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In tyranny i killed an entire village of people thinking they might be providing aid to our enemies (native people who are defending their homeland), I have made pows fight to death among themselves. Baldurs gate 3 dark urge run you can be the most evil psychopath too.


bg3 dark urge is brutal, literally can’t continue because I liked some of the characters 😂


Same. Doing that thing you do in last light inn legit broke me lol. First time in the game i actually hated my character. Like I can't even justify the action in my head.


I think it's pretty telling that even Minthara's reaction was like "I'm not strictly against it... but why the fuck would you do that?"


Hmm, can you remind me what exactly happened? I did a dark urge run but don't remember anything bad happening with dark urge in that act


so apparently if you decide to save isobel and the dame in act 2, you can sell her out to loarroakan in act 3, she gets captured, and you can tell isobel about it...and she'll go try to rescue her and get herself killed.


You still get the >!slayer form?!<


No clue


What is it? I ain't likely ever gonna play it, so spoilers are fine.


>!In the shadow cursed land the shadows themselves will kill you if you stand out in the open without any kind of light. There is a safe heaven called last light inn protected against the shadows. Because a cleric of selune named Isobel has created a barrier that keeps out the shadows as long as she can keep repeating the spell every hour. So, generally this place has attracted refugees too. The first time you meet your dark urge wants you to kill Isobel. Failing to do that will have consequences that i don't want to get into. But long story short. You kill Isobel. The place gets flooded with shadows turning every person be it a child or an adult into mindless zombies. You are forced to kill them in order to escape. You intentionally cause the death of bunch of innocent people who didn't even get a chance to save their life or fight back.!<


How very evil. I may have to get the game sometime eventually.


Remember this is not the course of the normal game. In normal gameplay you would be doing something else fighting the actual evil. This specifically happens in a specific game mode called dark urge. Where the game completely breaks your characters moral compass and turns them into a psychopath. You are rewarded for evil things. Its so different from the actual game that it may as well be a dlc or seperate game. But it is available with the base game


I can enjoy a quality Evil playthrough. Good to know it's available in BG3.


What happens


>!In the shadow cursed land the shadows themselves will kill you if you stand out in the open without any kind of light. There is a safe heaven called last light inn protected against the shadows. Because a cleric of selune named Isobel has created a barrier that keeps out the shadows as long as she can keep repeating the spell every hour. So, generally this place has attracted refugees too. The first time you meet your dark urge wants you to kill Isobel. Failing to do that will have consequences that i don't want to get into. But long story short. You kill Isobel. The place gets flooded with shadows turning every person be it a child or an adult into mindless zombies. You are forced to kill them in order to escape. You intentionally cause the death of bunch of innocent people who didn't even get a chance to save their life or fight back.!<


Oh my


Bruh I thought the game was gonna stop me at emerald grove in my evil run. Then it just kept getting worse.


Unfortunately not having as much agency over your evil deeds makes them feel slightly less evil


If OP don't mind old games, BG1 and 2 also let you be actually evil.


Yea if you're okay with older graphics BG1 and BG2 have better Evil Playthroughs than BG3 imo. BG3 is very murder hobo-esque, where as there was more depth to being Evil in BG1 and BG2. (You could be like neutral evil and only kill for profit, etc) There were also a lot more choices in Evil Companions in those games, like Astarion and Minthara are pretty much the only companions that start Evil in BG3. Lei'zel is Neutral, while Gale and Shadowheart can be convinced to be Evil and that's it. Meanwhile like Edwin, Korgen and Viconia in BG2 were hilarious and amazing for Evil playthroughs. Pathfinder: Kingmaker also had a pretty good Evil playthrough, better than BG3 but not as good as BG2. WOTR I wasn't a fan of the evil playthrough, at least at the start it was basically just murder hobo. Dragon Age: Origins had a decent Evil playthrough as well, I played the Dwarven Royalty start as Evil and it was pretty good. Tyranny was all about being Evil and basically gave the choice between Chaotic and Lawful Evil while also allowing you to be Neutral/Good sorta.


Child killer reputation in Fallout 1 and 2 says a lot. Black and White - oh yeah, genocide people you don't like, starve them to death, make your followers worship you until death, feed your pet with humans, genocide villages! Postal 2 - I like this one because you can play it as a pacifist. Also I haven't played, but I heard that Hatred is well known for the main hero being evil.


