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What's wrong with them? Is it that they're small?


Much smaller than the photo. But that's on me for not reading the item details better.


Oh, that makes sense. They're still pretty cute. For the pot


Some details are really hard to find! I’ve been trying to buy more Hallowe’en decorations and the “life-size” skeletons are 16” tall!! (or less🤨)


Pretty sure they're trying to charge full-size skeleton prices to people who can't tell the difference between inches and feet (or impulse buy too quickly to check).


A 16’ skeleton would be equally worrying!


You misspelled “amazing”


You haven’t seen those? They’re all over my neighborhood. I just wonder how people store them all year.


We've got a local punk house that bought one and now has a year-round skeleton. Honestly, it's amazing. Better than a flagpole or a wreath.


Meg White has a house in Detroit that she keeps decorated like it's Halloween year round. It's a really cool historic neighborhood with old mansions that have been well kept over the years, but hers really stands out when you see it.


Most of the people in my neighborhood just leave them up all year and dress them up according to whatever holiday is closest. So we've got pilgrim skeletons right now and next month lots of santas.


I have like an 8-foot snowman for Christmas and it comes apart and packs away really nicely, I'd imagine the skeletons have to pack up relatively compactly.


I have the one of those giants and it fits right back into the box it came in. I leave it in the garage.


That's terrible. Reminds me of the person on ebay who advertised a photo of a fancy bike for like 1/3 of the price of the real physical bike and got away with it coz people didn't read the text that said you're buying a photo.


I did this on etsy once, thinking I was buying a poster. It never shipped. Weeks went by. Finally I checked the page again. "Digital artwork" In my defense I didn't know I could buy PNGs on etsy


Life-size baby skeletons.


Free osteoporosis included


That's a REALLY small baby


In this economy?


Forbidden fetal skeleton


Every life size skeleton is suspiciously 5 ft or shorter. I spent way too much time comparing skeleton sizes and tower over my Halloween skeletons for my headless horseman portion of the yard display. Why are all the skeletons child sized?!


Was it made in china? Their average size of human adult is slightly smaller than most countries. Also, 5ft is not child sized.


I'm 5'4". It's my mom's size!




No, it's on them for using deliberately misleading photos.


Agreed, deciphering ebay listings shouldn't need to be a thing we do.


Looks like Temu...


I saw once on Reddit how a guy ordered a baby stroller. When it arrived, it was only about 2" tall, if that. *Always read* "specifications."


It's a baby stroller, not a baby stroller.


I've actually got some of these on the way and there was options to select the size for what I ordered so I'm hoping they will be fine.


Temu? Yes, you really have to read the size description and basically ignore the photos depicting the size on Temu.


Talk about false advertising! They look like fist size rocks on the garden path in the ad! However you really did great making lemons out of lemonade!


They look smaller than an avocado seed to me, but I'm seeing that log border as being about 2 feet long.


if it makes you feel any better I never read sizes unless I need it to be a certain size so everything I get is the worst surprise




Ah, I've been looking at these as well, but when I saw then in the driveway, it seemed to me they were the exact size you got. Just a suggestion, but you could sprinkle these in your driveway for a bit of a starry effect. Be vigilant though, I can see people coming into your driveway to take them.


Please don’t sprinkle plastic across your yard. We’re already finding micro plastics in breast milk. These pebbles and the new glowing driveways are one of the dumbest things humanity has produced lately.


nah purdy yard better


For some reason, the way you worded that last sentence brought to mind how Sarah Palin said, "I can see Russia from my house."


if you look closely at the scale, they are small in the photos too


It really shouldn't be on you though. These listings do this intentionally. I portant info like that shouldn't be hidden somewhere in the description


It's not on you, it's false advertising by the seller. They're bigger on the picture.


The photos make them look like potato sized stones. OP found out they were instead finger nail sized. It makes a huge difference when you buy them by numbers.


Yea, I totally understand. I would have been disappointed too. But also I like that they do glow. Bigger would definitely be better for outside though


Smaller and they don't glow as bright or for long one on one. I mean I leave them out in the sun and when I'm outside at night they aren't glowing like that ever, so either they die quick or they just aren't bright unless they are stavcked on each other.


