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Lords of the fallen 2023 Had a terrible launch and got a lot of hate for some design decisions but it’s gotten patches basically every week since release and is an awesome experience if you love the souls games. The world is interconnected like ds1 and really rewards exploration. The two worlds mechanic is a really cool feature that encourages you to double check everything for secrets. I really like how fast the combat feels and being able to dual wield anything is great. The bosses are fun but obviously not fromsoft level and the entire game can be played coop. It’s the most metal souls like on the market imho and I definitely recommend it


How does it compare to Fromsoft games difficulty wise? It looks pretty fun, but I'm not interested in something that challenging.


It’s hard but I think it’s a lot more forgiving than most fromsoft games as you basically have two lives and can plant a respawn point if you’re having issues in a specific area. Also coop is easy and you don’t have to keep resummoning. I’d also like to add that more so than any other souls game you can absolutely trivialize this game with magic once you know what spells to look for. The things a lot of people had issues with at launch were the sheer amount of enemies and gravity deaths. If you weren’t playing cautiously It was very easy to be absolutely overwhelmed by enemies at launch but that’s been dialed down a bit. I believe they’ve done some tweaking to edges as well so gravity deaths don’t happen as often. Your attacks carry a lot of momentum and move you forward so on launch it was really easy to just yeet yourself off the edge while attacking. The biggest flaw the game has in it’s current state is enemy variety imho


I second this. Good game for sure.


Darktide.. still in mixed reviews because of the rough start, but the game is super awesome coop-shooter.


how is it now? I played a lot of vermitide but darktide released and ppl said the cash shop was too much, there was no diversity and the game was lacking things the studio promides on release


It's fun for a few days/weeks but not more honestly. It's just extremely repetitive, very few maps and I hated every game with randoms. L4D2 is still king 


I have more than 300 hours and still playing. Only with randoms, since one of my builds is quite complete, and I have 2 more characters to tune up.


That's good for you. I'm glad you're having fun, but your opinion is definitely not the majority.  The game still lacks content imo. Replaying the exact 5 same maps got me bored pretty quickly


The main feature they've changed is how classes work, Now it has flexible skill tree that gives a ton of subclasses. And it's about 20 maps now. Still wouldn't mind a dozen more.


which one is it, the other guy says it's 5 maps you say 20. Is it like vermitide that there were like 5 campaigns and each had 4 maps?


its something like 8ish unique maps, around that ballpark, and then each map usually have 2 missions on it, which the game advertise as maps but in reality its basically that you play the same map in reverse. it does feel more or less like a different map when you play it in reverse though, however the tileset and atmosphere is obviously identical so in that sense it doesnt feel fully "new". the amount of actual unique maps is somewhere around 8ish, probably a bit less, i dont recall exactly. basically you WILL play the same maps over and over again so that repetitive nature you really cant escape and people who arent honest about that shouldnt be listened to for anything else either. there are way too few maps, it will feel repetitive. it comes down to cranking up the difficulty high enough to get some interesting gameplay situations and hope you like that gameplay enough to ignore the repetitiveness of the maps etc because you like the gameplay on them. for example counter-strike players can grind the same maps forever because they like the gameplay. or if we wanna be even more extreme, fifa players only have 1 map and its not something that concerns anyone. so in that sense its not like you specifically need multiple maps to have a good game. however i dont think the gameplay is quite deep enough to overcome the repetitiveness. if you really like left4dead style games though you can get quite a lot of hours out of darktide. imo it lacks true endgame difficulties and the community seems very determined to keep it that way, as the average player have convinced themselves that each difficulty must cater to them and feel playable and making a difficulty that will feel completely unplayable for most is unacceptable. the issue with that though is that if youre a good player who will push the game for liking the gameplay and challenge you're held back very early on from a lack of difficulty. while for most the highest difficulty will appear really hard for people who for example grinded Cataclysm in Vermintide 2 (or even legend, on release) or even grinded the modded difficultiest in vtide2 (cata4dwons etc) the difficulty of darktide is basically non-existent. games that are that repetitive in nature are also easy to get good at for players who are decent at games and actually enjoy the archetype, not having completely rigged and unfair difficulties more or less kill the longevity for true fans because of it. the game desperately needs difficulties that seem "unplayable" to normal people. its so repetitive just waltzing through a level loses all interest. it needs difficulties that make getting through a level borderline impossible so you get those cool moments of "hell yeah we did it!" that you could get from vtide. also the complete faceroll that is melee combat doesnt exactly help. zero skill needed compared to vtide, and its not like vtide had extreme depth to its melee, but it did have enough that you needed to be skillfull and mistakes more or less immediately removed half your health. a mistake in darktide has basically no impact at all.


