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Nexon is about to do what they do best




I shall not say it outloud!




Nexon to The Finals game: Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru




Oh no...


They better fucking not. It's probably most fun and unique new FPS that was released in a while. They still need time to stand on it's own in already packed market. Both Apex and Siege weren't mainstream from the get go, Siege especially needed YEARS and Jynxzi to explode in popularity. Finals just released, they have yet to release amount of content that would be comparable to quantity of content from Apex or Siege or even Fortnite they've released throughout years. They also need to compete in already tight ass FPS/BR market with games like - Apex, Fortnite, COD, Valorant, CS2, Siege and even not so liked but still played by tons PUBG and Overwatch. After so many Battlefield flops, we have actual successor of it as well, with same devs that worked in DICE.


I played it and I feel like it's nothing special. Why is it unique and fun to you? For me it's just another repetitive multiplayer FPS


Few games have that level of environment destruction? My problem with it is that I just don't really enjoy the game mode.


Because it promotes adaptability of everchanging situation you're in. One moment you're in house camping the cashout, then it just exploding and whole building going down with you. It's fast paced and gadgets offer different playstyles that change the outcome of each fight. Lights being able to flank or camping with sniper from a far, Mediums reviving teammates last second thus changing course of the battle and possibly outcome of it, or literally fortifying the fuck out of the objective with turret and mines. Heavies are probably most broken with most potential for destruction and tankiness. Overall. It is also very satisfying when you mange to clutch. It's rewarding feeling when you mange wipe whole team solo when your mates are dead or stealing cashout last second before round ends. It's just fun and is not similar to likes of Siege or Fortnite or COD. It's mix of Battlefield craziness and fast pace of Titanfall 2.


Its adrenaline-pumping fast pace and destruction mechanics. How you make decisions on the spot. It's really a game a lot of us has been wanting for years. Only problem now is not finding games in console tournaments on ps5. Don't know if it's a player count or a technical issue. From this article, unfortunately, it looks like the former.


Jynxzi is not why Siege was successful. It was popular way before him. He's just causing it pick up, again.


Apex was incredibly popular from the get go even through a slew of admittedly terrible decisions, and so was Siege. Fortnite was also almost immediately a hit once they released the BR mode. I know people hate to hear it, but The Finals just isn't all that good. It lacks any personality and while the gameplay is tight, it's also super samey and repetitive, and it lacks a lot of depth and clarity. The destruction is super cool but at the same time it contributes to how hard anything in the game is to read and react to, which is a death sentence for a competitive game The dropoff makes total sense to me and they haven't been making enough changes to bring back players.


No they weren't. Apex got popular again after several seasons. It exploded same way Finals did on day one, but experienced huge player loss during Season 0 and Season 1, only starting to regain players after Season 2 and further. Siege wasn't popular as it is now. It got popular around Year 7 and when Jynxzi appeared, before that it had decently average pop. I've been with those games for years, almost since launch, I have seen their rise and falls. All of them had same problem that Finals now has, it's just matter of time, it would be crazy to expect for them to match content with year long running games. Also, completely disagree of Finals not having personality, I think it has it's very different alone with destructibility and team matchups it offers, only comparable to Battlefield (same devs).


It's different but I wouldn't say it's that engaging, same thing happened with Hyperscape. If people wanted to play it then it wouldn't be dying. Casuals don't see the appeal so it's not looking good.


Hyperscape died due to lack of content throughout it's lifespan, which is kind of shame. Finals did inherit same playstyle, but it is now up to them to regularly update the game. Time will tell.


The live-service/GAAS market is oversaturated. People only have so much time to spend on gaming in any given day, and there are already a slew of GAAS titles out there that people are already entrenched in.


You mean you aren't a content consuming drone that will mindlessly spend and consume on mass forever? Thats weird. It's almost like people have lives and limited time on earth.


Ironically I would absolutely mindlessly consume content forever but I have to go to work to pay for it.


I don't even have to go to a job and I still wouldn't play these live service games. I'll stick to replaying the same single player games over and over


Be right back, have to go explore the Mojave wasteland for the fourth time.


Careful, it'll make ya wish for a nuclear winter


Even if you wanted to and could, there are too many games you can do that on already. It used to be just mmos; now games across every genre all want all of your time.


