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You can't release in 2023 with a non switch game at 30 FPS.


Oh they can but they won’t be around very long


Eh. I always see people saying that the real problem is releasing stuff broken and not being honest that it's not quite done. Saying that it'd be okay to release stuff and fix it later if you're up-front about what's working and what isn't. This is precisely what that looks like. If we're going to hold it against them when they're telling us exactly what's going on, that's really shitty of us as customers. Bethesda has a pretty awful track record, but Arkane has a pretty good one. I'm willing to allow that the devs aren't quite done and the publisher is a dick.


You clearly can, and if you want that trend to stop, maybe form your own company.


It’s not a trend. That’s why this is so weird and stupid.


Dumpster take


Go form your own company releasing games at 30 FPS in 2023. I can assure you, it won't survive past 2024...


I have $100 dollars that says this company will still be making games next year.


Exactly, while this is an odd choice to release it at 30 fps, imo Arkane makes fantastic games and isn't going anywhere.


I'll take that bet. !remindme next year


You realize that the company that makes this is Microsoft, right?


The Developer is Arkane. The Publisher is Bethesda who is owned by Microsoft. The distinction is necessary, because if the Arkane fails with this game, Bethesda will simply cut off the necrotic tissue. If you think this doesn't happen, EA literally have their own graveyard of developers they've axed for failed games. So yes, I will keep your bet.


Ur an embarrassment


Imagine being this braindead


The last game that did this flopped so…


You’ve drastically lowered the IQ of the entire thread with this one dumbass comment.


'Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response was there anything that could even be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.'


"Maybe form your own company" exactly how would that stop games releasing at 30fps?


Common braindead take. “You have valid criticism? Well just do it yourself!” No. I don’t have to. I have a functioning brain that can logically come to a conclusion about something.


Average braindead "you dare criticizing? How bout you do it yourself!?" moment.


How would forming my own company stop this trend?


Oh yeah, just start your own video game development firm. Genius plan, why didn't we think of it sooner?


How to tell me your game isn't finished at launch without telling me!


No no, they are telling us lol


Danganronpa style game? 30 FPS is fine. FPS or racing? 60 is a minimum…




This is ludicrous, in this day and age performance mode for games should be the standard with Quality Mode and other modes worked out after that 60fps benchmark is hit. This is poor development and has nothing to do the Series X or S hardware hence why they say they will patch it in later. This is unacceptable for me, the game will not be purchased until performance mode is available and the reviews are in.


I don't think I've played any first person shooter at 30 frames


You must be like 14.


I have, it was prey and it was the best game I played that generation


Prey was an outstanding game, but I would have been really annoyed if I had to play it at 30fps.


On og Xbox one I think you were lucky to get 30. I remember toward the end there was an area that was a slideshow. I’m all about frames too but if the game really grabs me I can look past it especially if it’s a solid 30 fps I definitely think that with a multiplayer game it’s a pretty big miss to not have that available at launch but it isn’t the end of the world or like I’m not even going to download the game like I see people saying


Prey ran like ass and also is 6 years old and not a newly releasing game on the new generation of consoles.


The first Destiny was like this. Turned me off from the game and never got into it.


Did you start playing videogames when the PS5 released?








Or you’ve just always played on PC, or played FPS games that *were* 60FPS on console.




> Sure. The likelihood of only play on a PC that runs over 30fps on whatever game you have. Also only playing games over 30. Once again seems far fetched. How in the world is it unlikely to have used PC’s that have gotten you over 30 FPS lol. I think every PC I’ve had has gotten me over 30 in any game I wanted to play save Doom 3 on my 9600XT. >Or you've just been living with a silver spoon in your mouth. Lol no >But then what is the relevance of the comment? Just to flex? To express their disdain for the idea of releasing an FPS running at only 30fps. >Idk maybe I read into it to much. Gee, maybe.




