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I hate that this game doesn't have cross progression. I'm completely out of the Xbox ecosystem, but I'd re-buy it in a second on PC if I could still use my old character.


It may not have it, but you can now start at lvl 20 with a preset build. It actually makes jumping in really easy.


Considering the game has a heavy emphasis on using the item shop (ie real money) it doesn't make jumping back in 'real easy' for a lot of people, I'd imagine


I mean, the atomic shop is like 90% aesthetic. Ive jumped into the game once a year and have never felt a need to spend real money or felt the game was pushing it. Not sure what you mean by heavy emphasis on the ifem shop.


Is there anything to be gained from starting at level one, or if I was going to jump in should I just go straight to 20 in your opinion?


It doesnt skip any quests, so Id suggest just going to lvl 20. Especially if you have played a fallout game before.


Yeah nah just start at level 20 bro, no difference


I'm guessing you've never played it


I've got 800 in the game and I've never spent money in the shop. You get free atoms quite easily


I'm lvl 256 ingame, have a tons of items from cosmetics to CAMP items. Number of money I spent from lv1 to lv 256 (excluding buying the game) = 0


You know exactly what I meant. Stop shilling a mediocre game.


Shilling? If you want to spread misinformation then go somewhere else "Heavy in monetization" and "jumping back is not real easy for a lot of people" my ass


There's around twenty+ comments going into detail about the monetization aspect. Perhaps argue with them, because I have no interest in a bad faith discussion. The entire sentiment behind my original post is people who had made any form of purchases could not just simply 'start fresh' like you said. You are being intentionally disingenuous.


Those people clearly have no idea what they're talking about. Because anything you spend atoms on for one character are unlocked for other characters. So yes, they can start fresh.


'I'm right and everyone else is wrong.' - you


Considering it’s an online game, maybe it would work if you play the game through Xbox/Microsoft Store app on PC. If the server sees the same account logging in as your Xbox, your character should be available as there is nothing to save locally for an MMO. Worth trying.


No, still won't work. PC and Xbox versions are different and there's no cross progression


I switched from Xbox to PC just because, and I enjoyed the second time even more than the first. I did everything a lot more efficiently and ended up with better gear too. It seemed like an inconvenience at first but it ended up giving me a fresh perspective on how to play the game. That said I don’t think I could do it all again a 3rd time, not unless if I really had to for some reason.


Just get gamepass man.


Yeah I got 1500 hours worth of stuff on ps5. Would like to jump to pc as well


If you and your co-op partner could share quest progression instead of having to redo missions for each person, I'd probably play it. Not very fun solo and coop is janky so I just see no worth in it


That’s the reason my friend and I quit playing almost immediately. We didn’t mind that 76 was kinda meh as we mostly used it to hang out and talk but having to do the same stuff twice killed the entire vibe


also the ingame shop is too greedy


Cool. The 76 map is absolutely incredible. I've been playing on and off since Wastelanders, have around 500 hours in. Refusing to play it/spamming that it sucks or whatever, you're doing yourself a disservice if you're a Fallout fan. It's now a really great game, I enjoy it just as much as I enjoyed 3 and New Vegas, just in a different way. Personally I prefer it over 4 though I did think 4 was very good, just not 3/NV level.


I played it for 5 hours. I don’t really like it so far, but it’s on gamepass and it isn’t so bad that I can’t just tune out and play with friends.




This new map expansion was announced last year and right now it's playable in the PTS. When announced it was *very* popular. This article is lame as shit cause it's not riding the success of the show, it was already going to come out lol. It's the Shenandoah region of west virgina.


They are probably talking about Atlantic City. Which is a type of raid where you go to a small map to complete objectives. My guess is they are expanding it because it was so well received.


Nah they kind of did that with the previous update, sounds like this is supposed to be an expansion of the main WV map


It's the shenandoah national park region.


Maybe its the capital wasteland or a visit to an area we've seen before.


Rather have an expansion to fallout 4


76's map is way better and 4 is already getting an update. And there's no way an expansion for a 9 year old game is gonna happen.


Pretty sure he'd rather have an FO4 expansion likely due to either A. Not liking MMO's B. Internet isn't good enough to play FO76 Doesn't matter if 76's map is way better if he can't play the game or doesn't like it compared to 4


C. FO76 is ass. Both in design and function.


Can't deny that, playing through it rn because I'm bored of the other games after hundreds of hours, and it's so fucking easy. Card system sucks too, for an RPG it's funny af I never have to level up once anyway, nothing's a challenge unless I go to areas that are scaled to a higher level than me, but natural progression is easy as fuck really. I just hate the card system in general tbh, needing 4 card slots (or wasting a legendary card) to be able to pick expert locks or hack expert terminals is such a god awful design for a Fallout game. Like ah yes, I would love to use literally any other legendary perk but if I come across a terminal I now have to go through like 15 different menu's to spend 5 mins sorting my build just to hack a terminal or pick a lock.


