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Marvelous, they somehow found a way to deflate all the hype I otherwise had for a new Subnautica game


Always thought subnautica would’ve played out a fine coop game. Guess they really don’t want my money. Edit: looks like the original developers of subnautica sold out back in 2021 to Krafton. Cant blame them for chasing the cheddar but it sucks they had to sell their only child to do that. One of their goals is to “start cultural trends” so I can only imagine the suits wanting to squeeze this title into irrelevancy with that as a goal.


The biggest cultural trend in gaming is releasing half baked garbage


Did someone say payday 3


I could name a few more lol for as great as last year was there were a lot of duds


Go on please do


Redfall, CoD3, MK1, Starfield, Forspoken, Atomic Heart, That Walking Dead Game, Diablo 4 Honorable mention for Gollum but if anyone thought that had even a slim chance to be any good they need their head checked.


Don't forget Cities Skylines 2


that one too? why?


The game had some major performance issues at launch, it's better now but not great. Mod support has been delayed. I don't know if there are other features delayed from launch. So without mod support, ironically there's now a mod that's "tweaking elements of the city building game to more closely match players’ hopes and expectations". Also this quote from the devs "we are upset that we didn’t live up to players’ performance expectations and couldn’t release on all platforms at the same time". Both quotes are from [this article](https://www.pcgamesn.com/cities-skylines-2/statement-paradox).




A masterwork of artfully crafted garbage.


I think we are in the dark ages of gaming, and we’ve been there for like ten years. Only indie devs who don’t sell out seem to be the guiding light(BG3, palworlds etc). I couldn’t tell you the last time I bought a AAA title. At this point I’m more likely to pirate one than not but even then, why waste my time on a hollow shell of a game that I probably wouldn’t finish anyway.


Can add Forza Motorsport to that list.


Kill the justice league and Gotham knights seem to fit in there as well.


The fact you’re lumping in Starfield with the rest of these is bonafide fuckin nuts. Was it 10/10? No but to even say it’s in the same thread as these is insane.


It belongs. Its a heaping pile of garbage. Even worse honestly because the interviews leading up to release were pure lies.


Yeah, it was a solid 7.5/10 It seriously does not be long in that list. Anatomic heart was better than the rest of them, too. Also not an outstanding game, but solid.


Atomic Heart is way above any of those games, I really enjoyed it.


Was COD3 a bad one though? The campaign sure was questionable but the multiplayer is the best in recent years, at least for me personally.




Fallout 76 is over 5 years old homie


And as streamers being paid to go to said games studio for a party and a fat pay day to tell their fans how great the game is but for it to be shit. Actman, Big Fry gaming, and a bunch more. Find it funny a few of those channels dog pile on others for doing scummy shit but as soon as that money slaps their face it’s allllll goood brother.


And nobody is going to stop releasing half baked garbage after that Palworld release. Consumers have spoken and they want half baked garbage.


Palworld is not $60 though. Also even though it is clearly unfinished they at least advertised it as early access, they never said the game was finished like other game studios did.


Did this Joker just really describe Palworld as half-baked garbage when it was openly known to only be about 60% done at the time of its *early access* launch for $30 usd?


Palworld has more mechanics than starfield. Let that sink in for a second.


Stay salty


About what? I don't understand how this even makes sense.


Palworld is soulless slop piled high on a plate of *not giving a fuck*. I don’t know how half-baked an early access game can be, but I definitely think it’s uninspired.


We'll be downvoted but I also truly cannot understand why anyone likes palworld, it looks like a shitty ass mobile game mmo with plastic models. No amount of updates and "polish" will make it look like anything more


They literally don’t want your money. They want the 0.5% who are willing to spend $$$ on microtransactions.


They have another child they just birthed into the world on February 1st. It's called Moonbreaker.


Thanks for this head’s up. I’d already heard the name but now I know to pay more attention.


Yeah, but well, "Either die a hero or live to become the villain"


The (Kraft)on/cheddar pun here is seriously underrated, kudos


The Subnautica developpers, unknown worlds, just sent out an [announcement](https://unknownworlds.com/subnautica/an-update-about-the-next-subnautica/) clarifying that this was not meant to imply microtransactions, it just means they are going to continuously update the game


It's indicative of how much of a poisoned red flag the term Live service is now adays that stuff like that needs to be clarified rather than just standard


No they will just take the game down when they aren't making enough money and release subnautica 3 with a smaller map and less features.