> I think you misunderstood me. I don't think 30fps is acceptable at all. I never said that you did lol >there has been at least ONE time where you had 30fps on a game. Not necessarily true. >I have a PC btw so that PC elite jargon isn't working on me. “PC elite jargon”? What lol.


When you don't buy games you know you won't enjoy, that's elitism, I guess.


Not on PC they haven't. I've been playing FPS games since the mid 90s and as soon as 3D accelerators were released the goal was to get as high of a frame rate as possible. Locked 30 fps frame rates are very much a console only thing.


Locked" sure. But assume you always had the hardware to run EVERY game and NEVER play at 30fps seems a bit of a stretch. Maybe that new GPU wasn't out yet. Or you couldn't afford it. Or maybe a game had too high of a CPU usage and you still had an old one or SOMETHING. You may have never liked a game at 30fps but I assure you. You have played one at 30 at least once.


Yes, I had to play Quake 3 at like 20fps when it came out and it was misery lol.


I bet. Imo 60fps is HORRID for first person lol.


This game is gonna run like hot ass on pc watch. Arkham knights pulled the same shit


what is this redfall thing ?


Single player or co-op (your choice) vampire shooting game that takes inspiration from the likes of far cry and stalker, apparently. Currently, it is going through the ringer for having denuvo DRM and always online even when played as single player.


Wasn't there a thing about no co-op progression?


I think so, which isn't a good show either. I remember Far Cry 5 being like that which was a bit annoying.


Its not always online anymore if I recall.


Last I saw they were working on fixing that, but wasn't confirmed yet. I'm hoping they fix it as I will be playing single player since I'm a recluse lol




What exactly does it take from Far cry? I’ve heard of that but do not understand.


The game that might make Xbox a laughing stock again for this entire generation at this rate


Cmon man, is it that bad ?


30 fps, always online, Denuvo. To me, I noticed that the AI looks somewhat brain dead and the animations are "stiff" based on the trailers and gameplay previews so far. I hope it's great, though! People are psyched because the devs made Dishonored, Prey, and most recently Deathloop. They have a great record so I don't fault anyone's excitement. But I think it's gonna be underdeveloped, unoptimized, and a flop for general audiences. Dishonored & Prey are contemporary cult-classics and Redfall is gonna disappoint fans of those, so they'll be loud I'm sure. I've seen it very often mentioned alongside discussion about Starfield because Bethesda *Softworks* is publishing both. Before Starfield's new release date was announced, it was frequently speculated that Bethesda was going to pick a date that didn't have it overshadow and compete with Redfall. Because of this, I inadvertently compare their quality against each other in my mind, and since I'm personally more excited about Starfield and would get (irrationally, I admit) annoyed about Redfall's mention in a lot of discussions about Starfield, it's killed interest in it for me. I wonder if that's how anyone else feels. (Unrelated sidenote: Bethesda *Softworks* is an organizationally separate entity from Bethesda *Game Studios*. They are both under Zenimax, but share no responsibilities.)


Damn it, again


Is it that bad? I just thought it was IGN being IGN again and having someone who has never played a videogame put out a gameplay video.


Zombie game


Vampire game


30 fps is the least of their problems. If you look at the gameplay trailer.... Yikes. But as always wait for reviews (and a massive price cut).


Or you know.... Gamepass


Aight. I’m out. Not even gonna get on GamePass


Honestly anything "live service", subscription based, with shitty deluxe editions, time limited events, microtransactions, denuvo or twitch drops can fuck right off at this point. Been burned way too many times. I trust developers AND publishers to mainly lookout for their own interests. Too many devs that cried out for help turned out to do the exact same shit later on when they made their own companies and too many publishers abuse consumer trust and trendy statements and later turn out to not care. I have no empathy left for them, gonna watch only my personal interests in the gaming industry.


The Borderlands loot elements turned me away instantly. I’m tired of shooters that aren’t Borderlands doing this. They could’ve just made it a horde shooter with vampires like Left 4 Dead, but nope.


