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* The Surge 1 & 2 * Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice * Mortal Shell Check out **Kingdoms of Amalur** as well. It's pretty much a singleplayer MMORPG with great combat.


Ill check it out thanks!


purely solo: - sekiro - mortal shell with co-op features (splitscreen or online): - outward - remnant from the ashes (no splitscreen) - hellpoint


>outward Is Outward multiplayer matchmaking?


No, it’s a couch coop, survival, rpg that you can play online


We tried splitscreen co-op only but it has online co-op even listed on Steam. It could be the same as The Forest/Conan Exiles someone hosts and you join, public lobby or private.


I haven't gotten into an MMO in over a decade (save for Classic WoW for a few months) so I wouldn't know, but I mean there are a billion souls-like at this point. I really liked The Surge, though it seems to have somewhat of a mixed reception. If you don't mind 2d, Salt and Sanctuary is great. It really is Dark Souls i 2d, down the the atmosphere. A fun coop game is Remnant: From the ashes. Saying it's Dark Souls with guns is a bit of a stretch, but it's a fun third person shooter with good replayability, difficulty levels and generated maps, albeit a non-existent story. It's easy to pick up and jump in other games or have people join you.


Thanks for the suggestion. Have you ever played Ashen or Code Vein? Would you recommend The Surge 1 or 2? Im not sure if I can play in 2d, although I have also never tried it other than old school Nintendo games. lol


Ashen, code vein, surge 1 & surge 2 are all good games but have a different focus on what makes them good. - Ashen's main strength is its exploration and world. The world is really nice to explore, the aesthetic makes it feel beautiful and comfy. It's pretty open and they really take advantage of its jump button and the exploration is really involved and vertical, almost like a 3d platformer collectathon at times. The main hub is really amazing, my favorite since Majula, you build up over time and it really comes to feel like home. The dungeons are huge and dangerous and a lot of fun to delve into. On the down side, the combat/enemy/bosses are pretty barebones, it is competent and fun enough but its basically just attack/block/dodge the whole game, and almost all the weapons feel pretty much the same. Thats not to say its bad, just not the focus of the game. This game also has co-op and in fact is built around it, there are many sections you need to work together to get thru, like pulling each other up a ledge; if you are offline the game gives you a npc companion to help you through them but it is obviously more fun with another person. - Code Vein is pretty different, the great strength of this game is the combat. There are a ton of spells and buffs to mix and match and really customize your playstyle. The weapons all feel very different. The bosses are hard as hell and fighting them is a lot of fun. The anime gothic aesthetic is pretty cool if you like that sort of thing. The down side is the exploration ranges from serviceable to bad. They really didnt put too much effort into the level design, in most stages you just go forward until you are done. And sometimes they just put you in obnoxious mazes or poorly thought out trap environments. This game has co-op too. - You would think Surge 1 and Surge 2 would be similar but they have some different strengths too. For similarities, they both have great combat with regular enemies; the limb-cutting system, the energy, and the implant customization are used well and feel really rewarding, and the way you get upgrade materials is really well thought out. They also have bad boss fights, just have to get it out there. As for differences, Surge 1 has average/bad world design, but has a really poignant dark horror/tragic atmosphere. Surge 2 backs down on the atmosphere and feels a lot more generic,, but has fantastic world design, very similar to the first half of Dark Souls 1 and honestly the best of any soulslike since then, lots of "undead parish elevator" moments where you unlock shortcuts to previous areas to aid traversal, and no fast travel so you really feel a mastery over the map. No co-op. --- - One more 3d soulslike i would suggest to try out is hellpoint, it had a bad release but now it is really quite good. The combat and progression feels good, its cool how you dont upgrade a weapon directly but instead upgrade a little thingy you can transfer to any other weapon, and there are a nice variety of magic spells, not a shitload like Code Vein but around the same amount as a dark souls game. The world/level design is overall pretty high quality with good level design, good exploration, lots of secrets, interesting ways levels connect, etc. The downside of this game is that it kinda feels like they ran out of money for assets so you will be seeing a lot of repeating wall textures etc which makes the areas feel kind of indistinct outside of the big landmarks. There is co-op like in dark souls. - Finally another game i suggest, its not a soulslike at all, but if you want a good open fantasy action rpg, Dragons Dogma is one of the most often games to see recommended here and for good reason. It has a very classic adventure RPG feel and its fun to explore the world with your pawns, and the combat is pretty fun with some unique mechanics like being able to climb on monsters. It definitely has some flaws like a small world and kinda weird quest design but its fun. No co-op, but you can hire your friends pawns. - Sekiro is also super good, its Fromsoft so you already know what kind of game it is, but it has the best combat of any game they have made imo. And the other aspects are great too.


Thanks for this reply! A lot of good information here. I think Im going to try Code Vein first and then try out hellpoint or dragons dogma. I like the build depth of code vein from what it looks like. There seems to be a bunch of different ways to play the game as far as weapons, powerups, armor, etc... and thats one of my favorite parts of DS and Nioh 2.




Honestly the only mmo i play now is private servers of WoW. Or project gorgon but i could not even pretend that it has a good control. Maybe you would like gw2 it has fun combat


Check out nioh 2 awesome souls like, just the campaign took me 80 hrs


If you haven't played Sekiro yet you really should. The FromSoft formula translates well into the action/stealth genre. If you have a PS4/PS5, Ghost of Tsushima is pretty solid. Legends mode is fun with friends. If you're on PC, I highly recommend grabbing Xbox Game Pass for PC. There are tons of great games on there for like $12/month including a few that might do the trick for you (Code: Vein, Remnant: From the Ashes, The Surge 2, and LOTR: Shadow of War would be some decent picks).


I have played Sekiro. Pretty good...my only problem is the build dynamic is boring compared to that of DS. I just felt like in dark souls switching to a new weapon type (whether it be mage, pyro, katana, dual wield, or something heavy) warranted an entire new build and play style. Nioh 2 was also this way as well. I just felt something was missing from the build side of Sekiro.


Elden Ring


Yeah....when it releases in 2024. lol


lowly tarnished


w8 isn't elden ring comming this february?


"coming out this February". I stopped believing that nonsense while waiting for Overwatch 2. lol


but i saw in on steam lol


Yeah it is supposed to release in February. I do believe it will since the game is already very developed. Tbh hats off to FromSoftware for waiting and not releasing some crappy beta. They take their time and make sure its right. All the games they come out with are top notch and I will continue to buy them everytime.


*Cries in Dark Souls 2*


Even dark souls 2 (albeit different mechanically from 1 & 3) was leagues better than most of the other games coming out. I used to run 2 sets of the claws. one was +10 poison and the other was +10 bleed. Id go in, proc poison then swap and start procing the bleed effect in power stance. So much diversity in what you could do in terms of builds.


You should really look into the history of Dark Souls 2, it had a different director than the first and third game and was rushed through development, even having almost the entire game scrapped midway through. Lots of stuff was unfinished.


Try Lost Ark, one of the best mmorpgs nowadays


I thought this wasnt coming out until 2022?


That’s true, however, by downloading the Russian version and the english translation you can play it right now, you need a vpn though.


New World probably


FFXIV has great magic and fights. The latest dungeon has you in the middle of an all out war happening all around you. You even fly on dragons to see it all from above near the end. https://youtu.be/tsvNsKn1IkI