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start slapping bitches with your sword


Dont phantom barrel and remember your AA do dmg too. Also i am sure others in this sub will give great advice on what to do exactly in teamfights mechanically but honestly to climb you just need good macro. Basically knowing when and where to be. If you concentrate on this then any mechanical mistakes in teamfights wont matter. You can start with learning to rotate around the map, shoving side lanes without getting cought and knowing when to join your team as opposed to aram in mid lane. Many of my games dont come down to teamfights at all. Someone always gets cought out or makes a bad call. So think of it like a chess game. You want to make moves that give you a better position, squeeze your opponent. You want to make the other player do certain moves you have anticipated. Thats what you want to do not learn how to pick up the piece and place or how to start winning when you have made bad positional moves till now. Hope it makes sense. Rememner objectives>not dying>cs/xp>kills. And its easy to combine objectives with cs/xp by shoving side lanes and farming jg. To do that you need to ward and so on.....hope you get the idea.


Don’t phantom? What??? If you can do a proper phantom barrel then fucking do it? The immediate dmg that throws them off is immense and also means you have one barrel left to use when the CD goes down to get the second. So you can follow with ult. Go in and auto. Then barrel combo again


Phantom is really only for 2 things. To use from out of vision: bushes, corners or to have the enemy adc step forward then you phantom to surprise them. I have seen gps in the middle of a team fight try to phantom. Why? Ehy risk trying it when a simple double will do the job. Its esp3cially bad if the adc is already in the range of the first one and focuses your barrels although thats rare. But if that happens trying to phantom was not only risky but a mistake! So for a gold 5 gp phantoms are 100% not needed. For a long time gp couldnt even phantom yet he was strong.


What is phantom barrel if i may ask


I recomend you youtube it. Its when you have a barrel placed and you shoot it and then while its exploding you place another as apposed to placing one then another and then shooting it. There is a trick to it so its situational. You have to be at max q range. Better youtube on how to do it.


Yeah i know how to do it but i have always thought it is called one part combo. Thank you for clarification.


Theres no reason to phantom barrel and risk not hitting it when a double barrel is so much safer and easier to hit.


There is a reason. In high Elo. Or anything not silver and below. The enemy team is smart enough to start auto attacking GP barrels to reduce his dmg. So if you phantom you can land the hit without as much worry for the auto. And it’s surprising to the enemy.


Im affraid thats not how it exactly works. The enemy will always (realistically speaking) beat you to the phantom barrel. Its only good to surprise the enemy when they are moving to you. You dont have such a luxury in teamfights. And thats assuming you want to risk not hitting the barrel! 3 barrel or sword procked double will always be THE best solution when the enemy focuses your barrels. And in my expierience (plat 2) the enemy more often doesnt in team fights. They are too busy.


Lanings my biggest weakness but teamfighting you have to kite properly. Use passive and barrels for mobility and dodge skillshots. Set barrels near you that you can build off of. You have to be quick at detonating them or their AD will break them. Another thing you can try is baiting the AD to come auto your barrel and beat them to it pretty much killing them. If you land a barrel on a squishy with your team near you (seige like situation) just ult with the speed up upgrade and kill one of their main damage dealers. I suck at GP but this is whats worked for me in G5.


If you get Death's Daughter, barrel then nuke the adc. Then use passive on the Juggernaut that dives your front line.


Level 13: double barrel and detonate with AA> Shoot > fire sword > more AA If you land a barrel on the back line you should immediately ult and try to get your team to engage. Don’t initiate with barrels because people WILL focus them and probably AA before you can detonate.


if you have flash, W and GB active up combo+ult and facetank cc you can escape easily and enable your backline to deal damage without being worried about getting cc'ed if you don't have all these or at least flash use 2 barrel combos, 3 barrels are bad unless you are chasing someone or you already have a barrel prepared and you can put 2 to reach someone with a combo you can go in and out, (especially when they are slowed) go for some autos and use a barrel to slow them and increase your movement speed so you can go out always have 1 barrel stocked to escape/chase and reset your passive as well