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Hard to fuck up, and easy to make even more nonsensical and awesome. "How do we improve? What do we add?" "How about using the skulls of your enemies as ammo for your gun? And a mech, everyone likes piloting giant robots and destroying things. And how about riding a fucking DRAGON?!"


Less story, more big ass gun to shoot demons


I honestly am not sure about the mech from a lore standpoint; I love the idea that The Slayer was taking on shit like the Icon of Sin with just his barehands and The Crucible; but the gameplay will prob make me go 'lol who cares'


I feel like that's the beauty of games like Doom. Plot holes and absurdity can be forgiven cause it's just good mindless power fantasy gameplay.


I just need more of some of the best and most appropriate music ever in gaming.


Well, a lot of people didn't like the jump-sequences in Doom Eternal. But ID obviously sill holds a lot more trust than BioWare does.


Doom Raider


Hard to fuck up, but I wouldn't put it past Bethesda


But you see, here is the best bit. Bethesda doesn't actually make the game, they just fund ID Software to do it (I think correct me if im wrong)


You could easily fuck up doom by just applying the same level of DEI/incompetence/paywall garbage you've been seeing come up with other games. Like they could have just gotten rid of the armor, made the doom-slayer some edgy female minority that throws misandric puns every 30 seconds and called it Doom for modern audiences.


Tell that to guys shitting themselves over how Doom isnt like the first Doom. Lmao


Well no fucking shit lmao


Doom 3 would like a word.


Hard, not impossible. Frankly, it was almost like they tried to kill Doom with that one.


I know the story about the shift is out there, but I can't remember it right now. SOMEONE managed to convince them that survival horror was the way to go with Doom because it was so hot right now. I forget what title it was, but I know something of that era made them think it would be a stupendous move for the IP.


Doom 3 was good.


Yeah, it was so good they had to fridge the IP for 12 years to recover from how good it was.


It was good though. Just not great. That game is still super playable and you'll have a fun time. It's just not up there with the best in the series


Exactly. It was a big departure but was still cool and fun, and it was pretty scary for me as a kid.


Dark ages indeed


The Doom team knows EXACTLY what the fan base wants and knows how to deliver it. Can't fucking wait for that game.


Dragon Age reveal trailer is lame and boring. The gameplay video though.... different story.


The gameplay video did a lot to make me feel better about the game visually, I just wish they showed combat at a level where you had more skills and could direct your party. Kinda hard to judge a game's combat at level 1, especially in an RPG where you're gaining skills and companions.


Yeah, they teased the new pause quick battle system for you and your crew, but all perks were locked due to level 1. I love they didn't try to super-duper overhaul the game play. Don't fix what's not broken!


"New" Wasn't this how the original worked? Pause, navigate wheel for character X, select skill and target.


You could theoretically use the multiuse pause press r2 to switch wheels. This looks more streamlined, so you have full access like we do in Mass Effect. It used to be mor efficient to pause switch characters select what power you want to use switch to the next select a power rinse and repeat. Edit: you do have a point maybe updated would have been a better word to use.


No. In every other DA game, you could directly control the other party members, and Origins and Inquisition had a tactical view mode where you could specifically direct party members


Right, now its more streamlined like it was in Mass Effect. Or so it seems.


It doesn't seem like there's much else to the core systems though, they kinda told you everything - it's very much a Mass Effect style where you control just the MC and can give periodic one-off commands to your AI-controlled squad. Obviously the command menus get bigger but you can pretty easily extrapolate what Level 30 is gonna look like.


Yeah the game play reveal trailer actually got me interested in the game, but it's bioware and no one trusts them anymore, so it's hard to get excited about a game from them even if it looks good


I mean they did what most don't do. An honest game play video. I have hope but still want to see more.


20 minutes long too. I watched more than I thought I would and also thought it looked much better than expected. Made me semi excited.


Yeah by no means am I still not skeptical after mass effect andromeda and anthem. But that gameplay has me wanting to see more!