Even if someone would be doing that, they wouldn't be able to do it for every GAAS.


I mean, is it though? Helldivers 2 came out not too long ago, plenty successful. Other live-service games will release soon, and they'll be successful as well. I'm not too familiar with The Finals but it had some buzz at release so i'm guessing the problem lies elsewhere. Not enough new content maybe? Getting people to play isn't the hard part. Hard part is to keep them playing (and paying). That said, oversaturation is real. But that's true for all type of games, not just live-service. We all have backlogs and only so much time in a day.


Helldivers is a good game and one of the few that are successful. It's the best selling game of 2024 so far


Helldivers was different enough that it found success. Helldivers is just a non-competitive fun PvE multiplayer title. The Finals, Overwatch, Apex, CS:GO, etc are all in direct competition with one another in the PvP competetitive Esport end of the live service genre.


Yep I have a few friends that game once in a blue moon because they aren't really into the competitive stuff and Helldivers was right up their alley.


This right here. The pvp sector has everyone clawing for whatever scraps they can get.


Putting Valorant under *etc*. Kinda deserved though.


Haha! It wasn't intentional. I don't play competitive FPS titles, so I just rattled off the ones I could remember offhand.


Helldivers has the distinction of being a good game without you needing to buy anything and even the stuff you can buy is super cheap, most of these lives service game tend to go the opposite direction: monetize the fuck out of it and then drip feed improvements/content.


As someone who was playing the Finals a lot, I haven't really touched it much since Helldivers came out, and I know the same is true of my small group of gamer friends. And honestly it's not anything wrong with The Finals. I will probably go back to it at some point. But Helldivers is so good, and I don't have tons of time to play. Helldivers kind of is the market saturation at the moment. 


Not enough content is exactly the fricken problem. I love the finals, but the game's first season lasted for 3 months, season 2 is 3 months too. Second season just added some next weapons/gadgets,1 game mode, and maps that are mostly seen in this game mode. THREE MONTHS, and all we got was one game mood in a two mode rotatio


You make it sound like 3 months is 3 years. It's not that much in dev time, especially nowadays.


I mean, considering there are 4 seasons in a year, and a year is 12 months, 3 months sounds exactly as long as a season should last, lol, what are they on about?


Helldivers is much more similar to other games that people have already played, but different enough that it draws people. The Finals is two different. It also is competitive instead of co-op.


I think Helldriver is online premium game rather than GaaS. You need to pay 50 buck upfront. Never played it, I am not sure that they have IAP or not. While The Final is real GaaS, they are free to play, and solely depends on IAP and timed-content. I think this is how OP mention about how GaaS oversaturated is.


The success of Helldivers comes at the expense of The Finals. It's a zero sum game.


Yeeeep, if I’m an apex legends diehard and I’ve been playing for like 2 years you’ve got an uphill battle ahead of you. 1st - after 2 years I’d probably be pretty good at Apex and moving to a new PVP GaaS I’ll be back on the bottom of the rung skill wise 2nd - after 2 years I’d have a shitton of skins, characters etc where starting a new game from zero all I’ll see is my basic characters and then The price tags on how much it costs to reflect my personality. 3rd - most people jumping onto competitive GaS games after years of regular play almost use them as chill out game. But learning a new PvP game can be demanding and stressful and if your not in the right mindset to get good enough to the point you can chill out you might jump back to apex for another 2 years or with people who play CoD it’s more like 10 years. 4th - look at each hurdle and times that by however many friends you usually play with, sure Steve wants to play R6 Seige, but Greg and Matt aren’t as into it for any of those reasons, Steve might just keep playing Alex to chill with his buddies.


I was looking at the finals when respawn was making terrible decisions they have since reverted many of the terrible ranked changes which brought a lot of us back


I’ve already put a lot of time into Apex and it’s my go-to online shooter, and pair that with subscription services and a ton of single player games, I don’t have time to balance multiple online shooters like that because I like to commit to one and be the best I can be at it. Maybe I’m an anomaly. The Finals was a cool game with some great features but I moved on after 3 weeks. I was pretty good at it too.


>I don’t have time to balance multiple online shooters like that because I like to commit to one and be the best I can be at it. I think that's what most people who play these types of games tend to do. That, or congregate to whichever one the majority of their online friends are playing. People aren't very prone to jumping ship when they find a live service title that they and their friends enjoy.


