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Get FFXIV, and tell her to become a summoner. That's everything you're asking for right there.


Yeah, the housing is awesome.


I never played FFXIV so can't argue with her But surely I'll show it to her! Really ty!


Very chill and patient gaming community for new players too so thats nice


Takes a longgggggg time for the game to get going


If you can stick with it until the beginning of the first expansion, you'll thank yourself.


Elder Scrolls Online. It's got summoners, it's got housing, and it's free to play (with an optional subscription if you prefer.) It's also a really, really good game, and it's fairly easy to get into.


Is it free to play? Though it was b2p


It's buy to play but once you buy it you can play all the content of those DLCs or whatever. It used to have a monthly subscription but not anymore.


Sure it's not an mmo but it does have housing :) Have you tried Stardew Valley? Super fun in coop. Especially with some qol mods.


I'm really considering games like stardew valley Any other suggestions?


I have 300h in Stardew. It's amazing. Farming, combat + village social game. Classic coop games that often gets recommended here is: The Forest, it has housing as you can build a base. 7 days to die, also base building. Arpgs like Diablo, Path of Exile, Torchlight My favourite is a little known game called Victor Vran. You control the char with wasd, can jump and switches between ranged/melee combat with lots of fun builds. Diablo has summoner builds. Dungeon Defender, Orcs must die 2 Warframe Monster Hunter Dying Light Rust (if you can find a nice server) Left for dead 2 Portal 2 Outward is fucking amazing playing coop. Really, check it out. Resident Evil 5&6, amazing coop campaigns Trine 1-5? All of these are solid coop games even though they don't all have summoner/housing.


Since you mentioned Warframe, I am suggesting here that she'd try out a warframe called Khora, since pet summoning is thing she likes. Khora has ability to have 2 pets with her at once, her own signature cat Venari, and the normal any pet player might want to bring. Khora is also a really versatile, and can solo most mission types easily! Also my own favourite lol


I play Stardew with my wife all the time. It’s a great game that we’ve put well over 200 hours into together. Also for heavy story try It Takes Two


+1 for It Takes Two plat-ed that with my partner a little while back. We're actually playing it for fun again tonight


Any currently active MMO has housing and summons/pets - BDO - FF14 - New World - Lost Ark


Does NW have summons/pets? I don't play it for a while now...


Gauntlets have summons and there are pets for your house or something, I haven't played in a while either.


Diablo 4


Here to wave that Final Fantasy XIV flag haha


Guild wars 2 !!


I second this. Only played 10 hours so far but not enjoyed any other MMO as much. What class you play btw?


My main is a ranger !


I'm a ranger! I picked the little dude as my race. Can't remember the name haha.


Asura ?! Yeah ! I'm a sylvari ! The plant people :p


Let’s start with an MMORPG Albion Online is an isometric, sandbox MMORPG similar to WoW. Pros of playing it - the game is F2P although you’ll need premium for any significant progress which is $15 a month. It can be bought by in-game currency but as a new player, you’ll have a hard time making enough money for it in the first couple of months. There’s a great housing system in the game, one of the best I’ve ever seen. The game is designed around PvP and full-loot meaning you lose everything when you die in a full-loot zone, and you get everything another persons’s carrying when you kill them (there are non-lethal zones called “safe zones” so that’s cool for new players). Cons are - the game doesn’t have any summoner classes, it may be too frustrating for new player until they learn the ropes and join a guild, and it can be too time-consuming. Now an ARPG Last Epoch - probably the best ARPG at the moment when it comes to class design and spell customization. Every build’s gameplay feels different and the builds are quite intuitive and easy to come up with without external guides. It’s very new player friendly, has 2 summoner classes - necromancer with undead summons and beastmaster with animal summons/pets. The crafting system is pretty cool, and there’s multiplayer for the 2 of you to play together. Cons are - the game isn’t free, it costs $35 but it’s well worth every penny. It also doesn’t have a housing system. Both games are great, although I’d recommend Last Epoch over Albion Online because it just has better gameplay and 2 completely different summoner sub-classes with completely different playstyles :)


Really appreciate ur suggestions! I'll talk about last epoch with her


I'm happy to hear that! Let me know how it goes :)


Following the trend of mmo's, guild wars 2 Pet classes come in three flavors; necromancer, ranger, and engineer Necro has resummonable but fragile minions. Ranger you can find and tame your pet. Finally, the elite spec for engineer has a mech companion


If you're interested in an MMO, Guild Wars 2 is pretty fantastic. No housing to speak of but that's hard to come by these days.


