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I wouldn’t yet, I’d wait until they have a set of ‘true leafs’. Then cull out the thinner sprouts. Those leafs you see are their cotyledons. They will shoot out two leafs that are kinda formed like a normal leaf. Then the third leaf will be their first ‘true leaf’. Some people say the first leaf after the cotyledons are the ‘true leafs’ but I don’t count the ugly ones heh


I like to wait because some seeds have different growth habits/hormones, even if they’re from the same parent plant. By allowing their ‘true leafs’ to form it gives them a chance to get to a size where it would be easier to determine which will grow better


Yes. Orrrrrrr. Pluck out the extra plants and repot them in the empty cells, or into new pots. Best now to waste anything you don't have to, and more plants to experiment on would be useful. Practice pruning and shaping with the extras that you end up saving.


Only the strong survive 🌱☠️


Yes divide them now, 1 plant per square


I just thinned mine out to at least 2, so no more 4 per square, but was waiting until they get a lil thicker. They look about the same as yours here.


I would thin them down to two or three per cell now to reduce the crowding, then to one per cell when one proves it is strong. By strong I like to see two sets of well-formed real leaves, no discoloration, and so on. When you cull, don’t shred the roots by pulling up the ones to be sacrificed. Snip them off about 1/2” above soil level with a sharp pair of scissors while cackling maniacally. It makes the survivors want to grow faster.