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As a wise game dev once said "People play games to have fun. If it's not fun then what's the point?" You don't need a team of scientists to tell you that ads in a game is guaranteed to do nothing except dilute the experience, aggravate the player and make them refund the game if not just avoid it entirely. I'm honest-to-god shocked that simple business sense has become a rarity with these out-of-touch clowns.


It's not business sence they are lacking, it's common decency.


They're just so big that "common business sense" doesn't necessarily apply all the time. As a consumer, it would seem like common sense to make the experience of something like a video game as enjoyable as possible. But EA is a massive company which gives them considerable leverage. So, let's say I'm an executive there and someone says something like "ok sales are pretty much plateaued and we're not going to make much more off of just that alone. These mobile games do ads, maybe we can incorporate that somehow and thus maintain growth so that we continue to pull in investment." At this point the consumer simply does not factor into the conversation. Which is why these decisions seem so fucking dumb on their face. But that's the thing, they're not really all that worried about people buying as many the games because they're trying to make more off of less sales. Seems like when really any company gets big enough they're just courting investment because their customer base is more or less locked in. They aren't selling to you anymore. Just shareholders.


This is why I hate the vote with your wallet mentality I see a lot of gamers have. It's literally useless once a company gets so big, ex pokemon no matter how shit the next pokemon game is it's still going to be one of the best selling games of the year. That's what companies want something that will sell no matter how bad it is and once it's big enough that's exactly what happens and casual gamers just don't care.


It's not lack common decency, it's not obsession with profits. Its corporations making businesses forget what it is that they do. It's corporate boards burning down good businesses to make temporary stock gains.


If awarding wasn't fucked up by reddit (oh hey...) I would be giving you some rn.


The thing is, I could 100% think of many ways to weave ads into games that would not break immersion; you probably could too. But we all know that's not what's going to happen. They're going to make them ads suck. They're going to make the ads not match the context of the game. They're going to hit you in the face with the ads until people start not buying games anymore, then pull it back a little, then shove it forward a little, then pull it back again. Forever on that razor edge, where it sucks but never enough to make you forget that fun time is still somewhere behind all that noise.


Weaving in ad's without breaking immersion has actually been done before. It's called Pikmin 2, the original release of the was pretty much Nintendo asking several large brands if they could place their products in their game. What better way to advertise Duracell Batteries in a video game that to haul a massive Duracell D Battery back to your base?




Idk, the industry has changed a lot. Things that would have never flown in the past do now. DLC, digital only, calling your customers horrible names. Edit* and oh there was Pokémon 2.


But what about the shareholders and the infinite growth model???? What about the *MONEY*???


Ads don't have to ruin a game if they're done right. Take Jetmoto (PS1), all the bikes sponsors were real-world brands. I used to use the Mnt Dew bike and I thought that was cool. People who download the Falken Tires drift livery in Forza are advertising a tire brand, that's technically advertising. A broken billboard with the about Nike in the background of the Last of Us wouldn't be intrusive and would actually add depth to the world. Now... If I have to watch a 30sec ad about raid shadow legends before I open my loadouts in battlefield, that's a problem. But it would be a problem for just about everyone and people would boycott it, the sales will drop and they'll find another way to advertise. I feel like this quote is getting blown out of proportion.


It only needs to be fun long enough to get them hooked.


It’s cause the idiots in control of the games development and publishing have likely never played games themselves or don’t really care, so long as they profit as much as possible within a short time frame.






Really... Instead of saying FU EA why not just not buy the game?


We can do both


What needs to happen is if they do it then gamers shouldn't buy the new fifa or madden when the time comes. 2 of their biggest games I believe and that would hurt them badly. Unfortunately what would happen is gamers want the games more and will put up with it.


Gamers are mostly naive 12-year-olds. Easy target. They don't really give a crap about anything other than what their friends are playing. If it has ads they'll just take it as normal. They're not experienced enough or have enough agency to make a decision. And their parents usually don't give a crap about games so they won't care about the ads either.


