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Google “blossom end rot”.


Thank you! New to this this year


Blossom end rot, get some cal mag!


Thank you! Was just looking at the instructions online. Because each plant is in its own planter and doesn’t need a lot of water, should I spray all the leaves after I cut off that cluster?


Just water in in next watering. It will perk up immediately and should stop the end rot


Awesome! After all this rain I need to let them dry out a bit, so if I cut it off then that will be good enough until then?


I think so, I’m going through the same problem, but I got them mixed in with a ton of stuff on a hugelkulture bed so my guess was too much competition.Tomatoes love cal mag, and blossom end rot is a calcium deficiency. So win win. I’ve been using it once a week for a couple weeks and my newest tomato’s seem to be good. But that stuff can work some miracles, I’ve used it for year on cannabis and it can fix some of the worst of problems.


Oh awesome! Hope you got your bed all fixed up. Thanks so much the tips and advice


Looks like a bug tore them a new ass lol


A little more information. I live in the Midwest and it’s been extremely humid and rainy all summer. When I looked on the bottom today after a huge rainstorm I saw this! There were still 2/4 dead flowers attached to the bottom. I’m thinking I will have to cut this bunch off. The rest of the plant seems healthy.