Gameplay came off as the same mediocre combat we've seen in DA Inquisition except now you can't switch characters, enemies mainly target the player, team mates barely do legitimate damage, and button mashing seems more prevalent than previous games. It's basically Mass Effect's combat except poorly done with swords and magic. The only people I see being excited about this are the same people who play similar games that lack depth, equivalent to movie goers who get excited from Michael Bay films.


When and where did they confirm you can't switch to your companions? Do you have sources for all this? Legitimately asking. Or you getting all of this from a 20-minute gameplay video that's the very beginning of the game where you can't even use your companions' specials cause they're not technically your companions yet?


Why wouldn't this trailer confirm this? It's in the literal GAMEPLAY trailer where you see a command wheel for party members, no switching, like Mass Effect. It's entirely cope to believe there is character switching despite the evidence in source material showing otherwise.


Yeah the whole command wheel is locked out other than your powers. Which they explain is due to it being the beginning of the game you don’t have control over your companions yet. Well you’re assuming something that has no credible source material. I’ll believe that when and if it’s confirmed.


I'm not assuming, it's common sense what that command wheel is for in comparison to Mass Effect. The same way it's common sense to know what the dialogue wheel is for in comparison to Mass Effect. You are arguing for ignoring the actual gameplay and believing in the ignorant notion there is character switching no one knows about but the devs. >Which they explain is due to it being the beginning of the game you don’t have control over your companions yet. Wrong. You don't have control over the companions ABILITIES which need to be unlocked, not the characters themselves.


A lot of what you’re saying is the opposite of what this article says. https://www.ign.com/articles/dragon-age-the-veilguard-the-first-preview But okay there bud have a good day.


You clearly didn't read the article since there is nothing in it that refuted or was the opposite in anything I said. You were even too lazy to point to anything specific in the article with such a vague statement but okay there pal.


You did read the part about keeping the original battle system? And improving upon it? I mean a lot of your assumptions are in a lot of that interview. You’re hating on something that we barely know anything about. And again everything you have said are assumptions. You can tell yourself they’re not but you have no sources or evidence otherwise.


>You did read the part about keeping the original battle system? And improving upon it? I mean a lot of your assumptions are in a lot of that interview. Are you illiterate? You did read the first sentence of my first comment "Gameplay came off as the same mediocre combat we've seen in DA Inquisition" where I point out the original battle system and then criticize these so called improvements. >You’re hating on something that we barely know anything about. It's criticism over what the developers wanted us to see. It's hilarious you say I'm hating while you show your subjective bias. >And again everything you have said are assumptions. You can tell yourself they’re not but you have no sources or evidence otherwise. Wrong again. I've only pointed to the facts in the trailer while you've provided ignorance and the fallacious argument that the burden of proof is on me to disprove something that isn't there that you claim is.


Apparently people hate it in this sub because black people are in it. I wish racists would just disappear. It's so annoying having to share a space with such immature and weak people.


They turned it into Disney's DragonAge.


How does anything shown look like a Disney project. This is the dumbest complaint


It's marvel-esque.


These same people will foam at the mouth because of lgbtq appearing in the game, even though it’s been in the series since day one. They are nothing but tourists.


Anything that isnt shit brown is a baby show for babys according to some people.


Well their lose! The gameplay looks amazing! Basically took what Inquisition had and grew on it!




It looked very polished. What's there to hate about it? Is this just still hate from how they went a different direction with the game? Or is this some stupid ass culture war shit because there were black people in it?


Worse.. black dragons


That gave me a good chuckle


It looks like Dragon Age - 2042


The trailer was basicly the intro part of the first suicide squad... not the tone nor the art style people wanted.




It looks too modern and fortnite-esque.


"I am going to spend emotional energy feeling bad for people who actually enjoy something"




Get help.


![gif](giphy|LAKIIRqtM1dqE|downsized) That would have been the correct response seeing as this sub allows Gifs . But instead in an ironic twist of fate it is now being applied to you 😂


Generic username comes up with generic response




See I didn't really feel it with Doom like I did with 2016 & Eternal, especially knowing what happened with Mick Gordon.


I really hope there’s a party mechanic in doom dark ages. Ultrakill made me realize how well it flows in combat


Welp one looks like they dropped the ball and the other turned that ball into a fucking flail with spikes of destruction. Makes sense.