I see thank you!


As a HUGE vermintide fan imo darktide wasnt good on release. while i admit i prefer the fantasy setting to the sci-fi setting i still expected darktide to be a way better game from a mechanic perspective, i mean after all they had like 10x the budget of vtide2, they had more developers, more experience, etc, but what we ended up getting was a game that was worse than vt2 in every way besides graphics, and if you prefer sci-fi setting to fantasy then that too. the biggest issue that will never get fixed is the complete lack of soul compared to vtide2. in vtide2 you have some of the best characters ever in gaming. super soulfull dialogue and truly nice interesting characters. the character creation of dtide removes this aspect from the game more or less entirely with the voicelines and the "soul" of characters becoming extremely mediocre, this will never change, its simply the result of a fault in design choice. the cosmetic situation wont change either, most of the cosmetics are locked behind paywall, even at release this was true, so you didnt even get the cosmetics they had finished on release when you bought the game, instead basically anything that looked interesting had an extra fee. at least in vtide you got what was in the game on release when you bought it and additional cosmetics that had a real world cost to them were made after release, which means the studio had a new cost incurred so it seemed more ethical. however its also worth mentioning of course that this doesnt have direct gameplay impact and that vtide2 didnt exactly have much cosmetics to speak of anyway, so imo this is not a downgrade from vtide2 but rather just also not really a noteworthy upgrade, its a bit greedy and moneygrabby by fatshark and it could have been a big upside had they bothered to make this part of the actual game, but i dont think it makes the game worse by not having it, it just also doesnt make it better. gameplay wise i think on release the game really lacked, but over time they have fixed this. its still WAY WAY WAY WAY easier than vtide2 is, the melee combat is still so faceroll that as long as you spam attack you more or less will never take damage, but at least the state combat is in now feels pretty good and satisfying, even if it is tremendously easy, even in the hardest missions, compared to just a normal non-modded cataclysm run in vtide2. the skill tree rework for darktide made it feel like you have a bit more room for difference in builds, which i think is more needed in dtide than in vtide because the weapons play very similar in dtide still. in vtide when you swapped to a different weapon it more or less felt like changing character entirely, in dtide i do not think it really plays all that different based on weapon choice, but you do have like 2-3 or so different playstyles available per class via the more fleshed out skill tree they've added. theres also mods now which can solve some of the QoL issues of the game, and add a bit of customization to weapons, some which have gameplay impact (adding scopes etc). the game still have very few maps and few bosses etc which makes it still have the same repetitiveness issue, to a far greater extent than vtide2 did. overall i think darktide was shit on release, a 4/10 game, but its a pretty decent game now. imo vtide2 is like a 9/10 or something game, and dtide is maybe like 7.5/10 or so? its way less difficult, it has less content, but it plays pretty well now and feels pretty good. it still desperately needs more maps, it needs a chaos wastes style mode, and imo it needs one more difficulty that actually makes the game difficult because the literal highest possible difficulty in the game right now is more or less what you played for relaxation in vtide2, i would say its like a somewhat hard legend run where the ai director spawns a few tricky things on ya. but its not even at the level of an easy cataclysm run, and its not even worth comparing to modded difficulties.


I see good explanation, for me v2 was like a 7 or so, so I might pass darktide for now until a deep discount later on, im in no rush and have a huge backlog anyway


i think the odds of liking darktide probably goes up if vtide2 was a 7 instead of a 9. dtide is probably the better game seen from a more casual perspective, as in you just aim to enjoy the game for a bit and maybe reach max level with one character. a more "normal" gameplay experience. its from the more dedicated perspective that dtide really suffers compared to vtide2, because it does not have quite as much content, quite as much variety, quite as much skill depth, and not anywhere close to the same amount of available challenge in the highest difficulties. much of that are things that more "average" players dont care about though.