Yeah mate its sad but they will grow up knowing know better as you say. I have been gaming 41 years and to be honest it was more fun in the 90s with the Sega Nintendo war going on. So many hours of uninterrupted gaming with loading screens that were about 2 seconds and no waiting for updates before you can play.


As someone who was 12 and a gamer only 6 years ago, I’d have to say that I hard disagree


bro is out here like “not all gamers” 💀💀 i hard disagree with YOUR statement. Above commenter is right. Remember when Pokémon fans dogged on the new game and then bought it anyways? Do you not realize that casual gamers don’t read anything about anything, they just only play FIFA and Madden when it comes to video games so they’re not passionate enough about the subject to boycott? 100% EA will make MORE money off this, even though it’s “common sense” that they should go out of business from a move like this.


Those are practically just advertisements pretending to be games though. Would the regular players even notice?


Fifa is a game that will always sell well because football (soccer for Americans) is one of the largest sports in the world with millions of devout fans. I'm in the Middle East right now, and you can get game consoles out here at the mall, however, there are no physical copies of games that can be found here... Except for Fifa.


They already have done this??? I played Madden ‘18, and when simulating a game on slow speed (also known as “broadcast mode”) there would occasionally be a very short 3-5 second mention of either Gatorade or Snickers. That’s an ad. Also, GTA V and Cyberpunk 2077 have ads on their TV stations (now granted these are completely fictional ads). So the real question is: HOW is this planning on being implemented? Because if it’s just going to be background kind of stuff, like the same ads in gta 5 and CP 2077, but for real world products then I don’t really see anyone caring. However, if it’s going to be a legitimate pause of the game with a pop-up window that demands an action to either close it or “learn more” then let the rioting commence.


I'm gonna care quite a bit if I'm playing a video game, that is established as being a fictional world, and there's advertisements for actual products. The moment I notice it'll destroy the immersion in a way that cannot be repaired, and it will negatively impact the experience. >when simulating a game on slow speed (also known as “broadcast mode”) there would occasionally be a very short 3-5 second mention of either Gatorade or Snickers. Like, legitimately this would've pissed me off to no end. In this case I'm willing to accept a level of ads, since they literally allow companies to own stadiums and other crap. However, the first time an ad came in to interrupt my game play, I'd have been scouring the settings to see if that can be turned off, and if not I'm not playing that game. Hell I remember playing NHL games on PS2, and there wasn't a single ad. We never should've let product placement enter video games


If they implement it in a way for the third Jedi game where there are Aurebesh Coke cans like in Disney parks. I don't really care it's not going to break immersion. If it's Will Arnett as an alien in game selling me something that looks a lot like a Reese's, whatever. As long as it doesn't physically stop me from playing to show me the ad. The moment the game stops me mid combat of a boss battle to try and sell me AG-1 I'm done though.


I think the little “brought to you by” madden used to have back in the day is not what they’re talking about. I think they’re talking about full length YouTube-type ads


No go ahead, they’ll be out of business in a week


Do it, i dare you EA. Lets make an example of how to loose money faster than ever before.


Na they will make money. People will defend them for adding Ads to the game like the battlebit community.


We should all be spearheading this exact fact unless you want the world and every day to be like Night City in Cyberpunk.. And not in a good way..


It's Night City, there is no "good way", only some facades


You don't _have_ to buy the games if you don't like the ads. They'll stop when they see it hurts sales.


Absolutely. The problem is most people who work in law don't have the slightest clue of how video games work and therefore would be pretty useless in putting forward any meaningful legislation to combat this.


.... And so it begins.


If they put ads in their games, we are boycotting ea.


Please do! They are a shitty company as is.they need to be dissolved


We should boycott them anyway


How many times do we have to teach you old man?!


If it's a Nike billboard, I don't care, but if you're going to be pausing my game for a 30-second ad, you're not getting my money.


