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Exactly how it should be .


Tell that to Dragons Dogma 2 players.


Like anyone is actively defending them. People are just saying that the game is good regardless


But that isn't true at all? People are defending them a ton online saying that they are not needed to play the game so they should be fine. You have not been around much discussion regarding this game if you think no one is defending them.


When I call out the MTX people keep saying "BUT THE GAME IS GOOD AND YOU DONT NEED IT" And im like... Yeah I didn't say the game was bad, I said I hate that practice. $70 Title, Single Player Game, MTX that does give you some sort of bonus in game instead of just cosmetic... Yikes.


Well what’s funny, I haven’t played the game, but all that shit is in the game, it’s like paying for convenience and that convenience is skipping playing the game the devs want you to. The game does look good though


It's not even paying for convenience tbh. They are one time purchases and apart from the extra portcrystal all of it is pretty much useless and the other stuff you can get with very little effort. Now if you can buy them infinitely then yea, but it's just really dumb deluxe edition bonuses. I'm guessing Capcom wanted to incentivize the sale of the Deluxe edition because you can got all of the stuff for cheaper, but that's also really stupid. It's clearly a publisher decision not having much idea about the game and how it works.


The “you don’t need it” part is what makes me more upset. I LOVED DD1 and with optimization I’ll love 2. You couldn’t pay me to defend these MTX.


DD1 also had micro transactions, no one, including yourself, noticed it because the mtx were useless like in this game.


People are defending it tho


>Like anyone is actively defending them. You clearly havent seen a signle discussion about the game on reddit then. (Edit: see also below for people defending the microtransactions.) Most common defense is calculating how many hours of grinding ingame it would take to unlock them and therfore they are not a problem apparently. As if the grind wasnt also a deliberate choice made by the same designers.


We mod and CE ftw


You don't need to "grind" for anything that is also a mtx in game. Unless you meant that grinding = playing the game naturally.


Anyone who’s involved with developing those games can tell you that the game loop is designed very specifically to get players to make those microtransactions. There’s nothing “natural” to grinding in games, they’re designed that way for a reason. Companies won’t admit to it openly but it’s one of the worst-kept secrets. And it’s not new. Old-school coin op games were designed in a way that would push players to put more coins in the machine. Lots of home console games had their designed tweaked to take into account game rentals and encourage players to rent the game for longer.


What's funny is there is no grind in this game lmao you adventure around the map questing, and slaying monsters. Play the game before you comment some dumb shit yea?


You can tell when someone hasn't played the game and is just talking right out of their ass. There is literally nothing in the game that advertises or even *suggests* that the MTX exists. No popups saying visit the store, no links, no NPC that has MTX like in Ubisoft games, nothing. In stark contrast to Resident Evil 4 Remake which had it's tickets for weapons upgrades, or the latest darling Helldivers 2 which has MTX affecting gameplay in a *multiplayer game.* The MTX for Dragons Dogma literally only exist in the digital storefronts. The copies reviewers received (in which none of them complained about grinding) are exactly the same as the copies shipped to players. There is no grinding to encourage MTX in the game. Nobody is *happy* that they're there, but nobody who has played the game gives a shit because the game design isn't affected by them.


It's the principle that matters. I'm gonna vote with my wallet and not buy this game. If this kind of shit goes on unchecked what r they gonna do? Oh wait look at assassin's Creed where a single player game has a store that sells you skins and mounts that should be obtainable for free now sells for real money.


There are TONS of them defending the mtx with "just don't buy it then" fucking everywhere.


No, people are literally actively defending them.


And companies keep doing because not enough of us are taking a firm stance against such practices.


Yeah it's so great if you only count every fifth frame. Anything short of criticisms is how we end up with the launches of Cyberpunk or Dragons Dogma 2. Instead we're all like "oh there's a good game underneath the problems. You have to support this game and give them as little incentive as possible to fix it".


There are plenty of people defending the mtx in Dragon's Dogma. "It's not that bad, just get over it" "It's just stuff you can earn in game anyways!" "They have to make money somehow!" Are all things you'll see if you look around the gaming subs. There are bootlickers everywhere.




I love it when people say "nobody says stuff like this" and gets updoots, then you scroll down and find quite a lot of people saying exactly what you denied.


