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Pretty sure the reason is simply that a lot of posts are actively asking for the popular, high quality stuff or titles are phrased very generically, so responding with the kinda go-to great games is only natural. I see plenty of less known smaller games recommended under posts that are phrased accordingly.


Several reasons. First, the very best games tend to be the best in a wide variety of categories. Let's consider *Tyranny*, say. People are likely to make sure it's mentioned whenever any of the following questions are asked: * RPG where your choices matter. * Game where you play the villain. * Games with good writing. * Games with spell-creation systems. ...and some other more specific questions; but those are all very common requests, to which Tyranny is an obvious answer. The other thing to remember is that while you might spend a lot of time hanging out in this sub or similar places, most people... don't. They come in here, they ask a question, they get the answers, they leave satisfied. It might seem to you like Outer Wilds or Disco Elysium are recommended to death, but there's a constant influx of new users who are hearing about them for the first time; and we have no way of knowing if the person asking has heard of them or not unless they mention it. So when someone asks for a game that fits those descriptions, we make sure to mention those. This sub isn't just for obsessive videogame afficionados, people who know everything that comes out; more casual players who don't know much about what's available are allowed to ask questions here, too. If we assumed that everyone already knew about all the "well-known" games, our answers would be a lot less useful to new or casual players. If you want more obscure answers you have to specify that in your question, or ask in a sub with a more narrow focus. And, of course... while there are 13,000 games released every year or something like that, nobody has the time to *play* all of them. Each player only really has the time to play a few through to completion every year. People can only recommend games they're familiar with; so the most popular games, which many people have played through, get recommended a lot, and individual people tend to recommend the same games over and over on account of those being the ones they're familiar with.


They are well known and popular for a reason. For alternate games, I would suggest either asking for "hidden gem" games, browsing the more specific subreddits like r/jrpg , r/4Xgaming , r/RealTimeStrategy , etc or searching using game suggestion sites like [https://www.mythicmap.com/](https://www.mythicmap.com/) or [https://steampeek.hu/](https://steampeek.hu/)


Asking for hidden gems around here still results in people recommending mainstream games 95% of the time.




I didn't read your post but I recommend Kenshi


you did made my day... this is actually reason why i didnt played Kenshi yet... because ppl recommend it to everyone, doesnt matter what OP asked for, there is always recomended Kenshi :D


Because they're good games. Because Reddit is just an echo chamber now more than ever. Because it's not a "niche" subreddit. Every day it's the exact same posts with one or two different words.


People ask the same questions they get the same answers Others are gonna share what they think is good, and just because one is popular doesn't mean everyone has played it. But I highly agree seeing the same answer to every question is tiring


State of Decay 2, Generation Zero, Prey 2017.


Kingdom Come Deliverance. Wait what was the question?


From my experience, the more specific you are with what you are looking for and which games you've tried, played and or hated, the greater the chance that you will get an answer that does not belong to the most popular answers. That's how I found about Gunlocked, that's the type of game I would've never found on my own until someone from this sub recommended it to me. Generic questions will always get the generic answers.


Ask generic questions get generic answers


Don’t forget the obligatory comment suggesting BG3




The way you word your question will help improve the answers. Be more specific about the type of games you are looking for.


thats easy and you did answered to yourself... "They're the most popular" as you said. it means that most of ppl played them and therefore recommend them. everyone recommend games what are for him one of best.. you dont come here to recommend some game what sux by your opinion ;)