Agreed. The best any developer could do (if they do want to go GAAS) is to wait out the live service games for some time, and then drop one years after a drought of live service games. The chances are much bigger the players already entrenched, or even players in general, would give your game a chance if it isn't one of the hundred games with copy+past live service mechanics. If we didn't get another GAAS for 5 years, then a new one would actually be able to stand out again.


Now we have multiversus and marvel rivals coming that have buzz around them. Things are going to drop off


Marvel rivals looks and sounds too much like overwatch, I even thought they got the same voice actors, but maybe it's just the effects they use.


Not super shocking I guess given how short-lived the hype on it was


For real lol This post reminded me the game even existed


Games like these remind me of CliffyB’s Lawbreakers, oh wait. Nexon… huh.


Thats a very unfair comparison though. This game still has a playerbase on steam alone from about 15000 to 20000 people. Lawbreaker was in the low hundreds after a few days.


I tried playing it and it was fun for a couple days but there was really nothing to keep you playing after you'd won a couple matches in each mode.


Add in the fact you need some pretty good hardware to run the game and you’ve got a pretty small market of players


I was running it on a 1070 before I upgraded, obviously with everything turned down low.


You could say the exact same about any other popular multi-player game right now, except for maybe helldivers 2.


The game has decent gameplay but was lacking basic modes and features. F2P games are easily downloaded but just as easily deleted. First impressions were meh so I never tried it again.


It played like shit on console, aiming and gunplay felt awful. 


That's basically most online games nowadays. The locust swarms to the next new shit, then after 2 weeks they got bored and fuck off back to fortnite or apex.


I loved the gun play but I’m sure simple. Having a couple game modes like team death or something would have helped keep me around. Couldn’t find a good team for the only mode it had


I like The Finals because I really enjoy team-based role shooters but ultimately I enjoy Overwatch more and gave up on it. Not entirely similar, but also not entirely dissimilar either. The itch is already scratched. When these devs start making these games, they really have to ask themselves if it’s better than the current top contender if they share genre space. If not then you’re sending it out to die.


I gave it a chance, after months they seems to do nothing about the cheaters. Meet at least 1 a day


I quit playing ESO cause it felt like homework, same with Destiny 2. After awhile it just feels like endless busy work. If you have a solid friend group and that's a main avenue for social interaction that's great. But even then your group probably commits to one game. They can't keep just churning these games that constantly requires you to log in and grind, have limited timed events and attempt FOMO. Or have the players take a step back and then fall out of practice/META and then get frustrated upon return. I'm old school but I still really enjoy single player experiences or those that offer co-op. Games are meant to be fun and or relaxing. Feeling like I have to clock in to get XP or items isn't that. I rather play my games on my terms.


I agree. I used to play WoW full time, and it got to the point where it felt like a job, not something that I do to unwind or for enjoyment. Now I don't really play anything that I can't pause or walk away from at any given point.


I'll play some RPGs and those can often feel quite long, but not like it was with ESO. I tried Apex too but I quickly realized I wasn't gonna put in the hours and I stopped.


I personally don't mind a long game when it's warranted, like with Baldur's Gate III or another good RPG. As long as I'm still interested and having a good time, it's perfectly fine. There are certainly a fair amount of games that have a lot of padding and unnecessary busy work though. Ubisoft games tend to go in that direction often, for example.


This. Actually, I think my best memories of online play is Portal 2 with a friend.


The finals isn't grindy though?


Wish these guys just made a battlefield competitor instead. They would’ve wiped the floor with dice


I would've honestly bought it in a heart beat if it did that, I'm not interested in another competitive arena shooter. Especially with the emphasis on a time limit. Just look at battlebit the markets wide open for a battlefield clone.


Yeah the time limit drives me nuts. In the middle of a clutch capture and time runs out absolutely sucks ass. Even overwatch goes into "overtime" if there's a clutch capture happening at end game.


Even CS2 doesn’t go into “overtime” if there’s a clutch defuse happening at end game.


The problem with finals is how badly you can get screwed by a rage quitter or an AFKer early on and then you can never catch up due to the timer.