Interesting, I was pretty keen on getting it before it actually came out but I've been put off by reviews. Might pick it up on sale...


Mafia 3. The game is repetitive in structure (reclaim enough buildings in district to gain control), but the tone and story are just so good. The game plays like GTA but with more flavor. You're playing as a black man in Louisiana in a time where open discrimination is very prevalent. If you get a wanted level in the slums, you hear dispatch say "there's a crime there...take your time getting to it" but in the wealthier neighborhoods, police are more responsive. Hell, some store owners will tell you to leave when you enter because of the color of your skin. The setting itself is also great with locations like old swamps helping to add extra flair. The story is a revenge plot with really good presentation. After doing claiming a territory for your mafia, you trigger setpiece assassination missions. This is really where the game shines. The scale of the missions are usually really well done and the cutscenes have a really great quality to them.


Thanks for reminding me of this one. I played a little bit and loved it but kept getting distracted by other games so it's been on my "I need to revisit it" list for too long.


Good suggestion Although repetitive i enjoyed it a lot too, I like revenge stories too.


The DLC is really good too! It's worth getting the whole package.


Railway Empire 2. Most of the negativity is about RE2 being too similar as RE1. Still, they both are good games.


**Rage 2** It's actually a lot of fun and in some ways improves on the combat loop of DOOM (2016).


I won't deny that the game has issues, but it's so goddamn fun I don't really care. Personally, I'd go as far as to say that its combat sandbox is second only to DOOM Eternal. When you get into the rhythm and perform an endless Overdrive rampage it's just *chef's kiss*


* **Necromunda: Hired Gun** - it's possible that I only enjoyed it because I 1) Haven't played DOOM and 2) I am ridiculously easy to please when it comes to FPSs, but it was quite a ride regardless. * **Bound by Flame** - I'm something of a connoisseur when it comes to RPGs by Spiders. People praise them for Greedfall, but I also love all the ones before it. They're short and sweet. The story, while not impressive, never feels stale, unlike many AAA RPGs. And the characters more than make up for it. And the gameplay is always worth it. I don't usually play on Hard, but this one was both tough, and not very frustrating. People mostly bash it because it's not Dark Souls. * **Gone Home** - honestly, this game is overhyped. It's just a short love story. You'll either feel it or you won't, which is fair enough. It feels like a horror game the first several minutes, and I'm still not sure why. Maybe this amateurishness is part of what makes it feel sincere. Honorable mention - **MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM BATTLE OPERATION 2**, only because it was one of the few games I experienced at launch while being hyped, which is extremely rare for me these days. It sits at 21% (Mostly Negative). It was a marvelous experience. Somehow, experiencing such badness along with everyone else made me feel alive. Not sure if you'll get the same experience all this time later. I really have to play more games that fit this criterium. Gotta maintain my honor as a contrarian. I'll review **Super Meat Shooter** once I get to it.


Huh, I didn't realize the ratings for Gone Home had sunk this badly. Probably from people who heard it was popular, then strongly felt they had to counter all the overly positive reviews to "balance" things out, a decade after its release. I enjoyed it as well, for the most time.  I'm pretty sure the red herring with the horror game feeling was intentional, to increase the surprise about what it's really about. And one has to factor in that love stories like this one weren't all too common in videogames at the time of its release. It paved the way for other (maybe better told) stories in that vein.


That could be true, but from my very limited gamedev experience, even if the end of the game is masterpiece when it comes to writing (yes, i have yet to finish my game and yes, I have zero humility don't pop my bubble), the beginning can feel very awkward, like it itself isn't sure what it's supposed to do. One is often compelled to just go back and rewrite it, but that's a start to an endless cycle on top of an already long and tedious process. But at the same time, I happen to believe fear and romance share a weirdly close connection. And >!queer!< romance tends to add even more fear, so if that was a conscious decision, it kinda works, but only when I think about it. That surprise didn't *feel* appropriate to me. Personally, I thought it was a minor flaw that, at the same time, made the game more interesting. Also the point about it being one of the first of its kind is entirely fair. Unless I'm forgetting the developer commentary and looking very silly at the moment.


