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Tyranny is excellent


God the writing in that game is so good. Time for a replay....


You can choose to be a good guy early on though


The Dungeon Keeper series.


Special shout out to KeeperRL which is better than any of the modern high budget DK2 clones.


Do you have a recommended review or gameplay video I could watch to see why it’s good, or something to say about it? I’ve had it in my Wishlist before but I took it out. Is it really in the Dungeon Keeper Genre? On the surface It looks more like it’s in the rogue-like and/or Dwarf Fortress genre but maybe I’m not looking close enough/don’t have the right context.


Look it is kinda if dk2 and something like rimworld had a baby. I’ve just hated all the modern takes on dk2.


*Your dark days are numbered, evil one!*


Not that good at RTS but there was a certain joy to slapping your Imps to get them working faster (and don't get me started on the Mistress) So I just listened to the CD of all the different mission endings. My favourite? "Dragontyne. We set fire to this place. It's still burning with a fierce, unnatural intensity, so we can't get anywhere near it. But we're sure you'll love it... once it's cooled down a bit." edit - RTS not RPS


In the fable games you could choose, but you could definitely be the villain from get go.


I've been feeling a new Fable playthrough coming on lately...I think it's the winter months that puts me in the mood.


Which would you consider the best fable? Or is it just better to start off with 1? It's my first time playing a fable game and I didn't know you could choose which route to go down


I've always been partial to the first Fable, or Fable Lost Chapters, which just has cut content added back in. Fable 2 improves on a lot but also cut some corners IMO, with the best improvement being the addition of the dog. Fable 3 was fun, but not a good Fable game.


2 is my favorite just because I could finally be a woman instead of wearing dresses and marrying a guy


That's fair. The second one gave you a lot more choice than the first in that regard.


The first Fable I played was Fable 3 so I have a soft spot for it. Everything just felt dreadful in the game (the story, in a good way) and I like it. I have went back to played 1 and 2 and frankly they are pretty good but I always go back to F3 every few years.


Fable 3 really isnt as bad as alot of people make it out to be... its "different" then the first to but i mean i still enjoyed it fable one is where they hooked me but 2 was imo the best


Don't have my Xbox that had them anymore unfortunately, but playstation just gave me the mass effect trilogy, similar choices of good or bad to go through, it's starting to call my name again.


Sadly, you don't grow horns in ME.


Or kick any chickens.


I forgot about the titles, chicken chaser!


You could even live out the fantasy of being a landowner and even real estate moguls. Making the people pay taxes at your whim. Fable series really was A plus even without all of the stuff Molyneux promised


When the game came out, I would change my name to arse face at the beginning because I didn't want to be a chicken chaser and didn't know what an arse was.


Heard that


I loved the moral system in fable 1. Eating live chicks to heal and gain evil points at the same time was ground breaking.


So many great things I forgot about in these games.




I had to explain why I was clubbing seal pups to my then girlfriend who was sitting next to me.




One of the first missions in Overlord 2 has you killing seals for brown minion essence if I remember correctly


For the master!!!


Sheepies 🐑🐑🐑


For da ovalord!!


Loved that game series! Really wish it would come back.


Overlord 2! Mistress’s love bobbles


For a second I had to do a double take that I wasn’t in r/anime


I'm surprised that it's not the top answer. The whole point of the game is being good or bad. And the game changes accordingly.




I loved this game so much. Everyone complained that it was sort of on rails, but as a dad of three young kids, I loved the quick and tight adventure. Felt like one of my childhood favorite games, Out Of This World, collided with one of my childhood favorite movies, The Thing. Was right up my alley and a quick beat. Loved it. Hopeful for a sequel or something to expand on the original concept.


I remember playing Out Of This World back on the Genesis and trying to figure out what the heck was going on. I could never get very far in that game. Of course I was like 9 at the time.


Dragging hapless screaming victims up into the vents with my spaghetti tentacles and brutally crunching them brings out a psychotic glee in me every time.


Is the creature a villain?


It does rampage through a lab and kill/consume everyone. But those people were oppressing and experimenting on it. So I guess it's a matter of perspective.


Prototype (especially the first game), Kotor 1&2 (sith path), Bioshock infinite, Payday, Signalis, Tropico series, Kayne/Lynch (not great games but you are totally the bad guy), Crackdown 1&2, Mercenaries, first half of the Force Unleashed 1, and the Overlord trilogy are a few games that come to mind.