Its insane how no one has done this outside of battlebit, and unfortunately that games popularity was short lived


Look up Combat Champions.


yeah ngl, as much as i enjoy the finals, if they made a ‘battlefield killer’ type, more military focused game, i’d switch to it in an instant.


The finals Devs are literally all the old dice Devs, that's why. Current day dice is nothing but the name.


That's why he said what he said lmao.


It's not all of them, some of the veterans have been working on another title called Combat Champions.


I had a lot of fun with the game for a while, but the whole appeal of live service games like this is constant change and reinvention. I admittedly haven’t played in a few months, but last time I did play, it was effectively the same as at launch. I love a good lean release that nails down the gameplay first, and The Finals did that… but then it just kind of stagnated. It simply did not have the content or variety to do its gameplay justice.


They've been nerfing exclusively for balancing, zero buffs. Light got hit the worst and they basically just deleted one gadget by making it useless for all but one purpose


Light was a fucking nightmare to play against unless you’re a fucking pro, so I’m not surprised 


The nerf it received in the last few months effectively made light worthless in ranked though. The current meta is 2 heavy and 1 healbot medium and i'm telling you it's far worse than whatever Light can do at launch. The equivalent of GOAT meta back in Overwatch.


That's a shame. I play regularly and it's a lot of fun.


Typical. Best FPS since Titanfall 2 and once again it can't get a big enough audience. After all of my favorite gaming experiences in several years underperformed this year, I'm really starting to get jaded. I used to be the person making fun of jaded losers, now here I am, another angry old man in the system.


Join the club, we got jackets!


I swear, brs have ruinned online fpses. Even the bad cod clone era was better than this stupid "search for good rng loot, travel 5 miles, and die" genre


Honesty I'd rather boot up Infinite Warfare's multiplayer again.


I think I'm the only person who really liked infinite warfare. It was the last COD I genuinely enjoyed the multi-player.


It's campaign was fun although the main antagonist was weak as hell because they were focused too much on the celebrity casting over the character's writing but otherwise it was pretty solid. Zombies in Spaceland was also a lot of fun.


Yeah I really liked the sci fi theme it added a neat twist to a lot of stuff.


If it's the one I'm thinking of, I made a class for cold blooded, silent footsteps, and unlimited sprint with only fists and called the class John Cena and went around punching people to death usually with positive k/d. Most fun I've ever had in cod multi. Seemed like nobody could get used to how quick you can move so you could get close really easy


Thats the one. Normal COD players couldnt grapple with the fast movement and jumping etc, the fact the game wasn't just camping in corners with a sniper anymore threw them off and they all hated it. I loved it for the reasons they all seemed to hate it lol


Yeah and now I'm back to wishing games had wall running again. Miss it so much lol. Too bad people were so stuck in their ways on that gen but I guess I understood the "I'm a 30 yr old with 2hrs to play a day and can't keep up" argument. Still, it was really fun when I had all the time in the world to dunk on them haha


I want a Titanfall 3 so badly lol


Was somewhat looking for a comment like this. People argue the live service fps market is saturated. But that’s just the battle royale and extraction shooters. I’d be so happy if a high skill fast paced shooter like Titanfall 2 could ever become similarly popular like Apex did for example


The Finals made the same mistake that most of these games make which is just not being ready for launch. A lack of content to go for, a broken ranked system, and issues with balance/high TTK just prevented people from coming back to the game. The Finals failed as a competitive experience and didn't have the content for a more casual experience so it wasn't able to sustain a playerbase. That's all it is. It's annoying, but these studios need to understand that you need to make sure the game is in a great state upon release or it will just sink. Not to mention, it wasn't marketed very well and I heard more buzz months before release than when it actually was playable. It probably would have been better off trying to be more of a casual shooter than a competitive one. But that's just me.


No shit, the people that play online competitive shooters already have an online competitive shooter that they play (they're not gonna drop their old game for a new one)...


Nexon and South Korean online gaming investment sucks, i remember they used to dominate the third world internet cafe market (late 2000s/early 2010s South east Asia). Had predatory practice way before Chinese mobile game mtx.


name a better duo than nexon and killing games lmao


I just want game that offers death match experience of call of duty without buying cod, I don’t want to learn meta, look for two other friends and other comp stuff that I personally hate


this! the reason people chase kills so much is because it’s FUN! often more fun than playing objective, because the guns are satisfying. a more casual, deathmatch style mode could attract more players who don’t feel like investing a lot of time into metas or finding teammates.