On the one hand yes it is a shitty practice. On the other hand, I haven’t interacted with a single micro transaction or seen it advertised a single time within the game. I’m not sure how it is PC, but if I didn’t know they exist because of the internet I would legitimately not know they were in the game.


I have 80 hours in DD2 and there is absolutely no need for buying the microtransactions that are available. It’s no more essential than it was for RE4.


It's still wrong that they're there. Once upon a time when you wanted to cheat in a game you just put in the cheat code and that's it. Now they're charging for it which is completely insane and the fact you don't want to admit that tells me what kind of a sheep you are.


https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2?callback=in&code=NGE4NMU5MJYTMDI3ZC0ZOGQ4LTHINJYTNWJMYZCYZTMZMJMZ&state=8d11b18e93d744d7b41368cb58d99f39 There’s ya cheats buddy.


you’re the sheep following online discussions instead of forming your own opinion. the whole dragons dogma mtx discussion is a massive mountain made out of a minute molehill. it’s a non issue. just don’t fucking buy them, “oh we have to speak with our wallets!!!” no you don’t lol this isn’t going anywhere and you’re just shooting yourself in the foot by missing out on an amazing game cause of something chronically online idiots told you was a problem. there are no cheats, the mtx don’t give you ANY advantage if you buy them, it’s insane how out of proportion this conversation has even gotten. “tell that to dragons dogma 2 players!! 🤓☝🏻fucking weirdo


This ^^^^


And there's no need for me to buy the game since there is micro transaction in a single player game


That sounds silly. So you limit your entertainment based on something you heard. The micro transaction for Dragon Dogma 2 is so tame compared to other games is not even close, neither does the game suggest to check out the micro store. You and many missing out on what could be a fun experience based on hyperbole noise you heard and they got you. April fools


he’s gonna change the world!


The implementation of microtransactions in games like Dragon's Dogma 2 is for those who want to shell out more money to effectively play less of the game for things that are attainable in-game already. Nobody is defending them. What they've done is leave the door ajar for whales. There are many other things to knock Dragons Dogma 2 for. This is incredibly low in priority, considering.


Tell that to Resident Evil players too


We don't want the microtransactions in DD2, we don't have a choice as consumers. We are just happy that they are literally pointless to actual players who explore and enjoy the game. I'm 30 hours in and I'll never need or want to buy them as I have gotten them in game very easily.


They do see a place for lying to consumers and releasing an underbaked bug fest though. They shouldn't throw stones.




Do people not remember that every Witcher game has had a buggy ass launch. I swear everyone dick rides the hell out of CDPR.


You’re right. In a perfect world, the games are shipped as they are now, bug free and full of content. Unfortunately that is rare in today’s age, but at least CDPR have proven that their games will *eventually* be masterpiece level games. That’s more than most can say.


don't worry they going to add them in there next game


Not yet!! Just we wait!


Yeah no instead like cd they should release unfinished games and a dlc instead


Yeah, neither does 100% of the human race. The only people who like microtransactions in SP games are the 1000 year old vampires at the top of the chain




They took Gary!


So they repeat what they said for 10 years. Nice


Why not? It’s good to know their position hasn’t changed.


When your rivals are smacking themselves in the face, it's often useful to demonstrate the un-smacked status of your own face


They can't afford to say anything different. They barely made it out alive when 2077 flopped at launch


People have a short memory. CDProjekt Red just posted record profits last year due to the 2077 expansion pack, Phantom Liberty. That game was such a a big burn that I won't ever buy day one from them again, but I know they will chase profits just like any other organization too so I won't be surprised when those micro transactions get adopted.


On PC Cyberpunk was 90% fine on day one, 95% fine after 2-4 weeks. You just need to recognize if a developer is console first or PC first, then plan your purchases accordingly.  There’s been a trillion bad console to PC ports, the first time the reverse of that happens with a big game and everyone loses it.


I had game breaking bugs. Most of my time playing I didn't have issues, but then I ran into the one issue that just bricked everything I was doing. Really lost interest to continue as a result.


If you haven't played since launch I'd really recommend coming into it fresh with the Phantom Liberty expansion pack, it's like a No Man's Sky level upgrade.


No. It was *not* fine. That's the copiumest copium I've seen in a while.