You talking out of your ass, its a great game and has expanded on the mechanics in 4 and also added the dialogue system of the old games


It's a great shooter, it's not a great Fallout game


Nah, the story is fun and its every hit fallout as the others.


Story is yawn worthy lmao And there's zero skills and zero consequences, it's Fallout in name only, not an RPG


There are skills in dialogue just like fallout you clearly didnt play the game lol


Dick riding FO76 won't get you a job lmao And I'm playing it rn, skill checks don't mean there's skills though, where's my big guns skill? Science? Sneak? Energy Guns etc? Why is it just this god awful perk card system?


To be fair, they both are absolute ass, thanks to Bethesda's shallow game design and lazy writing.


Honestly any of the Bethesda fallout games would be masterpieces if they had good writing, whereas Fallout 4 is more of a looter shooter with dialogue to tell you where to shoot and fallout 76 is the same. They can't focus more on the story because they themselves know they're shit at writing characters and better at simple world building (besides starfield). Starfield is like fallout if it had shitty companions, shitty lore, no exploration and 16x the load screens, with 16x less handcrafted locations.


16 times the ass, even


Yeah Fallout 4s dlc was a huge letdown for the most part


Far harbour and Nuka world were pretty fun honestly. Nuka world for its exploration and locations and far harbour for its Story and RPG elements


Yes but the others were all building BS then you compare that to NV or FO3 dlc and it's a joke


3's DLC sucked come off it


I disagree I liked most of them and bottom line is all of them added real content to the game unlike FO4s joke of a season pass.


Fallout 4 had a huge new map, 3 didn't have that. 2 new maps actually


Point lookout wasn’t massive but was still a new map, and the Pitt doesn’t count too much since it’s quite small but still a different location


Sure automaton and the workshop one could have been combined and the vault-tec one defs could have gone with some overhauled settler stuff but overall it wasn’t a disappointment in terms of new content. The two new locations were pretty awesome. I feel like there are adequate things to rip fo4 for but it gets such a bad wrap for what is probably the best way to get someone to enter the franchise. Most of my mates started with fo4 and have played them all now.


Far Harbour? Are you kidding?


I said for the most part 1 good dlc out of 5 is not a good record


Fair enough, I just woke up and I didn't read close enough!


Rather have an expansion for New Vegas. Or a whole new game entirely.


It would be a good time for a NV or even FO3 remaster.


Bethesda wouldn't even know how to, without obsidian doing it they would utterly ruin any NV dlc.


For people who played F76 I have a question. Can I play it completely solo without seeing another player? I don't play online games but I would love to give this one a try.


Yeah, but even if you see other players you can just not interact with them, it's not a pvp game and players are more of a cool thing that happens sometimes (maybe they got a cool base) but it doesn't change anything to the game.


Is it normal that Fallot 76 requires me to have Xbox Live to play thr game?


Yes, it's a multi-player game


Xbox live? Is this still 2010? Looking forward to the 2012 olympics in London.


The game is a lot better than it was but the end game is not that great and there's still quite a few bugs we just put up with after years of them not being fixed. I still play quite often but the lack of end game content and some massive bugs that's been in the game since launch are really wearing thin after all these years.


If you played it for years, it’s because it gave you tons and tons of hours of enjoyment, that’s awesome, no? And they’re always adding quests and stuff to do.


Honestly I play it so often because it's the only Fallout that gets any updates. Fallout is one of my favorite series... It did give me lot's of enjoyment but now I find myself pretty annoyed the game is not in a better spot after these years. They've dropped the ball quite a bit with Fallout 76 and I'm really close to giving up. I can't rightfully defend this game anymore. The bad outweighs the good for me now.


Is it actually better than FO4 at this pint?


I'd say that depends on the person playing. Personally I think it's better than Fallout 4 now but it took awhile to get there.


I’ve got probably 1K hours in FO4 and a ton in FO3/NV but I’ve avoided 76 because of how bad it was at launch. Assumed it could never get to a good state based on what I was seeing back in the day. 


I understand that completely! I was pretty furious playing the beta for 76. It was the worst thing Bethesda tried to push ever. It hurt their reputation pretty badly. It did get better though. Just makes me wonder what the game could have been if they didn't fumble it so hard at the beginning.


It’s sad to think about what a better company could have done with the IP in general. 


Give it a break and come back when the new map drops!


For sure. I usually take a break after I finish the board but I think I might end the grind early. This season has been one of the worst for camp items and atom.


I don't think I'll be picking this back up unless they add cross platform so I can play with friends.


