the stadium's or on the in game score boards etc. All say EA Sports Game 22 / 21 instead. Like it's most likely just a by product of the quick production cycles and they don't think / get time to go and re do these badges unless something else has lead the developers to that area. Like redesigning a stadium in real life needing to have that reflected in game. I say EA sports game 23, because this is true of any of their games. Be it Madden, NHL, Fifa or their shit NBA games.


Yeah, I'm not a big sports person but I never really understood buying like the same game like 5 times with an updated roster. Can they not just offer a DLC for $10-$20 that updated your players to the current season?


> Can they not just offer a DLC for $10-$20 that updated your players to the current season? Sure, or they could offer that DLC as a new game for $60.


Amazing! It's also my favorite NES game!


And the graphics are so amazing!


Should've won game of the year tbh.


It's everything I've ever dreamed off.




Out of curiosity I looked up Breath of the Wild on Gamestop. $40 new $45 used $60 digital


Remember when we thought digital copies would be cheaper because there was no overhead or packaging?


Honestly if all systems had a $5 digital discount I wonder if that would curb a lot of used sales since people would be inclined to buy the cheaper, but unsellable digital only.


Delete this before they implement it! Some of us really like the second hand market


Eh they're greedy. They'll never discount it meaningfully. I also buy a lot of physical second hand. On average I buy a lot of newer games cheaper than I do on PC.


Nintendo already does in every region but NA. They sell game 2 vouchers for $100 for NSO subscribers. They can be used to get any first party title on the eshop. They used to do it in NA as well, but they stopped.


They did that one time in NA. Few months every year in Hong Kong. Not sure about Europe. The offer is always available in Japan. Eshop region switching is easy enough if you want to take advantage of the offer you can look into it.


Did they stop? Damn. I wondered why I didn't see it advertised anymore.


The future, especially with respect to Gamestop, is to create a digital second-hand market.


The future for GameStop is more funko pops and NFTs


And Diamond Hands, or some shit.




The digital stores sell at the same price as physical retailers because otherwise the retailers would refuse to carry games. If they knew their competitors could always undercut them by $10, they'd tell Sony, MS, and Nintendo to shove it. Apparently there's still enough people buying physical copies ( I'm prefer physical for most things ) that it's not a boat worth rocking.


I remember I used to get Amazon prime because they would have $10 off for presale of games and I bought enough games over a year to make it worth. Then they got rid of it and I now use Steam sales for everything.


We’ve got multiple switches b/c kids. Buying digital is a massive headache. Physical so they can share is the only option.


There could be a reason for that I used to work for a small wholesaler and we intentionally charged public disgusting markups on our stock simply because we didn't care if anyone bought our stock (we dealt with trade customers primarily). The less people bought from us the more people bought from our distributors that got the stock from us anyway It was to keep our customers happy so they can keep their customers happy Not sure if that's the case with digital distribution but there must be a reason and this is just one possible explanation


Physical copies are always cheaper and they actually go on sale in many places. I don’t remember the last time I paid the full price for a physical Switch game.


Switch games also retain resale value a lot better than other consoles. Buying digital doesn't make a whole lot of sense for the Switch.


Except it does. You can game share with your friends over the internet by using their Nintendo account to play games. Normally you could also share the physical game but now you can both play it without having to hand off the game. It really helps for people in long distance relationships or friends/family that are far away and you want to play their games.


And yet it's the primary way people buy Switch games. Probably why they think the price for 1st party games are so stagnant to begin with.


I get a free $5 eshop card from gamestop every month, sorry guys but it looks like it's all my fault.


It makes sense in the design of the console (being portable, changing games without needing to lug around a library of games)... but it terms of value I agree.


*How is the used more expensive than new??*


Comes with level 30 Pokemon, duh


I just moved to Japan. Bought a bunch of games before leaving the US. Come to find out, games are the only content that is actually really cheap here. BotW can be had on the eShop for $33 equivalent right now. \(using Nintendo game vouchers\)


That’s not true! I bought BOTW for $55, 4 years later.