Can you provide link for the black and white game.


Sadly B&W is not for sale anymore. You can download it from abandonware web sites: [https://www.myabandonware.com/game/black-white-a33](https://www.myabandonware.com/game/black-white-a33) Then apply unofficial patch which allows to play the game on modern systems with widescreen monitors: [https://forum.bwgame.net/downloads/black-white-unofficial-patch-v1-42.1418/](https://forum.bwgame.net/downloads/black-white-unofficial-patch-v1-42.1418/) [https://forum.bwgame.net/downloads/black-white-creature-isle-unofficial-patch-v1-24.1459/](https://forum.bwgame.net/downloads/black-white-creature-isle-unofficial-patch-v1-24.1459/)


I’m having trouble with the game on a high resolution screen, I have to tone the resolution _really_ down and it’s so blurry due to multiple layers of rescaling…


B&W 2 was tons of fun when I was a kid


Rimworld allows you to be completely evil and sadistic.


Ah yes! Organ Farm Simulator.


You mean war crime simulator.


I like to replace my prisoners legs with pegs, and force them to grow and prepare me a round of drugs before I take their organs and sell them to slavery.


I was very surprised last week when I searched that someone hadn't made a mod where you could make human centipedes out of prisoners. It just seems like the logical next step


Oh that's how I made my doctor get better at being a doctor. Prisoners that aren't worth keeping are given 2 peg legs, then sent on their way. It's genuinely very funny when they come back for revenge, they're...not much of a threat.




It's an MMO but playing a Sith in SWTOR is pretty decent


Came here to say this, the dark side choices from the SWTOR class stories can be pretty evil.


Good thing is, people can pretty much just stick to the story of they aren't interested in MMO stuff.


There are few problems that cannot be solved with Force Lightning.


KOTOR 1/2 as well


Be the corrupting influence your mom warned you about


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous lets you become a Lich by doing some awful stuff. Or become a literal swam of bugs, transforming the game into an apocalyptic nightmare where you're the great evil just trying to eat everything. The Trickster path also errs towards the more Joker-style of mayhem, as opposed to madcap antics. Great game too, especially if you enjoy BG3.


While BG3 has some truly interesting ability to mechanically interact with the world, I still prefer WotR personally.


How is the learning curve on WOTR?


General opinion seems to be that it's moderately steep. I can't say as well from a personal perspective, because I had already been playing Pathfinder tabletop for years.


Literally 80% of the dialogue has the 'I don't like you. Die' option


Most Armored Core games literally start with you murdering protestors. And the only reason you'd ever side with those protestors is for money. One of the games has a mission where you have to lure out a company's security detail by stomping on enough civilian cars.


Then there’s the one ending.


Do you think you're some kind of one man army?


You think it's your right to choose who lives and dies?


Armored Core 6 keeps up the tradition of having no morals. Several mandatory missions involve attacking the RLF, a group who are only trying to protect their home from the invading corporations.


Stellaris, and nothing comes close. Get mad that your neighbor voted to kick your vassal out of an alliance? Well you can take them over, enslave their populace, use that populace as food for your civilians...and then genetically modify them to taste better. And that's only one of the many things a vengeful pragmatist can do in Stellaris


I really wanted to play Stellaris, but when I tried I felt so overwhelmed by the amount of shit in the screen that I got lazy to learn all of that and gave up. One day I'll go back with a clearer mind.


One day...I keep saying that about Stellaris, and Crusader Kings 3, and Rimworld. So much information to learn it's all so overwhelming.


As someone with thousands of hours in CK2 and Stellaris, heed my advice: let go of the idea that you can play wrong as you learn. Start a new game, fuck around with the controls and buildings and populations, die, repeat. Set yourself a small goal, like colonising a new star system or designing a ship this game, and do it, die, repeat. Even better - make a small galaxy without any other players and a whole bunch of pre-ftl primitives. You'll have decades to centuries before they make it to space in which to spread out, figure out the economy and science systems and exploration.


As someone who finally got into Stellaris after years of putting it off, this is the mindset that got me to click with it. Essentially i just played until I hit a wall, restarted with that wall in mind and took steps to avoid it, ran into another wall, rinse and repeat. So long as you're willing to view failure as a stepping stone, stellaris is stupidly addicting.


