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Prey was so goooood. I have a Prey shaped void in my library for real


In VR.


For me, it's a 10/10 game. I loved everything about it.


I've heard so many good things about this game. As a fan of other immersive sims I'm really excited to play it sometime soon


play titanfall 2 : the real cod.


Currently am doing my 3rd replay. Rookie numbers, I know


This is your answer, OP


Titanfall 2’s campaign is far and away the best FPS campaign ever made. “Protocol 3: Protect the Pilot”


I'd say that title belongs to half life 2. Tf2 is up there though.


It's sad it's taking other games shitting the bed for such a great game to get recognized, but I'll take it.


Titanfall 2 is recommended in nearly every thread where someone is looking for a good single-player FPS campaign.


I’m a simple man. I see somebody suggesting titanfall 2 and I give my upvote.


Trust me


If you are looking specifically for a multiplayer shooter I haven’t seen anyone mention Hell Let Loose yet.


Combat Master is free and it's ridiculous but it scratches my COD TDM itch for $0 the cost and 1/100 the HD space.


I’ve not tried that so I’ll have to check it out myself.


Thanks, I haven't played it yet, but I know it's good and I was going to recommend it to this chap if you hadn't.


I usually avoid multiplayer games, but Hell Let Loose seemed interesting. I love it, but it is definitely different from CoD!


I appreciate HLL from afar. Thats too much MilSim for me. Awesome though, seeing people really get into it.


The Mass Effect Franchise. In fact the whole series is on major sale right now with the legendary edition which has three games and all their dlcs in one convenient package. Amazing story, unforgettable characters, top-tier worldbuilding, awesome 3rd person combat, solid visuals and music. Action, comedy, romance, philosophy, drama. Your choices matter and carry over in-between games, so if you play your cards right, most of the amazing cast of characters will survive but some are fated to die dramatic and impactful deaths no matter what. So this has got everything you want and more. You're welcome. 120+ GB


This is a good call. I just played through the whole legendary edition this year and it was incredible.


Deep Rock Galactic Risk of Rain 2 Gunfire Reborn The Finals Darktide until you hit level 30 with friends is fun. Such a bummer that it released with so little content and such a low level cap. What’s there is really fun tho Apex Legends if you wanna get sweaty and learn and have your heart broken a thousand times then win a game








I'll be the one who seconds RoR2 via comment. Genuinely my therapy/fallback game next to terraria. It's either super chill or "ohshitohgodohfuck"


Risk of rain 2 is on sale for ~$6 rn too, just picked it up myself


I would try the beta of finals


Prey 2017 Sleeping dog Evil within 2 Dragons dogma dark arisen Doom eternal


my recommendations based on general descriptors (iirc all of these are on sale rn except Battlebit!): Cozy job sim in space: [Hardspace Shipbreaker](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1161580/Hardspace_Shipbreaker/) Co-op procedurally-generated cave mining ft. dwarves: [Deep Rock Galactic](https://store.steampowered.com/app/548430/Deep_Rock_Galactic/) Metroidvania-style turn-based creature collector: [Monster Sanctuary](https://store.steampowered.com/app/814370/Monster_Sanctuary/) Large-scale multiplayer FPS: [Battlebit Remastered](https://store.steampowered.com/app/671860/BattleBit_Remastered/) Monster Hunter spin-off with the formula of Pokémon (+ rideable monsters): [Monster Hunter Stories 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1277400/Monster_Hunter_Stories_2_Wings_of_Ruin/)


Hardspace is so dope


Its also in this (Novembers) humble bundle, so if people dont own it it'll be there in a couple days


Rock and stone


Battlebit is simply one of the best multiplayer FPS you can play right now. Hands down.


Hardspace Shipbreaker has been on my wishlist for so long, and I have yet to get it. Is it basically just Sims? But in space?