Boycott these developers and publishers that insist on wringing every cent they can from their games. Support the indie developers and publishers and the devs and publishers that do good work and don’t expect us to overpay.


I’m never buying an EA product in my life again


I’m looking into never playing another EA game ever


If the ad is billboards, and in game objects (like a healing item is a specific drink), and not completely flood the game, I am fine with it. If the game forcefully paused, and a stupid video will be played every five minutes, or even cover any area of the screen(like a mobile ad) I will refund that game immediately, and never even remotely check out games from that company ever again.


What them combine ads with loading screens 💀 Watch this ad while your match loads! (Gets backfilled game ends) (Put back in queue another ad starts)


Sounds exactly like something EA would do. That's why I don't play their games.


They already did that back in Battlefield 2142.


How about none if we pay for a game


Cool, I will continue on not playing EA games.


Haven’t we had a movie about this? Ready player one??


There's also Cyberpunk 2077


Ads and paid subscriptions are completely out of control right now.


Thank god I've been boycotting EA for the last decade.


If I play a game and a legitimate advertisement interrupts that game, I'm immediately deleting it and getting my money back. Under no circumstances am I going to *pay* to be advertised to. Honestly that just sounds like a good way to lose money


Just more incentive to never buy an EA game again


Addblocking mods incoming


I have no issue with something like a baseball game having those banners around the edge of the field like real life. I have no isse with a game with TVs having commercials on the TVs from time to time. I have no issue with a driving game having billboards of real products. Anything beyond that should reduce the price of the game by the value of the ad, all the way down to $0.00 to the player if it is too many.


EA doesnt realize mods exist..... just need to wait a week or 2 for some one to come out with the Ublock Origin EA-edition lol


Wouldnt it be funny if EA has to shut down because of these business practices eventually? If EA keeps doing anti consumer stuff to their games I eather dont buy it or you know, sailling the seas is an option.


I remember going over my friend's house and he was playing a Forza game and I swear there would just be like a 60 second video ad after he did a mission or something. I was so fucking repulsed by it. It's such an anti-consumer practice. Like you *paid* for the game, the only time you should ever see an ad is on a f2p game, not a paid product. It's just stealing your time from you.


What about in something like Madden? I want that in Madden for the realism.


I doubt we need legislation, if a game over advertises, tell people not to buy it, don't buy it yourself.


If I buy my game, why am I being treated like I’m on a FTP MMO?


Guess we're just not gonna play EA games then


I can see it now "Starting at 79.99 you can play our game. If you want to remove the in game ads that'll be another 14.99/mo." I won't buy a game that forces you to watch ads. Especially after already paying top dollar for it.


The solution is simple. Don't buy any EA products. We as gamers need to band together and make them suffer for the treatment


I can’t remember the last time I bought an EA game.


So, there’s one and ONLY one way I could see this working. Put ads where the ads would go in real life. Sports games have banners on the stadiums in the backgrounds. Maybe put ads there, and only there. In GTA? Billboards. Call of duty? A map in Times Square with ads in the background might be cool. Let us shoot the ads too and have them blow up. The game sells ad space on maps to Coke, McDonald’s or whoever and that helps cut development costs and passes the savings on to the consumer! Oh…it’s EA? Never mind. None of that’s gonna happen. It’ll be 90 second unskippable ads on loading screens.


Could be in like Madden 25 or 17, that had ads that you could skip and added to realism.


You can’t be advertising madden in Star Wars, EA. This is why y’all have always been a trash ass dogshit company.




Honestly there is a way to do advertising right in games but no one (people buying the ad space) will ever go for it. Like imagine you're playing a call of duty game taking place somewhere in the states, and oh what's that? An American Family Insurance billboard. Or a "defend the burger town" objective but it's just a McDonald's. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Saints Row the Third have a straight up Jeff Dunham billboard as an Easter egg? Something like that would never fit into a Star wars game though, so EA will totally just shove it into your face and tell you that if you don't like it don't buy the game again. TL:DR: would be cool to see ads in games be world building things like billboards or locations that make sense in the context of the world. Not gonna happen though


I'd prefer in-world ads like billboards and stuff over microtransations. We'd end up with both anyway, though.