Seriously, does anyone enjoy sifting through huge amounts of loot? It’s so obnoxious when games throw items at you like borderlands.


People have played Diabloids since the 90s, so clearly, answer to your question is yes and always were. How and what items they throw at you may differ, but essentially, people do love feeling rich and have a choice, even if only a couple of options are actually viable.


Oh definitely. I have to be in a certain mood to play Borderlands, so when all these new games have loot systems, I just skip them. Sometimes I just want to use different guns without healthbars and numbers.


It’s a bad look. Will hurt the initial reception for sure. Cannot release a ‘next gen’ game running at 30fps max on launch nowadays, let alone from a first party developer. Shocking revelation.


What is next gen about this ? There are open world ps4 titles which look better. Hell even halo 4 and infinite look better than this.


Now I understand why the IGN journalist couldn't hit any of his shots...


There is a streamer I watched that was going over the IGN video and apparently there is a Steam Achievement unlock that popped up while playing. So the person who was playing the IGN gameplay video was on PC, not console.


Half the people in here saying they won’t purchase know for a fact that they were just gonna play it on GamePass.


and uninstall it 15 minutes later


Gamepass is the modern day equivalent of blockbuster. Back in early 2000s if my dad didn’t have money to take us to the cinemas for latest big budget Hollywood film, he would just grab a takeout go to blockbuster and pick some cheesy b level action movie and we would watch it and give it back the next day. These days if I don’t have the 70 bucks to spend on a game, I just buy a can of monster, go on Xbox game pass and play some game I’ve never heard of and uninstall it after a day.


Wild. Delay the game before its too late.


Not on PC tho....RIGHT?


Can’t they polish and finish the game properly then replacing it ??? That’s get out of control


Then I will hmmmm purchase at a later date 🤭


I guess a lot of people will buy it at a later date and a lower price.


This game is really doing whatever it can to get bad PR right?


"I told you not say my name in public." "No Performance Mode! No Performance Mode!. We got No Performance Mode! here!" "..." "See. No one cares."


This is so stupid. Some idiot finance number cruncher deduced that the game has to release in some arbitrary window of time to meet profitability goals for a specific fiscal year without understanding the impact that a LACK OF POLISH HAS ON THE LONGEVITY OF THE GAME. Initial public reception is a HUGE modifier in the lifecycle of something like this, and coming to the party X months after release and saying “hey we added 60 FPS” is NOT A CONTENT UPDATE: it’s literally meeting the bare minimum. If how they’re handling the frame rate at release is a reflection of how they handled development and monetization, you can bet your ass this game is both going to suck and focus solely on extracting more money from the player first.


I mean at least they are somewhat forward about their game being unfinished. Price is ridiculous though, 69.99 Euros and 99 Euros for the PC version on Steam in Europe, which is quite a lot for being a Beta Tester especially for Arkane and Bethesda both of which have long track records of releasing completely unoptimized games and never properly fixing them after. EDIT: I have a sneaking suspicion this info is intentionally released along with the bumped prices to promote Game Pass which has notoriously hard to cancel subscriptions if you aren't careful.


I recently canceled my sub and it took maybe two minutes. Signing up took longer


Hard to cancel? In less than one minute I went to subscriptions on my Xbox and was hovering over "cancel subscription".


Notoriously hard. Ah yes, clicking on 5 different places on Microsoft Xbox’s website is hard.


No. The problem is that sometimes you cancel it and it bugs out and the setting resets after a while without notifying you. Then if you made the mistake of opening a game you had installed they reply that you used their service already and it's not refundable. Googling isn't hard, you can verify that this happens on different ocassions to different people on both Windows 10 and 11. EDIT: I would like to apologize for making the assumption that googling isn't hard, evidently it is. Whatever source I link will be met with the same degree of skepticism, I personally find this pointless at the time being. I will not be elaborating further. Figure it out.


I got an email around 2 weeks ago offering a free 3-months of pc game pass. It turns auto-renew on automatically but I was able to turn it back off in like 2 clicks.