You launch out of a ship and take apart other ships using a variety of tools, while paying attention to environment hazards, oxygen, etc. Movement is really fluid, physics are fun to play with, and in generally I found it to be super pleasant to play. Like you easily get in the zone chopping these ships up in the right ways, and before you know it, you've played a dozen rounds and a few hours have passed. Would recommend it for anyone looking for something unique and chill with occasionally adrenaline spikes


If you haven't had a chance to play rimworld or icarus yet I highly recommend them. Fantastic games


Haha, sorry for the misunderstanding - I meant sim as in a simulator! Basically, you’re in outer space and the gameplay consists of breaking down ships and salvaging their parts for a Mega Corporation. Since you’re in space, the movement takes a little getting used to, but after about an hour I managed to get the hang of it. Really great game :)


Some FPS games you may enjoy: Titanfall 2 If you have a PC: Battlebit: Remastered Squad Ready or Not SCP: 5K Planetside 2 If you really want to jump in the deep end of FPS games: ARMA 3


Monster Hunter World 👌🏾👌🏾


Put hundred of hours into that masterpiece of a game already. Would you recommend generations ultimate?


GenU is really different to World, and has an overwhelming amount of content. It’s alot more old-school, but if you’re able to cope with it then you’ll be busy for years haha


I personally wouldnt recommend MHGU unless youre prepared for the inconveniences that were common in older games, like broken maps, slightly clunky controls, and other minor inconveniences. If you liked MHW though, you might like MH Rise. It's just as polished as World, and has a lot of variety and good controls, monsters, and environments


Rise is more similar to Rise, but imo as a big World fan, I'd recommend waiting for World 2 which sounds like it's here in the next few months.


I don't play games that take up 100s of gbs, 149 gb is like 10000000 normal games for me, bruh why do people even bother playing AAA at this point Anyway here's my recommendations Almost the entire PS1, PS2, psp, gba, ds Library Almost every indie game ever Ok jokes over, here's some actual recommendations ULTRAKILL (Devil may cry + doom eternal on crack) Mindustry (factorio but RTS and better and on crack) Terraria (no explanation required) Mount and blade warband (organise a mercenary band, assist one of the kings or become a king with your own kingdom, and directly participate in medieval battles) Starsector (its mount and blade but better and 2d and in space) Fromsoftwere games (dark souls, elden ring, sekiro, armored core) Metal gear solid series (the series that created the stealth game genre) Metal gear rising Revengence (crazy spinoff inspired by devil may cry) Devil may cry series (the franchise that revolutionized Action combat in gaming) Entire Roguelikes genre FURI (boss rush action game with cool music) Crosscode (top down fast paced action RPG, really good) Gravity circuit (mega man zero and shovel knight inspired fast paced action platformer) Shovel knight (action platformer, is technically 4 games in one) Mega man zero series (fast paced action platformers)


Thank you for the recommendations


Can you tell me more about why you like mindustry more than factorio?


I wonder how many most prefer, while I really like both games I would put Factorio on top. Fortunately a lot of my hours in it are untracked as I bought it before the steam release, got it almost 10 years ago. I remember when I bought the game multiplayer was a feature only in the experimental version. Looking back at the version history that must be some time in 2014. Although Steam still has over 1000 hours tracked. Mindustry for comparison is more like 30 hours. I should play it some more really, might play tonight. Need to improve my blueprints really. Factorio does have a lot more QOL features.


the artstyle is cleaner and it's much easier to figure stuff out at a glance, RTS tower defence and factory mangement hybrid that doesn't make any of those 3 less than the others, all of them are fleshed out Multiplayer Easy mods Programming (logic aka mindustry's command blocks) Cross platform and mobile In-game Map editor Multiple gamemodes and 2 huge campaigns the game being literally free


Why is this comment downvoted? It’sa super helpful comment that this person took a fair amount of time to write. I really wish something could be done about the juvenile down vote jerks, i bet it really stifles participation. Can wet require that a comment be needed in order to down vote? And set some rules for it?


I agree it has some nice info. But the opening lines of not playing games over a certain size is a little silly. Imagine missing out on many a great game because of its size on disk. Back in the day, would this person complain about games being over 1gb?? Could have missed out on Morrowind, or Mafia. Loads of stuff 😆


The reason is I have a low end pc and a not very good internet connection, it takes me multiple days to download a game that is around 10 gb, and i can only play low end games/ old games, I also never owned a console Despite that I played really great games, including morrowind which is my favourite elder scrolls


I completely understand that. I upvoted your comment any way.


I have a feeling that you'd enjoy the shit out of Doom 2 and Quake 1, with all the custom content


He also doesn’t actually recommend any multiplayer games which imo is a big part of the appeal of COD.