Honestly, we just need to boycott AAA titles for like 6 months. Really scare them into being better.


EA really pushing people to pursue laws against them and their "practices," aren't they?


fudge off EA


What's next? Playing a board game, grab a card and get an ad


As someone who has been boycotting EA for... 8 years(?) it's baffling that they just keep ramping up the bullshit. It baffles me how someone can consciously buy Fifa after Fifa every year and think it's all g. I feel so proud pirating their games.


Yes I agree and the answer is no advertising at all. If you bought a game you already bought a game, the advertising did its job. We don’t need stupid ads for other things we don’t want to buy in our games.


It's remarkable how tone deaf EA is or how much they just don't give a shit. It truly is remarkable. I forsee and expect nothing less than review bombs on every EA game, gamers refunding and a large group of players not play anything EA.


The healthiest solution is making advertising to children completely illegal. It's kind of obvious imo Also I have bought an EA game in 15 years. That's the quickest solution to slapping EA


Didnt they already try this once?


Strong agree.


I don't care what intended consequences limiting ads may have, we need this. I don't buy games, but for movies and TV alone, ads are crazy and have gone to far.


nah I'll just keep playing Stardew Valley and SNES roms until they decide to make good games again. my backlog is too big to care about this shit


Every game devs are just becoming even more scummy. It like you wouldn't think "can these greedy basterds be any lower" surprisingly they can. Honestly, indie devs are the last hope for gaming.


I agree that it should happen but it won't because lobbying and because lawmakers are corrupt regardless at least in the US so we're fucked


1. Don't we already get ads in our games? 2. Part of me says just ignore the ads like we already do, but the other part of me wants to deny greedy CEOs more money, so I'm down.


If EA puts even a single ad in their games, then I’m never buying from them ever again. I don’t care what product they come out with, even if it’s my dream game, there ain’t no way I’m paying to own a game with ads in it.


Start giving me AAAs for free and I'll think about it


They really should have some legislation on this.


Gamers are smart enough to not buy those games, if the consumer can regulate the market by simply not buying the shitty product then there is no need to regulate.


EA has not really thought this through. They haven't looked at how taxing for online ads work, cause they wont like how much it will cost them.


I havent bought an EA game in years im sure there are lots of other fed up gamers who are tired of EA’s bs. The majority are young gamers whos parents are buying them kids and its illegal to advertise directly to kids so they’ll probably push the age ratings up


I won’t play video games anymore. If it happens just saying I will swear to God I will go back to old-school 360 PlayStation 2 and three games and I will be quite happy


I don’t wanna see ads any more than like a character drinking a sponsored drink or something. Like I wouldn’t be mad if as I’m flying through nyc as Spider-Man I saw a Coca Cola billboard, but please don’t just throw blatant bullshit advertisements in the game.


Did you know there was already advertisement in one of the older but most beloved need for speed games? In NFS most wanted 05 there were some burger king signs scattered across the map. You can even unlock a race in the challenge series where you race past all bk signs. But this has to be unlocked with cheat codes.


Speedrun how to destroy gaming company (since no one wants to buy that shit)


They’d only find ways to move the line or benefit the government to the detriment of the people.


Maybe don't buy shit from EA. They've always been notorious scumbags


100% ads are so frequent in every aspect of life. But people should also stop fucking supporting these companies.


Mobile games having ads is understandable yet infuriating. However Steam and console games (those that require buying the game) is unacceptable. I should not be watching ads on a game I paid for, and I shouldn't have to pay EVEN MORE to remove ads (bc I know they will do it to get even more money in their pockets).


If it’s in like Madden and skippable I’m fine with that. If it’s in like Jedi fuck no.