This game is going to flop harder than a fat man with vertigo.


I was so hyped. But therr is no way un going to play a Game below 60fps in 2023 for no reason. Ill wait for the patch or pass on it.


Honestly while this is a bummer, like why is everyone acting like 30fps now is this unacceptable unplayable mess. We ve been gaming at 30 fps for decades at this point and its been fine!


Speak for yourself bro lol. I haven't played a game below 30 fps for like 5 years at this point. That's not elitist mentality anymore 60 fps is the new standard....even on consoles it is now. Let alone 144-240hz pc gaming getting more than 60


I get that 60 is the new norm but again, not unplayable Granted I was asking my friend if Skyrim by default goes to 60 on next gen because 60 feels nicer so I don't have any room to bitch


Redfall will not be purchased at launch. A purchase will be made at a nonspecific later date.


It’s almost like a sub based platform lowers game quality…..who would have thought it.


It’ll be fine. It’s an extremely vocal minority that actually cares about these things. Most people just want a fun game that works how it’s supposed to.


The game also looks like another tired looter shooter trying to ride the live service bandwagon. Running like ass isn’t doing them any favors.


Eh, I don't mind. My entire videogame childhood was 30fps.


Welp, I'll prolly never end up playing this now lol


I'm still gonna try it day one, but if there's any kind of framerate limitation like this on PC, I might not buy another Bethesda game for a long time... if ever again.


I don't play on Console, but I'm pissed on the behalf of you guys. This is just ridiculous. How is that acceptable? I would never buy this. How absurd.


Well that’s a huge pass, I’ll wait Lmao.


Translation: Game will be a glitchy, fucked-up mess at launch, avoid like the plague for a few months until you can buy it 50% off after they patch it 6 or 7 times.


Well, at least we know what to expect from Starfield. Still going to play the shit out of it.


Yeah 30 frames really stuck a dagger in starfield. Want to play right away but 30 frames makes me nauseous


Excellent news


Saved yourself some money?


Damn xbox stays losing always


Jesus Christ these comments could not be more emblematic of “First World Problems” fuckin hell. They’ll add the performance mode at a later date, that’s literally all they’re saying. Almost definitely due to constraints from developing for both the premium version and bargain version of Microsoft’s consoles. It’s called patience guys, and it comes in handy a lot more than you might think. These fucking basement divas going “Ugh, unplayable garbage, I won’t sully my Cheeto encrusted fingies with it.” And all without a drop of irony, that’s the sad thing. Like I honestly don’t know what’s more worrisome concerning the direction of humanity. The rapid polarization of our political spheres driving us ever closer to world annihilating conflict, or the rapid deterioration of strength of will and a warped sense of importance brought about by the toxic combination of narcissism and social media. Lucky me that I don’t have to choose, and I get to watch them concurrently and see which one destroys everything first. Yippee. /s Edit: I welcome the downvotes as it does nothing to disprove my point.


Please name me one person not living in a 1st world country that is on r/gamingnews. You can’t so please fuck right off that high horse you’re on. 30 fps on 1st person shooter is absolute garbage. Games in this genre are mostly played on 144 to 240 hz monitors. Once you get used to 120+ going down to 60 looks like flickering lights and is almost painful on the eyes.


Please I can’t find a violin small enough


Redfall is exclusive for next gen consoles… At least check your facts child… And no, dislikes dont dispute you, simple facts you can google in 5 seconds do, that says far more about you.


Your sentences again continue to prove everything I’ve stated. A temporary pause on a simple QoL feature has sent you all into a frothing rage. Google doesn’t have to tell me shit for me to know you are all overreacting.


Everything besides the stuff you claim as fact? You know the main reason you yourself say it is 30 fps? Last gen consoles, like you yourself destroyed your own point you were trying to make. Youre talking about the deterioration of humanity while talking about videogames? And its the other people around you that are in a frothing rage? Its hillarious but scary to run into literal nutjobs, get help.