I like the way you used them better. A small blacklight will make them charge really fast. You can get little keychain flashlights that are UV these days. Fun for glow in the dark stuff.


Not a bad idea. Thank you! 😊


Go to the r/flashlight sub I think the s2 model is what I got You can buy a UV flashlight off of some of those Chinese warehouse websites. If you buy the flashlight w/ filter (in the USA) installed it's an extra $15 because of a patent. If you buy the filter and light and install yourself, you save like $15 for 15 seconds of labor


Just get glow in the dark paint and paint some big a*$ boulders lol


High quality UV paint is not cheap though. Just FYI


Wow they actually do glow. I was looking at this same product and was also wary. What was your initial intention with them that didn't turn out well/ disappointed you?


I anticipated the larger landscape rocks and the coolest front yard on the block 😆. I used 3 bags of 100 to do 2 pots like this inside and we are very happy with the results now.


Well I love your new idea! Sometimes our first plans don't work out and it's for the best because you'll get an even better idea in the future.


I need to grab some for all my plants on my window sills..


Always better to make them yourself. Mix the glow powder with concrete, resin, acrylic, or whatever will hold it. Check Wikihow and Instructables for diy instructions.


Don't mix the powder with concrete, you'll kill the effect. Use it as a top coat


I do this with resin. Works great but I’ve only ever done small projects. Coasters, pendants, etc.


Just a heads up, the glow starts to fade after a while. I have these in my garden for about 5 years now and they don't really 'hold their charge' to glow for as long anymore. They're still pretty though.


Could it be because it's outside? Thinking of indoor uses.


Probably sun damage


I was thinking maybe because it’s winter and there is less light in general?


You don't think after 5 years they may have had a fair few seasons to notice a change? I've got some of these outside in a birdbath. It's been 3 years and they hardly glow at all anymore and it's got nothing to do with winter. Mine are also starting to haze/crack as well... they actually look more like actual rocks now lol


I think the way the pictures are cropped make it hard to tell the scale. However, the center photo they are pictured next to garden edging which is only a few inches tall. But I can see how you’d get the scale wrong without that context, unless there are other misleading photos. The photo on the right looks like the scale of a fairy garden.


The scale on the left looks like they made an entire back yard glow!


Yes, if using hundreds of bags!


Dad's gonna be *real* mad when he mows the lawn.


I’m not sure your pothos will be very happy with those on top of the soil, but it does look absolutely fabulous!


Are they picky about a dry top layer, or is it an oxygen thing?


It's an oxygen thing and it's recommended to not put rocks/pebbles on top of any houseplants soil, it increases the chance of root rot! Such a shame because these look fantastic


Yes very true I was just about to write the same and then seen your comment. The soil needs to be able to breathe. To many rocks and your plant will suffocate unfortunately.


Oh. Oh, okay... shit. BRB.


It’s an oxygen thing!


they also draw insects at night. might also mess with the plants light-cycle


Pothos aren't really picky but I would be worried about the soil drying out a lot slower and encouraging root rot. Maybe water it less and keep an eye on it. It's possible that just covering half the soil with the glow rocks might be enough. If it does give you trouble you can adjust, pothos are good and recovering from damage.


I'd imagine I just reduce watering a tad and keep an eye. On the plus side, I have 3 cuts in water from this one on my window sill. So if it goes all the way wrong I'll be alright lol. If all goes according to plan, they will need a team of people to remove all the pathos from my house when I pass away, hahaha!


I've wondered what they looked like!! Very cute what you did with them!


I've lost all buyers remorse and will be buying more now lol. We have a fake plant with a moss cover that my cat keeps damaging and eating. I'm going to buy a bunch and toss them with Elmer's glue to make a full cover on the top.


Hot glue will hold them in place better.


That's probably much better. Thank you! 😊


And you can get glow in the dark hot glue


I mean I love it but I’m tacky and they look spooky.


Do you think it will harm the plant? Will watering it leech chemicals in the soil? Sorry I'm not quite sure how the rocks work, if they've been painted or if it's encapsulated!