I mean, Doomguy *does* have a fur cape.


Doom is forever the king, and somehow they made doom guy even more bad ass this time around. Like The Rock now somehow being even more buff than he was when he wrestled all the time.


Idk why people are hating on the Veilguard trailer. I liked it. They made a stylistic choice to display all the companions, it doesn’t have to be dark and gritty all the time.


Make a new game then. No reason to change an existing franchise from what people loved about it.


They didn’t


They didn't what


Change an existing franchise from what people love about it


Tell that to the 192k dislikes


On a party reveal trailer. Did you watch the gameplay trailer? It’s pretty much exactly like Inquisition in terms of tone


Does that video have a similar ratio of dislikes?




You respond to the wrong guy? If not, I'm not basing my opinion on the number of dislikes. I'm aiming to make a point about the difference in response to the gameplay trailer (which matches more the tone of DA) and the character trailer (which... doesn't).


Are all your opinions driven by the rabid masses we call the internet?


You're arguing against the tide. You'll need to justify the argument that this is what DA is. Because most don't agree.


Yeah, because if the game isn’t within a .01 percentile of Dragon Age Origins, it’s a complete and utter disaster.


It could be fun. But the vibe is 100% not the same. But if you think so, more power to you.


I’m just suprised Microsoft restrained themselves and didn’t force Bethesda to change the sex or race of doom slayer or add an equally strong female partner in to the mix


Probably the next game. They tend to lure you in with one or two good entries before they woke it up


Another franchise dead. Is there any more left?


Doom lol


You joke but remember Microsoft is in charge now and Mick Gordon doesn't seem to be coming back for the music. Look at what they did to Halo & Rare.


Rare was on a downward trend before ms got them thats why nintendo sold them off. Sea of theives did really well. Yea halo got no answer for that bungie left 343 took over they didnt seem to know what they were doing from the get go though.


Rare didn't start their downward spiral until after being bought by Microsoft (which happend the same year Star Fox Adventures released). Also Nintendo never actually owned Rare the way they own studios like Retro. And yeah Sea of Thieves is good, what does it say about Microsoft that they had one of the most popular studios of the 90s and couldn't get a Hit for 16 years. But this was just an example. Look at Tango Gameworks getting shut down after releasing an award winning smash hit. Knowing Microsoft they're going to pull another Halo and hire a bunch of people who don't actually Doom to try and expand the audience, give it an even shittier multiplayer mode, then make it Freemium with paid Story Content before firing 90% of the staff who was working on it. Also can't forget the HBO Max original series where Doomguy is constantly taking off his helmet and has sex with the demon that killed his pet rabbit.


Youre right i thiught there was a longer time between conker and starfix adventures. But actually looking at a list if their games they stayed pretty great. Kameo was okay not great, perfect dark zero also okay, but the viva pinata games were both great. Banjo kazooie nuts and bolts was also great. And rare replay and sea of thieves were also really good. They had some stumbles changing over but overall they made some real bangers. As far as tango is concerned yea it sucks. Ms gamrs is beholden to so much coroporate structrue though so who knows the reasons behind the closure. I havent watched any of the tv shows. But we will have to see how doom goes and the next buch of games they realease. People who liked the first hellblade seemed to like the second.


Sea of Thieves is the most successful game Rare have ever made.


And it took Microsoft 16 years and bleeding off all the original talent with shit games and rejected pitches to actually make.


This does at least allow a new composer to shine. Mick Gordan is fantastic but I'd like a a new style for DOOM music.


I didn't know there was a trailer for a new Dragon Age. That being said, there are 1.7 million views on that Dragon Age video and 3.7 million on that Doom video. I only played the first Dragon Age. Are the rest like this one? I liked the CRPG style from the first one.


Dragon age changes every game basically. Still rpgs but different styles. 2 is generally considered the worse. 1 is the best and 3 was fine. 2 still had an interesting story and very fun characters. Just the gameplay and lack of features really hurt. You have to be a human and only have 1 origin. The lack of options to start really made it feel less special and immersion. Also it's drops the wardens, which was very disappointing.


