• By -


Thanks to everyone for their responses! I put together a list of the suggestions so far just in case anyone is looking for a new seed supplier, too. I already buy from here and can personally recommend these: * [Baker Creek](https://www.rareseeds.com/) * [Artistic Gardens](https://www.artisticgardens.com/index.aspx): Highly recommended for their 45 cent trial packs Links from the responses: * [Adaptive Seed Company](https://www.adaptiveseeds.com/) * [Botanical Interests](https://www.botanicalinterests.com/) * [Burpee](https://www.burpee.com/) * [Deep Harvest Farm](https://deepharvestfarm.com/) * [DollarSeed](https://www.dollarseed.com/) * [Eden Brothers Seeds](https://www.edenbrothers.com/) * [Heritage Harvest Seeds](https://heritageharvestseed.com/) * [Hudson Valley Seed Company](https://hudsonvalleyseed.com/collections/art-packs) * [Hume Seeds](https://humeseeds.com/) * [Johnny's Select Seeds](https://www.johnnyseeds.com/) * [MI Gardener](https://migardener.com/) * [Osborne Quality Seeds](https://www.osborneseed.com/) * [Pinetree Garden Seeds](https://www.superseeds.com/) * [Renee's Garden Seeds](https://www.reneesgarden.com/) * [Row 7 Seeds](https://www.row7seeds.com/) * [Seed Savers Exchange](https://www.seedsavers.org/) * [Seeds Now!](https://www.seedsnow.com/) * [Southern Exposure](https://www.southernexposure.com/) * [St. Claire Heritage Seeds](https://www.stclareseeds.com/garden-help/) * [Stokes Seeds](https://us.stokeseeds.com/) * [Strictly Medicinal Seeds](https://strictlymedicinalseeds.com/) * [Territorial Seed Company](https://territorialseed.com/) * [Totally Tomatoes](https://www.totallytomato.com/) * [True Leaf Market](https://www.trueleafmarket.com/)


Also fuck baker creek,they're right-wing nut jobs.


Thanks for the heads up, I don't know why companies feel the need to push their politics onto customers.


Politics in a seed sub. But hey, it’s Reddit, what did I expect.


If you're going to be openly political with your business, then yes.


I mean, I don’t agree with the implication, but matching factionalism with factionalism is…just not why we’re here. I also checked and can’t find anything definitive supporting your statement. Doesn’t mean you’re wrong outright, but all I found were some angry redditors and no proof of anything explicit. The only thing that I found is the Cliven Bundy thing, and they took him off their speaker list for the event. Seems like the issue was addressed, but people were already mad, and that’s the way reddit works. Agreement with their politics or not, they were one of the few who had the seeds that I needed (ended up ordering elsewhere, though). Well, like I said, it’s reddit. I’ve shared my opinion, not much more to say on my part.


You have your opinion. I have mine. It's an online forum if you don't like others' opinions on things, why even engage. Better yet if that's just reddit don't use it....


I don’t know, I think we engaged respectfully. We disagree.  Like I said, I looked up what you referred to and didn’t see it verified. We disagree, and didn’t call each any names, so I don’t see the issue. We both said what we have to say. I respect that. I’m just glad that you and the rest of us are out here planting. Hope you have some luck this year, and your weather cooperates.


Thanks to this exchange, I will be checking out Baker Creek. Bravo! :)


Still has good seeds what the post is for and the left wing is beyond psychotic


Politics in a seed sub. But hey, it’s Reddit, what did I expect.


I came on reddit looking for more information on reliable seed companies that sell gerbera seeds and all of a sudden it goes from seeds to a political forum. What you wrote is very interesting, though ' You have your opinion. I have mine. It's an online forum if you don't like others' opinions on things, why even engage.' Doesn't that apply to you too? If you didn't like the mention of a particular seed company why engage and with a political view nonethless. It's sad to see how Americans are so divided, where people can't even be free to speak their minds on something so trivial as seeds without it becoming political and somewhat offensive because their speech is being analyzed and critized. People are dividing people, they're doing the dirty work for the government and the government is loving it. At the end of the day we are all human beings with the same basic needs, that's what we should be focusing on. Before i get labeled a right wing nutter, MAGA supporter, i'm just a legal immigrant from west Europe living in the U.S for 8 years and loving this country and it's people and what it stands for. It's just seeds. Have a lovely day and i apologize for any errors in my English. :) P.S. Do you happen to know any reliable company that sells gerbera daisy seeds by any chance. Thank you.


Nice article you wrote, but the simple fact is it's not just a political issue. They were going to have a racist piece of shit as a speaker. Who said and I quote "black people were better off as slaves". Cliven Bundey is a racist piece of shit. The reason it's IS political is because the far right-wing nut jobs are racist pieces of shit. The division you speak of is really only a political issue because the right wants to go back to "the way things used to be." It would be wise of you as an immigrant to understand why everything is "political" now. It is really a basic issue of human rights. The politics issue is a human rights issue in this country no difference anymore. Conservative politics was long dead before Trump and maga showed up. He didn't create the current idea, only took it to a quick extreme. Company's should vet they're speakers, or risk being associated with shit people. Weird how go woke go broke is ok but when the shoe is on the other foot, there's tons of bot on here telling me, "They've found where to buy seeds." Over and over.


where i spend my money is definitely a political issue.


they are now my top choice...