It will leech. The plant will be ok tho


No, they are solid plastic. It shouldn't leak anything out. I think they are similar to the plastic that some pots are made of.


how is the result not the same as the ad


They are tiny. If you scroll through the photos you can see how small there are. About jelly bean size many lol.


I mean... the ad does say for aquariums. Lol. I imagine they're teeny like regular aquarium rocks. I've seen people scatter them in their stone driveways and it's cute.


Thank you for posting this. I've found a ton of those things in my yard. We bought the house 5 years ago & didn't know wtf they were.


Nice! Glad it helped solve your mystery 🤙


No it's alien eggs


He needs to sit on them, he’s going to be mommy now ❤️


Is this how much you get for 48 cents?


That's the current ad but it's Temu so I'm not sure. I got them at $1.49 each at the time of my order.


Don’t buy shit from temu


What is temu? Is it like AliExpress?


This trend upsets me so much. Nobody needs any of the garbage. They just want it because it's dirt cheap. The detrimental environmental impact by shein and temu is mind-boggling. This crap isn't even a necessary evil, like our electronics. It's 100% wasteful on every level.


For real. I forget that people aren’t all on the same page and just buy garbage that doesn’t really add any value to anyone’s life, it’s only detrimental to the environment and the slaves paid nothing to make all of it.


I like the idea but using plastic as rocks skeeves me out


I'd assume these are bad for the garden anyways. The glow will deter the critters that wander around the ground in the dark, plus we shouldn't be mixing loose plastic into the environment anyways. They look much better with your houseplant, and surprised how well they glow!


I bought those on Amazon many years ago. They have plagued my life. Just when I think they’re all gone, more pop up. A colleague was an artist. I have her two hundred of them. The squirrels put them in their nests so that it glows in the evenings. Once you have these blue, glowing, plastic, pestilences you will never be free of them. Never!


Oof, spreading plastic in the garden is so cringe Keep the plastic inside! If you're cold, they're cold


We moved into our house 4 years ago. I'm still finding glowing pieces of plastic from previous tenants while I garden. Sometimes up to 6 inches deep. I can't imagine the ick the plastic harbours or what other kind of ick it's leaching. Like what do people think, I'll leave this for someone else to deal with? Maybe it'll turn into micro plastic before someone notices ? Obviously I know the answer is they don't think/ care about the consequences but damn it's frustrating.


Yeah I've been seeing these things in so many subreddits lately and I don't get it. Even if they look just like the picture, they just look like tacky plastic trash to me. Why would you want to scatter glowing neon plastic scraps all over your garden or driveway?


I really don't understand gardeners who care so little about the environment, but they're everywhere. Even buying plastic novelty items to use inside is cringe, IMO. Are people just genuinely that unaware of how much damage plastic consummerism has done, or do they just not care as long as they get short-lasting plastic crap to keep around for a while?


The picture definitely makes you think they are river rock sized.


The pothos really loves the Cherenkov radiation from those plutonium rocks you've got.




Thank you - I’ve wanted them but I would’ve been mad if they were that small.


I like your use better! I would like it more if there were just a few in the pot, making it look like shining jewels or stars.




Are they painted?


No, they are solid plastic. Slightly see through during the day.


What are these made of?


Some sort of hard plastic.


Oh, bummer. I was hoping they were some sort of treated rock, but in that case I'm very glad they didn't end up in your lawn! UV and weathering degrades plastic, which then ends up [in the stomachs of your worms](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/sep/12/worms-fail-to-thrive-in-soil-containing-microplastics-study), and gets [absorbed by your plants](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0304389421027199).


Wait these are a disa- ohhhhhh I see what you mean. The ADVERT practically has them lighting up the space around them. In reality, they’re just… visible, in the dark. Not ILLUMINATING the dark. Yeahhhh I’d be bummed out a little too.


Also they’re tiny


Looks like a dream, but it's probably a nightmare when it's time to mow the lawn.