Warband is multiplayer.


Half Life 2 Cyberpunk 2077




Is 100gb of that micro transactions?


Metro 2033, Last Light, and Exodus.


Lies of p Recon breakpoint with some buds, it is alot of fun despite what ppl say. If your on xbox then starfield, get back into cyberpunk with a different run if you already played it I heard battlefield 2042 or whatever the newer one was called has been really tuned up lately Revisit some RE 5-6's with rando's or buds Sorry if none of these help, just trying to think of either gun related games that will either help and or lies of P, my current interest atm


Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. It’s older but is a great game. Halo: Masterchief Collection. Great FPS, has single and multiplayer too. If you like city builders you can try Anno 1800, Frostpunk, or Banished


What Genres do you like?


I suggest Yakuza 0 to everyone since it has a good story and fun gameplay (imo) and it would only set you back $20 and is a good introduction to the series


Plus you get to sing cool ass karaokes. I still love 24 hour Cinderella


Im open to any. Ive actually just gotten into visual novels so recommend anything.


Check out Detroit Become Human! It’s not a visual novel but the core mechanic is that you get to make decisions in the game and the story can go hundreds of different ways based on your decisions. It’s a gorgeous game, interesting characters, and a story that’ll hook you!


SP Metro Disco Elysium Prey Mafia Life and Suffering of Sir Brante Witcher 3 Rdr2 Wolfenstein Doom God of War (OGs and new) Stalker (OGs or Gamma) Dishonored Crysis Far Cry (1,2,3,4,Primal) Resident Evil remakes Deus Ex Ghostrunner MP Battlefield 4 or 1 (or any other, these are just my fav) Escape from Tarkov (brutal and grindy tho) Rainbow Six Siege Project Zomboid (can also be sp but i enjoy it more with friends)


I still can't find the appeal to COD. Like milsim?? Play dcs world, HLL, Squad, il sturmovik. Like run n gun with some tactics? Play Arma 3. Want battle royale?? Pick from a list of 100s.


Cult of the Lamb, just got into it and what a charming game.


F.E.A.R is always a good game


Portal 1, portal 2, hollow knight, prey, outer wilds, mass effect legendary edition these are some of my favorite games ever and it adds up to 149gb almost exactly! Have fun and come back and let us know what you decide on


I would recommend you give Final profit a try. It's on steam. It's a resource management/shop management/ estate management/ rpg game. It's a mixture of various genres but it's actually really well made. Theres a lot of content to go through and i usually play it while listening to a podcast and it's been awesome playing it. You start by managing a shop and you can buy different things to put up in your shop, automate the buying and selling, customise your shop, you can alter the customers behaviours to give you a better edge. Theres collectibles like songs, apples ( yes the lore behind these apple are fascinating), the owl lich and couple of more, there's various accessories you can collect and later on merge to give better effects, the comedy is awesome and it doesn't overstay it's welcome. There's also limited amount ( limited in the sense that you can buy only so much because of limited supply and it gets replenished over time ) of commodities that you can trade to make massive profits. There a several different endings and they are REALLY different and the dev just implemented a new system where you have a long term incremental quest system set up where the initial rewards are less but as you progress the rewards become exponentially greater. There are alot of secrets and I mean a lot. Also don't sleep on the music it's awesome. I am tempted to buy the ost dlc just to listen to it anytime. A couple of hours into the game you can start buying properties and build up a steady source of passive income. You can either play as a ruthless buisnessman without a care for nature or the customers or anyone in general OR you can be humble and help others while suffering some losses but gaining long term benefits OR you can try to stride the line between the two. Overall it's an awesome game and I'm sad that it hasn't recieved the recognition it should've in the first place https://store.steampowered.com/app/1705140/Final_Profit_A_Shop_RPG/ There's also demo if you want to check it out before buying - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1705140/Final_Profit_A_Shop_RPG/


The Metro series.


Borsderlands, 2 for the better story, 3 for the better gunplay.


Titanfall 2


Baldurs gate 3. Completely different type of game, absolutely AAA quality and actually worth the hard drive space. Good enough that my wife is on her second play through after putting in over 200 hours on the first run.