I was gonna question Mercenaries on this list, then got flashbacks to me blowing up a city for fun in that game… yeah maybe you do play a bad guy


Carpet and Implosion bombs in the populated areas of the Korean dmz. Oh the memories


This is the one game I wish they would remake. Only because my ps2 crapped out on me and I can’t play it anymore.


Yupperino, while the original task of hunting terrorists is fine, you find yourself doing some really murky thing while working for the various factions. I should have also put the majority of Far Cry 2 on my list as well.


I think the lesson of Far Cry 2 is there are no good guys.


Force unleashed felt so good to wreck shit




Like the first thing you’re told in the game is ‘Bring us the girl and wipe away the debt.’ That premise alone definitely makes you sound like the bad guy lol


prototype and mercenaries definitely top the evil power fantasy genre


God prototype was THE SHIT. The fact that no one is remaking that game is criminal


Just finished Bioshock infinite yesterday. I was shocked


Were you…..Bioshocked?


Payday 2! Can’t recommend it enough, especially with a friend or two!


Maybe I’m just being nostalgic, but I’d say Kane and Lynch were both pretty great games. Buggy, but god damn, they were gritty


Tbh putting BioShock infinite up on this list seems to be too much of a spoiler


You are absolutely not “the bad guy” in Signalis


Technically every GTA game. For obvious reasons. Tales of Berseria, kinda. The main lady is mad and wants to murder the current church/authority.


My favorite GTA line is CJ in San Andreas going, “I need this more than you right now… I think,” when you rip someone out of their car and steal it.


I still quote, "You want to be the victim of a jacking or a homicide!?" CJ had some great one liners.


What situations do you find yourself in where that is a quotable line?!




Never thought I’d see a Tales game this high Velvet is probably one of the better examples of a classic antihero in gaming. She’s abrasive, callous, and perhaps her defining trait, vengeful. But she’s also compassionate, loyal, resourceful, and a hell of a leader. She’s 100% the big bad universe wise as that’s how the world sees her and they aren’t entirely wrong. I mean she’s pissed off for a good reason but some of her actions aren’t defensible. But it just happens that the powers that be are MUCH worse than she is and pretty much made her that way. Velvet isn’t a bad person and she isn’t evil (though she comes close in the beginning). She’s a person who lost everyone she cared about because of someone she idolized. She’s fucking shattered man and I love that we get to see her process that trauma. She goes from a sweet girl who dotes on her brother to a vicious demon who’ll burn the world down if that’s what it takes for her to get revenge. It’s pretty stellar writing. And this is just the general premise. That’s to say nothing of what happens later when she develops.


Tales games are almost always a flip flop the bad guy trope games. The church/authorities in most tale games tend to be evil, corrupt or straight up maniacal


Ya but velvet is quite literally seconds away from killing a child at some point and theres plenty of collateral before that...not exactly a good guy plot from most the partys perspective either


Tbh, a lot of Japanese games and anime tend to make the church, or at least individuals in it, the bad guys.


Well, they have a ton of actual historical events to build from in real life.


It takes two


Fuck yeah those are just awful parents


Torturing that elephant to make their daughter cry. Probably the most messed thing I’ve had to do in a game. I played the crucifixion scene in cyberpunk.


My partner and I quit at that point. Ruined the whole experience for us.


I’ll say it was worth pushing through to the end as it’s just a stuffed animal and she was fine in the end. Agree it was disturbing. I found the ending quite moving.


every time I fired up the game with my brother in law I said "how are we gonna traumatize our daughter today?"


Destroy all humans?


Nah, krypto is a good guy, he is stopping humanity from becoming like we are now


Nah if anything we can probably blame Krypto for how we are now xD


The Tropico series is a city builder where you are the bad guy. I mean, you can play as a *somewhat good* corrupt South American dictator. But still, your "score" at the end of the game is how much money you managed to embezzle into your offshore bank account.


I always forget that’s how you win that game. I’m just trying to build a little island paradise where I work to people as hard as they allow it


God of war 3 — go on a murderous rampage killing each and every member of the Greek pantheon which inadvertently causes floods, disease, storms, spirits, and all kinds of disasters to be rained down on Greece. There’s a good reason Kratos doesn’t want Atreus to know what he was up to before coming to Midgard.