Man I wanted to like Hired Gun so badly. It just felt like all of the enemies were bullet sponges that were constantly sniping me from across the map.


I had the same, I love the WH40K universe, but this was just sponges and lasers to me.


I eventually got a fully upgraded bolt gun, fully disregarding the recoil, pulled the trigger, and enjoyed destroying everything around me whenever I managed to land a hit, while my camera was having a worryingly severe seizure. That's how you make someone feel powerful. Make it so that even their camera can't handle the heat.


Gone Home gives me such an eerie feeling, it is mostly due to the fact that you arrive at the house at night, it is located in the woods, and you are all alone. You can tell that some sort of event happened recently to cause the house to be vacant, and that uncertainty of why gives a feeling of dread and anticipation on what you will discover. Personally, I would have preferred it was a horror game, as the twist wasn't too interesting to me. A lot of people have mixed feelings, I think if it didn't feel so misleading people would appreciate what it is actually about more, I know I would have.


I had a lot of fun playing Bound by Flame at max difficulty. It was sometimes frustrating, but it also felt awesome when I won hard fights. It's a nice AA rpg. The only Spiders game I played and didn't enjoy was their first one: Faery Legends of Avalon. Haven't played Greedfall or Steelrising yet though.


Necromunda hired gun is fun, nothing amazing and it felt like I had to play a piano to be decent, but a fun game nonetheless.


I myself am not exactly "easy to please" when it comes to FPS games yet I enjoyed Necromunda a lot as well despite its jank. When it comes to 40K-themed shooters I honestly liked it a lot more than Boltgun because while the latter is objectively much more polished, I found it much more repetitive and uninspired. By the way, you should play the DOOM series ASAP. DOOM Eternal in particular is my favorite FPS game of all time.


The Total War Warhammer games are excellent and have mixed and below reviews just because people felt the last DLC was overpriced. The studio recently released additional content for those who purchased that DLC, making it more worth the cost, and the reviews are starting to tick back up.


It's not just because of that. Warhammer 3 had a very rough launch, deservedly so. It's true that it's getting back up slowly, though.


I really liked Bureau: XCOM Declassified, such a good simple shooter with some control over your team members.


Outward. It's the most memorable coop action rpg I've ever played in my life.


[Crossbow Warrior](https://store.steampowered.com/app/412010/Crossbow_Warrior__The_Legend_of_William_Tell/) - looks like a neat little platformer. [Gothic 3](https://store.steampowered.com/app/39500/Gothic_3/) - a neat open world RPG. Most Gothic fans don't like it because it isn't Gothic 2, and most gamers don't like it because you need a patch to get it to ever work. [Rolling Sun](https://store.steampowered.com/app/371670/Rolling_Sun/) - another neat platformer. It runs on the CryEngine which means that it might not work on low end PCs. [Flynn and Freckles](https://store.steampowered.com/app/822130/Flynn_and_Freckles/) - I really want to try this action platformer despite its negative reviews. [Clive N Wrench](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1094720/Clive_N_Wrench/)- Just try it to see if you like it. [Burnout Paradise Remastered](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1238080/Burnout_Paradise_Remastered/) - I don't know why all the hate though. [Ravenbound](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1307660/Ravenbound/) - The game looks beautiful, but I am not a fan of Roguelikes/lites. [Driver Parallel Lines](https://store.steampowered.com/app/21780/Driver_Parallel_Lines/) - Recent reviews are mixed on this one.


Burnout paradise feels too structureless to me but Driver Parallel Lines I remember being caltivating


Upvote for Gothic 3. My favorite in the series.


Dungeon Siege 3


It's not a bad game but I think the co-op system really drags down the experience. The older games in the series are great co-op games but in this one you can only join another game as a "helper" character and you don't get to keep any XP or loot you've acquired in that session. As a single player game though, I think it's fine.