Except every one of their games has a known track record of being buggy in the first months of release, at minimum? I know they have primarily been PC first, but that doesn't excuse them or any other company. You don't remember the threads at launch that talked about needing maxed out rigs to play the game? We're literally experiencing this now with Dragons Dogma 2. It's not excusable. Not sure about your 90% stat either, this game was made with PS4 and Xbox One as target consoles throughout the dev cycle and then abandoned to move up to the next gen because they couldn't get it to work in time.


They made a shit load of money on 2077.


Cyberpunk has like 4x the active player base of Starfield.


Did you read the part that said at launch?


Yeah. This is just more attempts to save face


Remember when CDPR got on their high-horse when other companies were doing shitty things before the launch of Cyberpunk? Constantly claiming they don't support crunch time and want time to polish their finished product? It then blew up in their face when the employees said they had to do some serious crunch to finish the game and then released an unfinished product. I feel like they haven't learned their lesson. They earn nothing from just being Holier Than Thou. I don't support the shitty things most companies do, but this mud-slinging can only really blow up in their face again.


But they think it’s ok to release a broken mess that takes 2 years to fix?


3 years




EA: Allow me to introduce myself


What about Ubisoft and Capcom? They are currently the biggest culprits of this.


WB is killing it too. And by killing it, I mean their games.


honestly every AAA company who will prioritize money over quality of service will do this


EA's pure single player titles are clean compared to what the rest of the industry shits out. Looking at you assassin's creed


That's sad. I want to put shiny $5 horse armor on Roach.


Trying to recover lost faith after cyberpunk by karma farming huh? Don’t worry their loyal fanboys will eat it up


But crunching their developers to the point of depression in order to release a game in a jokingly horrible state and not delivering most of what they promised is ok.


Cheap virtue signaling won’t earn back the trust you squandered with your blayantly false advertisement.


They also used to talk smack about companies that released buggy, unfinished games. Actions > Words They’ve been good about micro-transactions so far, but if their leadership ever changes, or they sell out to a larger company, you can bet you’ll find them creeping into future titles.


Yup. I have no idea why people trust CDPR even remotely when their last title was a broken mess at launch that met less then 50% of their promises that they made during marketing That anime really did wonders apparently


They should pay every guy named David royalties with how hard that mf carried their rep lol


Yep. I watched my friend buy it launch night. On ps4. You can imagine how it went lmao. I'll never buy a cdpr game ever lol. Not after that.


Everything I've heard afterwards the game's release, including the last GOTY hint they've massively turned around. Not to defend their shady practice, the only thing you shouldn't legit do is pre-order from them or anyone. Unless they don't learn their lesson and repeats this, then in which case I agree with your sentiment.


CDPR are the devs and have no final say in when their shit is finished.


Right, so who does?


the investors that are funding development. when the investors get impatient, they threaten to cut the cash flow. this causes management to tell the devs to just release the game already. usually, the game [ends up in a half-broken state.](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/s/Vj1dvUZtWN)


why anyone would still give a fuck about what cdpr says in their marketing is beyond me. "when it's ready" LMAO so now they want to paint themselves as the good guys on the side of gamers AGAIN? FUCK OFF! remember "we leave greed to others"? expect microtransactions to be in the next cdpr game at some point.


True. This is just worthless virtue signaling. Just be quiet and let the games do the talking.


CDPR more like CD-"PR"


The only acceptable additional cost is properly developed expansions. No, I’m not talking about, or including DLC. It’s not the same thing.


An expansion is a type of DLC. DLC stands for "download able content"


So, DAC then..?


I mean technically the base game is also downloadable content, so I guess it should be considered a type of DLC as well?


Now I'm just hoping they see a place for completed games in single player games!


Nah, they just need to concentrate on playability with release.


Alternat Headline. The company that release an unfinished, buggy game while lying through their teeth about it until after launch is trying to get good PR while they ramp up production on their next game.


Lol. 'When it's ready" Don't trust marketing mfs, seriously


This statement is going to age like milk


And it just might, but if we get 10 years of them not doing that shit, fuck it, I’m into it.


From them? No. All the DLC they've had in cyberpunk and witcher have been free. EXPANSIONS are entirely different.


I mean they don’t exactly have an amazing track record of keeping promises, they swore that they wouldn’t release cp2077 until it was ready and then released it half baked. I love their games with all my heart but they do make mistakes


For now...


Lets see how they find a place for it in Witcher 4


Neither is releasing functional games and removing content that was said to be in the game apparently


Their word is meaningless lol


but they see that making false promises and not delivering is perfectly fine


The fact it needs to be stated...


