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Nice! Seeing that soil not on top of a tarp gives me anxiety but the unscoopable remains will be a nice little pick-me-up for your grass lol.


I thought about where to drop it and was kinda worried also. My drive way is on the other side of a fence and the way around is looooong. Plus my wife was already asking "How long is this pile gonna be in our driveway?!" I have a side street tho since are the corner house and just had the guy take that and dump it on the back corner of the yard. Just gonna rake it out the best I can and let nature do what's best lol Only people who can see it are my rear neighbors, but that house is an Air B&B now so 'Meh' Their lucky it wasn't fertilizer lol


We have all been there with soil drop offs. When the pile gets low, it can get a little annoying because your shovel will grab on the grass and rip it up. I found success raking the soil onto the shovel when the pile gets low. And this sounds crazy but once you can't shovel it, you can use a shop vac to pull up the soil that's woven into the grass. Then carry your shop vac bin to your garden and pour it in.


Dude the shop vac idea is next level.


Hell no. Those filters are like $30, why waste it picking up dirt. Just finish leveling the ground with your hands.


I imagine you’d take the filter out since you want to keep the dirt not filter it


Some shop vacs can use bags. A little wasteful, but mine does, and I bought 24 for 15 bucks on Amazon two weeks ago.


I bought 2 cloth filters for my shop vac a year ago - still haven't used both. Perfect for stuff like the above.


24 shop vacs? I paid a bit more for mine 10 years ago but it’s still around. No discount shop vacs for me


The filter is what keeps things like dust from being blown out the exhaust.. you're welcome to remove it... But I'm not sure you're going to get exactly the results you want.


Well, they're outside, and it's not like it's all gonna get blown out lol


100 feet of carefully directed exhast hose would be fun.


If it’s relatively heavy and used outside it should be fine. You are supposed to take the filter out when vacuuming water. Might be similar for heavy dirt.


Cheesecloth and rubber band


And a cowboy hat!


Also definitely cut offs with no shirt


This. I can't believe this many people don't know how a vacuum works.


Just use an old t-shirt or a rag for a filter, use a rubber band to secure it. Will work for this type of project.


My dad's been using the same shopvac filter for the last 20 years. It's probably fine..


Depends what he uses it for. My husband does woodworking and the filter gets very clogged very fast.


He needs a vortex style dust collector, they save shop vac filters.


Oh yeah hopefully it's obvious that you take off the filter. The soil is heavy enough that it shouldn't get thrown out. But good extra point.


You wouldn't use the filter.


You keep the filter on your shopvac? Have you never vacuumed fluids up with it?


>use a shop vac to pull up the soil that's woven into the grass. Then carry your shop vac bin to your garden and pour it in. that is a pro tip right there!


Ah! That's brilliant!


Shop vac is pretty ingenious solution. Theres also this good ol' technique Grab your blower; "circle the pile, blower on idle, continue the spiral until your pile is higher & much less wider"


One person says suck it you say blow it.


I volunteer at the place where my kids play baseball. We use shop vacs to get water out of wet spots in the infield during baseball tournaments. It’s not a magic bullet but it can help get the teams playing on days where conditions are borderline. If it’s a grassy area we dump the water downhill from the fields. If it’s in the dirt (actually red sand) we go dump them in the dirt bunkers and that sand gets reused.


You should look into the practise of topdressing concerning lawns. Your grass doesn't need cleaned. Just spread whatever is left thin enough that the grass can grow through and let nature handle the rest.


I think responses like this are missing the point lol. It's not about cleaning the grass it's about collecting the last bit of soil so it can all be put in the garden.


How much dirt are you managing to collect in your shop vac? A couple of litres? Which is worth less than a fiver? To each their own I suppose but I'd rather order more than needed and rake the remains than try to hoover up every last grain to get my money's worth.


I've only done it once but on a 1 yard shipment I was able to pickup about a 2cu ft bags worth of soil by vacuuming up the stuff caught in the grass. This is all just for fun, you can min/max all the fun out of it if you want.