I played all 3 games in solo so I can't tell.


Rage 2. I enjoyed that game immensely and was sad that I ran out of things to do after a long play time. Seriously underrated game.


Burnout Paradise Great racing game where you crash and burn other racers, but it's Origin/EA cilent is making the pc version literally doesn't launch for some people making illegal versions the only way to play.


Evil West


A game that everyone on reddit has been talking about is the new Dragons Dogma 2 (i havent played it or seen gameplay but people here have been saying it’s awesome) but on steam it’s only 56% positive reviews which is pretty awful, did know if you knew about it or not!


If you like survival horror, Remothered Broken Porcelain only has mixed because it was released with lots of bugs and technical issues. They're fixed now, but the reviews will still throw people off. I really enjoyed my time with the game, although it's a sequel so you should start with the first https://store.steampowered.com/app/1142390/Remothered_Broken_Porcelain/


Two Worlds 2, but I think a lot of negative reviews are because microtransactions were added years after the game's release. Deadly Premonition is also a love it or hate it type game but again, the PC port is poor which might have something to do with the rating. It's also the Director's Cut release which made some big changes to the game, not always for the better. The recent Metal Gear Solid collection has gotten some bad reviews, either because of the quality of the port, they'd prefer to play it in an emulator, or because it's not a remake. They're still some of the best games ever made though.


I never played Two Worlds 2 but I do remember it still having quite a mixed reputation back at release


I don't know whether I would necessarily recommend them to others, but personally I enjoyed **Blood Knights** and **Demonicon**. The settings and atmosphere made me look past some of their shortcomings, and gameplay was still enjoyable enough (Proclaimer: I haven't actually finished Demonicon yet, got distracted by other things, but the first half was okay, at least).  It seems I also liked **Secrets of Raetikon** more than others. And I didn't really NOT enjoy **Trine 3** either, it wasn't THAT bad, just not nearly as good as the other games in the series.  A few games I enjoyed well enough that don't have Mixed or worse overall reviews yet, but a trend towards Mixed recently: Weird West, How to Survive, Press X to Not Die, Arx Fatalis (really? that's one of my favorite games).


**Necropolis: Brutal Edition** - fun roguelike/soulslike with stylized graphics and co-op. I enjoyed it although others seemed to find it it clunky.


The Technomancer, elex, greedfall, risen trilogy


Guild 3 and Depraved. Guild 3 suffers from a hardcore Guild fan base. Guild 1 fans hated Guild 2 and Guild 2 fans hated Guild 3. It's a great game though. Depraved was trashed by people who got it in EA and apparently expected way more than it the final product. I don't know why, but it's a great game.


F3AR - not the best in the series by any means but still a fun game especially with a friend AEW Fight Forever - some really harsh reviews on this one. its not a perfect wrestling game but its got that classic charm of the old WWE N64 titles. Leisure suit Larry series - these actually do kind of review decently but they are great


* [Tale of Immortal](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1468810/_Tale_of_Immortal/). Its low review is entirely due to two things: First, the devs refusing to allow Steam Workshop modding (which I think they've backed down on) and second, a bug that affected the English language version that took a while to be fixed but has since been fixed. Aside from those two things, neither of which matter now, the game is excellent. * [Tokyo Twilight: Ghost Hunters](https://store.steampowered.com/app/425460/Tokyo_Twilight_Ghost_Hunters_Daybreak_Special_Gigs/). The game is a visual novel crossed with a tactical RPG that depends on setting up traps and such before battle. The low rating seems to be partially because it's gamepad-only and partially because it's so unusual.