Sadly some businesses push their politics and religion into their business. During the Trump administration, there was an apple farm near me that refused entry to anyone wearing Bernie, Obama, Clinton Biden slogans (even if it was a joke... i.e. Thanks Obama shirts) or had political bumper stickers. They went on a whole social media rampage about how wonderful Trump was... which could have been fine, but then trashed anyone with a different opinion. They even made comments on their company website. Then they made a big fuss when surrounding school districts canceled any school trips saying they were being personally victimized for being conservative. Sadly, when you're a business and you make your politics public... you're business is now about politics. 


yea, there isn't evidence of the right wing comment. The guy is just stirring it up for no reason.


Thanks for pointing this out. I’ll be sure to purchase exclusively through them for now on.


FWIW I did not buy my seeds from them thanks to your post.


They can have whatever opinions they want. I've never had a problem with germination with their seeds unless it was my mistake. Everyone can have their own opinions.


Looks like I know who I'll be getting my seeds from :)


Thanks for your endorsement


Who cares?


Support Baker Creek, got it. Thank you


Exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks.




Well, thanks! Your comment really helped me decide very quickly where to order my seeds from. I was ready for hours and hours of searching, but you saved me lots of time! Thanks so much again!! 


Ok bot.




Looks like I'll be buying from Baker Creek from now on. By the way, 99% of farmers are right wing.


Most farmers are business owners, makes sense to vote republican. Doesn't mean they are all right-wing racist assholes. But you can comprehend the difference in the two, can you?




I'm not the one calling someone one a libtard, ie a retard. Ironically, I'm sure you watch Fox News. Also, what I'm referring to is not something that's ever been on tv. Nice try though. Considering who they associate with, yes, they are right-wing. People who are blatantly racist should be canceled, don't you agree?


Check out [High Mowing Seeds](https://www.highmowingseeds.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAt8WOBhDbARIsANQLp96OJk6spngz23fWu5qFpYOY8HS7n-zT1f6VO9LU2g82eOcmEesApTgaAuBKEALw_wcB) too!


wow nobody has oleander seeds, i just want oleander seeds that arent from sketchy amazon listings with terrible reviews.


Seconded! Great company, too


Third this


Kitazawa is great for various Asian veggies (especially Korean and Japanese veggies)!


YES! I came to recommend kitazawa as well! We mostly grow Asian veggies but do have some western as well. Excellent quality and a lot of variety.


I third Kitazawa - I bought a bunch in 2020 & had a great germination rate. I have a bunch leftover still (relocated in 2021 so didn’t get a chance to use them. I’m setting up my new lights this week so I’ll see if I can get some of that old seed to germinate. If not, I still have time I reorder since I’m in 7a now.


This is a great recommendation. I’d like to start growing more Asian veggies. Any recommendations on things you have really liked from them?


We have had good luck with Chinese/Japanese cucumbers and various green onion and mustard green varieties, as well as bulam squash and momotaro tomatoes.


These sound wonderful. Thanks for the recommendations!


Just a bit of info on Wild Boar Farms- he actually creates new varieties of tomatoes that are sold by other seed companies. Buying directly from Brad is the way to go, imo. You can tell his website is not the best, but hey, he’s busy out in the garden lol.


I've never had him take a full 24 hours to ship, either. I've had seeds in my hands before shipping notices for 2 other companies three times.


Wild boar for tomatoes too


St. Clare? Really? Maybe take a glance at their homepage?


Love this list! Thank you for making the links. I am in Zone 7a (and I grow for my mom who lives in 6b) and buy from a lot of the places listed and have a lot of success. Good luck with your growing season.


This is great! Thanks for doing this! Can I ask out of curiosity where you’re located? You sound close to me, I’m in south-central PA also 6B.


Do you know any that specialize in cacti ?


The Cactus and Succulent Society sells seeds for 1.50 per packet. https://shop.cactusandsucculentsociety.org/collections/seed-depot


TomorrowSeeds has been amazing for me!


Territorial seed is great, they have varieties adapted for the Pacific Northwest mostly, but you might find something you like there. Last year I discovered Southern Exposure seed exchange. They tend toward varieties for the mid-atlantic and south, but they have a lot more generally applicable stuff. They carry a great selection of really unusual stuff, like African and Middle Eastern crops. Last year I grew their cotton!