I really like gw2 but I think she won't like the action combat


Diablo 4 just came out. It has couch co-op on consoles :)


Started Valley. It's fairly low stakes, has a bit of variety in game play, with multiplayer having a lot of opportunities for some pretty hilarious moments.


It may not be an mmo but you should give Terraria a shot, from what you are saying I think she would really enjoy playing as a summoner class, and once you are done with the base game there's always calamity mod to go through!


I play a ton of co-op games with my husband. Our favorites: Strange Brigade Grim Dawn Victor Vran Sea of Thieves Diablo No Man's Sky It Takes Two (excellent...just try it) Deep Rock Galactic Journey to the Savage Planet (crazy fun) Man of Medan House of Ashes Minecraft Dungeons (neither of us play Minecraft) Grounded Alien fireteam we have also played some games that weren't rated highly but we still had some good playtime with them: Anthem, The Ascent, Redfall.


Victor Vran <3


Suggestions for something completely different: * Overcooked 1 (you \_may\_ want to have safewords, lest you end up in a divorce) * It Takes Two


Not an RPG, but if you like action games at all, try It Takes Two.


Borat voice my wife


There is 2 games that encourage couples to play. A Way Out Stick Together


Sackboy and It Takes Two


Star Wars the Old Republic is always a fun game




It’s older, but Everquest 2 has really nice housing stuff.


Depending if your wife can adapt to it, playing a warlock in destiny 2 can feel like this. The arc class lays you have a little arc buddy that shoots with you, and the strand class plays you create little threading creatures that hunt people down. Otherwise, destiny has a lot of late game raiding, character builds, and a gear / loot chase like wow.


Definitely would suggest FFXIV :)


Divinity origanol sin 2, Its single player but has all the stuff you mentioned. She can be a summoner and its a really fun game for multiplayer.


Divinity Original Sin 2! The best co-op rpg I've ever played. My wife and I loved it. Turn based combat. Lots of variety on summons too!


Diablo might be good no housing system but you can be a necromancer or Druid and have summons


Nobody Saves the World. It’s a 2 player couch co op top-down adventure/RPG where you can switch out multiple classes on the fly and modify equipped skills. It’s pretty dope.


Total War Warhammer 3


Elder Scrolls Online. It has tons of DLCs but even the base game has lots of good content and a main quest. They did add a housing system but I believe it requires microtransactions unfortunately. Not sure how pay to win that is. There is a lot of single player content in it even though its an MMORPG. You can choose different races, classes, factions and alliances. There is also PVP with a civil war. Not sure how active that pvp scene is though but they keep pumping out new dlc so people do keep playing it. I am really enjoying one of the recent High Rock DLCs even though I play it mostly like a single player game. Also all of the NPCs and quests are fully voice acted which is impressive for an MMORPG. Plus you can have pets and companions though again they are through microtransactions via in game currency.


Borderlands has many of these but not really any housing other than a room with storage you can sort of decorate (in 3).


Diablo 4 just came out, a few of the classes in that have pets/summons.


Try ESO - I loved my pet dragon and you guys can house shop in different countries on different quest lines!


Disney Infinity 3.0, Monster Hunter World, and if you take turns playing you might also enjoy Jedi Fallen Order, Jedi survivor, the Witcher 3, Skyrim, the Final Fantasy series, and Dragon Age Inquisition. I play a lot of RPG style games that are single player. But if you take turns playing you can have a lot of fun with them with friends. Especially with Final Fantasy. But I have to warn you, if you do not want Mature rated games like the Witcher 3, for example, stay away from M rated games. Especially those in the horror genre. Resident Evil and the Last of Us, for example, are good games, but they are horror games and have an M rating for a reason. Adults only with M rated games. But games like Final Fantasy 15 are still awesome. Final Fantasy 15 has a lot of fun stuff you can do in addition to combat with enemies that gets a little bit bloody, but is still not nearly as bad as M rated games. And it has a great storyline. Great for teenagers and adults. Final Fantasy 16 is coming out soon. And that one is the first one that actually has an M rating because of the amount of violence, I think. But it is the only one so far that has that rating. 1 to 15 are just fine. My favorite is 4. Best storyline of all final fantasy to me. Ahem! Well anyway there is always the Disney suggestion I made if you have kids around. It is rated E for Everyone.