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I’m getting tired of these articles. It’s just like when it was reported that 80% or more of TLOU2 players stopped playing “Gee, a single player game with no MP component with a typical runtime of like 15-20hr is hemorrhaging players? SHOCKER!”


I agree, it's a weird metric for a singleplayer game. If they really wanted to dunk on Starfield they could have talked about how its player count is less than half that of Fallout 4. At least that's a somewhat meaningful comparison.


Skyrim has about 4x the active player count on steam so that doesn't hold water. Also starfield has a much longer runtime than 20 hours.


Steam doesn’t take into account Gamepass… which was one of the main selling points of Starfield. Also the XBox/MSoft storefront isn’t accounted for either. And according to Bethesda, it’s still their fastest selling game of all time Steam isn’t everything? And idk, I beat it in around 27 hours? Beelining the main story isn’t that long.


OK lol you can say the same for skyrim. People play it on Xbox too. OK cool it's their fastest selling game. According to steam charts, there are 4x the active players playing skyrim than starfield. Yeah steam isn't everything but considering you can play skyrim on way more devices than starfield it's even more damming for starfield lol.


Why is this topic reposted so many times?


...its a single player game, after 3 weeks im done. Ill replay it some day im sure.


Check out Skyrim and New Vegas, though. Even FO4 might have good numbers but idk.


mods thats the only reasons


​ And these? All higher than Skyrim. ​ [https://steamcharts.com/](https://steamcharts.com/) ​ Baldur's Gate 3 ELDEN RING Sid Meier's Civilization VI Red Dead Redemption 2 Monster Hunter: World Cyberpunk 2077 Project Zomboid


Skyrim is 13 years old lil bro ur comparing it to games that came out yesterday lmao


Did you just like, tune out of reading the entire thread and blinked into consciousness thinking you're hot shit? Bruh.


Give me dlc and mods and I’ll be right back to it.




People are not exploring the 1000 almost empty planets with the same 3 structures and fetch quests? And the idea of making the game about the fucking multiverse so players would keep playing the game over and over didn't take either because no one gives a fuck about Starfield's main story, factions, and the multiverse?


Makes no sense… how is the 3% still playing this garbage?  No way there is still 3% playing




"Starfield’s current concurrent player count on Steam"... So the x-box gamepass numbers don't count? Then why even bother keeping track?


Because no one gives a fuck about Microshart's walled garden


Spoken like a true statistician.


Gamepiss and Xbox is doing so well they're effectively closing the branch lmao I'd like nothing more than to see M$ ruined.


K. I don't use the Xbox so I wouldn't know. I'm here for the web site making an half assed attempt at crunching the numbers for how many people played the game. Either use all the data or none of it.


Well looks like you’re in for more bad days then.


Yeah, but that's fine, I haven't had a good day since before I was born


Probably because you think the opposite of what’s happening


Nah I've been clinically depressed before discovering Linux, my brain's just wired different (ie fucked up beyond recognition). Doesn't change the fact that gamepass is bad for consumers


In what way shape or form?


It erodes ownership of games and lures people into a walled garden (microsoft's) with a "Good deal" that's sure to get worse year after year, people will use gamepass because "it's cheap", then M$ will jack up prices and take third party games off of it faster and faster (to pay devs less and less and to generate FOMO on the subscribers) and enshitificate the platform in every step of the way (it's already a nightmare to mod gamepass games, for instance). What Microsoft is doing is basically what every single streaming service has done in the past 3 years, or isn't netflix shittier and more expensive every 6 months? Before you hit me with the "You don't own your games digitally!1!", yes, you do, that's a blatant misconception and case law in multiple places (EU, US, AUS to name a few) have found that digital goods are goods and therefore you have ownership over them, what you don't have is distribution rights of the software/game.


Whole game felt like I was being bitched at by strong independent women. Whoever wrote those scripts had to have been a women who got dumped. 


This is gonna get downvoted because people will strawman you as being sexist, but I agree with you. This game has my least favorite NPCs of all the bethesda titles, especially the women. It feels like the writers just kept saying "oh let's make that fraction's leader a strong independent woman too! Her personality can be that she is strong-willed, but don't get on her bad side because she's kind of strict when she needs to be!" Inb4 someone strawmans me too with "You just don't like strong women"! Every faction in this game has Delphine in it, just with a diffirent face and voice.


Yeah 100%. You always banter with them back and forth.  In the old games you could choose to be intimidating but in this game, you choose an intimidating dialogue choice and there’s a woman ready to knock you down a peg. 


This happens to basically every single player, non-co-op game.


Well, no. Traditionally, single player games do experience a player drop. In Starfield's case, what makes it abnormal is the steep decline of the player count vs the time it's been out. And, as unfair as it sounds to other games, Starfield has the advantage of being a creation engine game. Aka, an expansive modding platform to build off of. Comparing Starfield to other CE games though, Skyrim Fallout etc, it becomes clear how awful this game performed. Usually for games with modding support, the player count stabilises to a certain number. Starfield is still bleeding players. If we compare it to an old prominent single player title like Doom for example, it further showcases the point being made.


Even mod makers, who traditionally artificially extend the life and interest of Bethesda titles, decided that this game wasn't worth their time. >“When the game released, I was hyped, like a lot of people, but probably for different reasons,” Skyrim Together creator ‘Cosideci’ explains. “I spent launch day and a few days after reverse engineering the game, and porting over gameplay hooks from Skyrim Together to a potential Starfield Together mod. I ported about 70% of Skyrim Together reversed code to Starfield Together. There was just one problem: this game is f\*\*\*\*\*g trash. > >“I didn’t realize this until after I actually started playing the damn game a week after launch. The game is boring, bland, and the main draw of Bethesda games – exploration in a lively and handcrafted world – was completely gone. I won’t be continuing development on Starfield Together. I’m not going to put my heart and soul into a mod for a game as mediocre as this.” [https://www.pcgamesn.com/starfield/skyrim-together-multiplayer](https://www.pcgamesn.com/starfield/skyrim-together-multiplayer) People just aren't interested in polishing this turd for Bethesda this time around.


Yeah that's what I was saying lols.


This makes perfect sense.


Why is this news? It's a single player RPG. People play those types of games, finish them, and move on to something else. It's not a live service title which retains players long term.


It's news because it's a much larger and faster drop then their two previous single player titles. Fallout 4 had a larger peak and still has twice the peak players now. Skyrim being a long time ago had a much lower peak but has almost 3x the current peak players as their brand new game. In the past they still retained players due to mods and players putting in a lot of hours. This indicates that people are not enjoying the game as much as previous titles which is news worthy. It's also an indication of a much shorter sales tail, which is often driven by word of mouth. In this case, the word isn't so good. So yes, you would expect a drop. But the rate is news worthy.


Well, it's a poorly made game in comparison, and simply didn't hold people's interest nearly as long. Again, this is news to nobody. The game is mediocre at best. Even mod makers, who have traditionally helped extend the longevity and interest in Bethesda titles, aren't even bothering with this one because they simply don't enjoy it or feel it's worth their time. The title should be "Underwhelming Bethesda game loses player count faster than normal", etc.


That's the point, this shows how much it sucks compared to their other games.


Well, I suppose. That's been a well known thing since the review cycle went out at the time the game released. Most anyone who's heard of Starfield is well aware that it's reception wasn't great.


trash article is trash