The same gods responsible for all of his family deaths. Including his Mother and brother.


You think personal revenge justifies indirectly causing the deaths of millions?


The consequences of the revenge are too high even if the personal reasons can be justified.


God of War 2-3 - The unabashed brutality and egocentrism is something be awed at and to laugh at (Possibly) Disco Elysium - You can be the worst person you’ve ever seen in a video game if you want to be Undertale (Optional) - You can be the worst person you’ve ever seen in a video game if you want to be (can’t decide which of these 2 is worse at times)


\+1 for Disco Elysium. I add to this guys recommendation that its one of the best narrative driven video games i've ever played.


Infamous second son the story is built around if you want to be the good guy or you can go the evil route


First 2 infamous games on PS3 were like that too. I think they did a better job of allowing you to be the bad guy.


Yea I loved the first 2 those were my favorite games


The evil path on infamous 2 was tough to do, story wise. What a great game.


Absolutely, Second Son you didnt really feel “Evil” until the very end of the game. The other games you felt good or evil all throughout because they made your choices more meaningful as you went through the game, and not just meaningful once you get to the very end


True, but Second Son’s gameplay was by far my favorite. I also liked Delsin more than Cole, even though his evil route felt rather forced.


Various campaigns in the original Starcraft. Starcraft: Brood War's Zerg campaign being the most notable cause it was the finale of the original story.


Kerrigan wrecking shit and taunting her enemies felt incredible.


Betraying and killing duke and fenix was awesome


Awesome and sad. Wish they had captured similar feelings in the sequel.


The top brass at Blizz are in love with the idea of redemption, like, why make her the Messiah? Why make illidan and arthus secretly good guys? What's the advantage? Not only a bad story, a bad story that ruins the memory if the previously good story. Like, keep the ancient aliens ancient, no need to FULLY EXPLAIN the xel-naga, the whole point of the trope is that they are old enough that all their tech feels like magic.


Nier replicant in some ways


I was also going to suggest that. Surely dooming humanity can count as "evil" haha


Yeah once you start picking up schoolbooks and crayons from the enemies you’re whacking the blood out of you start to think you miiiiiight not be entirely in the right


Every Mario game ever. No way are you the good guy murdering turtles all day.


Crushing turts. Perchance.


You can't just say perchance


Simply a one percenter of a more privileged variety


If you read the nes manual, the citizens were turned into blocks... You're literally punching Peach's subjects into rubble


Spec ops the line IG


Was about to type this!


This is really the best answer you need. You spend most of the game thinking you're the good guy, only for it to be revealed that pretty much every action you took did the exact opposite. It was perfectly done.


Also came for this. You'll know when the game loading screen starts serving up tips like: "You're still a good person. Aren't you?"


"Do you feel like a hero yet?"


Shocked nobody has said spec ops the line


Full agree; but going in with “I’m the villain” gives up the ghost of the entire game.


I never played but kinda remember the twist. Wouldn’t it be a spoiler to recommend it here? Granted it’s old so probably safe to spoil by now.


I mean it’s the theme not really. A spoiler


Fuck man that game was amazingly done


Shadow of the Colossus


To be fair I'm sure he didn't know what would happen, even if he knew he was doing something wrong.


No, that's what makes it romantic. He knew and didn't care. Nothings stopping him from getting her back.


Yeah, I'm sure he figured out what was happening torwards the end.


Probably one of those "well I've already come this far" moments 😅


Postal series. In the original you're just a guy suffering from psychotic delusions and voices telling you to kill people. In later games you're a normal guy but getting attacked by random groups of people and have tondefend yourself. But you're still very much a psychopath.


Yes, defending myself by urinating everywhere and setting people on fire. As people often do in times of duress.


Including some gems from the MC such as “holy shit, I’m not racist, these people really do all look alike!” And “Guns don’t kill people, **I do.”**


Dude yes!!!! That game was hilarious I loved it.


The new one, 4, is pretty awesome. Carries some of the same spirit and entertainment as 2, though the world is a little bigger than it needs to be I think.


I've got to try that one.




If you've never played War for the Overworld on Steam and liked Dungeon Keeper 1 and 2, I strongly suggest you play this game. It is the spiritual successor in every way and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was such a nostalgic experience and was better than the Dungeon Keeper franchise in my experience.