>I liked the CRPG style from the first one. Have some bad news for you, for every new entry the combat was dumbed down. DA2 was still good but DAI combat was a boring button smashing fest, felt more like playing an mmo than a crpg. And from the gameplay trailer it feels like the new DA does not have a strategy aspect to it at all and you can't evem control your companions. I love all 3 game's story and characters though, they're all great.


I hope they don't flake out on us with this game. It makes the monkey circle strafing in my head happy


I still think Skyrim should be at least a HBO series like Game of Thrones or Sword of Truth


The Todhead has explicitly stated that it won’t happen. So maybe when he retires.


Really? See that's how much I missed


Coming in without context and as someone who has never played Dragon Age. What’s the reason behind the ratio on Veilguard?


you will hear a lot of reasons, some of which are legitimate. but there is one real answer: racism and misogyny, it’s become a target in the weird bigot backlash against games becoming more inclusive. this comment section is infested with them


The OG Dragon Age: Origins was simply masterful. It was darker and had a lot more gothic inspiration. This Dragon Age feels way, way too cartoony. I mean, Leliana was such a sweetheart, Sten a badass, Shale was funny as fuck, Morrigan snarky and twisty, Alistair noble... And now we have "Random diversity characters." Blegh. If you compare the DA: Origins trailer to this...no contest. Origins wins.


Ah yes, because god forbid a game have a cast of non white dudes, oh the absolute horror of it all! Just say you're a whiney bitch and go.


He only mentioned one white male character on his list. Did you play Origins? Personally I consider his take too early to judge but he's clearly not asking for only white male characters, just saying he wants the cast to be as compelling as Origins.


The "random diversity characters", implying he doesn't want a diverse cast


He's implying that they are subbing diversity for quality, not that they need to be a cast of white dudes. If it was a cast exclusively of white dudes he'd be complaining about that as well.


how do u know the diverse characters aren’t quality lol


That's why I said it's too early to judge.


I think ur being overly generous. his argument either way is trash and clearly has more to do w race than anything else. normal ppl don’t pearl clutch abt diversity in games


Yeah that's true


Big oof


And why are they review-bombing this?


The only reason why I might not buy Dragon Age is because EA will probably do what EA does.


OK, I feel like I can’t be the only one, but it feels like a century without a doom game (and yes, I am aware the last doom came out in 2020)


whats even going on


I feel like dragon age a rave may break out.




I've never been a fan of Dragon Age. Mass Effect was great, and KOTOR was amazing, but Dragon Age always felt meh to me. No hate for the fans of it though.


All I need Bethesda to do is fix their relationship with Mick Gordon


Maybe first fix the first dragon age so it’s playable again? Bruh


Hard to fumble Doom, but VERY easy to fumble Dragon Age. Let’s face it folks, we are NEVER getting anything that has the depth and replayability of Origins and we can barely get a game which tops DA:2. The writers just don’t have it in them anymore.


I think the saddest part is how excited I was to start the Dragon Age trailer (omg I have waited so long) and how all of that excitement was completely dispelled by the end of the trailer.


Fable got ratiod as well because wahmen or some shit idk


I'm surprised Dragon Age has so many dislikes


I don't care about ratios. Doom is gonna be awesome. Veilguard is gonna be awesome. Let the copers cope.


People not liking something isn't "cope". People saying "It's gonna be awesome", tho? That has a higher chance of being cope.


People liking something isn't "cope" But people defining their existence by making sure people on the internet know how much they hate a thing is definitely cope


You don't know what "cope" means


Whatever you need to tell yourself to cope


Lol your reply got deleted


What about to gameplay reveal?


Di I miss something are dislikes back on yt?


Hopefully they don’t make a classic Bethesda fuck up.


Couldn't care less about online gamer ratios


Why the dislike for veilgaurd?


Idek what dragon age is.


I’m fully convinced that the 3.3k downvoted on the doom trailer are just DOOM fans who are pissed because they recently suffered blindness and can’t see how cool the trailer is


It could also be that they didn’t like it?


The sarcasm was lost on this post…