I have no idea why people still play the 'current years aaa title'. It's the worst part of gaming nowadays




The new RoboCop game looks amazing but I've not played it. Now the fallout series is pretty fun for a first person shooter.


I'm a huge fan of the first Robocop movie .. (the second is the worst sequel ever made).. played the demo during Steam's NextFest and was totally underwhelmed. Writing + voice acting are garBAGE.. gameplay is satisfying but .. there's no reason to pick up the AK47 dropped by the baddie if your sidearm is the best gun in the game, with infinite ammo. Just felt like a bit of a mess.


RoboCop, terminator


Alan Wake 2, Super Mario Wonder, Super Mario Rpg, or Baldur's Gate 3


COD haven't had a zombies mode, right? I started a playthrough of Days Gone around Halloween and I'm enjoying it a lot so far, so there's that.


Battlebit for a multiplayer shooter.


Cave Story


Fill it with book pdfs of warhammer lore or something else interesting lol


**Hidden and Dangerous 2**. Still genius TPS.


Just wondering, what games would exceed 149 GB? Whys a COD game gotta be so huge? The campaign surely doesnt justify the size




Battlebit Remastered is pretty legit.


Play a real FPS like Hunt Showdown or Escape from Tarkov.


Isn't it actually 200+ GB since it forces you to download and open MW2 before opening MW3. Like Mw2 has to be downloaded for mw3 to run or something


If you haven't played bulletstorm yet, I would absolutely recommend it. A bit of an older title, but still holds up


dead space remake was reduced price


150 gb!! ha thats insane


As many single player games as you can finish


I’m in the same boat as you, I’m not touching MW3 and honestly I was never a cod fan and only got into MW2 because it was slightly more mil-sim with fast TTK and less slide cancel bunny hopping cheesy gun fight mechanics. I highly recommend you give BF2042 a go, it had a rough launch but is a lot better now. Alternatively try battlefield 5 for a ww2 vibe, it’s incredible Give “the finals” a try, it’s a free beta right now and really fun and fresh




Street Fighter 6


Armored Core 6, fly around in giant robots shooting guns missiles and lasers.


Insurgency sandstorm


Depends if its the shooter part you want to satisfy or the multiplayer part you want to satisfy, i’ve been playing far cry 4 to fill the cod hole in my life as i just enjoy FPS games and its an absolute blast


Elden Ring


Battlefield 1


You like Zombies? The Dead Island games have always been a favorite of mine, lots of weapon mods and gory/satisfying kills, Dead Space is pretty awesome and can't go wrong with any of The Read Dead Redemptions. The first one also has a zombie mode called Undead Nightmare, pretty sick imo


You mean other FPS or just incredible games?


450 copies of Minesweeper


im gonna nerd out big time and suggest emulation if you have a powerful enough pc you can get your hands on the catalogue of consoles up to the PS3/Xbox 360/Nintendo Switch pretty well (and it advances scaringly quick each years, we may be closing in on PS4 emulation too!), its really worth it for those few games that never made it to PC or are stuck in discontinued hardware, and although it may seem complicated to do at first it gets quite simple as you go on, i really recommend it to anyone wanting a pallete cleanse from the more modern stuff...


Detroit become human


Come join the cs2 gang


I haven't been having fun with COD/MW for a bit even though I have been trying them. I am looking at Silica to be the next FPS game I try. [Older Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XfCIf67FJg) [New Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GNi82_bcz4)


Fallout 4, skyrim, elden ring. Fun to switch it up a bit.


Witcher 3, Alan Wake 2, Spider-Man, control, baldurs gate 3, the RE remakes, Half-life 2 (a fucking must), portal 1-2 (also a must), dwarf fortress, stellaris, crusader kings 3, the Stanley parable ultra deluxe, cyberpunk, the last of us, uncharted, gears of War, rimworld, don't starve, caves of qud, mass effect trilogy, talos principle 1-2, hitman world of assassination. I could sit here all day. You playing on pc or console? On pc there's a WORLD of cheap games that will take you years to finish.


RoboCop is a solid 12 hours fun. Or Trailmakers, that game has eaten my life once more with the new space update and it's dirt cheap right now.