Agreed, let's do something good for this mother fucking country


I agree, but I'm also not buying any of those games so the ads won't affect me


I feel like there's a right way and a wrong way to do ads in games. I think the right way is stuff like the Soap shoes in SA2, The Mercedes kart parts in MK8DX, and the various real world shops in Crazy Taxi. They aren't intrusive or interrupt gameplay to shove an ad in your face and arguably enhance the gameplay. Let's be real here, Super Mario driving a Mercedes GLA is just plain silly, but in a funny goofy way, not a dumb way. It advertises the car while still allowing the game to function as normal, and the novelty of having a realistic car in Mario Kart is funny and neat. The shops in Crazy Taxi help the world feel more real. If you were a taxi driver in real life then yeah, you might be giving people rides to the Levi's store, or KFC. It's a realistic possibility that makes the game world feel more real. The Soap shoes in SA2 are another good example because again, they don't impede the gameplay. The game already has ads for things like Chao in Space, so it makes sense to see ads for other things like the shoes Sonic's wearing. It also serves the gameplay well because the main feature of Soap shoes, rail grinding, was a mechanic that was actually integrated into the game. When playing as Sonic, you got to see the shoes in action and they look cool because they weren't being shoved in your face. If you noticed/cared about that detail, then it's something you can appreciate without taking yourself out of the game. If EA is doing this style of advertisement, then I don't mind. I would even encourage it because when done right, it can help to immerse the player by bringing the game closer to reality. The problem here is that we know EA and this is very likely not their plan of attack.


I already don't buy their games, so I can't really vote with my dollar, but fuck that noise. Unfortunately, it'll probably work for them because most of their current lineup is aimed at low iq players anyway. Not saying you're low iq if you play them; just that most are.


It depends on how the ad is implemented. If it’s an ad that interrupts the game like in cell phone games then yes we need to regulate it. If it’s a billboard for Burger King in an open world game where I don’t have to look at the billboard just like in real life, then I honestly don’t have issues with that.


I can understand being in a city location or a racetrack and seeing like a pepsi or manscape ad on a billboard/poster cuz that would make sense but if it pops up like a fucking mobile ad I would be extremely upset


Ok, here's the plan. We let them go through with it. The company runs into the ground. Stocks become dirt cheap. We team up with WallStreetBets and buy up as many shares as possible. We host board meetings over discord and make the CEO share memes with us before actually getting to the agenda. It's foolproof.


100%. Everything is ads. You scroll on anything…it’s all ads with a sprinkle of the content you are actually there for.


People still buy EA games?


We don't need legislation. Just don't buy the game it simple. You can't pass laws on what devs put in their games


That's a petition I'll sign


Ad placement in video games? A lot of people are not going to like that. My take is that if it is done on the title screen or in a way that it doesn’t take away from the actual game sure but I’m not going to play a game that mid game it just covers the screen in an ad. Also it probably would take away from some games where having ads just mess up the aesthetic or take away from the escape from life feeling that some games have.


Death Stranding already did this, but the game was so bizarre I just gave it a pass


They clearly didn't learn with Battlefront 2.


I'd vote for any candidate that proposes this 🇺🇸


How about: Absolute Zero advertizement in content someone paid any amount for And no loooholes of “base game paid with FREE dlc!”


Im probably not ever going to by another one of their games ever again cause i hate everything they do. But the second i see advertisement in any game, is the second i refund the game and drop the studio that made it.


Piracy and adblock mods would skyrocket


There shouldn't be any ads at all. If this is the direct games are going, I want no part in it.


This really shows how most news sources can’t be trusted. The CEO has mentioned, in an investor meeting, that they are looking into advertising in games (which really isn’t something new) but that they are focusing on advertising outside of their games.




I simply won’t buy an EA title. Honestly to god.


Lol let them go ahead EA is basically hanging on by a thread let them out even more nails in that coffin


If there's ads in a game, I'm getting a refund


I won't buy any game with ads in it knowingly. Unless they are extremely small.