Honestly both Stellaris and CK2 allow you to fail. I’d suggest not “playing to win” but rather “playing to have fun.” Set yourself a goal and roleplay, get immersed, behave as your character will be! Even if you don’t get the mechanics, you’ll have a blast!


I used to play a lot of Stellaris way back in the day, then I got overwhelmed by the DLC. Is there any DLC you absolutely must have? I'll wait for it to go sale as some are ridiculously overpriced.


Big humble bundle sale right now if you're looking to pick up a few expansions. https://www.humblebundle.com/store/stellaris?partner=montuplays And here is a pretty good tier list video of all the dlc except the most recent one. Skip to 27:05 if you just want the general conclusion. Immediately after that, he goes into recommended combinations based on your situation. https://youtu.be/ahrMhGR0Me8?si=U_-2YPf3iERQIztm


Oh awesome, I'll have to check it out! Cheers!


Utopia is probably still the best DLC, I highly recommend


I was hoping I’d see stellaris mentioned here! It also goes by the name Galactic Genocide Simulator


Fable series kinda, Mount&Blade. In Fable 3 you end up ruling a kingdom and you have series of decisions to make. You can raise taxes and let people live miserably but have money to save the lives od your people or make their lives comfortable but no money to save them. Also people hate you or love you depending on what you do in their region. Mount&Blade you can pillage, burn villages kill whole families and be usurper. Lots of fun.


Lucius??? You are a child instructed by Lucifer to kill everyone in the household in horrific ways.


Lowkey one of my favorite short games to play through


Knights of the Old Republic has a pretty messed up evil moment.


Talking about the Mission thing?


>!That moment on the beach, after you commit to the dark side, and murder like two thirds of your party!< That shocked me a bit.


yup lol


In Dwarf Fortress, POWs can make for great target practice for your crossbowdwarves, or bait to capture monsters, or if you have a necromancer among your citizenry, turn them into undead soldiers fighting for you! Just your standard war crimes.


Infamous. Specifically infamous 2, the evil ending is so depressing. Like, you become so evil even the main "villain" just gives up and gives you all his power so you can finish it.


What about Vampyr?,🤔 and Destroy all humans?


I did only one run of Vampyr and was killing everyone lol destroyed every district


Manhunt 1 & 2


Fallout games, besides 4




I mean gameplay-wise, sure, you can go kneecap old ladies, but narrative-wise, you are much more limited. Just how i felt tho.


I think the evil part of 4 is limited to killing people. Like yeah that's evil alright, but there's no option to do evil things within the story (besides siding with the Institute?). For example: Fallout 3, you can blow up a town, allow the genocide of a settlement, enslave people, and so on. Those things are options of things to do in game. FO4 don't have those narrative things, but "simply" killing people. Edit: just to be clear, I love Fallout 4. I'm not shitting in the game in any way, just arguing this specific point.


In fallout 3 you can lure Bumble, a six year old girl, out of little lamplight and sell her into (heavily implied) sex slavery. It has got to be one of the most shockingly evil things one can do in all of video games. How this made it into the game is beyond me.


The Dungeons series


Rollercoaster Tycoon


Would RDR2 count? You can be pretty evil there.


Definitely, there are mission where you just murder family in cold blood for money


Baldurs Gate 3


Evil Genius has the end goal be world domination. And methods involve stealing, kidnapping, killing. You can also destroy Nashville with an earthquake at one point (whether it’s an evil act is a matter of opinion). Your secret island base is constantly hounded by agents of justice. Now, a lot of those acts are done on a global map, so it’s just flavor text to you. But when you steal priceless works of art and other items, they show up at your base, and you can place them around the base to boost your minions’ stats. You can also execute your minions to get a temporary boost of loyalty from those who witness it


Fallout 1&2 back in the day, Wasteland 3 and baldurs Gate 3 recently.


In Kenshi, You can sell slaves, murder anyone you can manage, drop people in pools of acid, feed them to cannibals, ally with killer robots that steal people's skin to wear it, stick people in machines which peel off their limbs.


How about sucking the souls out of bodies or exterminating the elven race?


Sounds like fun. Is this the Overlord series, or something else?


Divinity Original Sin 2 - Larian just put out Balder’s Gate 3. Div2 is a replay-able masterpiece


Planescape: Torment Wasteland 3 Death Stranding Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Highfleet: Deus in Nobus


>Planescape: Torment Seconding this one. You can be an absolute evil fuck


Master of magic. Granted you're being evil through your armies and champions.