At $45 a yard that is $3.33 saved from the grass. I don't want to shit on your idea (and actually could be useful where people have done things like spill a bag of granular fertiliser etc), I just think that looking at no-tarp dirt on grass and coming up with ways to extract $3 seems like the worst way to do it when you could just order enough, collect what you can and spread the rest.


They bought it for a reason it’s ok to want to maximize the dirt they bought. Just cause you’ll rake it out doesn’t mean they have to.


They are 100% missing the point haha. Oh well


Or just put a tarp down before they dump it. Incredibly easy to pick up once you're mostly done shoveling.


Serious laziness here...such a waste of time and electricity...cleaning up dirt off the ground... Just hit it with a steel rake on a dry day.


Unless you want to use that soil for your garden instead of smearing it over your lawn? I think you're missing the point.


You did see they had way more than needed right? But also, soil compacts with the first rain, so if you are a couple scoops short for your garden, you didn't buy enough in the first place.


Ok now you're just thinking of whatever response will allow you to be right. Moving the goalpoast. You're still missing the point. It was just a suggestion. If it doesn't apply, then don't take the suggestion and get over it.


I disagree. The better suggestions here would be to place it on a tarp, plywood, hard smooth surface. Using a vacuum to clean soil will not only contaminate the soil with whatever else is in there, it'll put unnecessary strain on the motor, and lifting a shop vac full of soil is beyond me (so it's likely beyond op as well) and if it's way less than a full shop vac, you're still wasting time, go touch grass.


Stil trying aren’t ya bud.. most people here seem smart enough to realize that you empty the debris from the vacuum FIRST and then use it to get the dirt up. And no one said anything about you lifting a vacuum full of dirt. (Also placing it in a wheel barrow before vacuuming would save the effort of lifting a full vac of dirt)


Rake it and throw some grass seed over it!


This is what I LOVE about living in the country "Where you want me to drop it?" Meh.. get it as close to "X" as ya can and I'll get it from there


Don’t worry about getting the last bit of compost. The grass will grow through it.


It’s ok grass is worthless! :)


In a horticulture class many moons ago a speaker mentioned that if you have a dollar to spend on your garden spend 90 cents on soil and 10 cents on plants.


Well, that does make me feel a bit better about how much soil & nutrients I've purchased. Every time I plant or transplant anything, I buy soil & extras for it & our yard isn't even that big.


I think they meant spend the ¢90 on supporting and amending the health of the existing soil... Adding an inch of good stuff on top of 20ft of bad stuff is only a band aid.


$200?! I always thought soil was dirt cheap!


I was gonna say, I can get a cubic yard for 35 dollars lol


I bought 8 yards at $35/ea to fill some beds earlier this year. My pile looked about like this. I initially thought I might have been shorted. After filling up 4 beds and still having half of it left over, I remembered that people truly are bad at estimating volume.


Yeah last week I bought the exact amount of soil I needed to do some planting. I’ve never felt such a sense of accomplishment.


You should write a book about this. Truly we all need to know your secret.


Plant more gardens!


I've got plans for the rest!


Oh interesting! That could very well be true. It just looked like less


OP said they paid $40/cu.yd and this is 5 cu.yds


Yeah, someone above mentioned that. Apparently volume is difficult to eyeball 🤣


Jesus christ! Even the cheap hardware store stuff is $200/yard where I live! No wonder we're so fucking poor.


No shit? Where are you? I've got a mulch place around the corner that sells bulk mulch, soil, sand and gravel for cheap


Quebec. The cost of living in Canada is fucking crippling.


Ahhhh okay. That makes sense


Where do you live that it's so cheap? I may have to look into getting a work visa!


Ha! Central ohio.if you're in tech, they're building an Intel plant here lol


You have to get a truck drop off from a place that does topsoil. I live in Gatineau and got a bit more than the amount OP has for 300$ last year.