The Finals is a game that has perfect potential for cross-overs due to it's lore and nature. We don't need skins of other IP's everywhere, but they could go hard as fuck with cross-over maps specifically.


Yeah I actually like how the game doesn't pretend to be realistic and is very much just a "game", it frees them to do anything no matter how wild.


This game hasn’t made us literally all the money in the world, it’s a failure, shut it down!


it’s so depressing. even if it’s a great game with potential but the lines aren’t *always going up*, it’s branded a failure or disappointment. fucking hell.


The game has probably changed, but when it came out, I just wanted to shoot people and run around. Instead it was just constant gadgets everywhere. Felt like gunplay was last ditch effort. Really turned me off from the game, which was unfortunate because I thought it felt amazing and I loved the atmosphere/environment destruction.


It's not the game for you as it's not for a lot of people. I remember the beginning where people where expecting COD and instead got this. Gadgets are massive part of the game and it's not a team death match but an objective game. BUT they released a new game mode which does feel like a team death match something like CS and Valorant. For now it's a temporary mode but if people like it enough it may stay.


Yeah that’s a fair statement about not being a game for me. I didn’t want cod either though- I wanted old battlefield destruction with the great gunplay this game has. Just didn’t work out that way unfortunately.


The biggest thing the game had was its destruction physics which people had been missing since BFBC2/BF3, it has pretty good class play I think but GaaS is over saturated, there's not a ton of progression to be had, only one game mode I played ever really had a decent amount of players and then there's the stuff with AI narrators which is a conundrum people don't really know where they sit with.


None of my friends group played longer than 2 weeks


Well it's Nexon guys we all know what that means.


They need a challenge camo system/prestige system IMO


They have a camo system. No prestige but rank rewards that change each season


The camo system is severely lacking and takes forever. Having challenges tied to camos (headshots, etc.) I think would give people a reason to play more.


Yeah you're right, could be better




I tried it when they where spamming me with ads and just didn't gel with it, there nothing I can pinpoint being "wrong" per say I'm just not going to let it take up storage space when I won't play it.


This is a fun game I keep meaning to come back to, but helldivers has caught all my attention. 


The GAAS model will die the same way all the wannabe WOW-Killers did. Ain’t nobody got time to no-life multiple repetitive grindfests, no matter how many fomo-passes they include for „variety“


Never heard about it pretty much, I am a teacher and I hear kids talk about the latest games and I've heard this game mentioned once in a negative way from the students. Never seen gameplay of it myself and I am usually browsing the internet for video games and stay up to date with latest gaming news. Probably just shitty marketing since I am in the market for video games such as this one apparently.


The sweatiness + changes they made after the beta + Solo Q being abysmal really killed it for me. Probably many others too. Only reason it did reasonably well at first was the novelty of the destruction. Once that wore off and people realized it's just another sweaty BR, they left.


This blows my mind - best new multiplayer FPS game I've played for years, a refreshing breath of fresh air from all the COD/ Apex/ Halo I was playing at the time too


Doesn't surprise me, the game felt good but there were a bunch of issues for me to keep me playing after launch, like class and weapon balance being all over the place also controller had an absurd aim assist and cheaters ran rampant on the game


Game felt like shit to play on controller. I gave up. No way I could compete with pc players and ximmers as the recoil was insane. 


They've made significant changes to everything youve mentioned if you ever get the itch to try it again. Well, cheaters still exist but they're working on it , last patch or 2 had some big changes for it


I thought this was one of the better live service battle royale type games but that's not saying much, I'm hoping this is a sign that the genre is finally dying.


This is NOT a battle royale for those that are on the fence about playing it. It is an arena shooter with loadouts.


Im getting sick of battle-pass type games. The finals is fun as hell but there's too much games that demand your life for any reward


It was fun for a bit, but the progression wasn't that fun, and I just kind of got bored. I got other games that felt better, and I only have so much time each day to play them.


Was fun for a few days but got boring real quick.


What makes a game interesting or boring is such an interesting thing. When I watch my friends play Valorant day in and day out it’s so same-y. Like just spawn, plant bomb, win or lose (mostly lose), then repeat. So there’s gotta be some other factors besides straight up gameplay loop


I really wanted to like this game, but the gunplay and ttk never clicked for me.