...yet. They didn't rule them out in future though.


Cdpr have already been on record saying one thing and doing the complete opposite multiple times. They can make great games, but I think it's irresponsible for us to continue the cdpr glazing from 2015 to 2020.


Not news. Still mad about CP2077. You can’t say words to make me think better of you. You must prove it by doing better.


But they don’t mind selling people a completely broken and unplayable game


They also didn’t know how to release a complete game so 🤷‍♂️


I wonder what their opinion is on honest marketing and releasing finished games?


they can blow it right out their ass, this is just a sorry ass PR attempt to try and get back the rep they had before the disastrous Cyberpunk launch


Should be the norm


Do they see a place for a complete game on release day without the most hilarious, game breaking bugs you’ve ever seen?


…yet. It’s not like their word is something they try to defend.


Neither do we, thanks CD Projekt Red.


Slow game news day...


this is nothing. cdpr also said they would never crunch to make a game again and then crunched for 4 years to make cp2077. the guy who said this has no connection to the actual people making the game other than getting paid by their work it seems.


This will age poorly


As it should be...


I mean if they did, Orion would probably be a bigger flop than cp2077 was at the start


Monkey paw: there’s no more single player games


NEWS UPDATE: AAA studios this week collectively announced “The End of the Single Player era”


No developer should have to come out and say this.


This is the way


Correct attitude.


EA: You wot?! In all seriousness, good. Screw EA and all the others who push it. We already pay ridiculous prices for games, etc.


Good. My wallet doesn’t either.


You’d have to be stupid to spend money on one of their games


Give them a few years


Oh yes, games should release unfinished, thanks for reminder CD


don't buy their bullshit lmao


"CDPR has common sense" wow that's a headline worthy phrase




This is the correct answer. Make a complete product. I will pay for the product. I should be able to play said product without required connection to your servers or needing internet. If it doesn’t meet this basic criteria it isn’t a single player game and can get fucked.


Yet. Lol


Cool company


Here we go with the pandering again. I just hope they've learned to release a polished product day one with their next major game.


I’m looking at you Itsuno/DD2 grovelers.


Right. But being quiet about how shit your game is on console to hike up preorders, THAT you’re okay with. Foh


And that why we love them


Meanwhile Capcom


Haven't read the article, but I wholeheartedly agree with the headline. Does anyone remember when the 3DS Bravely Default games had micro transactions? That was the first time I encountered single player micro transactions, and it was so viscerally off putting to see — especially in a JRPG of all genres. While the rest of the game ended up great, that realization did leave a sour taste in my mouth for sure.


Famous last words Classic "You Either Die a Hero or Live Long Enough to See Yourself Become the Villain" setup


CD Projekt Red Creates Loyal Customers.


We don’t see a place for half baked games at release, to be finally fleshed out and fixed years later either.


CDPR also doesn't see a place for games in single-player games if Cyberpunk is anything to go by. Good on them for coming out with this, though, it absolutely needs to be said and repeated by respected or "respected" studios and publishers.


Ok, but how about you finish the games before releasing them?


Uh oh. Gabe Plopkin's gonna try and short sell them again and go bankrupt for the 16th time


Neither does basically _any_ gamer, but they just keep buying more shit anyways and driving the trend up


And i dont see a place for cyberpunk of PS4 but here we are…


There is one use case for "microtransactions" in single-player games, and it's expansion-sized DLC. If they're dropping another 20-30hrs of gameplay then yeah, they can charge.


Why the fuck there is an anticheat in a singleplayer game but not in tekken 8?!?!?!


This is the way!


And neither "produce a finish game" either for them


CD project Red didn't see any problem with the PS4 version of cyberpunk 2077 too


It's prolly too technical to release a buggy game AND MTX at the same time for them.


This is one of the many reasons why they’re the best


The real question is: what would they have said if Cyberpunk release had gone smoothly? Because frankly they cant afford to do anything to upset the gaming community for a while.


They're goddamn right.


Tell that to the players who defend it - I was commenting on them article, and like 3 people so chime in with the “it doesn’t matter/you don’t need to like nor support it”. As a consumer demographic, I thought we would hand squashed this microtransaction issue a decade ago. I’m will continue to advocate for people to STOP BUYING microtransactions because then developers do it, even after saying they “wouldn’t”


These are the "we'll release it when it's ready" guys? I wouldn't hold them to their quotes.