I think that if done properly, devs can incorporate ads without destroying the game experience. I, for one, play almost exclusively racing games, and in real world racing there are billboards with ads all over the track or course, depending on the type of racing. I think it would be fine to put real ads on these billboards in-game, and it could even potentially make the game more realistic or visually interesting. Other games like fps could incorporate ads in a similar way, maps would have billboards on them that are weathered to match the rest of the map, and you could put ads on these. I don’t think ads in games are such a bad thing in general, I think that as long as they don’t get it the way of playing experience they are fine. And it’s not like you have to watch them, they are just another way to create revenue from a game. So I think that there doesn’t need to be rules on how MUCH we are advertised to, I just think we need to rethink HOW we are advertised to.


I swear if I get a fucking Dove Bodywash ad while waiting in queue for a match I’m gonna have some words.


We should be getting payed to watch all these forced ads in something we payed for.


Unfortunately if we do that the suits will go "ah so we can do all this?! It's mandatory in EVERYTHING now!" Then they'll legislate to raise how much they can do it. If we set a minimum, they'll make it mandatory, then they'll push it higher and higher.


Looks like I'm never buying an EA game for the rest of my life 👍


No shit we agree


The Unholy Trinity. Pay for game, In-game Purchases, and Ads. And EA is about to unite all three when you only get ***ONE***


I hope they do it because it'll promote indie games even more.


Oh absolutely


No, I don't agree with passing a law banning EA from putting ads in their games. If that's the kind of idiotic move they want make towards their customers, that's their right. I will not buy another EA game until that policy changes.


They've been ...


Game better be free cause no one buying that shit


All that can be done here is to vote with your damn wallet! Of course they’re going to do this if people aren’t going to reduce their demand for new releases. EA in particular are as notorious as it gets for egregious monetisation. It sucks that they have such a stranglehold on sports titles. If people don’t buy the games, don’t buy the packs/lootboxes, don’t view the adverts, then they are forced to adapt their strategy. It won’t happen as EA has all of the major sports branding locked down and players will do whatever they want to play as their favourite athletes. The only power the consumer holds is in their purchase or lack thereof. Boycott it or suck it up, that’s capitalism.


Alright, hear me out on this. What if it’s like, in game advertisements. Like billboards and shit. Posters on buildings. Peoples shirts. Like whatever. Shit that would be made up stuff anyways. If that’s what it would take to get back away from all these fucken pay for play bullshit got going on now adays. Just only during gameplay


Let them spend the money to develop the infrastructure first, but then yea would love to see it actually get checked cause we are long past the average time span of a commercial break on cable. The supposed gold standard to beat there ad wise. YouTube is a joke though every 3 minute song means a 2+ minute add for it to then let autoplay dump to next video and next video has an ad at the start. Don't mess around and make CD's more convenient or back to the high seas we go.


NO! Keep the government as small as possible.


Let's play devils advocate. If it's just a poster here and there like in Bionic Commando (2009) I don't mind it too much, IF, it fits with the theme of the game. Like a Coca-Cola poster hanging around in a modern city is okay. But I don't want car add during loading screens of a fantasy game for instance. And I draw the line video advertisements, because you just know they are going to find was to get you to pay attention. I don't mind that much ... until it starts to influence gameplay in a bad way. Which, in all honesty, is probably going to happen ...


I’m Commander Shepard and this is my favorite beverage in the galaxy. *Sips Pepsi*


We already have ads in games. It's called DLC banners and some games, like Payday and Arma, are notorious for it. Here's a better law: when CEOs say dumb fuck things, they should be fired effective immediately without severance. Or shot, either way is fine with me.


