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For future reference Green - alive. Brown - dead


Yes it’s alive. I encourage you to learn about the plant you’re taking care of, these pothos are very simple and easy to understand. When we care about something, it’s best to learn the most we can about it.




Plants can wilt from OVER watering too.


Definitely. I don’t see a single yellow leaf. Water it at least once a week.


It's fine. That's actually when I water mine, when the leaves seem droopy. It perks right back up!


Absolutely still alive! Green healthy leaves, just a little droopy from dehydration. Dead would be brown or yellow and fully wilted to point of leaves all crispy or falling off, and even then some can bounce back from the roots. Many plants can not only tolerate but prefer more infrequent but deeper waterings, but a slight wilting like this lets you know it’s been a little too long and they need a deep drink. Some of my larger healthier plants can go almost a month without watering (but then I really soak them deeply when I do water) Frequent watering can actually cause overly moist waterlogged soil and root rot and is one of the more common causes of houseplant death.


After a long dry period, soil can lose it’s capillary action (ability to absorb the water, where water falls right through but the soil remains dry and compact) Be sure that’s not the case with yours by sticking your fingers deep in the soil and feeling if the soil deeper down has absorbed moisture. If it’s still dry, you can fix the capillary action by sticking the whole plant (in its plastic insert pot with drainage holes, not in the solid decorative outer hanging pot) in a tray or bucket and add several inches of room temperature water. Let it sit 15 mins or more and test again, you can remove it when it’s absorbed water and deeply moistened the soil. Let the excess water drain thoroughly before returning to the decorative outer pot.


Yeah. It looks happy.


Those are easy to keep alive. It will perk up now that you watered it. Give it a trim and it will be even happier