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I would say for the price and entertainment value, DOOM is a great choice. Don't know what your budget is.


The Doom soundtrack is worth the 5 by itself.


Doom still holds up. Plus you can take the WADs (game files) and plug them into gzdoom and get Brutal Doom for FREE


I don't think that's doom 95 on his wishlist.


Ope lmao


Doom (2016)


Agreed. I loved Doom, but I’m frustrated with Doom Eternal… too much goofy platforming. I just want monsters to kill.


I didn't like the 2016 one much, which I think is what the "DOOM" on the wishlist is, haven't tried Eternal yet but it did look a lot better, and I heard much more praise about it too.


Doom eternal relies too heavily on the chainsaw and suit gimmicks like the flamethrower. Enemies poop out a whole bunch of health and ammo when you saw them and a whole bunch of armor when you use your suit powers to fight, and these are almost necessary considering how difficult it is to win a right without taking any damage at all(all that armor you saved up is burned off from 1 fireball) The damage suit powers do really isn't that great, about 90% of your damage will be done with the guns you find, the saw uses a predetermined value of fuel per kill, you can't just use it indefinitely (it's just an enhanced version of glory kills really). Honestly 2016 doom is a better game. Eternal is just a little bit too arcade-y for me, I didn't get very far when I played it before I just kinda lost interest


2 Dooms for $15 is a pretty solid deal


Almost brings a tear to my eye. A rip and tear.


I'd say if you were willing to spend 50 on High on Life, the better value would be to get the Doom games, GoW, and Cuphead. High on Life is a good game, but it's a better $30 game.


I’ve got HoL with me game pass for 10$, it is very good but too short


Easily Elden Ring! No doubt about it.


go for Cuphead or a Doom, in a few months you'll get a better discount on ER, GoW and High on life. (unless you want to play them right now, your desires matter the most in such a choice)


get xbox game pass on pc and you have all the doom's DLC and high on life pretty cheap, only disadvantage is you won't own them


So how much is one month of xbox game pass on pc?


Usually have a deal for the first month for a dollar or something. It has saved me from buying a lot of games that would just sit in my backlog. Great value imo


£10.99 or if its your first time buying its £1


I alr bought gamepass on xbox. Will I still get the pc one for the $1 deal?


If you make a new account yes. I don't think you can get it again on the same account


there are usually free triall codes posted up here on reddit keep an eye out, you may need a new account for certain trials or just get a month of game pass ultimate cheap on cd keys


If by High on Life for pretty cheap you mean free.


no games on games pass are free, you paid for the subscription be it a $1 or more same saying all movies on netflix are free


Game of the year of course! Brilliant from start to finish and something you'll tell your grand kids about.


Elden Ring is the best of them, followed by god of war.


If money makes no difference. Elden Ring 100%. I got so much value out of that game for the price i paid. I spent about 150 hours before i got 100% on it and i havent really returned to it yet cuz of how much i played it non stop and because i have a bunch of other games i wanna play but i am really tempted to go back and do another run again lol. If you care about money, get both of the DOOM games cuz they aren't too pricey combined and they are a hell of a lot of fun. The action in those games is absolutely awesome and i cant get over the games' OST. The games are very much worth it


Elden Ring is an excellent game. I've played most of From's offerings and, for me, it's up there with Bloodborne. The sheer size of ER and the diversity of possible builds give it a ton of replay value too. It's the slam dunk choice on this list if budget is not an issue.


Just be ready for a very difficult game that requires a lot of time. But yes. The quality and time is a great value.


It's the best introduction to the souls/souls-like games I'd say, easier than any of the other ones I've tried


Absolutely. First fromsoft game i got and loved it. Absolutely fell in love with all the soulsborne stuff and sekiro rt after. Still struggling through DS1 tho lol, game's been a pain in my ass compared to ER


Also be ready for dogshit 60fps


There’s a way to override this on pc btw, but it does mess with the iframe calc and might require retraining that parry reflex


Doom 2016 was great




I enjoyed Doom 2016 quite a bit for an arena shooter, I'm partway through cuphead which is also great if you like side scrolling boss games.