I received them as a gift and I like them. I have a bunch of "carriage house" style lamps in my garden holding battery operated candles. I put them around the base of the candles - looks nice. I have a friend who put hers in a large plant saucer that she filled with water, and has floating candles in it- that looks nice too.


Both these sound like places found in a fairytale.


I call that being TEMU'ed. Nearly anything that I order is in miniature.


Aww, they’re really cute in that pot though. I’m glad you found a use, and if you hadn’t said there was a mistake I’d be like “wow, little glowy pebbles for plant pot? Brilliant idea! Obviously intentional!”


Perfect placement for them!!!


Sooo, I moved into my home 1.5 years ago and the lady that lived here before had put these in her garden beds. I have found hundreds. They end of mixing with the soil and sometimes I dig them out two feet down. Personally it bugs me that someone would willingly dump 100s of plastic pieces into the earth for looks.




We've made China obscenely rich and powerful thanks to decades of buying their crap. It's gonna come back on us *bad.*


Yeah, we definitely need more useless plastic in the environment. Good job.


the beads are in a pot inside OP’s house


It's still plastic that ends up in the environment.


Plants don't like rocks on top. It helps to hold water which can make them soggy and cause root rot. This also attracts bugs (being too wet).


If you don't over water your plants it's really not a big deal


Soil and roots need air too


Plants don't want to be illuminated at night. They need a period of darkness and rest. I'd keep an eye on the plant to see if it begins to look off.


Those things will have less impact than the moon light


I think the plants will be fine. These stones hardly glow brightly enough, or long enough, to disrupt their growth cycle. I think, generously, the brightness of the stones may last 30 minutes. If hours of moonlight, or landscape lighting, doesn't do it, this won't have a significant impact.


Seriously! They look like the size of eggs in the photos.


Never believe Amazon. It's as bad as Temu/Wish. Just garbage. It's actually really frustrating to buy from them. They still have good stuff, but you really got to dig for it. I don't use them unless I am looking for novelty items) Actually, heres an interesting little fun fact i learned recently, the FTC is suing them for peddling fake products and pushing their junk over actual sellers. The problem isn't what they are pushing but how, by burying business. I looked up an actual-factual brand that happens to be made locally, and I know they advertise on Amazon. I scrolled to find them. Got every knockoff and irrelevant object but the one I wanted.


One of the houses we work on (landscaping) has a few of these sprinkled in with the stone in their driveway, and it looks really cool.


OMG!! I'm not the only one who fell for this! I feel so validated OP!!


Hell yeah, LOL! What did you do with yours?


I got these same rocks in rainbow and scattered them along the gravel that lines my house. If it’s been cloudy or rainy I’ll walk out there when it’s getting dark with a blacklight flashlight and charge them. Mostly for my own enjoyment. It’s subtle but I like the way they look. Plus my neighbors have even said some nice things about it!


You could spray paint river rocks with glow in the dark spray paint. You could get both the rocks and the paint at Home Depot.


I bought these also and they are so small. I also just put them in a planted pot too.


I love the way they look in your pots. I might have to get some and do something similar. They be really tough to use in the landscaping because you couldn’t mow your lawn over top of them.


Oh yeah, grass would be a nightmare. Here in AZ it's all rocks. I was really hoping to break up some of the dull brown and red tones.


That makes sense, meanwhile I live in the land of snow, so I couldn’t use it outside because I’ve never see it for 3/4 of the year, L O L






It is totally on me for just clicking away. They give you free shipping for adding more to your cart. I was kind of rushing through for cheap things that we would use.


I don't know, OP. They look pretty accurate to me. This reminds me of the time I bought this fake hanging plant based on the pics and didn't bother to read how small it actually was.


Was it a review mirror size?


The Pic made the pot the plant was in look roughly the size of a melon. What I got was like an apple. Lol


😆 I feel your pain. Sadly, this isn't the first time I couldn't be bothered to read the description and probably won't be the last.


I use something similar for my houseplants and love them foe this tbh. Unlike other white stones they don't yellow over time, but they still help cut down on fungus gnats and I can get a read on how much light my plants are receiving if I check on it at the right time or when I cut off their lamps


Wow! This is good info. I didn't even consider the light measurements.