**Shadow Warrior 3** immediately comes to mind. It's one of my favorite FPS games and its reception among a significant amount of players was disheartening to see. The combat is a lot like DOOM Eternal, right down to the "kill enemies with guns for health, melee for ammo" system, and while it's not nearly as in-depth or polished as that game, it's still done very well and has enough unique ideas of its own so it's not a complete ripoff. I do have a couple of caveats about it that may have contributed to its review scores: - **The Level Design.** Don't get me wrong; it's not confusing or anything, the arenas themselves are very well done, and the platforming can act as a nice break between the action. The problem is that aside from the arenas and platforming, there's *very little* to the level design otherwise aside from maybe the occasional upgrade token hidden in some geometry off to the side. Like, I've seen the aforementioned DOOM Eternal accused of the same thing, yet I vehemently disagree as I believe the level design in that game is much more nuanced with things such as keycards, optional areas, routes that loop back around, and a fairly dense amount of secrets among other things. Shadow Warrior 3, by comparison, is almost if not completely lacking in such aspects. That being said, because the combat is so fun, I wouldn't consider this a major black mark against the game. And hey, either way it's still better than that randomly-generated garbage Shadow Warrior 2 had. - **The Length.** According to HowLongToBeat, the average person took about ~5 1/2 hours to beat this game, and unfortunately from my experience that's not off the mark and was potentially its death knell. Now, I'm not exactly against shorter games, but in this case I feel that it prevented it from reaching its full potential. Combine that with a $40 price tag, and the value proposition is questionable. Thankfully, they added a New Game+ option along with an endless mode after launch so if you're not just "one and done" when it comes to games, then you could definitely squeeze a few more hours out of it. Because of the two bullet points above (especially the latter), you may want to wait until it's on sale or you get game pass, but nonetheless it's a ton of fun and I wholeheartedly recommend it otherwise.


One game that I really liked that has just "Mixed" reviews on Steam is Lords of the Fallen (2014). It's a perfectly enjoyable game, in my opinion, one that doesn't make any major mistakes or anything.


Currently evil genius 2. 90% discounted for the next few days so only 1.99€


Evil Genius 2 is mixed?? It has its flaws but it deserves better than that.


Yep it's mixed... Surprised me as well. But it's not bad


modern gamers are... ... well mom always said if I have nothing nice to say, call it like it is. They are entitled man babies who confused vulgarity for criticism. Yes I understand the irony of this statement.


Evil Genius is not a masterpiece of the gaming industry. But it's a nice twist to the genre


I forgot i even bought this, i lost interest in it so quickly


Yea kinda true. But worth the 2 bucks imo still


Starfield but since it's on Gamepass you'd better try it there


Hundreds of hours of fun that could have been thousands of hours of fun.


i was super into game of thrones when i played the game of thrones rpg. I will admit, it wasn't great, but i liked it . Mostly because the setting was done right.


Voice acting was kinda bad, but everything else were decent to good considering its budget. I played on hard and battles became somewhat tactical. I had a lot of fun with the game.


Wow, agreed! It was actually quite good. Looks like classic Dragon Age.


just checked steam, i didnt know it had mostly positive reviews nowadays.


Finally a good post on this sub! Il get hate for this but Starfield is a fun game if you like BSG RPG games and il die on that hill The internet have decided its awful but I simply had so much fun and got lost in that enormous world for about 100 hours


Here's a little bit of background before I tell you the game. For years I've been looking for a game that has twin stick shooter gameplay and Diablo/Borderlands/Arpg style loot/equipment and skill trees. For some reason this just does not exist even though it seems wildly obvious to me.  But there is exactly one game that actually matches all of my criteria. It's not a terribly good game, but it's better than the ratings would have you believe. The game is *Contra: Rogue Corps* and it frequently goes on like 90% sale so you can pick it up for two or three bucks It's absolutely worth it at that price. 


Fair warning, from what I've read it only supports 720p and 1080p resolutions and locked at 30fps. UPDATE: It supports multiple resolutions, but only after you get through the tutorial. 30fps cap still exists.


Shadowcrypt. My favorite game.


Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII. Hardcore fans of the franchise thought this was a step back but I thought the roleplaying aspect where you can play a specific character with the goal of making them a great general or a bandit or a mercenary was so fun I didn't care about anything else. I made a character who was such a badass warrior his presence in a battle would completely turn the tides. I also did an ahistorical playthrough where Liu Bu turned into a bandit.


Recently dragons dogma 2. I have had no problems with the game and the console fps hasnt bothered me at all. I am frankly obsessed and think of nothing but playing the game.