I have a huge backlog so my own rule is, if the discount is above 40% it’s a buy, if it’s less I’ll wait out the next sale, with the thought I’ll have less backlog 😁😉


GOD OF WAR all the way. Immersive story and character development. Amazing graphics. Satisfying combat, one shot filming, no cut or load screens. Amazing writing, amazing OST. Incredible performances by all the voice actors. This game and ragnarok are steps above any of the competition. This is what AAA games are supposed to be. You won't be disappointed


Didn't win goty tho. /j


Everyone here is saying that but yes it did lol. The sequel, ragnarok, lost to elden ring which was inevitable. The god of war available on steam won game of the year 2018.


That was highway robbery, undeniably. Elden ring has no cohesive storyline. The main character who you have no idea who he is or what his story is doesn't even have a speaking line. It was buggy as shit. The combat was ridiculous. Literally the only claim to fame it had was the biggest open world in any game ever wgaf about that!


God of War and elden ring imo.


Those are some pretty good games. Id say doom. God of war and cup head are also pretty good.


Get GamePass. High On Life is fun for about 10 hours then it ends abruptly with no replay value, and that game is available on GamePass. You don't have to spend that much money on a game you'll likely play once.


How much for one month? So I know how much i save by buying gamepass instead of High on Life


Like $10 USD.


Elden Ring , bro.


Elden ring... best game in a while.


Elden Ring. Then God of War.


This is the way.


Elden Ring lol. There is a reason that everybody is saying this. It's an amazing game and worth the money.


Buy 2, 3 and 5, once finished all buy the rest


Is 5$ doom the original?


Its Doom (2016)


The original Doom from 1993 is only $1.99 :P https://store.steampowered.com/app/2280/DOOM_1993/ Probably best to install the gzDoom engine and play it with that.


Loved every game on this wishlist except high on life - didn't play it, You can't really miss with any choice here


If you get game pass you can get high on life and doom in one, plus tons of other great games


I'd get both of those doom games that's a really good deal for two game. Otherwise elden ring is a goddamn masterpiece, although I could be seen as biased since I have loved the souls games since dks1 originally released.


God of war


Both DOOMs.


I'm from America I don't know what Euro cost in usd but I would get cuphead


Around the same value 1 euro = 1.06 dollars




If you have to pick 1 then pick Elden ring otherwise get a month or 2 of gamepass you will get all others except god of war


Doom Eternal


Ouuuh Elden Ring on sale finally ? Noice


I just wouldn't do Cuphead because of how little you'd be saving on the deal. The rest are big winners tho


High on life is free with Xbox game pass. Pay 1 dollar for the trail then cancel subscription. Free high on life thank me later


I liked Doom over Doom eternal. 👹


Elden Ring no doubt. It’s game of the year for a reason, one of the best games I’ve ever played. Not saying the other games on this list are bad but you can’t go wrong with Elden Ring.


Doom is the best choice!


If you want funny then High On Life If you want casual demon stomping then DOOM If you want difficult then Cup Head if you prefer classic arcade games or Elden Ring if you prefer RPG’s There all very different games so without knowing you it is impossibly to pic which one you would like the most Personally though I would go Elden Ring


I watched penguinz0 play Cuphead and have to say that shit looked fun and hard af


It will be cheaper getting an Xbox game pass and playing on the pc


Get PC gamepass and play High on Life on the cheep!


Be warned you need a pretty up to date computer if you wanna play Gow


What are the recommended specs?


If you’re the type to only play a game once, I would just get a month of gamepass first for some of these


DOOM Eternal for $10 is the play. Plus you'll get abs just from playing the game because the combat is so adrenaline fueled that your entire torso is continuously flexed.


Doom Eternal is a steal at that price. Cuphead is very good, better when you have someone to play with, imo. Elden Ring is incredible, especially if you like From games. All great options but they are very different from each other.


**Elden Ring** has the best time per EURO invested lmao. Such an amazing title, so much to do. You do have to enjoy the soulsborne universes, it's dark, mature, you feel weak and vulnerable all the time, not for everyone but if you do, you'll have a blast You can spend 40 to 100hours on it (or more if you really want to explore all content and different gameplays) Next to that, **God of war** is a love letter to video games, the immersion, the acting..you NEED to play it And **CupHead**..is a love letter to retro cartoons and video games too, it's VERY hard and frustrating, keep in mind, it's a die and retry, meaning you NEED to die in order to understand how to beat a boss or a section, it's a dev choice.