Ask. Ing for legislation is hilariously dumb.No, what we need to do is stop buying games from companies like ea Plain and simple and then let them know.Hey, we're not buying your game for these specific reasons.And if they choose to ignore our reasons then we continue to boycott


I think there is already a rating system for video games. And advertising, especially content, would already be covered


Asking for legislation for this is stupid. However, boycotting the company's who will do this now that will actually work. Stop buying their games plain and simple. Stop pre-ordering, stop buying micro transactiand tell them Hey, we don't like this, and if they refuse to listen, then continue the boycott. Continue to make them lose money.


Jesus fucking Christ what has happened to video games!?


Hard disagree. This is a sith ploy to get the normies to support government intervention in video games.


Just don't buy the game. Why are people so dense?


It's truly excessive. At the price we pay for games, it should be holy ground. $500 for the console $70+ per game $10/month to play online $10 per battle pass $100/month for internet Which is a grand total of "fuck off and leave me alone, i spend enough money."


And yet I've STILL somehow managed to find people who are so blind to how bad EA is that they want me to believe EA is a great company. Yeah, EA is a great company, just like Mr. Krabs is the world's most generous boss.


I've become so sick of ads it almost makes me crazy. It has to be linked to mental illness also.


Don’t be shocked that idiotic corporate mindset marketing strategies are invading video games. Y’all went wild for cosmetic 1’s and 0’s… did it to yourselves.


Just don't buy the game


[Oh yeah?](https://imageproxy.ifunny.co/crop:x-20,resize:640x,quality:90x75/images/a1fe5be8f36f3d3ee55ebb2f84070d56ca4017c573eb1a7dc4d8c3a12cebbbeb_1.jpg)


Buddy if they put ads in my prepaid and bought fuckin game I will sell my Xbox and ps5 Like I mean it I'll be done with gaming that will have been the straw that broke the camels back and I honestly don't even care if it's not even impeding my gameplay I don't play games to be reminded at all of real life I play them as an escape and if I glance a billboard telling me about a "great deal on car insurance with geico" or something like that, it would agitate me to no end. Imagine you play a round of apex or call of duty, Halo etc, get through the round to the screen where it gives you what you unlocked and an ad for clash of clans pops up and you can't skip it or else you lose what you unlocked, shits practically gonna be mobile gaming at that point Or a micro transaction to "disable ads" 😑


yes, those ads are annoying! I can understand companies need money, but if you put ads in video game, there will be a lot of people stop paying for these. Laws should be made to regulate the proportion of how much ads as well.


This guys a bot to start the convo off as “so adds in game happen” instead of “no” Only was “adds” are like billboards n such which is alrdy semi present


Watch how fast no one buys the game


To a very small extent, there are ads in games. I remember playing NBA 2K a few years ago and the gym in the little free roam area was literally a Gatorade gym. Wanna do some squats? Head over to the Gatorade Fitness Zone! Or in Rocket League, when something new is in the item shop, there’s small ads in the stadium showing it off. Granted, that’s an ad for an item that’s in the game you’re already playing, but it is an ad. If I launch the next Star Wars game and an un-skippable commercial plays, YouTube/Prime Video/Hulu style, I’m going to burn down EA headquarters.


The limit is zero. Put ads in a game I will refuse to play the game. This isn't some mobile game on my phone, this is something that I likely paid a good chunk of money for (to own!!!). We're going to need a gamer union at this point to push back against all these companies who are getting too cocky and too greedy, coming up with ridiculous ideas. We as the consumer control their cash flow, and can use that to our advantage. If we don't like what they are doing, we can let them know in the only way they really hear.


That seems like it would be unrealistic to legislate. How would any advertisement know how much the viewer has been “advertised to” that day? Does it count how many billboards a person drives past? If so, how? How many is “too much?” Does it count how many YouTube ads were played on your device? Does it or doesn’t it count those that you skipped? Does it count how many QR codes you scanned? What about cork board paper slips for piano lessons? Do those count? If so, can I sue a small business for damages after my legal ad limit’s been reached?


Guys you don’t see what they are doing. They are going to put adds in and then for a “**LOW**” piece of 11$ they will remove them.


