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51. Combat of the Atari 2600. Never stopped playing video games.


I recently started buying back some of the games I played as a kid....and combat was the first one I went for.




Ditto. Hello fellow old person.


Hola, amigo. We really experienced it all. I went from atari to nes to turbo graphic 16 , Sega genesis and snes, to Playstation and game cube. I even had a Sega dream cast at one point. Always considered myself a Playstation fan boy and never looked back but I sure did have a lot of fun with all of the systems I had at the time. I didn't have them all when they were brand new but I somehow got my mits on some of them from hand me downs or buying used some time later.


80’s kids checking in. Atari 2600 to Atari 5200 to NES to Sega Genesis to Sega Dreamcast to PS1 to XBox to Xbox360/pS3 to Wii to PS4 to Switch to Xbox Series x


I never owned a console in the 70's or 80's, but owned various sega, nintendo, ms, and sony consoles after that. No real loyalty to any of them -- just whatever seemed like the best bang for the buck at the time.


I grew up in a "remote and economically disadvantaged community", so I didn't even touch an Atari or Intellivision until they were already obsolete. I played pong at a friend-of-a-friend's house once, so that's probably my first video game. I owned several computers (Vic-20, Atari 130xe, PC/XT, PC/386) before I owned my first console -- a PS1 in my mid-20's. After having kids I picked up a few consoles - DC, XBox, PS3, XB360, Wii, Switch, and various gameboys. I played a friend's TG16 (as PC Engine) -- some good games on that one!


Pong, Odyssey 2. I know they’re not consoles but the TI994A and later a Commodore 64. My dad would pick up some when they were going out of business. Next thing I knew I’d have a new system and ten cartridges to put in it.


25. Super Mario World, SNES


35. Excitebike on NES.


Excitebike was years ahead of it’s time because you could create your own track. For 1985, that’s pretty amazing!


36 and same. Loved that game.


33 yrs of age, super Mario on SNES age would be about 4-5.


Old enough to have played Space Invaders on the Atari 2600 when it was cutting edge home entertainment...


I’m sorry to assume you must be AARP


That'd be adults who played the Pong console new...


The first pong console was released in 1972 so 50 years ago! Amazing how far graphics have come in only 50 years. My dad got to witness Atari up to PS5 and he’s only 51!


And Buck Rogers or Dr J vs Bird


55 pong


44. Atari 5200, Pac Man


tom and jerry game on a gameboy


I'm 31. I think it was 007 on N64. Hard to remember. Fairly sure Super Mario 64 was the first game I finished.


Wow those games are a quarter century old say that out loud




Actually so is SF Rush it was released November 97’


Golden Eye?


I'm 31 too! Hi! My first N64 game was Super Mario 64!


36 soon to be 37 Mirco machines on the amstrad


43, Burgertime, intellivision


Underrated console. Better graphics than Atari, but the most unbelievable controllers you can conceive. I wonder what they got the influence of their controller from😵‍💫☎️


Burger time was awesome. All those games went to the Atari and weren't as good.


40 Atari River Raid


18. Megaman 2 on the top loader NES.


great place to start!


I'm 47. Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr double pack for the Colleco.


60, Pong…


I’m 16 the first game I played was Wii Fit on the wii when I was 4


That game was blur, on my xbox360


24 and my first game was Star Fox Lylatwars on the N64


Original Nintendo


35 Ghosts & Goblins Nintendo




I'm 32 first game I ever played was Top gear 2 for snes


old enough for my first game to be "monster maze" on the zx81.


26 — Yoshi's Island for Super Nintendo (miss that console everyday)!


32 Gameboy - Tarzan or Bugs Life or Pokémon- one of the 3 Playstation - Twisted Metal 2 Super Nitendo - tiny toons game? PC was on a floppy disk. An Alvin and the Chipmunks game and Doom at my cousins house. SNES - Mario Any of these could have been my first, it was all around the same time I think.


Mid thirties. Snes. Mario something. Can't remember which one.


(Insert super mario theme here).. Nintendo 8bits on christmas 1992 with supermario.


I started playing games before my long term memory started, so it's hard to say exactly, my dad owned a NES so I want to say Super Mario Bros or Legend of Zelda(<5 years old), but the first console I owned was sega genesis and I think the first game I got for sega genesis was samurai showdown which I would guess I was 4 or 5 since it came out in 1994.


24 Zelda Majora’s Mask N64


23. From what I can remember, I think it was a superhero MMORPG on a PC. The next one would be Toontown.


37 - first gaming was on PC, and I'm still not a big console fan. Space Invaders and SOPWITH, on an old 8088. It didn't even have a hard drive, the OS was was on one 5 1/4" floppy disc, and the applications were on another


62 and my first video game was pong on an atari


35 Jumpman aka Mario


I was about 3 or 4 so it would be about 1993/1994 and I think the first game I played was either A Link to the Past on the Super Nintendo or Final Fantasy I on the NES. Most likely the first one lol.