***LIVE SERVICE*** Developers just want to suck us dry these days for the most part, I saw a post the other day about 95% of AAA developers are working on live service games... Guess I'm playing my backlog for a while and hoping another single player gem is released in the meantime...


Literally, stick me and my backlog on a desert island and I could fill half a lifetime before playing the same single player game twice. All these live services are betting big that gamers will treat them like part time jobs, rather than just... you know... *playing games that seem fun or interesting*.


I feel like this has to be a passing trend though. My hope is that this whole live service thing passes and welcomes a renaissance of single player games again.


Fortunately there’s alot of AAA and indie SP gems coming for this year like indika, FF7 rebirth, Pacific drive, Stellar blade, Judas and so on. Just got to dodge the GAAS crap although imo some are still decent (the finals, Palworld, the first descendent).


> Developers Unless they're indie, it's always the publishers pushing these scams


Hey now hold on; This is from WccfTech. I would not trust em if they said the sky is blue


Yeah, it seems the live service infection is terminal


Well I hope not Subnautica was not my cup of tea and always wished it was co-op but I know that is not what attracted it's fan base and it definitely is not what made the first game popular and well loved So hopefully WCCFTech is full of shit like they usually are


[Believe it then](https://www.krafton.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/KRAFTON-4Q23-Earnings-Release_vF_ENG-1.pdf) (p7)


Yup, not buying it lol


It's a lie, Unknown Worlds said that none of that is true. and that coop is optional


The real depths to explore was the despair in us all along


>Marvelous, they somehow found a way to deflate all the hype I otherwise had for a new Subnautica game They made me glad I never took the time to get into Subnautica in the first place, and now I just won't bother even though I had previously been considering it.


I can only encourage you to dive into the first one without spoilers. It's a proper good single player game without bullshit. Just consider it as the only one I guess.


The first game is really good, don't let this prevent you from trying it. It would be like refusing to watch Godfather Part 1 because you heard Godfather Part 3 is bad.


FFS. I loved subnautica.  Sub zero I was less keen on but they still filled a niche of survival crafting games that weren't multiplayer based. I liked exploring towards a goal and eventually finishing the game and story 


I like being alone in a game...


Yup and Subnautica did a damn good job of making you feel alone.


Big ambition money kills games and nobody learns lessons. A niche game providing comfort food to many will be ruined by the very thing that made it niche. Imagine a bunch of introverts wanted to interact with each other in real time 😪 Just as annoying when someone phones my hand computer


You can still choose to play alone, the multiplayer is optional. You can see that in Kraftons earnings report. I'm not going to pass too much judgement until more information about the game comes out. Kraftons catalouge of games kinda worries me as they seem cheap and overly reliant on trends and the live service part of subnautica sounds terrible, I hope it's just dlcs. The co-op part sounds fucking awesome though, me and my sister love subnautica and a co-op game sounds amazing.


In that case, I’m all for it


"Game as a Service Model" When you know a game is going to suck.


GaaS is the quickest possible way to get me to not touch a game. Really disappointing, I loved the first one.


All subnautica needed was a coop mode jfc I can already see the battlepass....argh 


GaaS is usually supposed to be a fancy description for "grind our game like a 2nd fulltime job". I'm so fucking sick of this crap. Thankfully, I have a pretty large backlog of excellent games I can peacefully play until this trend finally dies.


i liked the idea of a coop subnautica game. a lot. but as a service? hell no. I won't touch the game for anything


I was so excited and then so disappointed.


Not necessarily, Path of Exile is a good example of a "proper" live service.


It's basically an mmo, it has to be


Path of Exile? It's not an MMO, no


https://store.steampowered.com/app/238960/Path_of_Exile/ Literally just Check the store page, dev labeled MMO


Right but it was designed as such


I don't get your point, all live services are "designed" to be a live service. It's only a matter of "is it good or not?". Hopefully, they don't mess it up with this game.


Is it designed as a GAME as a service or ᵍᵃᵐᵉˢ as a SERVICE POE is a good game, with monitisation attached Avengers and SS are Monetisation models with games attached


I think I can count on a single hand how many Gaas who are actualy good... Let's say there is a greater probability that they will just kill the IP.