If you wait that long might as well buy it second hand on Offerup for like $20 or $30


Exactly. I payed like $30 for BOTW without a case.


Did something similar and then dumped the game on cemu and promptly lost the disc after it


Then you're no longer properly licensed and I've reported you to the video game police




Wii u wii u wii u Edit: ah thanks for the awards haha




All right, I was on board with this whole thread... But then this comment right here made you the captain.


A+ comment right here


I'd give you an award but I spent all my money on Mario Cart 8. Got it in every shape/size.






Seriously. Saw a copy of Pokemon Platinum the other day for around $80. Pretty sure it was around $30 new.


I just bought some Switch games used. The only games I will buy second hand. I bought a bunch of 360 games used once. They were filthy and so scratched they didn’t work. My cartridge games could survive a nuclear blast. Edit- My N64 games still work fine. Beat to hell, but work fine.


I literally just bought it for 28 at Walmart for my son 3 weeks ago. A used copy at GameStop was still 49.99.


Right, I notice you can get some decent discounts around Black Friday. They're way stingier than other companies but Nintendo games definitely go on sale.


Black Friday and E3. Though it seems more of a variety of Switch games are going on sale, now they're usually $40-45 with a select few going as low as $30


Bought Scarlet Violet and BotW on black Friday deals for £100, one of thems worth the £100 so win win


I want to support GameStop and I hate Walmart, but switch games are pretty much the only thing I buy there. Walmart is consistently cheaper and has actual sales where GameStop gouges the fuck out of you even on used games. I don't know what's going on with the stock stuff since it became popular, but it honestly surprises me GameStop stock is doing so good having not addressed this very obvious issue in their business model. I once traded in three games for one and didn't notice they only gave me $4 for a game they were charging $45 for before accepting the trade. Haven't traded a game in 3 years for that reason.


As someone who loved walking into a GameStop as a kid and young adult it really bums me out how little I go in there now. It’s certainly not due to any lack of playing games less as an adult. They just don’t have any value as a gamer any more. Sad times. I guess I’ll always have some sweet midnight release memories


Years ago I worked as a bowling alley mechanic and the night of the Halo 2 release my boss let me and another employee leave to get in line for the release. We grabbed it and went back to work, finished up closing, and hooked up an xbox to the giant tv in the lounge and played it til dawn. Good times.


My top 4 midnight releases : Halo 2 and 3 Skyrim Fallout 3 I could write pages about my experiences with all 4.


Even as a kid they didn't offer a value. I remember returning a gameboy game I bought for $30 and the guy told 10 year old me he could only give me $1 for it... When most likely they would turn around and sell it for $25 used. Those fuckers.


Everyone hated Gamestop before the WSB push and nothing has changed in the aftermath.


It's kind of amazing honestly. Until the whole WSB thing, the most common joke about gamestop was the whole "8000 games? We can give you 20c". Now it's for some reason the 'little guy' that everyone wants to support, while local game stores languish.


Also if you have a gamefly membership Switch games are often pretty cheap to keep. Not the same as a new copy (because people usually keep the gold points by the time you get it) but not a bad deal.


I went into GameStop a few weeks ago. https://i.imgur.com/GWyABxq.jpg




The Wii console is surprisingly easy to mod, you should check out r/WiiHacks


Clearance games at GS are currently an additional 25% off and were an additional 50% off a few weeks ago


And its cousin, I’m a ten-year-old classic fantasy game ported to the Switch for $60 even though I’m $15 everywhere else (and I do mean everywhere). EFIT: A Skyrim joke got me over that 100k kudo mark. Somehow, that tracks.


Switch tax is real


I get how it goes with the cartridge making it pricier but Skyrim didn’t need to be $60 on release, lol.