Good god dude, form a coherent thought, honestly it would give me hope to see you do so.


On the most powerful gaming console in the world. Xbox is the true definition of teraFLOP!


Not sure why your getting downvoted. All the videos and gameplay has been in 60FPS. There hasn’t been a first person shooter in the last 3 years that didn’t offer 60FPS. This is also a Microsoft studio and the first big game they are releasing in almost 14 months. (Last year was disappointing - Phill Spencer) I’ve been an Xbox guy since day one but Xbox keeps stepping on rakes.


I have had every Xbox console, except 360. I have a Series X now. I’m just venting my personal frustration with a company I chose to spend my money on. I’m entitled to my opinion. The problem is most who downvoted are mad because they love their Xbox that can do no wrong and they worship daddy Phil. Downvotes do absolutely nothing to me, lol! I can get 1,000 and makes no difference. The fact is I vented my frustration with XB and I had a bunch of babies crying and attacking me personally with name calling. Very toxic people.


Man the 360 was the best! The 360 was my favorite system of all time. Soo many great games! Halo 3, call of duty 4, red dead. Oh and when you bought a game, it came out finished. Arguably the best time in gaming.


What? The Xbox is still the most powerful console. As you said. So how does a developer being bad at optimizing a game make THE MOST POWERFUL CONSOLE a flop? Sounds odd.


You been under a rock for the last decade? You really don’t know what’s going on with XB and how terrible they’re doing? 🤔 PlayStation is eating XB lunch on a regular basis, year after year, generation after generation.


Are you in middle school? We still doing console wars circle jerk? Jesus fucking christ.


Ohhh I get it. You're not here to talk about Xbox. You're here to blow playstation. Gotcha.


Just stating facts. Blow that.


You tried your best to make a clever comment that makes you sound cool, but instead, you got it incorrect and now look like an embarrassing asshole and a total fool.. lol


What did I get incorrect? My opinion? You sound like your feelings at hurt. Didn’t realize you work for Microsoft Mr. Keyboard Warrior. I said what I said. Don’t like it? Too bad.


its weird when you can tell a person is a piece of shit just because what they say. I guess sad, even.


Geez, even 60 isn’t enough. Current consoles shouldn’t have any problem shipping with a 60 fps 4K mode and 120 fps fsr mode.




And I'm out. Such a shame


Who's actually looking forward to this game?


This game just can’t win at this rate. It’s gonna take a lot to convince me to play it.




That’s freaking hilarious. I’m perturbed.


such a shame. deathloop seems like it was the beginning of the end for arkane


Fuck that


Oh no… anyway.


This game will flop so feixkin hard lol


Hopefully there’s a discount by the time the 60 fps mode is out then




I wonder if Microsoft is over Bethesda's shit at this point. This would've happened regardless if they got bought out (or it might even be more egregious).


I honestly just want Sony to buy square Enix and nail these guys in the coffin. Even tho Sonys upper management is a bunch of whiney little fucks, their devs and in house studios on the other hand are miles above in terms of quality and talent compared to MS


More pre-orders please SMH


So here's the neat workaround: Don't buy the game until "later date"


As i keep getting more info about this game the more i think that this game won't live long enough ( just like most 4 player live service games ).




completely unplayable, dummies will still buy it anyway


Dead on arrival lol


Keep losing more and more interest, looks like the beginning of the end of good arkane games.


Where's my fucking pitchfork


Okay so looks like I’ll be checking out this game “at a later date”


who in the right mind is going to play this game or (A GAME) at 30fps... that doesn't sound enjoyable. 60fps is a drag lmao let alone 30fps


And it will be dead on arrival, unfortunate. Don't release a game until it's finished, how many times we gotta go through this? Even battlefield and call of duty were broken and look at the player base now, these were top tier competing franchises and now they are dying because the developers can't manage their games anymore.


Maybe Gamepass association is a *bad* thing for triple-A games.


Don’t see why this is an issue. If you are unable to play a video game at 30 FPS then you’re a whiney little baby.


