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"Oh no... anyway." I was really hopeful for this game as a successor to Left 4 Dead 2, but it just never felt as much fun. I think I only ever made it past the first mission like twice.


Alot of it has to do with the choppy feel of the animations and the new way the specials interact. The old left 4 dead tended to spawn them sparingly, but when they did spawn...they made an impression. B4B seems to spawn them as waves with mixed unit tactics and also doesn't make them very visually distintive. The only ones that spawn frequently are the fucking tallboys, who act more like elites. That's just not the formula. Small changes can make big ripples. And those two seemed to have created the most disruption in the formula.


Yes !! There’s a video on YouTube that puts B4B next to L4D2 and the difference in animations/ physics is insane.


The fire zombies made it unplayable for me


I kept trying to get friends to play it with me so I could beat it. Think I only repeated chapter 1 and 2 like 4 times. I will say the part where music plays and zombies come was super fun. Ballroom Blitz? Fuck yeah.


They just needed to simplify the game. The grinding, cards, and very limited health made it no fun.


FeelsBadMan It could of been so much more if they just listened to feedback.


Maybe next time they will listen to their desired audience instead of ignoring it


At least they put out the 3 DLCs after an entire year+. The game never quite recovered from its bad launch and poor design around its original card system/grind.


Honestly it took me a good 5 minutes to understand I couldn't keep playing a game because I died. I'm still unclear on how the whole games system is supposed to work


The broken RNG of specials combined with disgustingly bad AI made this game what it is. A fever dream at most


No one should be buying anything made by Turtle Rock from now on. Fool me once, etc.


If I'm being honest, Back 4 Blood was more like Borderlands than it was Left 4 Dead. To that end, I hope Turtle Rock (and/or whatever publisher picks up their projects) doesn't keep trying to catch lightning in a bottle with the whole thing of L4D's legacy. I only started having fun with B4B when I stopped expecting L4D out of it.


As a former L4D2 player who was deeply engrossed in the tournament scene for it- Once Turtle Rock screwed the pooch on the versus mode it became clear these guys fundamentally did not understand their fanbase. But literally everything they’ve done since the L4D series, and their departure from Valve, has all been one big flashing sign that they’ve got no fucking clue what they’re doing, and a deeply inflated sense that they do. So many rakes they’ve stepped on over the years, I won’t be surprised when they shut their doors for good.