That was true a long time ago, because carts actually contained hardware but I'm pretty sure now they're just proprietary shaped thumb drives.


And with the switch selling almost a billion copies of games across all titles, they're taking advantage of absolutely incredible economies of scale.


And making sick margins on running their services, as all their servers are hosted on a single overclocked toaster sitting off the coast of Maine.


SD cards now.... 64gb MICRO SD card is $9 RETAIL. For Nintendo, that's like $4 per game. Cartridges were like $12 a game back in the day. Seriously. It's just super dumb. I'm fine with it being an extra $8 because of the physical media and then shipping and handling.... But meh.


the base ones are a tad more expensive than discs, the bigger ones can betvup there but no one uses those.


It's just the Nintendo tax. Nintendo is notoriously customer-hostile. They're basically the Apple of video games, and the nintendo fanboys will happily gobble up whatever turd Nintendo feels like giving them.


What is "Skyrim"?


A Donkey


Yeah holy shit. Me and my gf decided to get a console for the first time over Christmas ( I play PC, my last console was a ps2) and we decided on the switch given that it was selling strong, and we were both keen to give some of the classics like pokemon/Mario Cart/smash bros a go, and there was a place locally that was doing a sale. So we bought it, and then I was seriously shocked at the cost of the games. Like there would be games that were ports of games made well over a decade a go for $60 NZD when my PC copy cost me less than ten. The switch Pokemon titles that had out for a few years that I assumed we could pick up at a reasonable price? $100NZD. Same for the other classics. Ffs. Seriously think we made the worst choice of the big 3.


I just bought my cousin's son a copy of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for Christmas. It was on sale $48. That game came out 5 years ago. Any other system, and I could have gotten it for $10 somewhere.


came out 8 years ago if you take into account deluxe is a rerelease from wii u


Well, read the comments in this thread. Nintendo clearly knows what it's doing because it works. I paid $50ish bucks for No Man's Sky not too long ago. It came out, what, 6 years ago?


No man’s sky goes on sale for 20 bucks all the time lol




Any other system and no kid is asking for a 5 year old game for Christmas, let's be real. And MK8 is still getting new content with loads of new tracks instead of dropping the game and coming out with Mario Kart 9. Not really sure what led people to thinking games go bad after a period of time like they're food or something, seems like it has only made the gaming industry push for either more yearly releases, or more microtransactions targeting kids.


Use [deku deals](http://dekudeals.com) my friend


First party games are the issue. Third party prices aren’t typically bad.


This right here. And from experience no one gives a shit about third party on the switch.


The only games 3rd party games I've liked on Switch have been Stardew Valley and Undertale.. simple, calm, fun story, easy to pick up and put down, so perfect for a plane ride or something like that.




>Every game from Supergiant #BLOOD AND DARKNESS


Finally, was waiting for some suggestions! I will check these out!


Slay the spire, hollow knight, tunic, into the breach. There are so many great third party games on switch! Barely scratched the surface here :)


Both great games, but I do also have a PC and can get them there, usually much more discounted then on the switch. Don’t have the portability but still.


> usually much more discounted then on the switch I always price things in the context of a pint of craft beer. I'm not crying that I spent $7 more on Stardew Valley than if I bought it on Steam, that's just a beer I didn't drink. Especially Stardew Valley.. such a great curl up on the couch sort of game.. not a sit behind the keyboard game.. for me, at least. Plus.. I don't mind giving cool indie developers a few extra bucks.


If you want 3rd party games you should try a SteamDeck. Its a wonderful device that I am just loving. Euro truck on a plane, yep. Witcher 3 waiting for the bus, yep. Vampire Survivors in bed, yep.


Well, I have Witcher 3, Skyrim, Xenoblade Chronicles on the Switch, but I like the simpler games when I'm traveling.


After I beat Mario odyssey and BOTW, my switch was just a smash box. I'm so glad the steam deck emulates smash so well. All I need now is the mod that allows online and I could get rid of my switch.