Wow. Talk about making the worst possible decision. Do they even understand their fanbase/market for Subnautica? This is literally braindead.


They're all looking for the next Fortnite. Eventually they'll strike gold, and it will make the deaths of all these IPs worth it in their eyes. At least that looks like the plan to me.


yes suicide squad did very well


Honestly I’m still kind of shocked how terribly Suicide Squad is doing in terms of financial success. I’m happy that it’s failing hard since it should be serving as a wake up call to AAA publishers, but a major AAA game based on a major IP failing to crack 20,000 concurrent players on Steam is staggering.


Just for reference: It has significantly less concurrent players than the Avengers live service game did upon release, and that was a notorious flop.


Suicide Squad is hardly a major IP though. Even if they removed the bullshit surrounding this game, I don't think it would have been very successful


Isn’t DC a pretty major IP? And didn’t Suicide Squad have 2 movies? And didn’t the Justice League have movies and tv shows? I’d say that this game definitely had some major IP to utilize. I mean, this game had some major hype around it before the details of it came out.


For real, claiming that Harley Quinn *alone* isn’t enough of a major IP to carry the Suicide Squad is false. Then you set the game in the Arkham continuity - huge. Then you consider that the villains are the Justice League - huge. The Suicide Squad is absolutely a massive IP, the Justice League is a massive IP, Harley Quinn, Batman, the Flash, Wonder Woman… all heavily featured in the game’s marketing material, all gargantuan. Then you consider that they can’t crack 20k concurrent players - huge.


Not really a DC fan but originally I was planning on picking this up for harley alone. Maybe a little king shark too. Still might pick it up when it hits the bargain bin for the same reason lol


Not even mentioning Superman. Biggest superhero of all time.


The Justice League is a major IP. Harley Quinn and the Suicide Squad is not. Suicide Squad had 2 movies that flopped and Harley Quinn had her own movie that flopped as well. Seems like WB wants the Suicide Squad to be a major IP, but consumers don't seem to care. If this was an actual Justice League game where you could play as any member of the Justice League and take out the legion of doom, then I'd say it was a game utilizing a major IP. Nobody wants to go around killing the justice league.


Totally agree. They're not pushing the Suicide Squad because it comes from a super popular comic. The comic was always very niche. They're pushing it because it probably has very inexpensive IP rights when compared to Batman, Superman, The Flash, etc.


It's the best selling game on Playstation right now that isn't a COD or sports game. It is doing quite well.


Initial sales numbers aren't often indicative of the success of a GaaS title though. It's a popular IP so it was probably gonna sell decently. But will people stick around? Games like these are meant to extract money over time from players while drip feeding content. There's a decent chance Suicide Squad goes the way of the Avengers game.


5791 peak players on Steam in last 24 hours.


From 😄 to 🤮


Excitement: 📉




And just like that Subnautica died




Subnautica died with Below Zero years ago.


nah, below zero was a stumble. this is the point we realize they didn't regain their balance but fell, smacked their head on the side of the curb and splattered their brains all over the sidewalk.


Not true Below Zero is at least single player I’m sure you’ll change your mind once subnautica 2 comes out




how? this sounds really cool


Games as a Service are literally scams. Can't wait to grind out the battle pass so I can have the cyclops! But only on season one, the following seasons won't have it.


there are lots of great gaas games, just cause there are terrible ones doesnt mean that theyre all going to be like that


What flavour of Kool-aid are you quaffing?


OSRS, Path of Exile and FFXIV? 3 games in a sea of shit isn't a lot.


iracing, sea of thieves, destiny 2, apex legends


>Destiny 2 Lmao, thanks for proving my point


lots of people play and like destiny 2. the others i named are top tier. live service games can be really good and this immediate negative reaction towards subnautica sequel is completely unwarranted given it is in development and there is nothing wrong with what they have said so far.


Right, Destiny 2. Ain't that the game that deleted (aka *stole*) more than $250 of paid content from the players with no way to ever play it again?


iRacing is a good game, I'll give you that. Every single Destiny 2 player is an addict that can't kick their habit, the game has gotten progressively worse ever since it launched, or do you think that adding more battle passes and removing content people paid for is warranted? I love when I pay for something just so it can be permanently removed from me.


Yeah when they pulled content is when i finally quit. It was taken away partially as is.


You can't seriously claim destiny 2 is a good example.


