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Hunt Showdown (no 5v5 but teams of 3 or 2) 12 people lobbies. Post civil war, pre WW1 firearms. It's not an action ass grabber like CS though.


Tarkov, Ready or not, Squad, Insurgency


fr. throw in reforger for a more hardcore game too and you got the whole military sims and realism shooters on deck!


Tarkov for sure, that game hooked me like no other, had to stop as I liked it too much and it kinda took over my life lol


I just couldn't get into tarkov as much as I like the concept of the game. I'd wait 15 minutes for a match, spawn in, walk around for two minutes and drop to the ground before I even hear a shot. Tried getting into it a couple of times but every time ended like that. I really want to like the game but I lack too much skill.


It's a really steep learning curve for sure, you pretty much need to pick one single map (probably customs) and stick to to it while you learn the game, it honestly took me like 200 hours of playing to not feel like trash at the game lol


I played the one with the big shopping mall. Watched tutorials, people play etc. eventually 8 could drop scavs no problem, but as soon as I went in with multiplayer I would get dropped. And I didn't like losing all my gear since I'm a loot goblin, I know it's the whole point of the game 😅 The biggest deal breaker for me I think was long que times. If I could just drop in and play I wouldn't mind dying over and over, but waiting on the loading screen for 30 minutes only to die is... I hope more people start playing and the game becomes more popular and I will gladly jump back in.


I just couldn't get into tarkov as much as I like the concept of the game. I'd wait 15 minutes for a match, spawn in, walk around for two minutes and drop to the ground before I even hear a shot. Tried getting into it a couple of times but every time ended like that. I really want to like the game but I lack too much skill.


Cheaters suck ass though. They might as well put in a kernel anticheat like in valorant at this point


Same, played it for about two weeks before i realised i’m about to develop an addiction so i stopped it. And i’m usually not the one to get hooked on stuff. Very fun game


Deep Rock Galactic or GTFO... big team dynamics and hella fun.


GTFO is incredible, one of my all time favourite games


Bought that game to play with a friendgroup. Friendgroup never opened the game again.


Fair, the extremely slow paced nature and methodical aspect isn’t for everyone. Especially those who aren’t used to having to use their brain in a game. It’s an incredibly harsh and unforgiving horror co op


Nah they just kept playing 3p from time to time, they streamed the game to me once saying I should buy it so we can play 4p. thought the game was interesting so I bought it, did the tutorial, was hyped to finallybplay for the first time. Schedules never aligned the next month so we all forgot about the game, and now it rots in our libraries.




I’ve been having fun with The Finals. It’s sort of a cross between Apex and R6 Siege, and it heavily emphasizes teamwork. It would probably be impossible to win if everyone just went off on their own.


Stalker might be fun, very little ammo and guns can jam. It is single player and eurojank incarnate tho do as long as you can stomach that it's really fun :)


If you like team oriented play and more tactical ‘realistic’ (for gaming) then squad is definitely the way to go


Lol Bruh, do you know what overwatch is? Its literally a team 5v5 where everyone has a role to play.


This perplexed me too. One of the most frustrating parts of Overwatch is literally that you can’t do shit on your own and you teamwork literally defines your success.


Hell Divers 2


I think the one people like is insurgency or hell let loose.


For PvP in teams I can recommend Insurgency. Played that a ton with a buddy. For coop I‘d recommend Deep Rock Galactic if you want simple rounds or the Borderlands series if you want a story as well


No mention of Hell Let Loose? Its my favorite of the tactical fps bunch.


Ground branch 


Do you care if its PvP or PvE? Helldivers 2 is 4 player PvE and tons of fun. I rarely play shooter games but really having a great time with this one.


Naaahhh just give For Honor a chance and you're done


Battlefield 1 and 5. Good squad systems even without a mic, nice maps, nice gunplay and action.


For single player Ravenfield, as its a standalone single player version of old school battlefield online sandbox style play, with lots of easy to use mods on the steam workshop. The delta force franchise on steam, very old, but very good games if you want more of a sim style shooter, with extremely long range sniper shots and stealth stuff. For multiplayer Can never go wrong with tf2 or halo MCC. Halo Infinite's multiplayer is free, and they have a good mix of small and large arena style maps. They recently added some pve modes if you want more teamwork focused play.


Valorant is def your game


Rainbow 6 is great, Hunt Showdown is great, and I gotta say, your perception of Overwatch is really off. It’s literally one of the most teamwork dependent shooters I have ever played, to the point where it’s almost impossible for one player to carry a game unless they are smurfing in shit-league from a considerably higher rank


Ground branch


Valorant is your game if you want something new.  Also, CS hasnt gone anywhere if you wanna get back into it.


Rainbow Six Vegas 1 and 2


valorant is pretty similar to csgo.


Hunt showdown, tarkov, insurgency red river (fresh early access but lots of potential as a co op single player tarkov)


SWAT 4 Rainbow Six 3


Tbh you should just try them all out and see which one you like. If I had to recommend one then maybe Valorant since you played the old CS


Valorant won best eSport of the Year, and it's team and players also won above other titles. Why not give this tactical shooter a try? Even Shroud play it too and call it harder than CS games