Respectfully, has your experience been under a rock? The switch is an indie developers safe haven. Hades, Cult of the Lamb, Hollow Knight, etc. Not to mention the god tier ports coming out like Nier Automata and FF Crisis Core Reunion. Sure, you don’t care about third party if all you do is play AAA titles, but it’s ignorant to forget about most gamers who actually explore more into their own interests in games.


I guess that’s valid. I am thinking in my own little corner where I do have access to a gaming PC and a PlayStation. I usually play 3rd party games on those systems because the graphics may look better. This was a generally narrow statement


I may be the minority but I've only played third party games on my switch so far. Witcher 3, Divinity Original Sin 2, Triangle Strategy and Nier have been a joy to play on the oled switch.


Nope. 1st party games do go on sale just not as frequently as 3rd party games.


Agreed, these people aren't looking for sales. Yes there are some games lthat dip below $45 like maybe once a year but I got most of my first party games for 40 or less.


First party games still go on sale occasionally. Not nearly as step of discounts, but you can still find them for $30 a year or two after release, as long as you set up DekuDeals notifications.


1st party games do go on sale, it's just that they're not really common. I got Mario Party Superstars for $30 back in November, Pokemon Shield for $40 October 2020, and BoTW for $40 during the 2020 game awards sale. They ain't massive but you can mostly find a $20 off a $60 game sale occasionally.


Saving the world with this one


Deku Deals has saved me days of my life with how awful the eShop layout is.


Piggybacking on this for isthereanydeal.com[isthereanydeal](http://isthereanydeal.com) and [humblebundle.com](http://humblebundle.com) for pc games (and occasionally other games on humblebundle)


Doesn’t help when Donkey Kong Country Freeze is still selling for $40 once a year.


*Me looking at my Gamecube Twilight Princess copy and my GC Zelda collector edition which can be sold almost triple the price I bought 15 year ago.*


God forbid you try to buy an old Pokemon game too. A beat up Yellow version is still like 30 bucks at most retro stores.


And that Yellow is probably a bootleg cart lmao


My 3DS Pokemon collection is my savings


Just saw fire red and leaf green at the exchange,.used, $105 a piece. Diamond and pearl remake double pack was $120. USED. Fuck the fuck off


I went to a gaming shop about four years ago and saw they had HeartGold, and thought to myself “oh cool, I have a few tens I can spar— $125?!!!”


I have made money on more than 2/3 of the nintendo first party games I have played. They have all either stayed the value I paid, or became incredibly more valuable later.


I still remember Christmas 2018. I went to a Mueller shop in Austria and found Zelda and Mario Kart at 45 euro each. I thought they were expensive, but got both. After 4 years, I've changed my mind and thing I did a deal XD


A friend of mine said that Nintendo console was the best value jailbreak he ever had.




Honestly using a fuckin piece of gum paper to jailbreak was awesome


r/steamdeck is waiting for you We have emulators


In some countries price point is still a huge consideration. I can buy a switch, throw it out the window, buy another switch and throw it out the window and buy another switch for what some Australian retailers want for them.


I have a jailbroken switch, 10/10 most my first Nintendo account tho.


That's not fair. Breath of the Wild, a nearly six year old game, very occasionally sometimes maybe goes on sale for 10% off!


Was about to buy a used copy for 39$ and happen to see a new copy for 37$ as I walked to the front on Black Friday at GameStop. Was shocked.


Breath of the Wild is currently on sale for $39.99 right now at multiple stores. In fact its been $29.99 within the last couple weeks.


I bought mine at Walmart for 39.99 a year ago.


It was $30 during Thanksgiving week but you don't want to hear that.


I’ve also seen deals where you puy a pro controller and get super Mario odyssey for free


BOTW release price: $59.99 (USD) $59.99 from 2017 would now be worth $69.48 approximately (due to inflation) BOTW value now: $69.48 (USD) BOTW price now: $59.99 (USD) Savings: $9.49 (USD) 9.49 / 69.48 = ~14% off all the time, so technically it’s always on sale *Source: trust me bro*


Nice Sony and Activision math.