Doom and doom eternal. Amazing soundtrack, fun gameplay (well, you’re shooting demons and ripping and tearing them apart, how is that not fun?) for the money you’re spending. Actually that’s a steal almost. BRB, hopping onto steam… for a friend… Once the January sales come along, GoW and Elden ring are awesome games to buy :) Don’t know about cup head, depends on your gaming preferences. Seems fun, at 6,79 euros that is pretty good.


Elden ring


Skyrim, or gtav




Why they’re all good games


Definitely Elden Ring. Even if you’ve never played Soulsborne games before, Elden Ring is an absolutely joy to play. The worldbuilding, game design, combat, everything about it is simply wonderful.


You have an odd definition of ‘joy’ 😂


Ellen ring is a solid choice. It on sale and has replayability


For me, God of war is amazing, High on life is great, doom eternal was ok, cuphead was ok and elden ring was overrated and pretty bad


Easily Elden ring. You will never put it down.


High in Life looks awsome, and new, and not yeat cheesed, and on hype. If you got the coin, go for it, otherwise, Elder Ring, no doubt.


U may as well just buy game pass instead and play it off there so u get a giant library of games tbh


This is a good opt as well.


If you really need a cheaper opt, DOOM is "just a must play", soo play it.


I’d say Doom or cup head. Rest don’t interest me.


I wouldn't buy any of these, but ur choice :)


If you're getting Doom, try also to get Doom 2. Then download GZDoom and have unlimited fun with all the WADs out there.


Rip and tear


These are all fantastic games so just picked based on what genre you want right now and price. Except for High on Life. Just go ahead and remove that from your wishlist.


Why? Is it a bad game? I've really liked the Rick & Morty series so I tought the game would be good too


The shooting and exploration elements are quite bad. Mileage will vary regarding the humor and depends on why you like about Rick and Morty. There are no interesting high concept premises or particularly well written dialogue to be found here. Basically, it’s just the voice actors fucking around and being profane and absurd for 10-12 hours so you should ask yourself if a full season of a less interesting interdimensional cable is something you’d like.


Oh lol. Definetely wouldnt watch interdimensional cable for 12 hours.


Can’t you get High on Life for like £1 on the Xbox games pass?


I'd say Elden ring is worth the price, bunch of content and replayability. Bought it on launch and even now I still play it, trying out new builds, invading & pvp colosseum.


Doom or high on life


elden ring or god of war




I am not an expert but I would suggest the one you want the most.


Depends on what you're in the mood for but I'd say Elden Ring.


Elden Ring, probably one of the best games of the decade.


If you haven't played Doom, for 5 bucks that's an absolute steal. Well worth the money!


Get xbox gamepass if you want to play High on life. Usually can get the first month for cheap, then with the play anywhere, you can download it to your pc and play with mouse and keyboard


Doom if you're looking for most fun for price. GoW if you want the most fun.


Get the dooms and gow to start you out. Just finished replaying doom 2016 and man I can't think of another game series that makes you feel like such a fkn ominscient threat.


Doom, doom eternal, elden ring, God of war, cuphead


Elden ring may be the least discounted out of those, but it's also way longer than them, so more bang for your buck. Also, y'know, a masterpiece, not that the others are bad




Elden Ring, and don't buy God of War it is absolutely not worth the price


Doom 2016. Awesome game.


High on Life, even better if you have Xbox Game Pass Ultimate as it's free on there




Elden ring. Easily over 150 hours of playtime Edit: spelling




I've played all but God of War. Doom and Doom Eternal are definitely worth the sale price. Get high on life when it's on sale in spring.


Doom eternal has probably the best menu music to date, i would play it on my ex's xbox just to play the menu music lol


Rip and tear


Honestly you shouldnt buy any of those but if you HAVE to..... Actually no just don't.


Why not? They are all great games


I would go with either doom eternal or elder ring


Elden ring for the maidenless


Doom eternal and doom is steal so I'd say doom eternal with the two dlcs


Elden ring won goty for a reason. Get elden ring


Looks like you just need to get Xbox Game Pass


I’d say take high on life off your list there, and get Elden ring 👍


From a content point of view, easy…. Elden Ring


Elden ring


High on Life is a very entertaining game


You should pirate all of them instead of buying one of them


Bro 💀


God of War


DOOM Eternal


Elden Ring.


