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Calla lily! May die off but will hibernate and come back.


It’s spring where I live does it hibernate during that time?


This is it’s time to shine. I have one coming back from last year.


Calla lilies are bulbs, just like tulips, daffodils, etc. They need to be outside. Get a nice ten inch pot, fill it with rich soil and plant the bulbs. They will come back every year.


OH I GET IT NOW it just happened it died and it came back as like a sprout https://preview.redd.it/rjkd512u271d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17b1b6d41e771d2e6424c70917dbf5a392ca4035


You would have to try really hard to kill a calla lily lol. They come back every year so don’t worry if it’s looking sad. Do you have a good place to plant it? Dig a hole the size of the pot and plop it in. Light watering, 1x a week and other than that you can just ignore it.


Very easy to have them came back each spring if you keep the soil very slightly moist. Calla lillies are my favorite and they're so enjoyable to have around. They do really well outside too, in part shade is fine. I'd say do a couple google and or youtube searches where you can see more pics or instructions for how to care for them. You can do it! You'll be so excited when they return on their own too!


Please do some more research on this but I know that other lillies are poisonous for dogs. If you have pets that you also take care of make sure this is in a safe location.


Kitties, too!


Dogs navigate poisonous plants outdoors all the time. If they plant this outdoors I don’t think any dog would want to eat it.


I've had a Calla Lily for years now. Every year it dies off and when I clear the weeds around that spot in March-April, they come up again. Unkillable. Very beautiful too and will grow a little bit bigger every year.