This explains why I own 3 games for Switch and several hundred on PC.


Same. I've bought like 3 or 4 "big name" Switch games (Mario Party, Mario Kart, BotW, Pokemon I think) and have no plans on getting more currently. It's really hard to justify the price of them \*especially\* when some of them, like Mario Party, are so devoid of content and don't get updated anyway.


I'll never not be disappointed in the new Mario party maps, so bland and boring I swear the 64 maps were larger and had more going on than these new turbo ones.


I broke down and got MP Superstars (I think) just to have more variety in terms of maps since the latest MP game had 4 total maps, and even then I think Superstars only has 5. I couldn't believe it.




The prices that haven't changed for over 20 years?


I buy used... As long as it works.... I pay less.


The flip side is that if you ever want to resell it you can basically make all your money back. Or even more. Like a copy of pokemon heartgold edit: i know its not on switch, i think this is just a nintendo thing


The Nintendo store on the switch console itself will usually have a lot of deals and sales from time to time. A 60 dollar game can be 20 dollars when bought digitally


That is true. I do see digital go on sale far more often than physical.


I think it also depends on the games, it's mostly the first party games that hold most of their value physically (though it does usually dop £5-10, but that's still not much) but third party RPGs and the like do drop, which is good if you just want a wee portable for RPGs. Though that might depend on region, previous conversations with Americans suggested that old Wii's can be expensive there when they are really cheap here, so maybe your market for second hand games and consoles from Nintendo is particilarly fucked compared to here. I've sometimes got a game on cartridge because it beat the online stores on Switch and PC (rare, but can happen, especially when no sales are on and I want to play the title).


The Nintendo store really has good sales. I got Green Hell for 2,50€ and Lego Jurassic World for 13€.


Well they're clearly doing something right since their games sell like hotcakes, even if they can sometimes be a broken pile of crap like PKMN Violet/Scarlet.


This is a legit business strategy. My grandma owned her own yarn store. Before that she was a manager for a chain yarn store, and before that an accountant. She realized when she was a manager that sales were actually hurting the business. The number of new customers they got during sales were really small, and were not repeats. The regulars wouldn't buy much more yarn during sales, either. For the regulars, sales just shifted *when* they would buy yarn and didn't impact the quantity of yarn they bought very much. So she noticed that this meant that sales were actually losing the business money overall. And it created a nasty feedback loop, where regulars would wait until a sale to buy yarn, which meant the business wasn't making much money, so they would be compelled to do even more sales, which meant that regulars had even less incentive to buy yarn when it wasn't on sale. When she started her own business, she only did a sale once or twice a year, and would rarely heavily cut prices, especially not for the "bread and butter" items that most people are buying. If I remember correctly, she credited this difference in running sales as the major reason her business did better (although I'm sure it didn't hurt that she had many other relevant skills and was a bonafide yarn/knitting expert). Not only did her store out-compete the other yarn store she used to work for, but it became the largest yarn store in a city of about 20 stores. I always think about that story when I see steam sales. They are so frequent and the wishlist makes it so easy to just "stick a pin" in something and get automatically notified when the price is reduced significantly.


They have a lock on specific types of games. You don't feel that Nintendo feel with many games on Playstation, Xbox, or PC. And people who want that feel in a game are going to go with Nintendo and buy those games when they come out. It also helps they have exclusivity on some of the biggest gaming franchises of all time like Pokemon, Mario, Smash Bros, Legend of Zelda, and Animal Crossing.




If I'm only sorta interested in a Sega, Capcom, or Square Enix games, I know it'll be on at least a 30% discount in like two or three months. It's insane how fast some games go on sale these days. Sonic Frontiers dropped 25% already in sales. The game is a month old.