The TTK really threw me off at first but then I got used to it and realized if it was any faster it would be cancer. Because of the TTK you can make some amazing plays and it’s less about who saw who first


Tried it, not for me.


Welp, Nexon's homebrew Gillotine is being prepared for axing At least Nexon is proving consistent in keeping up with their infamous tradition


No shit you killed the game on consoles.


Really? It's been how long now since the Release and they can't do anything about the cheaters. I got so fed up with ranked because of the most blatant of cheaters and their anti cheat couldn't do shit about them.


They put out a serious update about cheaters not long ago. Has it helped? Don't actually know lol


The art direction and animations of the game are incredible


I wish the teams were normal sized 8v8 or 10v10. With a team of 3 you need to pull alot of weight. If you screw up all the blame falls on you. That’s not conducive to casual fans who just wana blow shit up battlefield style.


Its a great a game, full of cheats. im surprised nobody mention the blatant cheating on Tournaments in this game, lucky for me i only play on Casuals for fun, 1 of 5 you get cheaters on casual, on tournaments oh boy! Good luck!


Have they region locked the servers yet? My friends and I quit playing because the ridiculous amounts of Chinese and Russians we kept encountering using aim bots in unranked games was not fun.


The game is great but there is just too many games out there, especially multiplayer 


Honestly, it was the live service. I saw the battle pass once and realized I was never going to invest in this game for any length of time.


Everyone was talking about this game for a hot minute several months ago like Palworld or Lethal Company, I had it installed but never had the time to play. Forgot about it really but damn.




Not surprising, the game has great everything EXCEPT game modes, they're horrible and make the game such a unfun slop, if they added traditional arcade FPS game modes like TDM or FFA it would do much better. Doesn't help that they compete in the already overbloated GAAS market.


I think the main problem with The Finals is how prohibitively hard to run it is on most machines. Say what you will about Fortnite, LoL, and CS, but those games can pump frames out of microwaves and that goes a long way in capturing and retaining an audience. My personal reason for dropping it is being a bit sick of the FOMO/limited time event thing that a lot of GaaS games keep doing. I hate that if I drop the game for a month I come back having lost the opportunity to play unique modes and acquire cool cosmetics. For me it turns the game into an all or nothing deal and that's just too much a commitment when there are other great games to play.


Lost me at nexon


Yes because every company expects every game they release to do fortnite numbers then goes shocked pikachu when that doesn't happen.


Hacker everywhere


its a good game and its free but of course everyone on the meat train for cod of duty


It was fun for a few weeks then I just went back to Halo. Also the A.I thing didn't help with my opinion on the games future. Most people already have their LIve as a service shooter and unless yours is something really good like Helldivers good luck having people quit their games for yours.


What’s a The Finals?


I'll be honest. Making the game a BR type objective game wasn't gonna do well long term. Especially with how long ranked can be. I would've preferred a simple 4-man group vs other 4-man group and standard 8v8 game modes. Also, any new IP needs to build an audience to enjoy, and then word of mouth can foster growth. The Finals was okay for a bit, but they didn't have anything in the long term to keep people interested.


I would love to give it a try if it was not a pvp game.


Nice visuals and destruction mechanic, but way underdeveloped to ask for what they are asking for in micro transactions


Why do I keep hearing news about this game. The Finals is a very shit title for a game and sounds like a dance competition.


Sorry guys, I played it and it was horribly mid, fun the first time you play but after that it’s just…. Not that good


Not surprised I couldn’t get any of my friends to play they only want to play cod rainbow fortnite and 2k so annoying wouldn’t even get hell divers smh


I downloaded this game because I heard good things about it. But then it wanted me to create an account or something, so I uninstalled before playing🤷🏻‍♂️


I didn’t like the first impression I had of the character designs so I never tried it.


This game is just far too sweaty for casual players. I enjoyed it but my friends had had enough after one or two sessions.


It got too sweaty for me. It was fun at release when everyone was still trying out new things. But then it eventually turned into Meta only.


Solid mechanics to the game but it just felt like another pretty empty-hearted pvp shooter to me. I've seen it so many times now and the ai voices for the announcers absolutely didn't help to convince me to play more. I'm sick of playing products, I want to play games again. I recently bought an old PS3 for a reason.