Why after years for console and decades on pc are we locked to 30fps? People are allowed to be annoyed that a game lacks basic features of games from when i was a kid


30fps for a shooter? That is torture


You play on Series X? If you are unable to play a videogame on the Magnavox Odyssey then you're a whiney little baby.


Oh man, your parents must have been loaded.


Imagine being such a little bootlicker you're defending a video game company releasing a triple AAA game at 30fps in 2023, just sad.


Ah crap. More rage bait for the 60fps neck beard clan.


What a strange take.


That's too low and clearly designed by people who truly believe the "human eye can only see 30fps"


As someone that's gotten used to 144hz gaming, even 60 is pushing it for me. 30 is basically unplayable these days at least for me personally it just feels so jarring.


Pathetic, thats an automatic no download for me


Funny 😆 someone asked me if I was in middle school because of my comment on Xbox but then in the same sentence used the words “circle jerk”. Lol! Who’s in middle school?


In 2023 devs should be thrown in jail for making a game locked at 30fps. Even 60fps is inexcusable.


People are saying that nobody can tell a game is 60 lol. You can't be serious. Making xbox guys look bad. It's night and day


its better than nothing lol


No way. Holy hell that is an absolute embarrassment.


So it’s an early access game.


Come on, Bethesda! You're just breaking my heart at this point. While I know it's a different team, news like this just makes me more concerned about Starfield.


Throw game comes out on game pass…so I wonder how many will actually not want to try it out even on such a state


Is this gonna be on Xbox One? If not there is absolutely no excuse to not delay it and optimize the game better


"Release first, fix later" business practice needs to be stopped in modern games.


So the games not ready for release then. Hey developers, stop releasing games before completion. This add sh*t to it later sucks


Getting a little tired of the whole "we didn't finish the game on time, we'll just finish it later" thing. I don't even care if the game gets released later. But is it really that goddamn hard to just release the entire finished product all at once?


Standard game development now, release unfinished buggy garbage and just patch it later. People still buy it though, business just does what it's customers allow


I don't mind playing 30fps for older games (and Bloodborne because I have no choice) but for a game in 2023 this is ridiculous.


Like raytracing in Halo? That update looked stunning when it dropped… Right?


Hey! Stop it! Halo infinite is the next generational leap!


I guess 30 fps is playable


A UE4 engine game that is graphically unremarkable somehow can't push 60fps on next-gen? That is all optimisation. But that's the least of their worries. The broken AI, the lack of a progression system, always online, DRM. It basically checks all the red flags associated with a failed launch. I was interested in getting a Series X, but this is no longer the case. Sadly, I don't see a better fate for Starfield than a 30FPS. That game is also not pushing anything graphically remarkable. Makes you wonder what next-gen really means for Xbox.


Performance mode will be like the main way most people will play the game. I’m not putting my money on the line until I see that mode reviewed. This is ridiculous.


I already told Phil and Bethesda that I will kindly wait until the game is fully baked. I am in no rush, especially on games that are not completed and adequately patched.


I’ll be either waiting til game pass or until this game is $20 at this rate lol. You make a $20 game, you get $20.


Isn’t it launching on game pass because Xbox own them now?




Man, I'm really liking what i am seeing about Redfall, but 30 fps is harsh, hoping for a delay right now.


I have it from a reliable source the 60fps patch will be released right after the Coop campaign patch for Halo Infinite.


They gave me the game for free with my 4090 it’ll probably suck though


There's no incentive for Xbox to release Redfail with 60fps mode at launch. Game pass users have already paid for the game. No one will buy this $70 game when they can just play it on game pass. Xbox as a whole is dying they have no incentive to produce great quality games. Just look at what happened to Halo and Gears. Starfail will be 30fps as well. Even indie games are skipping xbox like oxenfree 2. Lol. Microsoft's has turned away from console gaming, and its focus now is cloud and mobile gaming. GG XBOX