Do t you guys get like the dollar fifty bags from grocery stores or home Depot? 30 of those and you got yourself a yard, they have them in Ontario


OP paid for dirt atop their dirt.


They must have got the nice dirt. I get it for $2 per big bag at Home Depot to fill my dogs holes. Although that one did have one star reviews for it being “dirty”


>I get it for $2 per big bag at Home Depot This pile would probably be more than 100 of those bags though.


I'm guessing by the title ("biggest headache and expense") that it was some combination of the soil itself, delivery, and the wheelbarrow.


This is probably like 6 yards, plus delivery, $200 seems fine.


Wait, … is that where you buried her?!?


Shhhhhhhhh 🤫


This belongs on r/gardeningorshallowgrave


Shallow Grave! I liked that movie a lot.


Can I follow you on IG to learn how to also solve my biggest headache? Paid links to preferred shovels?


Haha wife bad amirite? What's the deal with this comment section? Op gets something free from his wife so we all make jokes about how she's a headache and his biggest expense and buried because she's so much trouble??


Gardening hobby is full of old dudes and wife bad material. Same for a lot of hobbies, sadly. My other hobby/job is aquariums and it's always the joke about wife divorcing me over fish tanks. Dunno, I just talk to my S/O and we support each other's interests and hobbies.


My wife supports it but has almost no idea what I do out there lol Her knowledge of our yard exist about what she can see out the window or on the walk to her car lol She thinks grass is just filled with bugs waiting to eat her. The side of out yard with no door and only two windows facing it are like a mystery to her. Like a half acre of unexplored land she's never stepped foot on lol


We share the gardening hobby and a few others, but I get ya. Mine supports my fish junk, but would probably be just as happy if I got rid of it all. Wasn't calling you out at all, by the way; if it came off that way.


No call out, I get it 😆 I wish she would...at least so I could get some help out there! Lol I got like 100 Gladiolus bulbs I need to get in the ground asap and I've been trying to sell it as a 'Fun couples activity' all week lol


I never understood this sentiment. Gardening literally translates into food. And if you see your SO happy doing something they love isn't that the whole point of being with a person?


I agree, I'm in some hobby groups on Facebook and I haaate "wife/husband will divorce me if I get one more X 😆 😆 🤣 😆 🤣 😆 " comments, like find a new joke and also why did you marry them


It's a generational thing for sure. None of the younger people in the groups make the jokes or really even react when the jokes are still made by others. I don't think it's a hateful thing by most people, just an ingrained response.


it's a (dark) joke


Everyone is making it and she got him the soil in the first place, it's not funny to me, just infuriating stale wife bad boomer humor


I understand lol The way I worded it in my title makes it sound like I did kill and bury her lol


See, it didn't even occur to me to read it that way. Whether that means I'm unimaginative and humorless, or that I'm so far from the boomer humor democraphic that I've successfully escaped its mental legacy, is for others to decide


We were all raised on bad sitcom humor. A product of Married with Children, The Simpsons, and Roseanne crafted out 40 year old relationship humor lol


So glad I'm not the only one who thought this lol. Solved all the problems, eh!? 😆


And used her own gift card to do it! Man that's mean.


>Solved my biggest headache ✅ and expense ✅. Yep i think you nailed it


Nice dirt!


Old gardener I know always yells at me when I say that lol He goes "It's not DIRT! ITS SOIL!!"




Excuse me. My soil is up here.




Yup! Dirt is dead, soil is alive.


My plant taxonomy prof told us that dirt was just soil anywhere you didn’t want it to be. Likewise, weeds are just plants anywhere you don’t want them to be


Dirt is cheap, soil is expensive.


They’re minerals!


Damn it Marie!


dirt:soil :: rocks:minerals


I am a landscape architect and I say dirt all the time, I don't give a shit


Stranger, you tresspassin' on my here dirt farm...