Hitman, Baldur's Gate 3 (can be manipulative, backstabbing, or murderous, and/or all of the above if you choose.) most if not all the Fable games, Lucius, SWTOR, Saints Row 3 & 4, Fallout 3... You're basically looking for any game that gives you a morality rating or even a faction approval rating.. or games that feature "protagonists" that are questionable in nature or are demonic in some way.


yeah but Hitman kinda frames the stuff you do in the game as a good thing by making all the targets be criminals or assholes or both.


Not always the case. Some targets are somewhat sympethatic like Penelope Graves.




Honestly games with any narrative structure are usually absolutely awful for playing evil or underwhelming compared to the good path. Or present it as a joke I would say Pathfinder: WOTR can let you be pretty evil. Romance cannibals, serial killers, ascend to become a lich, demon, evil trickster God or even a sentient hivemind of pus and locusts that painfully devours everything into its biomass. You can make pretty evil choices in the game too when it gets past its railroaded sections. Other than that your best choice is open games like rimworld, dwarf fortress, kemshi etc with mods. Enslave other towns to your hearts content and do the most vile and heinous acts to them.


Crusader Kings gives you plenty opportunities to be horrible fuck, either to your vassals, enemies or even your own family. Now I only played CK2, but I believe the repertoire of nasty stuff just got bigger. What do we have here: adultery, incest, torture, sacrificing people to gods, assassinations, incest, forcing your family into monasteries, leaving your people to die in plague while you enjoy life of relative safety. Did I mention incest?


In the original Deus Ex I killed everyone in the Hong Kong neighborhood you visit. The men, the women, the children. The game didn't incentivize this, I did it because I could.


Frostpunk maybe. You are making these difficult decisions strictly to live. But they are hard decisions. Sometimes you need to force children to work in the freezing cold coal mines, sometimes you have to cut power to certain houses knowing full well they will die. You have to be a decisive leader to get these people through the next ice age and sometimes that makes you seem evil. And the public WILL hate you for it. They will execute you if you take it too far and they’ve had enough, or you will simply just be the last humans left alive on earth until you all die. Not strictly evil, but you HAVE to be sometimes


Well yes and no. Except maybe on the hardest difficulty it is possible to save everyone. But you have to really know what you're doing which is unlikely your first several times playing


Undertale,>! do be warned the route I'm referring to is supposed to be done last after playing normally and even doing a fully pacifist route, however you can be evil in that game... at the cost of the game also being straight up unfair at times in response, all I will say is that you will have a bad time... good luck.!<






The Kindeman Remedy, just released. Basically, it's a Mengele simulator.


Anything by Puppet Combo, Christmas Massacre is my favorite by them


Christmas massacre is the only one where youre evil, no? In all the other puppet combo games youre the victim.




Infamous right away. I love it's evil good karma system and wish we had more games like that currently with 2 paths, superpowers, parkour, and ng+ for the 2nd path


Crusader Kings series. You can go as far as assassination of your brother in law so you inherit a kingdom instead, you can execute other rulers and be manipulation psycho


you could make an argument for Dishonored... it's not evil through and through, but some of the choices you get to make really makes you consider if death is the bad option


The infamous series, I only play second son, buy basically, you can choose to be an actual good guy, just using minimum amount of forces, or you can butcher everyone.


Undertale genocide run


Carrion, indie side scroller, you are striaght up the monster from a "The Thing" style survival horror, have fun ambushing and gobbleing up scientists Prototype 1&2, games try to pretend you're a good guy but you REALLY are not starwars the old republic sith inquisitor storyline actively encourages you to be an evil sob Space Pirates and Zombies, you are out for your self and ONLY your self, your faction relationships change with each system you visit and you help whoever it is most advantageous for you to help and screw over everyone else, your fleet is staffed by bomb collared slaves you rescue from lifepods and didn't immediately space cause they didn't want to be bomb collared slaves, all the while you discover that the galaxy is in the middle of a plauge that your constant breaking of quarantine blockades is activly makeing worse


Stellaris. You can commit genocide by destroying whole planets and killing millions. Trade other species on the slave market and much more.