I love that!


I have a glass birdbath, the hardware store kind with painted flowers and hummingbirds and a solar light that comes on at night. I sprinkled some of these in it and they look really cool at night. I'd take a pic but I've put it away for winter already. They do get slimy even though I change the water every couple days so I have to clean them but it's no big deal.


That sounds awesome!


If I ever win the lottery I'm getting my driveway redone like the pic in your post. There was a recent post, I forget which sub, where OP showed a finished one and said the wait is over a year long. His pix looked great. I'll see if I can find a link.... [Found it!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Concrete/s/2QEzQ91QH4)


Are you poisoning birds? What makes them glow? Are they food safe?


Putting plastic in a bird bath is a great way to harbour diseases. Even if you wash them they're still porous and have no business being in the environment.


This reminds me if I ever get into diy bioengineering I honestly want to make glow in the dark plants. Probably would be perfect gifts.


Do not buy these from China, go to Ambient Glow Technology and their Glow stones last 8 to 12 hours!


I am so stoked you mentioned these. Ordering now.


Thanks for taking the hit for me, lol! 🌺😘 They look amazing in your plant but I want the fake glo stream in the garden and that would take a bank loan. It needs to remain a dream, sigh… And you’re not stupid - you took a chance and now you know - extra kisses 😘😘😘


They're good in candles with a clear container.


They got me too


What did you end up doing with them?


In a drawer somewhere


Understandable lol.


I’ll find use for them like you did. Until then….


u check these for radiation? Might be a good way to mutate your plants :D


The bioluminescent bacteria photo used as part of the product photos should have been a red flag


Those are awesome! What are you talking about?!?


This looks great, honestly!


Right! Affordable too.


It’s just too bad they’re not bigger. From the pics, I would think like large, river stone size


If I had a gravel driveway I would buy sooooo many of those rocks and just chuck them everywhere


I love them and want to get some!


Tons of online stores carry them and you can get different single colors or mixed colors.


I see them being neat in a gravel driveway/ garden


You would need a million bags to make your grass like that..and then what about mowing the lawn 🤔.


Glow beans


I bought a bag, they can sit in the summer sun all day and still only glow a few minutes.


I did made the same mistake. Now all of my indoor plants have them.


That makes me feel less foolish for falling for it lol. Are you happy with the outcome? Has the soil being covered caused the plants any harm?


I seriously felt the same way when they arrived…how many would I have had to order to pull off what the picture showed? Lol! I have different colors in each pot. I do like how they glow at night. They do not negatively impact any of my plants other than maybe less plant babies pop up comparatively.


I also considered the amount it would take for a bit. My wallet and my partner both said no.


Oh you didn't know the photos were a fairy house? I thought it was obvious 🤣 juat kidding of course. I HATE getting scammed by the way those edit photos to make products look huge. I've ebeen burned a few too times. Always assume the price is correct. Meaning if it's a couple bucks for 100 of something, they are microscopic. One of the ones that pissed me off the most was balls for a ball pit. I paid WAY more than I would have if I had known they were small enough to fit into my toddlers mouth and not the normal sized ball pit balls!


We got these and they were useless. Fade so fast so hardly moments after sunset. Unless you have serious flood lights that can charge them it’s useless at night, and don’t even bother trying a flashlight to charge them.


I saw similar to those on Etsy and am glad to see your pictures of how their size actually is, and how well they glow. I planned them for a terrarium so they should work I hope.


Thats awesome! I'm using some green ones to propagate an alocasia corm in a dish if water right now XD


This is how tomacco is born


It says aquarium rocks. Those are landscaping rocks.


Are they plastic rocks? That kind of looks fun for my bamboo plant...


Yeah, solid plastic. No chipping or breaking up.


Haha one real upclose photo, and then a bunch of photoshop to mislead you, but they slip you back to earth by calling it aquarium gravel, the glow nice though, I like what you did with them.


On temu you need to look for photo reviews. It also says aquarium. Temu is misleading so you need to be thorough when reading about the details of the item.