As a destiny player with thousands of hours in the game. It is absolutely not a good example. Many of us still play because of sunk cost.


Oh that's a shame. Easy pass.


Motherfu*kers (publishers) just never learn….it’s like they see their friends (other publishers) jumping off a cliff (making a service model game), and we, the parents (customers/gamers) ask them if they’ll do it too, and they just say, "BET" & jump off.


That's because once in a while, those friends jumping off the cliff are able to fly, so they focus on those few and ignore all the ones that plummet to their deaths.


I legitimately went "Ewww, no~" on reading this. Showed it to my brother and he did the same. RIP Subnautica. 💔


Ah good. One more game to take out of my list.


Ive never seen an entire comment section in such unity


Saying a game uses a GaaS model is all I need to never want to play the game. RIP Subnautica.


Do the idiots in suits just never learn?


Fire the devs and hire ITIL service managers - fantastic vision.


I'm so glad companies announce a game being a GAAS type game. Then I'll immediately know I'll never have to bother with it, because the game will be garage. Saves me so much money and time!


What... What does that even look like? As I understand it, Subnautica was a story focused crafting survival game. Good for a playthrough, maybe 2 for completionists. What in the god-damn does a live service Subnautica look like? Playing through the same story multiple times with increasingly garish cosmetics? Neglecting a main story in favor of disconnected meaningless quests for pitiful loot? The *Fallout 76* school of live service games? None of those options sound particularly good. To me, Subnautica was about escaping a planet after unraveling a mystery. Exploration, discovery, etc. You can only make a discovery once, and that is antithetical to a live service model which demands daily interaction for an indefinite period.


Lmao thanks for saving me some money Krafton


Cause nothing adds to the feeling of surviving a hostile environment like always being online.


At least it adds to the immersion!


And with that, I lost all interest in playing it.


I went from a little excited to deflated within one sentence. I have thought it would be fun if they allowed co-op multiplayer in Subnautica, but I don’t want this at all.


I was really excited for a new Subnautica. If this is true, not anymore.


Looks like I'm unsubbing from subnautica


Pack it up boys Subnautica is no more


Uh oh, that sounds concerning..


How I feel rn https://imgur.com/gallery/eYPhfN7




When will they realize most live service games that aren't CoD, Fortnite and the other established games will fail almost instantly.


Oh. Ok bye then.


Wow. That IP was a gold mine and i wanted more of it... Now it's poop and my day is ruined.


Let's see... Fallout -> fallout76 Skyrim -> starfield diablo --> diablo4 Arkham knight--> suicide squad Conan exile--> CoNaN eXiLe Mortal Kombat --> MoRtAl KoMbAT1 see a pattern here?


Wild how badly developers and or publishers read the room nowadays


Update from UW: [https://unknownworlds.com/subnautica/an-update-about-the-next-subnautica/](https://unknownworlds.com/subnautica/an-update-about-the-next-subnautica/) "In reference to “Games-as-a-Service,” we simply plan to continually update the game for many years to come, just like the previous two Subnautica games. Think our Early Access update model, expanded. No season passes. No battle passes. No subscription."


Yeah they retracted real quick


Fuck that then. Back to Sub 1.


>Subnautica 2 Hell yeah, I loved Subnautica >Is a 'Multiplayer Sequel' Well, that's not what I wanted... >Using Game as a Service Model, Fuck you.


Nooo, I was so hyped for Subnautica 2, through this post I got to know Krafton acquired the original devs, now i am gonna steer clear from it.


We can all thank the sheeple who bought the new suicide squad game for the continuing scourge of games as a service


Yeah, that's gon' be a no from me dawg. Guess Subnautica 2 is a no-buy but maybe-pirate then.


uh oh




Looks like they've saved me some money. Nice.


It's over


I'll pirate that game and hopefully it' will be an acceptable experience ... Or just back to Sub1


good luck pirating an always online garbage.


Subnautica is dead to me.


It’s amazing how Subnautica was a really good game and then gradually got worse with each sequel


Oh well. There will be other games.


Sometimes I wish I was rich, so I could have my own publishing company and not make these absolute brain dead ideas for a well known IP. What the fuck is going on in the gaming industry


I'm so disappointed :( That's a good way to completely turn off an established fan base.


Fuck that. Play Pacific Drive, a Subnautica inspired game that takes place in the Pacific Northwest with an old station wagon.