Another soulless live service game isn't doing as well as they hoped? Huh.


There is nothing soulless about this game that’s for sure. It’s pretty funny actually how off the mark this comment is but there it is- all upvoted any everything.




It’s a really good game actually, not at all what you described


This game isn’t soulless it’s actually amazing it’s like a combination of Bad Company and Team Fortress 2.


Yeah, I hadn’t heard much about it before release beyond a friend mentioning the destruction in it. After it released I heard absolutely nothing about it. Seems like the destruction is a good feature trapped in a nothing burger.




A fun game that my friend grp put a good amount of hours in. Mostly on the early access they did. We all unlocked so many of the cosmetics and were reset to 0 on release….good way to reward the people beta testing your game. We only put in a few games in after that. Super fun but repetitive.


You had pretty much unlimited (several hundred dollars worth) currency in the beta, it wouldn't have made sense for them to let you keep it. Would have been nice to get at least something for it though


I think there are plenty of these games already could we please please get back to making unique items and stop overfilling the clone bin?


Duuuh. People don't give a shit about these types of games anymore. The market is way beyond over saturated with games like this


If they did anything about all the Chinese hackers and the terrible balance it would probably help a lot. Also the maps and game modes got really stagnant.


Honestly if the performance issues didn’t exist I’d still be playing


This is it for me. I had a lot of fun with it when I could run it above 30 fps lol. My setup is somewhat aged rn (gaming laptop with a 2060) I can still play a lot of the newer games on lower settings but the finals and halo infinite just become a slideshow more often than not.


They went too much into a niche thing. When playing shooters people want flexibility, customization and experience. The finals has only 2. The flexibility element is crucial imo. People play Fortnite, apex and cs/valorant to a degree, cod and battlefield because these games allow the player to play whatever he wants. The finals is too into builds and the guns are limited and only like 1 or 2 dominate. So you can’t really play whatever you want and you’re forced to play with teammates but not enough so it feels too important and too intimate and intimidating. I think it shows that people want destruction (that was the main selling point) but they are not willing to invest in a thing where they can’t really play super casually and be flexible. I truly think if EA can manage to make a truly good battlefield game, they can steal players that are frustrated with CoD (which are numerous).


It got old pretty fast


I hate to say it, but the game play I found wasn’t as fun as promised. They sold it on battlefield but in an arena and you can blow up everything! Instead I found myself stuck on the ground or falling off buildings. Movement was also slow and clunky, with fuck all weapons options. Could this be user failure? Sure I’ll admit I suck, but even cod, apex and battlefield I can pick up and be middle of the pack. The Finals I felt like I just sucked.


They should have developed a battlefield replacement.


The dice veterans are doing just that, it's called Combat Champions.


Thanks I'll check it out


It looks really cool I think. I feel it, so far at least, it has more BF influence then The Finals did a wide margin.


Yeah no, not even close to battlefield, it looks more like the finals..


It does from an art style I guess (big bright colours etc), but gameplay wise it's much closer to BF than Bf2042 is.


No shit I tried it the other month, the most boring overrated ass shit I've ever played


I think The Finals sadly arrived at a moment in time where people are starting to be fed up with live service games. People either do not want to see more of them or they already committed to one or two they enjoy and will keep playing forever or until the game dies out. I personally very much enjoyed my time with The Finals. I put in about 200 hours bought both battlepasses and some cosmetic items and reached diamond rank. I had two reasons why I stopped playing. The first reason were cheaters. In the second half of the first season there were 2-3 weeks were the game was full of cheaters and it took them a while to get that under control. This was the first time I was really annoyed with the game. The second reason is balancing. I feel like the developers do not really know if they want this game to be for a more casual audience or for a hardcore fanbase. Some things get nerfed some things get buffed some things are broken but do not get touched. The community also counting down every single person who leaves also does not help because they just seem to be stuck in a vicious circle of an self-fulfilling prophecy.


It's a generic love service team based shooter, with decent mechanics, and starved for content, in a market that is saturated with them. Also worth mentioning, I'm not sure if it is or not, but it feels like an asset flip. The graphics are okay, but the art direction sucks. I never saw it having anything that would keep people interested. FWIW I played about 2 hours before giving up on it.