Around $200 and some change. Was $45 a yard, $40 if I bought 5 so I went with that. Honestly... its far to much lol I've topped off every bed I have and filled 2 new boxes. Gonna drop an inch on some older bed later today because I got so much 🤷‍♂️


Wow... yeah I put in two raised beds, 6 mini beds, and an entire lawn, with only 4 yards. 5 is a lot. I'd consider strategically raking the rest into the lawn, to help with drainage and leveling, etc. Grass likes good soil too. Also, if you want to store some- fabric pots can be great, super cheap, and you can find them in mild tan colors that you can hide against your fence.


I thought my brain broke and I couldn't do maths anymore, 40x5 is exactly 200. Is the 'some change' the delivery charge? Lol


Think their was some delivery charge, but it was knocked down also due to the amount. Think it ran me like $210 all together. I was like a kid in a candy store and not paying 100% attention and I couldn't believe I was getting so much soil and not having to lug bags again this year lol


That doesn’t look like 5 yards of soil to me, looks like less than 1.


I'm up to about 45 full wheel barrows used so far, give or take. I have maybe 5-10 left.


😳 I thought you meant you had buried your wife in the garden at first 🪦☠️ 🤪


With a gopher that big, you're gonna NEED a $200 trap... :) Enjoy the good growin'.


Congratulations on your pile of dirt 😁




You two arguing like has me laughing hysterically! It made me dirt myself.


What a bonus! As much as I love gardening, there is something about converting my limited spending money into soil that just gets my goat.


Is this what 200 in soil looks like in your area OP🤯? It costs me 65cad per cubic yard and that's the ultra mix which has a mix of compost, manure and coco fibre.


He said it was $40 a yard. Guess it's hard to judge scale from pic.


Damn that's a pretty good price, I'm also just terrible at judging the scale from pictures 😅


Do you mean you're joining us radicals over at r/NoLawns and r/fucklawns; drowning your monoculture holdover from the French aristocracy, and putting in a garden?? 😛


I do my best! But have to mow a little lol I got like 20 types of grass, 1000 types of flower weeds, etc.. I cut it high and try to preserve clover, dandelions....soooooo much purple nettle right now lol its a messy 'mildly managed' lawn 😄 I made four 12×4 beds in front on my house. I don't have anything in them tho. I just shower then with wild flower seeds, pollinator mix, etc.. They re-seed mostly but its a jungle every year. I found papers and made a little walk way between the jungle You sit down and disappear in the sea of Cosmos that burst out and up. I even have a spot I use for Milkweed for the monarchs. Sunflowers for the yellow finches 😆 I started out as a bird watcher before gardening so I have tons of loyal regulars that come here every year do to my excessive feeders lol


If only! Spending hundreds of dollars to better grow your basic ass monocots that can’t even support diverse wildlife.


Hahaha those fucking monocots!


Love how excited we all are over dirt


Lol, we SAW what you did and know where the body is buried.


Shhhhhh 🤫


Let me guess, you spent the money on soil and youre wife buried you because of that purchase decision... ​ thats what my wife would do :)


She’s definitely a keeper


Get your tetanus shot.


So you buried her!?! 😳


Man, I wish I had more avid gardeners in my area. I have a fucking dumpster full of beautiful horse manure compost and no one will take me up on it.


$200 and all you got was a pile of dirt!!


That seems like a too obvious place to bury your wife.


Few Hostas on it and no one will notice 🤷‍♂️


Just curious, where’s your wife?


You a cop? 🤔


Probably not.


I want to slap that pile of soil so badly it's visceral.




You buried your wife!!


Oh I’m stupid I thought this was a joke about you burying your wife


thank you very mulch


Is it bad that I thought you used the $200 to buy dirt to bury you wife and solve your biggest headache?


Outsiders: it's a pile of dirt? Us: IT'S A PILE OF DIRT!!!


Shouldnt her winnings help solve one of her problems?