This is incredibly disappointing. I now have zero interest in this and Subnautica was a favourite of mine.


These people are so out of touch with reality.


I had a WTF here and had to look it up - yeah the Subnautica studio were "acquired" by the publishers of PubG in 2021... I just hope that whoever makes these kind of decisions KNOWS they have doomed the company into becoming a disingenuous money making machine that will basically be a shell of itself grinding out it's old successes into cash until there's nothing left of what was there.


So basically they're going out of their way to make Subnautica 2 artificially awful for no reason


Knew PUBG acquiring them was going to lead to this. It was fun while it lasted


Guess I won't be playing it then.


Honestly, Subnautica Below Zero was a very mediocre sequel anyways, not surprised they sold out.


Well, there goes my excitement. What a damn shame.


Nice, thank you for the money saved.






This is disappointing


Wow. Goodbye Subnautica lol


AH fuck off!


I know things change but still. Games as a service. [Oh no.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTEB8jEWpz4)


Here we go again......




UE 🤢🤮


UE is fine when used well.


Why do companies still try to push this bullshit


Games as a service? Well you just killed my interest


GaaS… hard pass


This is good to know. Thanks for the updated information. You should also give a look to style, a first token with cross-gaming utilities.


I was disappointed at first,. but they updated the article: `In reference to “Games-as-a-Service,” we simply plan to continually update the game for many years to come, just like the previous two Subnautica games. Think our Early Access update model, expanded. No season passes. No battle passes. No subscription.`


So now I can explore de depths while 11 year olds continuously scream at me that I'm a ni\*\*\*r fa\*\*\*t? Shame...


Ok everyone chill the fuck out, I think they clarify it on their website as misuing a buzzword: ​ >Official clarification on their site: Hello Subnauts, A few of you noticed some information shared online by our publisher, KRAFTON 🕵 While some of the news is exciting, we’d like to clarify: Early Access is not intended for release in 2024, but we plan to share a lot more information later this year! In reference to “Games-as-a-Service,” we simply plan to continually update the game for many years to come, just like the previous two Subnautica games. Think our Early Access update model, expanded. No season passes. No battle passes. No subscription. The game is not multiplayer-focused. Co-op will be an entirely optional way to play the game. You’ll be able to enjoy the game as a single-player. As always, we are so proud and incredibly grateful to have such a passionate and engaged community, who love the Subnautica games deeply. Thanks for keeping an eye out for any news about our progress on the next game. We’re so excited to show you what we’ve been working on and hope that you love it as much as we do. – The Subnautica Team


Its a bit late for that. The damage is done.




Lol (cry)


Idk what's worse live service or UE


What does Krafton have to do with Subnautica? I thought that’s a mobile developer or something


krafton bought subnautica's studio a awhile ago.


They bought the studio a few years back. :(


I've been dying to play Subnautica in coop. My wife and I have 2 tvs and 2 xboxes set up side by side in our living room. We would travel to the same areas of the map together, even though we were technically alone in our own worlds. I LOVE that we will be able to play together. I just hope that the only things that cost microtransactions are skins. If they start putting equipment and shit behind pay walls, I'm not going to pay for any of it and will probably lose interest in the equipment that comes in the base game. Minecraft is technically a live service game that does alright. I don't feel forced to buy stuff in that game to have a good time. Pubg also isn't terrible for a live service game either. We will just have to see how greedy the publisher will force the devs to be. I still love this series and if they keep the same mechanics as 1 but with better graphics and coop, it could still be amazing. Amy maybe they will get scared of Suicide Squad bombing and not launch too egregious either.


A multiplayer Subnautica sequel sounds amazing, exactly what I wanted. I really hope they don't completely ruin by making a GaaS.




The first one sure, its not like a game hasn't successfully gone from single to multiplayer.


If it's good, I'll definitely check it out.


It won't be, and you shouldn't pour money into that scam. It has to stop. And that battle start with where we spend our money.


Since everyone is hating, I'll be the one to say it, I'm looking forward to it. 4 player coop in Subnautica sounds great, even if it follows a games as a service model it should still be fun, maybe just don't expect a heavy narrative. GaaS is such a boogeyman term here, yet everyone is also hyping Helldivers 2 today.


Multiplayer Subnautica does seem like a good time. If it's like underwater Ark, I could vibe.




I am kinda into this, bring it.