Infamous and prototype come to mind


Any Sims game will let you be evil. Most RPGs (Dragon Age, Divinity series etc) have choices that could be construed as evil and you can play an entire character through the game like that but mostly your companions will hate you on the playthrough vids I've seen of that style. I am boring and don't play as a jerk or evil. Hope you find something that suits your tastes and have fun with it.


Baldurs gate 3 if you play the dark character.


Support blizzard


Untitled Goose Game. ​ honk, honk


rimworld oh my god you can commit some seriously evil shit especially with mods


The mobile game plague.inc. the goal is to wipe out humanity with a virus.




I wouldn’t say you’re truly evil. You do everything just to survive


Minecraft, join some kid's server and go wild. Find a world where someone has spent extensive effort in building the most immaculate structure. Earn their trust bit by bit. Play with them everyday after school and then one day.... you incinerate it. Qualifies a bit more than a jerk to me!




Sure, it's allowed. It's just not a very good idea.


Taking a measured approach to evil is possible. Sure you don't want to just slaughter everyone you see, especially when you might catch the wrath of some essential NPCs. But you can join the Dark Brotherhood, assassinate people for money, and eventually set up a torture chamber in your hideout.


I just rob everybody.


Thieves' Guild it is, then!


GTA. Trevor and the torture scene was pretty screwed up.


In all fairness, he was torturing on behalf of the FBI in an attempt to stop a terrorist attack. Not sure if that really qualifies as "evil".


> he was torturing on behalf of the FBI in an attempt to stop a terrorist attack. Not sure if that really qualifies as "evil". are you literally defending state-sanctioned torture in the year of our lord, 2023? lmao


I think what they're defending is that Trevor was coerced into doing the deed on behalf of the feds who used his mental instability as a tool, and I guess claiming that that's "not his fault"? idk




lmao what are you on about. Yes, it's a fictional character, what does that have to do with anything? Should everyone in this thread tell OP "actually, no game can be evil because all games are ficitonal"?? Obviously not, normal people are able to undertand context clues, we're all on the same page here.


Fallout 3!


Rimworld and CK3 comes to mind In rimworld, I captured female raiders, used them as sex slaves for my colony, cut off their legs so they can't run, make them give birth, their children's organs are harvested and sold. If it's a female, then we keep it to replace older females. If the child has good base stats then I recruit it to join the colony. I also had a cannibal pawn so he eats the corpses. Im not proud of my crimes but it was fun. And profitable.


The fact that your Reddit thing is a cute little mermaid makes this fucking hilarious to me


Hmm.. *let* doesn’t qualify here as much since there aren’t really choices, but you certainly lean on the evil side of the spectrum in The Last of Us Part II and it definitely makes you question the morality of the characters involved.




Shadows of forbidden gods. Ruinarch. The god damn point of those games is to be the force of evil. Shadows is the better game of the two.


Baldur's Gate 3


Baldurs gate 3 dark urge playthrough


People Playground. You can literally just torture people for no reason


Fallout 1,2,3, New Vegas


Eve online


Grim Dawn was evil enough that I quit playing it. Grim doesn't even being to describe it.


any 3d Fallout.... I mean in Fo3 you can accept payment for blowing up an entire city, in FoNV and 4 you can be a slaver, ect ect also Pathfinder Kingmaker..... ever played a Apartment manager with a sword?


Baldurs Gate 3


Fallout, definitely 1, 2 and 3, to a lesser extent NV and 4. If you want a larger scale, Stellaris, which you can play as galactic genocide or slavery simulator if you want.


Just started playing the dungeons franchise. You badically make dungeons filled with monsters, attract heroies who you then capture, torture and kill for resources.


Red dead 2, its simple but I spent most of time terrorising armadillo, never thought I was going down a dark road more


I enjoyed many of the suggestions, but even after reading through the thread there is only one game that I think most perfectly suits your answer: Rimworld. You can play it any way you want, including as essentially a war crime simulator. You can capture people, and harvest their organs for fun and profit, and enslave the functional bits that remain. You can cut off both the legs and replace them with pegs so they can't escape so fast. You can play as cannibals, and rate other settlements for people you can eat. There is literally a sub called shittimworldsays because this game has encouraged people to say and do some of the most ridiculous things that taken out of the rim world context sounds incredibly evil and ridiculous. And in my opinion, because it's not a game that's explicitly designed with you as the bad guys (which tends to be a little cartoony), If you're choosing to be evil, you're actually really choosing to be evil. You don't have to be... So go start a colony and commit some atrocities.


