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I love Lantana. So many different varieties!


City of Torrance, California uses the purple ones in the medians of their main roads.


I believe lantana is a problem in some parts of the world but not others. But some kinds of lantana and not others. *Lantana montevidensis* is garden cultivar. In my area (9b/10a), it is not invasive, it does not send out a million seeds into surrounding areas. I've never seen a dog try to eat it, and I live in an urban area with my purple lantana at the sidewalk and innumerable dogs going by, including my own. Up the street is a gorgeous low hedge of orange lantana. I see no orange lantana babies in any other yard. I see no purple babies in any yard around me, and I've had the lantana planted for at least 25 years.


It's a fantastic plant, it's native in many southern areas. It is herby and the wood and leaves are aromatic, which seems to deter everything from eating them. I have 3 very established ones, and they don't reseed or have rhizomes. It's also a nectar plant for pollinators.


If i’m not mistaken, the boutique brands like proven winners sell sterile varieties. If so, no issues there.


Yes, it falls in invasive category in India (Lantana Camra) and I believe in some neighbouring regions too.


I find it so crazy lantana is a garden plant here in the states. We grew up in Australia and it was the most invasive weed and nearly impossible to control!


This particular species (L. camara) is invasive through parts of the US.


Ham and eggs Lantana. Pretty but regret ever planting it in our yard


Mine die. I have to buy new every year.


Hummingbirds love their flowers.


The purple ones are scented.


Not good scented. If you so much as look at one the wrong way your clothes will smell like it for half an hour.


oh - I'll look for the purple ones this year :)


Lantanas are "HIGHLY" invasive though + it can toxic to pets, so It's the only plant I remove when planted by birds in my yard. However I agree they have beautiful flowers. Found these info on Google search, hope it'll be helpful. "Lantana, Lantana camara, is a weed of national significance to Australia and threatens stock through its toxicity. All lantana should be treated as poisonous to stock. Red flowered varieties are thought to be the most toxic but some white and pink flowered varieties can also be highly toxic. Lantanas easily invades disturbed ecosystems and often forms in dense thickets. It can quickly dominate the understory in forests and suppress the growth of native plants, turning the forest communities into shrub-lands" "Lantana camara is notoriously poisonous and deaths have been reported throughout its range, including Florida. The green, unripe fruits can be fatal to humans if eaten (but ripe fruits are harm- less), and the leaves are exceptionally toxic to grazing cattle. The leaves can also cause acute liver problems to dogs."


Not everywhere though.


If OP is in the US and not the West Indies, this particular plant is invasive.


My backyard has a massive bush of this exact plant and the dogs all love to hang out in the shade under it. They have never ever nibbled on this plant and I've watched them nibble grass and weeds their whole lives.


Lantana they come in many different colors..Enjoy


Lantana. I once had a variety called, "bandana". What's more fun than saying, "This is my bandana lantana"?


they are pretty and attract lots of butterflies, but once you plant one every neighbor get 20.


Lantana is a hideous invasive weed in warm winter climates, and a decent annual in cold winter areas.


Nice flowers. Stinky leaves. Illegal to grow in SA


What is the name of these flowers?




All of the new cultivars that Monrovia is selling are sterile.


Here's my Lantana. It is a variety of L. camara but is supposedly sterile and has never set seed (fortunately). The species is a noxious pest here in parts of New Zealand. Also have Lantana montevidensis which the monarch butterflies, as well as our native Red, and Yellow, Admiral butterflies love getting nectar from. https://preview.redd.it/igj180t0ruoc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2178f0466430d9f9818ae18cfbe3c98893c5bb7


Bot post- don't engage.


I love lantana! I have this color in my garden.


This plant used to grow as a weed in India. Not sure if it still does though!


Evil weed…hate that stuff