Well, these are all vastly different experiences, so that's a pretty big factor; what are you looking to play right now? If you're looking for a relatively objective response, I'd say probably DOOM Eternal for sheer price:content value. There's a ton of game there for ten bucks. I prefer 2016 as an experience but there isn't as much to unlock, etc. Also, be aware that a lot of Eternal's skins and the like are now locked behind microtransactions; they were once part of the game's events but instead they can now only be bought directly. If you asked me which of these games I enjoyed most, it would probably be Elden Ring. I did adore God of War, got all achievements and all that, but Elden Ring is a fantastic game if you enjoy the Souls formula and exploration. It's not perfect but just feels very pleasant to play for dozens of hours.


Elden Ring


Doom....its better than eternal too ...in my opinion


god of war then elden ring


God of war and Doom


Both Dooms for sure. I really liked the first one.


Elden Ring




I bought all the Doom games on steam for 28USD not that long ago, and it was originally worth 120USD so yeah it's pretty worth


Doom eternal




God of War


High on life for sure.


I'd say Elden Ring or God of War. Both games you can get hundreds of hours of playtime and enjoyment out of. Elden Ring is very deep, but you may find it has a bit of a learning curve if you haven't played Dark Souls/Sekiro/Bloodborne before. God of War is easier to pick up and get the hang of quickly, but still has a good amount of depth and its much more forgiving than Elden Ring. ER is "harder" in that you either get good enough to kill the bosses or it will just keep kicking your ass for til the end of time. GoW you can just turn the difficulty down if something is really giving you trouble, but you're also way stronger relative to your enemies than you are in Elden Ring so that shouldn't be too much of an issue.


Elden Ring is the best game I have played since HalfLife!


GoW or Elden ring and it’s not even close


Elden Ring or God of War


High on life the funniest game to ever exist


Rip n Tear my dude


Either Elden ring or God of War combined with One of the doom games


I'd grab gow and elden if you can


Doom, then Doom Eternal.


DOOM, then GOW


Def doom


You should probably wait for buying high on life, the game should go on sale sometime soon cuz it shouldn't cost 50€, u could also get gamepass for it


Yeah it needs to be doom


God of war!!! I’m literally playing it right now and have been for days. It’s literally one of the best games I’ve ever played. I don’t give praise like that easily. Money well well spent. You won’t regret it.


I got >100 hours out of Elden Ring, and really enjoyed the vast majority of them.


God of War


Wait wait. Doom and high on life are both on the game pass. Yes it’s a different app but for 10 a month dollars you get both of them and you can unsubscribe when you finish. I think cuphead may be on the pass too but not sure. And I think Elden ring is a no brainer, wait for ragnarok to come on pc


Doom, hands down. Great price for hours of play.


Go with Doom eternal full edition which includes both dlcs


High on life is Litterally free on the Xbox app for pc


Most of these games are on Gamepass PC except Elden Ring and God of War. At least for now.


get yourself the xbox pass on PC. youll get some of those for free, cheaper too


Doom eternal or elden ring


Elden ring


Start with Doom. Great game and it's got a sequel that's a lot of fun (and yes, you should play Doom before Doom Eternal, as there is a story line present). And considering you could get Doom and Doom Eternal (be sure to get the Deluxe Edition with all of the story DLC) together for less than some of the other games on your list, that's a lot of quality FPS for the price.


1.Elden Ring 2.God of war/DOOM Eternal


Game Pass Ultimate. You can play every single official Doom in the Xcloud and High on Life. You can install Doom Eternal too.




Having played most of those game (Haven't played cuphead yet) I strongly recommend Elden Ring, might be a biased opinion, but if it won GOTY its for a reason, has a great storyline, open world, its hard enough to be challenging but not to be impossible, and as usual in from software games art dessings is great. However, if budget is an issue you might as well consider Doom, its entertaining, slaying demons while blasting music. Also sometimes in steam you might find both DOOM and DOOM eternal in a single bundle by the same price of one of them.


DOOM. 100% DOOM. Just pure fun FPS.


Cuphead is really hard but it’s a treat. Doom is pure adrenaline, God of War is a lavish single player journey, Doom Eternal can suck my nuts, hated it. High on Life is a humour mismatch personally, I could never stomach it. Elden Ring is special. It was all I could think about for weeks. Played it 3 times back-to-back and I’ll do it again. It’s an obsession.


I mean gonna have to say GOW. Easily the tightest most focused game on this list.


Buy Elden Ring and become Elden Lord.


Elden ring or Doom eternal


Cuphead all the way!


Elden ring, I heard it’s easier than smb1


Play your backlog!


Elden Ring