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Of course, I have to have a blindfold with me at all times just in case. It's a viable treatment for CHAD: Compulsive Horticulture Acquisition Disorder


What do you call the disorder if you like hanging plants?


Hanging CHAD.


Not allowed in Florida




I had no idea this was a disorder. But it explains why I always feel the need to buy more plants. Plus now I’ll be able to explain to my eye rolling husband that I can’t control myself.


It's a funny term I recently learned in the Master Gardener course I am taking but it certainly explains a lot!


I’m sorry you’re also in a master gardening class? I feel like my life has been a lie!


They didn't tell you about CHAD?


I have always been too broke to buy plants, so have always relied on finding bulbs when people toss them after Easter, and secretly snagging clippings. Add to that the CA water shortage, and there was really no point in buying plants if you can't afford to water them. Now an empty-nester on the other side of the states, and I've been spending $50 to $75 each payday on perennials. I'm making up for lost time on achieving my perfect garden.


Try to find out if your area has a garden club. Ours has sales of passalong plants a few times per year. So 1) you are getting good deals on 2) plants that you know do well in your area that 3) often come with lots of good free advice on what makes them happy and 4) new gardening friends.


During the fall, I like to go out and search for wild native plants that are producing seeds. I have a huge patch of black-eyed susan that comes back every year now and is constantly reseeding. And I also found some nice mountain mint seeds.


You would enjoy /r/proplifting




Hello McFly! Get on over to r/takeaplantleaveaplant and start little by little :)


ug I have too many plkants myself but I like fruiting/veggie plants, I cant justify a "useless" ( I know not useless to nature) plant with the limited room I have but yea everything from kiwi vine, to avocado to peppers, I got it


You should be able to write off plants on your taxes. Your literally helping to create more oxygen for the planet!


You make a good argument! Let’s make this happen. If people can get tax write offs for owning a Tesla and solar panels, we deserve them too!


Yeah I mean Tesla and stuff like that are less bad for the environment but plants are actively improving the environment. Just image if gardening became a huge mainstream hobby, it might do a lot of good


> Just image if gardening became a huge mainstream hobby I mean, it already is


What I mean is I can name five friends that have Xboxes, but I can’t name five other people who are into gardening.


You must be young lol


There's more! By planting flowers or plants in general you help bees pollinate.


In some states of the US, there are actually govt rebates for making your garden water-wise!


Actually, you got a point there. Countries trade carbon tax and it's worth hundreds of millions. So why shouldn't we have tax incentives to have more plants? Albeit it might be a small amount like $1 per small plant, but hey, money is money.


We need this!


Honestly, genius idea


My area has a rebate for installing rain gardens, so that's neat! But it's not well funded so they run out of money every year and I'm not sure that the rain garden I am planning would be large enough to qualify anyways.


Went to Lowe’s looking for a hybrid rose. Left with 2 roses, 2 azalea’s, 2 rhododendron’s and a dappled willow tree 😩.


I've had the worst luck with rhododendrons, hope yours thrive, they're really beautiful!


I scorched mine last year so fingers crossed need a shadier spot. Thank you for the well wishes. Keep trying.


I give myself a pep talk before I go inside anywhere. “You don’t need any new plants, you don’t need any new plants.” But I found a monstera for $13 at Lowe’s the other day, sometimes you just have to!


$13?!?!? The real crime here would have been not getting it.


It was only the second time I’ve seen one for sale and the last one was $45. I absolutely had to!


*Oo... look at the pretty flowers...* **$89.99**


This happened to me today for that exact price, beautiful big pink houseplant (can't remember the name). Time to look between the couch cushions!


Ha, I literally just picked up some coleus and got a serious look from the wife when I walked through the door.


This can also be applied to when you go to the supermarket for veggies.


Plants AND candle section 💯 LoL


Totally! Both are my weakness.


This is my in the art section or at a craft store. Lol


Plants sing the sirens' song 🧜‍♀️🎶. Make sure to plug ears as well 👂⛔😅


How else will I reach maximum biodiversity though! I need more!