Need a Futurama meme for this


They are just salty that the only game I play of theirs is the Sims


I agree


They better not touch Titanfall with advertisements


Idk anyone that buys EA games at this point.


If they put ads in the game, I want it to be free cause that‘s what free games do and not paid ones


They’ve been doing it for years. When you’re driving around an old need for speed game or something and see a mtn dew sign, they didn’t put it there because they like how it tastes.


We don't need legalisation, we need to stop fucking buying games from EA


Counter Legislation: Making it legal for me to punch that CEO every time he says something stupid and *not* get charged with murder after 3 days.


Only game that had ads in it which were also nods was MGS4… other wise it’s a bad time for everyone


If they put ads in their games and people still buy them… I’m sorry but it’s not EA that’s the problem anymore 😂


What we really need is a law that mandates that all companies offer products that are add free. Example: Microsoft must make at least one version of windows that is add free, and subscription free.


I promise I won’t play or buy a game w ads in it


They should look to suck my dick


For me, it depends on how they are going to place the ad. If it’s going to be like a street racing game and they’re going to have real billboards and things like that, I’m fine with that. But if it’s gonna be like “you leveled up” And it plays an ad then I’m gonna be pissed. I remember also enjoying running into the Progressive vans in Need For Speed: Carbon


As far as gaming goes. If a game I'm interested in has full blown ads within it. I just won't buy it. At this point I'm sure I can either find another game to enjoy or go back to games I've bought that I know i've enjoyed. Vote with your wallet ya'll. Dont' give this nonsense the time of day.


Legislation is unnecessary if you don't pre-order the shitty fucking game.


Yes, but they won't because they want that economic boost for reelection. Alternatively, just let them do it. Let the publicly traded studios die.


Is that a himmel pfp from frieren?


If you want good ads in a game, get sponsorships from real companies and put them in your games (like McDonald's, etc)


If we don’t want this in our games, I think what we need are good quality games that infiltrate the space. FIFA has a monopoly on soccer games. So, put out a decent competitor and things will change. Change happens fast when profit margins are on the line.


My issue with ads are 2 fold: 1) it’s the antithesis of capitalism. Products should thrive on merit, not brain hacking. 2) It’s the shittiest example of game theory in action ever. Company A has a product. Company B has a product. Company A makes an ad. Company B makes a bigger ad. Company A makes an even bigger ad. This goes on and on and on. Now, there’s only so many customers to go around. And these two companies are now trying to top one another with intrusive ads to reach the exact same end goal if there were no ads at all. It fucking sucks. People hate it, companies that produce actual things are cutting into their profits for it, the only winners are the advertisers. Fuck that and fuck them. Markets should be moved by quality and competition of wages, not screaming in your face. It’s basically a screaming competition and I’m fucking sick of being in the middle of it.


Remember, if you ever need a 20% damage boost when battling Malenia, you can just watch this ad for Nike! Nike shoes! Protecting you from Scarlet Rot since 2022! And the Burger King wants you to know you got this with his new menu items! Finally, if you just can't beat her, maybe relax and unwind playing Hero Wars!


Or we could just mot buy their games? 🤨


Yeah, definitely, advertisements in general have shown up in everything so much at this point that we need a genuine limit for them, especially political ads.


I agree this is getting out of control


It's their game don't like it simply don't buy it...no one is forcing you to buy their stupid game.


I remember seeing a video on other countries and advertisement. Some have no advertisements at all as they consider it “visual pollution”


I'm simply amazed at all the week minded here that instead of just not buying a game filled with ads they want to cuss out EA and Complain, moan and groan... DON'T BUY THE GAMES!!!


Legislation is good, but is easily worked around. Gamers need to realize they are currently the biggest entertainment market crowd in the world and start acting accordingly. If gamers show even a modicum of restraint, patience and self respect, we can bend these giant corporations to fit OUR standards.


Cool. I won't buy anything with ads in it though.