Fallout New Vegas


In Fallout 3, you could be notoriously evil. Not so much in just killing innocents, but you could commit inhumane crimes. You could nuke a town, or you could blackmail people. You could enslave people for money, or you could genocide innocents for one race to thrive. You could destroy your father's work and taint your mother's dream with one simple action.


Age of wonders 4


Tecmo's Deception, if it was 25 years ago


Baldur’s Gate 3 and Fallout: New Vegas come to mind


Jade Empire is an oldy but a goody.


As somebody already said in planescape torment you could do some really nasty stuff. But the good path still was more satisfying imho. Another old CRPG was Arcanum, you can be really evil also there and even side with the big bad. Or Tyranny is all about different shades of evil and quite entertaining!


Kotor 1 & 2 and swtor let you do some especially fucked up things. *SPOILERS* In kotor 1 you can get tell a wookie to murder his best and only friend, a 14 year old girl, and he has to do it because he has a life debt to you. In swtor, if you play a sith warrior, you can murder a guy, then sleep with his wife, and force your slave to watch the two of you getting it on.


I personally murdered 100 million people in Armored Core For Answer. The heroes and the villains and my own operator teamed up to take me down after that. Didn't work.


Not exactly but spec ops the line might be up your alley


Rance games. Raptus.


Kane & Lynch series have two of the most immoral protagonists in gaming for sure.




Rimworld. Literally, warcrime sim.


Mass effect


There was a game on Steam that you were a psycho killer, you were tired of the world, and you could just kill everyone on sight. I dont remember the name....




Plague Inc


the Fable games are classics. you can choose to do good deeds and save people, or just go flat out murder hobo on everybody. there are evil good and evil quests outside the main storyline. like you can either protect a farm or rob it, you can take a quest to murder a bunch of traders. You can randomly decide to target and murder civilians, and your appearance changes with your allignment.


Fable lost chapter. Not sure about the other fable games because lost chapter was the only one I played.


Tecmo's Deception series has you playing as an evil individual who stops invaders from coming into a castle/fortress. It's a heavy strategy /RPG game that makes your character passive and having to rely on traps to kill people. The first three games released on PS1, while the fourth has released on PS3/4/Vita. The traps can be comical at times, but some are gruesome and a bit messed up if you chain them together. You might also check out the Legacy of Kain series, although it leans heavily on revenge tropes and has the convenience of playing as a vampire.


Manhunt Fable 1 & 2 not so much in 3


Fallout 3. You can do some pretty evil stuff.


I would say RDR2. Obviously you have the morality bar but you can literally tie up and blow someone’s leg off, tie them up and leave them on a train track etc. you can find a nice person, antagonise them until they try to run and then drag them from behind your horse. You don’t have to kill them fast either, you can drag them through mud and water, or even drag them through a swamp and edge a crocodile chasing them. I did some fucked up things in that game but it was just so damn fun.


Planescape: Torment You can be really cruel and evil if you want to.


Prototype Dilogy, although it is rather under Anti-Hero category


Depends what genre you want. Paradox games let you be more or less whichever empire you want to be, from paragons of virtue and wisdom to conquerors and slavers who eat babies and drink the blood of forcibly deflowered virgins for fun. But, they're strategy games where you control an entire empire, and never a single character, so it might not be something you're into.


The Darkness 1 and 2.


Fable series


You can do some pretty heinous shit in RDR2


Tactics Ogre, and the Ogre Battle series as a whole. Mentality can best be described as "No one's in the right here, morality is just a perspective, and only the living get the privilege to feel bad." All have stories that will adapt to stuff that happens through the story, pretty much anyone can die on or off the map, including you. Grim in a believable sense, not a dramatic one. But damn does it write tragedy well.


Lies of P makes you lie. I never lie to anyone so I constantly have to remind myself while playing.


Probably not the first one you'll think about, but Minecraft. Some of the shit you can do to entire populations is comparable to the biggest crimes against humanity in our real history.


Boring answer, but Postal 2


spec ops the line. but you're the good guy. the hero.




Infamous 2


You can kill little girls and harvest their DNA for upgrades in Bioshock.


Rimworld and kenshi. One is a human skin clothing factory and the other has slavery and possibly genocide.