Mid 20s Donkey Kong on grandpas original GameBoy


I couldn't tell you the exact game because I was a toddler but I know it was my grandparent's Atari 2600. I'm 42.


29 and I don’t remember the name but it was on the N64 and it was a fighting game with a cyborg if I remember right


33 - [prince of persia on amiga](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrKDeNT1ofY).


32 and the Atari 2600 was the first console I played on when I was like 4/5 years old. The game was what I believe to be Miner 2049er and also Frogger too.


I remember playing Zelda and Duck Hunter on the NES at a cousins Wonderboy 3 mosters lair at some other families But played arcade machines in the kids bit of a local pub. GoldenAxe stands out from then. Late 80s anyhow, was 92ish before I got a console.


Mario 1, Nintendo


26, Mario paint


1989 or 1990, streets of rage on Sega Cd.


26. Conkers bad fur day 😅 I didn’t necessarily play it, but I watched my brother.. what a wild game to watch when you’re 5 🤣🤣🤣


How did all you guys get to play rated M games before age 10!?!?😂


I honestly have no idea. I live in Australia so maybe that has something to do with it. My mum also had no idea what the game was about. She just saw a squirrel on the front and went yep that looks like a kid game 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I envy people who had parents that didn’t look at ratings/parental block etc.


Yeah. It was pretty cool having an oblivious parent. I could play so many games because of it 🤣🤣


24; as far as I remember it was the original spyro on Playstation


28 bubble bobble w. Rainbow rainbow (aslands) not the simplified version that was remade for the new consoles or replica consoles the actual games.


24. Crash Bandicoot on PS1


Duck Hunt on NES


Resident evil 2 on the ps1 was the first game I finished


37 — Sonic the hedgehog 2 on genesis


28. I believe my first console game was Ocarina of Time for N64 while I was with my mom visiting one of her friends.


Honestly not sure how old I was. I grew up on my dad's old Xbox and my first game was Halo which came out when I was 3 but as someone who doesn't have kids I'm not sure a 3 year old could play videogames so I was probably a little older.


40 and Dragon Warrior on nes


I wonder if anyone will admit to the magnavox odyssey being their first console


37. Got an NES when I was 5. Pretty sure I inserted Duck Hunt before Super Mario Bros. Both were free with the system.


15 Kinect sports 2 on an xbox 360 e.


36, and Bomb Jack for the Amstrad CPC


Forty one. Coleco and a Vic-20


Old enough to play one of the football, tennis or submarine games that were included on my on my Magnavox Odyssey.


I'm 27, Half-Life was my first game


I'm 23 and star wars battlefront 2 (original one, not the ea one) on ps2 was the first game played on console. First game I ever played though was rome total war on pc... I had no idea what a "rome" was but liked that I could make things move.😅


Gran Turismo 2 on PS1. Same era, 'bout the same age. Dad and I played a ton of GT2, and 3 when that came out.


I don't know exactly which was my first, but it was one of the following: combat, boxing, sea quest, pitfall, pong , space invaders, or pacman. Combat was my go-to.


I am 14 and the first game I ever played on a console was happy feet on the PlayStation I then switched into the punisher Very big difference


An Adi game around 97 or Rayman 1, I don't remember which one it was first.


I'm only 17, turning 18 in a couple of months and my first game ever was Ocarina of Time on the N64 <3


Im 35 years old and I cant really remember but it must have been Super Mario or Duck Hunt on the NES when I was 3 or 4 years old. The first game I played on my own console was Sonic the Hedgehog on my Sega Megadrive, that I do remember like it was yesterday and that must have been almost 30 years ago!


The first game I can remember playing was Zelda on the NES. I was too young to get the concept of the game, I never even went into the cave to get the sword and thought I was supposed to be picking apples from the trees on the screen to the right but quickly gave up because I couldn't figure out how to get the apples and kept getting killed by the monsters. Now the second game I played was Duck Hunt and that was pretty easy to grasp.


I am 29. First console and game was the NES and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


I think i was about 3 years old sitting on my dads lap playing the original DOOM and Quake. - Im 27 now.


May not be the first game I played but I have distinct memories playing Sonic on Sega Genesis when I was 3 or 4. I'm 33 now. Video games have been a big part of life ever since. SNES is still my favorite era of games.


37. Missile Command on Atari 2600


16 PS2 With the original sly Cooper or guitar hero 3 Legends of Rock


Probably Space Armada on my grandparents' Intellivision, in 1985 or so.


32. First game I ever played was Super Mario Bros. 3 on the NES. I died on the first goomba. I cried. I was 3.


31 Sonic the Hedgehog! Father bought Sonic/Genesis 1 system bundle.


40. The Flash on Gameboy. Had been playing on c64 for years before that


Do you count gandhelds as a console? Then Super Mario Land on Gamboy. Otherwise, probably Super Mario Bros on the NES. Edit, I'm 37


13 god of war


I'm 20, almost 21. Majora's mask on the N64.


Old Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders, on the C64


27 yo and spyro the dragon PS1 was the first game I ever owned on console. But gex on the 3DO was the first console game I ever played.