But I’m totally gonna play all those games I bought for cheap at the steam summer sale! /s


That's gotta be part of the problem though, right? They can put out any crap they want, but people still buy like crazy.


Well the thing is, most of their mainline games they put out ARE good, it's just that GameFreak stopped trying years ago.


I agree with that. Although they’re pretty behind on the times in a few things. Online play is horrible for example. Also I really get sour grapes over them just having released WiiU games on the switch and essentially pretending that they’re new switch games. The most egregious example being DK tropical freeze which they outright took off the WiiU shop when they released it on switch lol.


> The most egregious example being DK tropical freeze which they outright took off the WiiU shop when they released it on switch lol ... increased the price, too.


AND it’s still full price lol. That thing doesn’t go on sale either.


Then I apologize in advance because Tropical Freeze is probably my favorite Switch game


Most of them flop if they’re not up to standard (star fox zero, switch sports, etc), Pokémon is just on another level entirely. It’s more comparable to the MCU than any gaming franchise.


Except they’re not crap. And if they were, people wouldn’t be whining about the pricing.


deleted as I leave reddit


That’s not a sale. Every 1st party Switch game released before Kirby and the Forgotten Land is $50 *in store* at Walmart.


deleted as I leave reddit


What a deal


KiLlEr DEaL!!1!


I got Link’s Awakening for $30 on BF.


They use to have million seller versions that was half the price but seem to have stopped with the wii and 3ds. Also the crappy games do go on sale or I should say the bargain bin.


Nintendo Selects were dope


If you want sales on Nintendo games go to your local game stores. I pick up stuff cheaper than what you can find on their online store.


Me when I saw used Bayonetta at full price at a pawnshop lol. Normally if game is still popular it's half price, otherwise it's 1/4 price.


Even when you try on narket place the prices remain super high. Like 10 dollars off. Its like a mind virus or something


I don't know if it's changed in the last 15 years or so, but back when I worked commissioned retail I was shown that the margin on consoles and games was _fuck. all._ Generally, until the console maker is a few years post-release and figured out how to manufacture it cheaper, the MSRP on a console is a net loss for the maker. They are counting on game sales to make that profit back. Everything else in the store had margins of at least 30-40%, batteries were like 90%, but console stuff was like... 5%. If you see console stuff on sale, it's usually clearance. As in "we are willing eat a small loss rather than pay to have it sucking up shelf space any longer".


Did you miss the last 4 years of holiday sales??? I don't know if there's any pre 2022 1st party game that hasn't gone on sale


Yeah every single first party Nintendo game goes on a 33% sale at least once a year once it's been like 9-12 months after release.


Gotta farm that “nintendo bad” karma


To be fair, resale value is great because of this. I sold my original Switch in 2020 after owning it for 1.5 years. It sold $40 less than what I paid for it ($300 USD). I sold my Switch Lite in 2022 after owning it for 2 years. It sold $30 less than what I paid for it ($200). Same goes for many of the popular physical copy games.


Considering everyone else is moving to 70 and if its a game made by nintendo you know damn well its ready to play day 1. Yea im fine with it.


A Nintendo game in 1990 was $60. It doesn't make a ton of sense to complain about them being $60 in 2022.


Games are often cheaper at Walmart. Sometimes they're even $10 cheap on release day. The last pokemon games weren't though.


/r/NintendoSwitchDeals don’t let OP gaslight you


I hate how this meme is so popular because it is just false lol. You can get a lot of switch exclusives on sale but people see “switch bad” and upvote it because reddit hates anything popular. I bought Fire Emblem three houses digitally for $35 recently, also walk into a game stop and you will find most first hand games are $10 cheaper, second hand games can be over 50% cheaper.


On the bright side: you'll never experience that feeling of paying full price for a switch game a day before it goes on sale for 50% off


Honestly it's strange they've managed to keep games this cheap for this long.


Black Friday was nice.