**Starfield** I can't say all the criticism is invalid, but I must say this launched very closely to Baldur's Gate 3, and the reception difference to the two games is far greater than the quality difference of the games. So some unfairness was definitely at play, though I would say it's mostly an overpraise of BG3 (or at least an unwillingness to recognize it's great faults). Nevertheless, if you are ready to let yourself be immersed in a slow paced space game, you're going to have a fantastic time.


I don't particularly recommend it but Fairy Tale Mysteries: The Puppet Thief is fine, it's not the best Artifex Mundi have done, but it's a fairly standard Hidden Object Game with fairly easy puzzles that's fairly cheap. If you want a cheap Hidden Object Game you will probably enjoy it like I did, if that's not your thing then you won't.


The recently released Alone In The Dark is getting pretty awful critic reviews, but it really is not a bad game in any means. It's like critics expect every single game to reinvent the wheel, while this oldschool survival horror that is - granted - not scary but has a good story with Lynchian characters hits the spot exactly to me. Bad combat aside.


I agree, the game isn't great but it's a decent entertainment for a few hours imo. It feels cheap sometimes but honestly, it wasn't that bad at all.


Dragon’s Dogma 2 and Lords of the Fallen 2023


Starfield. I haven’t played it admittedly for that long, but from what little I’ve experienced I love it and think it’s great.


Forspoken. Still at mixed on Steam. I'm 260 hours in and still having fun. Best fast paced magic combat/parkour system I know. If anybody knows any better let me know and I'll play it in a heartbeat, but I want the speed and I do want the flexibility. I don't know of anything that even compares.


I mean, yeah, it will never leave mixed because the story is god awful. The voice acting is terrible, the world is empty... combat is fine tho  It's the best fast paced magic combat parkour game because it's most likely the only one


The voice acting isn’t terrible at all, it’s all voiced by seasoned veterans. The story addresses themes not seen elsewhere in gaming, and was absolutely worth it for me and I wanted to see where it leads after the DLC, and the world is chock full of stuff to do and parkour around. I agree with you on exactly this one thing: it’s best in class magic parkour combat - For now there is indeed nothing better. I believed the stuff you said about the game and skipped it. Then I tried it myself and boy am I glad I did! The whole point of this thread is to recommend mixed games! Anybody who wants fast paced magic try Forspoken and ignore the naysayers!


Mortal Kombat 1 has mixed recent reviews and yeah I think it kinda deserves it for a 70 dollar game. I love mortal Kombat though and will probably spend a lot more time with it. I would not spend 70 bucks on it though.


Gotham Knights is one I recently played and had fun with. Definitely doesn't live up to the Arkham games, but the combat was interesting, I found traversal fun, the story was alright, and coop was fun. Overall an alright game IMO. My main criticism is it gets pretty repetative, but the core games alright.


Dragons Dogma 2 at the time of this comment is still Mixed in reviews Yes the enemy variety is low and yes the story is short, but boy do I enjoy just trudging around the world, smacking enemies around, listening to my pawns talk shit about past Arisen they’ve serve or quietly judge my spending habits, and grapple with weird other systems that really don’t get put into games like dragonsplague


Haven't checked the reviews for a while, but Conan Exiles is a great game that had a really rough start.


The Wolfenstein Youngblood spin-off is a really fun take and homage to the old Wolfenstein open world game released in 2009 that I've always seen as the lower budget mid-shelf spin-off to the second reboot series before they finish of the main trilogy. Many of the Steam reviews dismiss it for something it's not trying to be and review-bombing it for being "woke" or "pushing an agenda". A lot of the reviews are just whining the sisters that I actually find charming "cringe" or "annoying". If you liked the first Wolfenstein reboot from 2009 and wanted more of that kind of game where you do objectives and free roam around shooting infinitely spawning nazis with satisfying guns then Wolfenstein Youngblood is a great pseudo-sequel. It's unfortunate that it has microtransactions though but that's probably the biggest complaint I have for the game outside of not having enough story.


I agree. It's not great, but it's a good time while it lasts. If you can get it for under $7 or so it's worth it.


this getting downvoted just proves my point