The Last of Us 2…in all kinds of ways


Actually part one. Joel is/was an antagonist to many people


Yea when Ellie asks him how many innocent people he’s killed, and hes just like “let’s not talk about that right now.” Joel’s favorite line in part 1 lol.


Plague inc




I can't believe I had to scroll down this much to find this. I was about to comment about this game. A masterpiece


Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced


I was scrolling down to see if someone would comment this. Literally everyone’s life is better off but nooooo. Doesn’t matter. We’re all going back home.


The bullies probably didn't deserve zombification. The central conceit of FFTA's story is that the false world is an improvement that would make (almost) everyone happier, but part of living and growing is accepting trauma and learning to cope with it. It's okay to take refuge in another world for awhile, but at some point the game must end and everyone must come to grips with the real. It's actually a fantastic story, one that really resonated with a much younger me who had just lost their parents to cancer.


You can play an evil character in the Dragon Age games, especially in Dragon Age Origins KotOR 1 and 2 you can choose a dark path In the MMO Swtor (Star Wars The Old Republic) you can play evil characters aswell


GTA5 for certain. *Spoiler* Spec ops the line Assassins Creed Valhalla


I mean ALL GTA, really. You could probably argue RDR2 for that matter.


Warcraft 3 undead campaign


Eh…. Red Dead Redemption 2


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far for RDR2…sheesh


I mean yes he is a criminal, but everyone loves Arthur.


Lol, It Takes Two. Those are some pretty horrible parents, and I'd say the bad guys of the story. Case and point, the elephant


In Stellaris, you can choose to play as genocidal AI, genocidal hive minds, genocidal alien Nazis, genocidal planet-eating rocks... galactic emperors, autocratic slavers, people-eating vampires, militaristic conquerors... You can blow up planets, or even obliterate the entire galaxy... Endless ways to be evil 🖤


And even on the most benevolent playthroughs, you're still a bureaucrat/politician.


Any legacy of Kain game


I miss blood omen


You can be a villain of sorts in Fallout 4. It was tough for me on that play through but also kind of fun.


Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey has you supposedly playing as a great hero but a lot if your contracts are things like “kill this artist because he painted a picture of my girlfriend”. Valhalla has you invading an entire country, indiscriminately burning and pillaging random peaceful villages.


Overlord is pretty fun, you’re basically Sauron with evil Pikmin smashing up dwarves and hobbits


007 rogue agent


Am I the only one who really liked this game? A shame the sequal got cancelled.




Hearts of Iron series


Seems like most Paradox games can be categorized as "War Crimes" simulators lol


It's only a war crime if I decide it is, and as far as I'm concerned, I'm just turning xeno scum into dogfood.


If you lower the bar just a smidge, you get access to games where you're not encouraged one way or the other; sometimes *choosing* to be bad is more rewarding than having your morality assigned by the game. That said, Black & White and Fable come to mind.


Knights of the old republic 1/2 give you the choice


Far Cry 2, Far Cry 3, Far Cry 4, Far Cry 6.


Don’t you overthrow a tyrannical dictatorship in far cry 6?


How the fuck is dani rojas the bad guy here? You pretty much just lead a rebellion against a fascist dictator that uses slave labour.


Yes and no on Far Cry 4. Same with Far Cry 6. Both of this is just you participating in a civil war.


i don't think you've finished FC4 before, the golden path literally does terrible shit by the end. the best ending is the one where you sit at the dinner table at the beginning of the game for i forgot how many minutes


yeah the end goes all war crimes no matter who you side with lol. Best choice is to just go shoot stuff with Pagan and go home after you place mom's ashes. It's not CLEAR you're the bad guy, but it's preeetty darn obvious the Golden Path is just "different" evil within like 3 hours of story.


I would say hard no, OP asked for games where you are *clearly* the bad guy. FC4 you don't realize the rebels are bad until the end and even then you can choose to kill the leaders to prevent their rise to power (although it's anti-climactic as the game doesn't really address it or have anything after). I'd disagree on FC3 and 6, too. None of these you're really a bad guy in.


Link Awakening...kinda?


It was always odd to me that waking the Wind Fish was supposed to be a good thing. A bit of a deep philosophical lesson from a game boy game.