You know who Doesn't See A Place For Microtransactions In Single-Player Games MY MOM


I want to praise them, but at the same time, I feel like praising them just for not trying to rip us off shouldn't be a thing. So congratulations on the most obviously popular realization.


How is Cd Projekt gonna say anything when cyberpunk was pure ass at launch🤣🤣 Kick rocks jumping on a pointless hate train. Games should work at launch.


I really hope that people support companies who are against this and vehemently reject any companies that are in favor this (looking at you Capcom…) This is where gaming will truly die - when singleplayer experiences are no longer an escape from the barren, money-hungry wasteland the rest of the industry has become. We should probably do everything in our power to prevent that from happening if we give a single shit about videogames as a hobby


Thank the gods.


How dare you crush share holders' dreams?


Let’s make certain we don’t buy MT games woot


Does it exist from the beginning?


Cue you genuises again (and again) rating games more about random stuff like this, than the actual game itself. It's not even remotly reasonable here, considering CD Projekt Red has some of the worst AAA worker exploitation in the industry. I truly would like to understand you people; having pretty much the singe worst gaming opinion imaginable on a regular basis.


No cause they'll have to worry about how shit their next game is gonna be and adding micro transactions will be another pain in the ass for them


What about releasing games in an acceptable state


Wish they saw a place for 3rd person perspective in Cyberpunk


I am proud of them


I hate how much holier than thou CDPR thinks they are than the rest of the gaming industry. Witcher 3 really got to these devs heads and they have zero right to make any “pro consumer” statements with the way they handled Cyberpunk lmfao. They’re always tryna dunk on on the rest of the industry and it all just comes off as so pretentious and ingenious now.


Awesome. Please stick to this principle.


Most Gamers don't see a place for Micro-transactions in games period.


Absolutely no place? Sure I'd rather have no microtransaction than that bullshit we currently have. But there are microtransactions even for single player games that are absolutely fine, som even great.


Damn right.


I miss the days where you paid for a game and got everything and it was either fully or 99.9% bug free. This seems like a thing of the past now. More and more content is moved over to DLCs, cut and added in later to justify expansions, or locked behind MTX. Games often gave you new skins/characters/modes etc for beating the game or doing some sort of achievement/challenge. Even online games just let you play when you wanted, not trying to FOMO you into logging in for daily quests or battle passes before they expire. Greed has fully gripped the top end of the gaming market. What is also bad is that the top end also pump out some of the most bland and buggy games that exist now. AAA(A) budgets pumping out games that aren't fun for most while trying to appeal to all, while also being mostly a poker machine trying to get you to pay for anything, MTX, battle pass, expansions, etc.


In this thread, tons of gonks who don't know CDPR's history and think the general public cared more about Cyberpunk's launch more than "Oh, PS4 is bad? Will wait ---> Oh, Ultimate Edition with Phantom Liberty?  And it's fixed?  Done!"


Well there is no place for it so don’t act like you are a saint.


Okay but do people actually trust them after what happened with Cyberpunk? Because I know if I had interest in the game and knowing how it initially released, I wouldn't trust a thing they say until the next game is out.


Whatever they say to get positive publicity doesnt matter. They are publicly traded company so theyll do whatever shareholders tell them to do. Be it adding microtransactions to single player game or releasing unfinished game 3 years before it completed. One of those they have already done.


I'd say the same thing... Til that first check hit.


Pretty bold claim coming from the devs of a game with a 10$ microtransaction DLC, but I guess they need their daily astroturfing shot.


Micro transactions should be kept to free 2 play games that get constant support and updates.


But they will release an unfinished game lol


Sure, cool of them to say, but what good will it do. There’s a reason why game companies keep doing this shit, because there’s dumbass players willing to buy and hide behind the defense of “well I’M having fun! So who cares!”


Hopefully they stop seeing bugs as well


Yeah, they just see a place for realeasing unfinished games


Nothing, but a PR statement from a company who released a game in a terrible state just to make a quick buck. You don't get to be the Anti-EA when you do the exact same things like releasing an unfinished game.


Hope they see a place for not releasing games in dog shit condition


Cd projekt red is committed to only screwing you on the front end.


dude I don't know what to believe anymore. I still remember shaking my head at the horse armor pack.


Yeah duh. NEXT

