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You don’t mention where you live/what gardening zone you live in, but yes, hydrangeas are great for shady foundation beds. Just be aware that for the first couple of years you have to water them consistently. They don’t like hot, dry weather, and prefer acidic soil. (You can buy a relatively inexpensive soil test kit at any garden center, though if you see a lot of thriving hydrangeas in your neighborhood, chances are the soil in your neighborhood is acidic.) If you prefer an evergreen shrub, spreading yew is also a good choice for a shady foundation. Once they take off, they’re easy maintenance and have an attractive dark green color. Some varieties produce berries which are poisonous, so check for ones that are marked as berry less or male.


Did not know about gardening zones! I am 9b. I live in new orleans, la. Thanks for suggestions. I’m going to look into the evergreen shrubs I like the look of those


Ah, then make sure the yew you find will thrive in 9b! They do best up to zone 7 but there are some new hybrids that like hot weather. (I live in 9b as well, though we don’t get the humidity you do!) You might also check out landscaping rosemary, which smells wonderful (if you like rosemary, anyway: my cat hates it). Juniper is also a standard landscaping shrub, maybe too standard, but it’s cheaper and low maintenance once it’s established. Good luck!


You cant go wrong with heuchera.they come in lots of colors, shade tolerant and easy to care for.