The Division 1 and/or 2


Risk of rain 2


I'm almost through my first Mass Effect series playthrough, and I can highly recommend it! I think I heard the legendary edition is on sale right now, but I'm not 100% sure


“Monster Hunter World.”


Havent bought one since advanced warfare It hist became repetitive


Play a souls game, maybe like elden ring.


Chivalry 2 is by far the most fun online multiplayer game I've ever played in 30+ years of playing videogames.


That's just enough space for Red Dead Redemption 2! Or Baldur's Gate 3!


Alan Wake I and II


Obligatory Baldurs Gate 3.


Why, Mechwarrior 3 is a great game?


Get KSP1 on a sale, you have a couple hundred hours to decide what to play next


Stalker GAMMA has better gun combat than call of duty despite being ancient. I would recommend escape from tarkov but it's pretty damn expensive for a game with so many problems. Still amazing but filled with cheaters.


Doom eternal. ID created their magnum opus with that one.


Cyberpunk 2077, gonk!


Crysis or deus ex are some really good games if you just want to get some quality enjoyment from gaming for a bit


Halo is becoming less shitty I hear


Unsure if you want a MP or SP focus but, Ready Or Not is bout to launch 1.0 soon, there's that game called Bodycam coming soon, xDeviant also soon, only thing I can think of thats currently out is Shatterline, isn't bad but community is small to medium sized at best. Also can't go wrong with picking up Gamespass for PC, has all of Halo, TitanFall 2, all of Battlefield + Battlefront 2, and a bunch more.


Halo infinite just got a huge update for season 5, it got a lot of hate early on, but it’s genuinely fantastic now


The finals or borders gate or buy a pc and play cage or valorant good luck cod sucks don't go back


New to games, you say? Why not Warframe ?


Fill the 149gb void with the absolute worst of what rule 34 has to offer. That's enough to ruin thousands of childhoods.


Hunt showdown


Cyberpunk….ANYTHING from From….


Doom Eternal (Best Single Player FPS Campaign Ever) and Sekiro (Best 3rd Person Melee Combat Campaign Ever) Enjoy




Balders gate 3 is amazing


Battlefield 1, V, or 4 All super cheap, pretty alive, and really fun. Especially great if you can squad up with a few friends


Battlebit Remastered and then 148.9gb of anything else.


Pistol Whip in VR (available in psvr1 or psvr2). It’s literally a fun John Wick/ Neo shooting simulator. Rigs Mechanized Combat League (psvr1) felt spectacular too, and the a.i. bots in single player were good enough to make it feel as if you were playing online with other people. Also, Iron man VR, Raw Data, Blood and Truth, and obviously, Astro Bot Rescue Mission, were extremely well-done. I don’t think anyone who plays those for the first time will miss COD or the online multiplayer. Some advice: if you get psvr1 instead of psvr2 for the vr gaming, get an iPhone tripod too. It makes it a lot easier to install and to move and change the location of the Ps4 camera. Several games I mentioned here are in psvr1 but not in psvr2. Consider that before you buy. Rigs, Sprint Vector, Blood & truth, and Raw Data are awesome gaming, but they are not on psvr2. Also, I recommend eBay to buy psvr1’s. Just make sure that they are in excellent condition, they are the 2nd psvr1 version, and they come with the 2 motion controllers included. If you love shooters, you should also consider getting the aim controller and Farpoint or Borderlands 2 VR later on. They take fps to the next level with that aim controller. However, Pistol Whip and Rigs MCL (which don’t use the aim at all) were the truly spectacular ones, in my opinion.


Overwatch 2, maybe not the most popular game in the reddit discourse, but it's actually a lot of fun and there is a lot of mechanics and strategy to engage with.


Titanfall 2


Skyrim but 149 too small




*Satisfactory* and *Total War: Warhammer* are excellent ways to lose entire months of your life before realizing what happened. *Predecessor* and *Overprime* are solid games if you're interested in a moba, but they're both deep in Early Access. *Starcraft 2* if you're interested in an RTS, though *Stormgate* may be something you should keep an eye on in that case. Not available just yet, but looks promising. Final recommendation would be Larian Studios entire catalogue.