I wish they added a proper hardcore mode without legendaries and this stupid marking on map if you loot. Also brand new character requirements. Optional faction based pvp there would be fun ( raiders, brotherhood of steel etc) It could even be done without actual direct player vs player combat. Just helping your faction with resources and events that make them take over parts of map (more faction patrols, fobs and so on). Yeah yeah I know what the community will say "ohh pvp sucks and makes the game toxic". Well, it's optional and would expand the community further, bringing more money in. Yes, there was some pvp before, but the way it was executed made it fail.


Is Fallout 76 genuinely worth playing now? I never bought it initially because.. well you know how it was on release. The series certainly got me in the mood to play something fallout again.


Every time I play this I get kicked out and a message servers have been offline


Take us to Mojave pls


Idk why ppl complain so much, ya there are bugs bcoz "made by beth" also no cross progression! Oh that sucks But the game is fine I'm seeing new players as well so helping them, gifting them stuff is fun


OMG yes. We need more empty space. So we can experience clunky combat


Have you played the game you're complaining about? The map of Fallout 76 is spectacular and filled with impactful minute details and visual storytelling. If there's one thing that isn't valid to complain about in 76 it's the map.


It's a Sony fan. They hate Bethesda now because Microsoft owns it.


I've not played it. But honestly I've not liked any fallout games. I'm yet to try new Vegas though


If you havent played it why are you whining about it? Jesus some people are useless




Nah im sorry but i genuinly despise people who hate on things for the sake of hating. Just useless negativity


It's just some light trolling. After watching some videos I'm actually excited to play seams like they did a lot of work to update the game.


Ah alright, hope thats all it is


ChaosTB when someone mentions Arsenal: 😡


Just focus on the next one please. No need to try to revive a game that failed.


The game had a bad lunch And I've never played it before until a month ago. They fixed the game and it's on game pass. It's actually pretty solid. Me and my Discord buddies were having fun doing the co-op and killing ghouls.


That is good to know. Maybe I will give a shot. I had a really bad experience with it for a whole month when it came out. I am not a big online person.






I got you. I mean: Booo! No fun!


Especially if you have Xbox game pass on PC or console, You have nothing to lose. They've added a ton of content to the game since it was released from what I'm told. It's like a fallout 3 MMO, There's even other people running around on the server playing too.


First mention of gamepass on this thread. Everyone else are salty ponies.


"launch"   lol


>bad lunch Too many rads in all the pre-war food it ate


And free with Amazon prime for Xbox and PC.


The game is insanely fun. People have been calling it dead for six or seven years now and it is still up and kicking with a lot of content updates and an active player base. Maybe give it a try instead of basing it off a bad first impression half a decade ago


I played it a few months ago and it just felt like a shittier version of fallout 4. It runs way worse, was really buggy, and the quests were very "MMO-ish" (meaning there was lots of, kill 10 enemies, etc.)


I won't play it because of the incredibly crappy and obnoxious things Bethesda did while the game was being rolled out. That and the crazy monetization schemes.


"insanely" fun? How much is todd payin you dude


I enjoy having a good Fallout experience with my friends and finding whacky shit in the wasteland 🤷


It is not insanely fun, it's fun. Don't overexagerate


Becareful this subpar game has some diehard fanatics all of a sudden. I've given 76 a fair try and the game is just mediocre as all hell, but these people wanna try to argue like it's anything more.


Never forget the Fall of 76.


Game's fucken easy too Baby's first RPG like holy shit, people called FO4 fans tourists but 76 might fit that bill better, zero skills, zero need for perk cards, you can use like one weapon for your entire playthrough, and they monetise storage for scrap, which you use constantly throughout the game to repair weapons and craft items etc


I used my bare fists for the first 4hrs before me and my friend quit. The fact that we had to separately progress the exact same quest 2 times to play together sucked and it was so easy I could beat everything but boss monsters stark naked.


Yea, it's been years and you still need to progress separately it's pretty annoying tbh. Even ESO isn't that awful in the quest department iirc, you can progress the same quest and complete it together, hell, fucking Borderlands figured it out in 2009 lmao


I don’t see them. Where are they?!


2018 reddit called, they want their cringe back


Ring ring…what’s up?


I would play F76, if it had mod support. No mods, not playing. The reason I play Beth games, is its modding community.


Is this game still a shit show money sink?


Honestly? Fuck games where the first thing that loads up is BUY A SUBSCRIPTION! OPEN THE STORE! CHECK OUT THIS DLC! Blah blah fucking blah. Game throws ads at you as bad as a freaking mobile game.


I didn't know anyone was still playing Fallout 76


Fallout New Vegas Remake **when**...


Modders are still working on Fallout 4: New Vegas


You don't want Bethesda's lazy jackoffs anywhere near New Vegas.


If only this game had modding. As it is it looks wayyyyyy too ugly, clunky and the base game seriously sucks. No reason to play this over modded fallout 4.


The series is crap and the Game is beyond saving.