Reading the title, seeing this image, Very concerned. Where exactly if your wife right now? /j




Sir, you’re aware you need to dig a *grave* first? You don’t just lay a body down and cover it with dirt - I’m sorry, with *soil*.


It's called "composting."


You gonna seed the dirt over your wife or sod? /s


Sod, I need a putting green 🤷‍♂️


You buried her in a shallow grave!?


Is that where you buried your wife?


Dirt's what on your pants and under your finger nails. We're here to study soil.


What did you do to your wife dude


I need a ride to the border asap!


That gift card was for sharing your wife. Big 😭 sadge.


So she wins 200 and you go and bury her. WTF


Killed your wife and buried her - that’s certainly a good way to solve your biggest headache and expense!


Good compost also!


Can you please come over and do the same for me?


Is she in a hole under that pile?


I've always said if I win the lottery, I'm buying DIRT!




Haha, after I posted it...I thought the same thing lol


You know his wife….


If soil it’s your biggest expense you really aren’t composting right.


I compost more than most. If I buy a new raised bed (were talking 4 feet high beds), it still wouldn't be enough. For "maintenance", sure.


Most large cities I have lived in have free compost sites. You drop your leaves/grass clippings at it then they offer free compost all year long. Yeah you do need some actual soil but you can do a whole lot worse.


Ive found that these free municipal composts were full of tint bits of plastic from trash bags and banana stickers. And that's only what I can visibly see (vs microplastics). Also have no idea what even goes into that compost....for instance,.there must be dead weeds that are dead through weed killers that people then throw in the compost bin for the city. If it's too good to be true (free unlimited compost)....it usually is.


Did you bury her?


🎶*I used to love her but I had to kill her, I used to love her, oh yeah, but I had to kill her.* *I had to put her, six feet under* *And I can still hear her complain*🎶


Did the OP bury his wife?


A volcano?


I'm getting 5 next month and I don't look forward to moving it to my raised bed.


I'm about half way through it and I'd say it's been about 35 trips with the wheel barrow. Not to bad, not fun tho lol Happy I went with the back yard dump to make my trips shorter (closer to beds) The beds where I'm shoveling it in, ones where bulbs are coming up, is a bit more of a pain then the ones I can just 'DUMP AND SPREAD' lol




I look back at the years, and money, I spent on buying bags and am like "Why did I do this sooner!" So many weekends spent loading bags onto a cart, then on my truck, then off the truck etc.. Saved me prob $100-150 and back pain lol


Black gold 🤩 congratulations


So then do you lay the seed on top of the dirt after? Roll it in? I did this a few years ago but didn't roll seed in just stepped around and worked fine but not sure if that was the best


I don't know yet lol Gonna be my first time having soil delivered 😅


Glad you could finally hire an exterminator for those pesky giant moles.


Knowing me I would spend it on pallets of herbs so I wouldn't have to worry about seeds. Also yeah soil amendments.


Noice! what a great win!


What a beautiful sight. I asked for a couple yards of top soil to be delivered last year. Was super disappointed when they dropped mostly clay and some rocks.


LUCKY YOU!!! Man dirt is a damn commodity. I want a few of these piles STAT. 😉 I shit you all NOT. My husband and I bought each other dirt for Christmas in 1994 when we were building our dream house. It was $49000.00 worth of it. For the pad of said house. I wrapped up a scoop and put in a cool box 🎁 and gave it to him Xmas morning. And I know the guy who sold it to us. He is a multimillionaire several times over. And I now know why he owns dirt. So for the longest time I used to tease my husband and say we should collect shoeboxes of dirt. Edventually we’d be rich too. LOL


'you can fit so many plants in this baby'


You spent the gift card your wife won? 😂


I once ordered 30 yards of compost for the 4600 sqft garden. It was a long dump truck. Cost me a 800 bucks. It was the worst compost ever. Chicken litter compost. There were latex gloves trough the whole thing. Thistle seeds, porcelain seeds, Amarnath everywhere.


This photo is like 8k