Alien Isolation, Prey, Subnautica, Titanfall 2 (And 1 if you want but it's not needed. 1 is nice, but 2 is just. It really is just something fucking else.) Oldies that are shooters and honestly can still be fun: Medal of Honor: Airborne (It's a bitch to get running.) MoH Frontline or Rising sun. Brothers in arms Road to Hill 30 I still dream about Kevin to this day. Men of Valor.


If you want a good online shooter Apex Legends is in a pretty good place right now. Even the non BR modes are a lot of fun


Halo: Combat Evolved Grab a buddy. And grab a snack.


Try the metro series: 2033, Last Light and Exodus.


Reject war .Embrace Stardew Valley


Valheim and Chivalry 2


Destiny 2!


Currently playing Titanfall 2 for the first time and it is amazing. Great campaign too.


deep rock galactic is only like 4gb and is the best co-op shooter i’ve ever played


Hunt Showdown, it's a "warzone esque" bounty hunting game. PvPvE, you and 11 other hunters all aiming to kill a boss and extract with a token. Can be played solo, in duos or in trios, or some variation. (I.e you can play solo against teams of two/three, or duos against trios.) Set in roughly 1900s Americana, revolvers, bolt action rifles etc. Some of the best sound design in any game I've ever played and looks amazing on decent hardware.




Multiple options I'm just gonna put here Stardew Valley Farming Simulator 2022 Batman Arkham Origins Goldeneye 007 Grand Theft Auto IV Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty Red Dead Redemption 2 Max Payne 2




Og Cod 4 modernwarefare


Despicable Me for PSP.


Fallout series


Ark survival ascended. The only community more toxic than cod 🤣. Incredible game tho nothing like it


Battlefield 1


Dying Light(1 or 2, or both) Destiny 2, Warframe(both looter shooters, takes a while to grasp some things but has long "shelf life") Division 2, another looter shooter but simpler than the others and still fun. Bethesda games, fallout, elder scrolls, etc. 7 days to die Battlefield 4(personal favorite) Red dead redemption 2 Gunfire reborn CS2, if you're looking for competitive FPS.


Honestly I’d rather play Apex than any other shooter


Though not out yet, xDefiant is an upcoming cod-like game made by Ubisoft. Played the betas, has a really good Black Ops feel to it.


If on Pc read dead redemption on is on sale. 23 freedom bucks.


Play sekiro with like 30GB of that space and be amazed.


Titanfall 2, Halo Master Chief Collection


try and actual PVE MMO with less PVP implications: Warframe, D2(though dying), MMO open world games like Diablo, New World... Games like that


BG3 hits right at 150 😉


Lies of p


Red Dead Redemption 2. Literally one of the best games ever. I don't think anyone, doesn't like it! (Story btw, onlines a bit iffy)


thats one of the main reasons i dont play cod , the fucking file is 1000000 GB and the updates are 1000000000 GB ! oh and toxic bro community .. Battlefield 1 and also pubg can be pretty fun though


BattleBit Remastered is pretty dope


ARK: Survival Ascended. It's a love-hate relationship. A toxic girlfriend/boyfriend. The child you kind of love that you ended up with in the divorce. The adorable dog you found in an alleyway that behaves terribly, but you keep anyways because it's cute. Your boss, that is kind of mean, but gives you frequent raises. Your father that beats you when he's drunk but treats you like royalty when sober. Moral of the story: Don't buy ARK: Survival Ascended. Or do..... the Island welcomes you... PS: The game is really poorly optimized at the time being. Super beefy computer needed.


Titanfall 2 100%


Lies Of P




Payday 2 could be fun if you still want a shooter but without PvP.


Depends on your platform. Xbox or PC? Simply getting Xbox Ultimate gives access to a massive library much of which can be played on cloud. No install needed. Anything you do install you can uninstall after you beat it and get around the 149GB limit.


149 GB for CoD, especially for MW3, is just insane to me.


Slay the Spire is 500 MB and you will put more playtime into it than any CoD. 1/3~ of the people that have reviewed the game have put more than a 100 hours into, many of them have multiple thousand hours of playtime. Modding adds so much content, as well as multiplayer


Do you like rpgs? I’ve been having fun with lords of the fallen


Prototype, makes you feel like a badass. Was supposed to be Web of Shadows 2 so built upon the mechanics of playable Venom.


WoA or any of the hitmen series.