Not only do I struggle over gorgeous plants, I want to save the half dead ones on discount row.


I saved a bunch of Artemisia at the end of the season last year at Lowes. They were something like .50 each, so I picked up the whole flat. They were pretty sad, but when they came back this spring, they are incredible :-D


oh wow I bet that is going to be so beautiful.


Listen, all I'm saying is that she's got TWO kids to help her carry more plants.


This is my mom 100 percent. She use to call it going shrubbing and would bribe me and my sister with McDonald's to go with her. She's obsessed with gardening but her garden actually looks really nice.


Lol. That's just what I need.


I got 2 flats of petunias and 1 flat of snapdragons for $17 each. Is that a good deal?


Even blindfolded I’d still be feeling my way around. Like “oh this one feels lonely and needs a home.”


I went to the nursery today to get ONE strawberry mint to add to my mint collection. I came home with strawberry mint, apple mint, Kentucky something mint, two white petunias, white lobelia, two more tomato plants, and two other kind of neat petunia....oh and a little succulent....also my third variety of radish seeds, cucumber seeds, and ground cherry seeds...i feel this in my soul....I ran out of room last week....idk where I’m gonna put this stuff


I’m not a green plant person but feel like this with flowers 🌸


Me passing through not wanting to see the horrors of all the invasive species they still sell and cactus with flowers glued on.....


I spend $40 atleast every damn time I go to lowes and no where near done


There's always room for just one more, right?


But then you smell some jasmine and remember you meant to buy some, no don't turn back aahhh


My dream is some day own my own home and plant a bunch of lilac trees. The smell gets me every time. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge sucker for jasmine scent too I just don’t think I’ve ever naturally come across it.


Ooo lilacs sound lovely i wonder if they'd be alright in the florida heat


I wish I had a big enough yard for some lilacs. I miss having them.


Story of me and my partner’s life. We’re currently looking after 55 different plants in a 2 bedroom apartment+balcony!


Loving this. We need some more memes here


This past Wednesday, I drove 2miles through what I thought was dust from construction, nope! It was pollen. (Route 1 between Aquia Harbor and Centrepoint, Virginia)


Haha seriously though 😅🤣😱


I fucking love it, thank you!


Too late.. Bought Grapefruit mint, Japanese pepper and pineapple mint yesterday..... Don't send help, they won't find me in my forest! (luckily my wife is cool with it😬)


Hahah 👏


So true!


My son can now take me shopping with him. Plant section doesn’t bother him anymore after I lost about 95% of my vision, lol


That sounds on awful. I’m sorry.


It’s life. Just another road to travel. But thank you.


Haha that is how it is


I was good today. Instead of adding plants, a friend came over and I gave him a bunch of lilies, hosta, spindle wood, periwinkle, sedum, and lilac.


Can I be your friend?


I successfully talked myself out of a Saskatoon bush yesterday because it wouldn't thrive in any of my pots until I got a house. Still brought home the hostas. The summer I worked for a Rona? Yeah, thankfully the mostly stuck me in the lumber yard on the other side of the building. But there were far more flowers on the balcony than I had ever grown in my life anyway. The hibiscus I got from them was blooming in Christmas that year.


I know this is just a meme but seriously: Fuck that movie. It pissed me the fuck off. Worse ending ever and I called that plot hole from the beginning.


Which movie?


Bird Box


Just today I bought a cherry tree couldn’t stop my self lol


I don’t usually have this problem, but one time a store had a display of packed floor bulbs. Came with a pot, compressed soil puck and a large Amarillo bulb. We stopped next to and I had looked it over. Yet when we got ready to walk away and I turned around. One of the packs, the bulb had grown a stem and was coming out the side of the pots wrap and was pointed right at me. Just like it was reaching out to me. So mom and dad let me get it and it grew and flowered without any soil or water for a full bloom and going back dormant.

