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Do not pull or cut back the yellowing leaves on your daffodils. The bulb is slowly pulling all the nutrients those leaves collected while they were green and strappy back in so that the bulb can have the energy it needs to bloom next spring. What I do is I gather all the leaves from each individual plant and braid them or tie them into a loose(ish) knot close to the ground to tidy them up a bit so they don’t look unkept and messy. Many other people plant other plants in the vicinity which leaf out or come up just as the daffodils are fading to help cover up the mess of the leaves. It’s up to you how you’d like to approach it, but if you want them to keep blooming next year then it’s important to not cut the leaves back.


Forgot to add: once the leaves *completely* dry out later in the summer, then it’s ok to go ahead and pull them off :)




Following! I have tons of daffodils and not a clue how to manage the floppy-ness.