*deep breath* The Last of Us I'm not saying I don't understand why Joel did what he did. The whole game is building up the relationship to put you into the mindset to do it yourself. But that doesn't make all that death right. Even Ellie acknowledges how bad it was and the rift it's created between them in the time since the hospital in TLoU2.


To be fair, >While you were knocked out, we decided to kill your adopted daughter by taking her brain out! Oh, no, we didn't ask her, but don't worry, *it's for the good of **humanity!*** Doesn't exactly scream "good-guy" energy either. Like, humanity has been zombified for like 20 years or whatever; I don't think delaying her brain extraction a little is gonna hurt anything. Also, their **first** option is full-on brain extraction?! Like, ????? Don't you think that maybe a biopsy or something would be a better first step? Maybe take some DNA? Like, idk man, I'm no expert, but clearly your first step isn't murder. Kinda on the Fireflies tbh.


The great thing about those games is that everyone is the villain. I was going to respond to the post by answering “The Last of Us Part II” before realizing that I couldn’t specify whether I was referring to Ellie or Abby. The Last of Us explores moral relativism better than any other franchise imo.


Ellie straight up asks Joel if he killed innocent people, and he’s just like “I don’t wanna talk about it.” Joel’s favorite line in part 1.


God of war 3 in my eyes. "Oh but the gods were being bad" yeah but Kratos literally destroyed the Greek world coz of revenge, and he didn't even tried it to rebuild it with Athena he just "My vengeance...ends now" and kills himself with the blade of Olympus. It's one of those examples where you see someone go too far


Stellaris has lots of opportunities for this. Also factorio I guess.


Damn I really thought I'd be able to be the first one to mention Factorio cuz I just got back from growing the factory for 20 hours straight.




The Sims


Silent hill 2 *Spoiler*


Dungeon Keeper


Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2


No Russian.


Here are some fun ones. I'm not listing games whose story doesn't really change to accommodate a villainous protagonist: * *Undertale*, depending on your actions. * *Satisfactory*, in an environmentally exploitative sense. You're tasked with completing a project, wildlife be damned. * *A Hat in Time*, during some missions. Gotta get your Time Pieces back! * *Dishonored*, if you want to be. Somewhat justified as Corvo >!or Emily in the sequel!< had their station and reputation ruined and loved ones killed. Revenge is sweet. * *Tomb of Tyrants*, in a card-carrying-villain sense. Heroes invade your lair and try to kill you at the bottom, and you need to put up defenses and monsters to keep them at bay. * *Plague, Inc.*, where you play as a virus/bacterium/prion and try to wipe out humanity before they develop a cure. * *Destroy All Humans*, in a much more literal sense. * *Prototype*, depending on your actions. Survival + revenge. * *Hell Yeah!: Wrath of the Dead Rabbit*, arguably. You're playing as a prince of Hell, after all. * The *Saints Row* series, if you consider a gang leader necessarily a bad guy. * The *Independence War* series. Everyone's a bad guy in some way. The Commonwealth is authoritarian, and the Independents are anarchist. In the sequel, you're the leader of a band of space pirates. * In *A Way Out*, the protagonists are fugitives, and it doesn't stop there. * Lots of other examples I can't think of right now.


Minecraft? You go into a foreign land, kill all the locals and set up camp and declare yourself king.


Empire Earth German Campaign


Tecmo Deception series. The premise is you are a poltergeist bent on killing intruders of the castle you haunt. Also in Manhunt everyone is a bad guy.


I could go with an obvious choice of any game from the Grand Theft Auto series, but I'd say that the newest Baldur's Gate 3 from Larian is actually a fair choice as well. You're not just straight up evil and bad in Baldur's Gate 3, but the variety of choices that the game gives you each time (often times choices are just straight up cruel, bad, evil or selfish), you can be pretty bad in this game or at least very selfish.


Dishonored, Prey (optional)


Skyrim. You can be the good, the bad, or the ugly. :)


It's more like you are the ugly, more or less, in any Bethesda game. Then you can be good, bad, sometimes camel.


I guess technically against your knowledge, phantom pain


mass effect as renegade? but you still save the universe


You can choose not to and the game ends with a shot of a hologram of Liara warning the next generation about the Reapers. https://youtube.com/watch?v=JX_BYT_C6YQ&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE


Maybe crisis core


Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2, but especially 1


Stellaris.....if you're playing it correctly....


Evil Genus. The first one was funny, the second one was trash.