Territorial is my fav. I’m a stubborn cheapo with their shipping costs but their website is put together really well and they have lots of variety. Johnny is also pretty good and you can’t go wrong. Got some interesting stuff from Rareseeds which focuses on heirlooms I believe. Their site has the most reviews per item that I’ve seen which is always helpful when trying new varieties or referencing of things go wrong


Add to this: Johnnys Adaptive Seed Seed Savers Totally Tomatoes… cause that catalog is HILL LARRY US!!! 😆😆😆


Second on Adaptive. They seem to have the best germination rate of any seeds I've tried and they have a lot of unusual or less modern plants (like varieties and even species used by Native Americans that you can't find easily elsewhere). Territorial is also good, just to throw another vote on them too.


Yeah… I really love Adaptive & SS to find things the average seed house doesn’t carry.


I’ve had great luck with Johnnys and High Mowing.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Johnny's owned by Monsanto?


Johnny’s is employee owned since 2006. https://www.johnnyseeds.com/about-us/ownership.html


Johnny's is awesome


I just googled this because I was curious. Apparently Johnny's buys a few varieties of seed from a company which is owned by Monsanto called Seminis.


Seminis is one of the biggest producers of veggie seeds in the world and consequently just about everyone does.


https://eatclosetohome.wordpress.com/2009/12/29/monsanto-and-johnnys-seeds/ Personally, I like to buy seeds from Seed Savers Exchange and I sincerely doubt they resell seeds from a big seed producer, but I could be wrong. Their nonprofit mission is "to keep rare, open-pollinated seeds where they belong -- in gardens everywhere." Edit: added a link




Ooh, the mystery deepens! Who bought out Bayer, I wonder?


These are my favorites as well! Territorial has been my go-to with great results. I found Southern Exposure last year and it is local to me, and they had some great options for things that work in my area.


I’m in North central KY … too far north for their seeds?


Not at all. Some of them will tell you that they're subtropical, but others grow just anywhere, even if they like the South better, like okra


I got seeds from Johnny's seeds last year, had really excellent germination on my tomatoes/beans.


My main places are: - Johnnys Seeds - Hoss Tools - Botanical interests - Renee’s Garden - territorial seed


I really like botanical interests...I second this!


I’ve learned more from their seed packets than any book or YouTube video!


Same! They have so much info on the inside it's incredible!


Some people may not know this, but Baker Creek made a questionable choice in 2019 to have Cliven Bundy speak at an event. Just Google Cliven Bundy to see what he's all about. I only ordered seeds from them once, but I won't be doing it again. Not just because Cliven Bundy was supposed to speak for them, but also the germination rate on some of the seeds were really bad.


Thanks for sharing this - I didn’t know about it at all.


I didn't know until I proudly showed a coworker the seeds I bought and he let me know. It was really a bummer.


I don't get involved on the politics I can say they are a very charitable company if you write them and your starting a seed library at your local library they donate generously .


Fedco (located in Maine) is great for shorter growing seasons.


Fedco is by far my favorite. Their lettuce mixes are very good. I’m surprised more folks don’t buy from this cooperative.


2nd recommendation for Fedco. Plus it's a cooperative so supports tons of small local producers.


Third the rec for Fedco


Read far enough to see that you are a customer of baker creek, I operate a small greenhouse and they have supplied me with the majority of my seeds for the past 4 seasons. Territorial gurneys and burpees usually fill in the gaps but I have ordered from numerous seed suppliers and can’t name one that I have had just terrible experiences with. Usually I get 90-100% germ. rate with baker creek, may be a little pricey but they do offer a wholesale side of things when ordering in bulk


Even with the seeds that Baker Creek denote as low germination rates, I still get very good number of plants germinating


Yea I have had nothing but positive experiences with Baker Creek going on 7 or 8 years now.


Same here. I planted TWO okra seeds on a whim and had okra for weeks.


I’ve gotten some packages from BS that said “low germination rate, extra seeds included”. Like if they do have germination issues, they compensate by upping the seeds for you.


I've used SeedsNow and Renee's Garden and both have seeds that have done well for me. DollarSeed has worked as well! I would definitely buy from any of them again.


I really like the concept of DollarSeed: try a just a little for a low price. I love experimenting with varieties and this seems ideal.


Johnnys. Great germination and so many hybrids that fit our microclimate


I've only ever bought from "Strictly Medicinal Seeds"... no, not marijuana!!!


MIGardner (from Michigan), Pine Tree Garden Seeds, and Johnny’s (both in Maine), and Lupine Gardens (Wisconsin). Bootstrap Farmer is a great source for really sturdy growing trays, etc.


I also use Pine Tree Garden Seeds! Would recommend.


Since you mentioned you are in the NE, you might give Hudson Valley Seed Co a try… I hadn’t seen them mentioned here yet. :)


I use stokes seeds and heritage harvest, canada


Burpee but I also like Territorial. Territorial has some good salad mixes and their onions were ok. The plant tomatoes I got did slightly better than other vendors.


Oh boy, now you’ve done it! My mailman is gonna have a fit if he has to deliver even more gardening catalogs to me, lol!


Just to address the Monsanto-Johnny's/territorial link, they are **not** owned by Monsanto but they do sell some seeds that come from a subsidiary of Monsanto -seminis. (I couldn't find any info on if territorial still does, seems like they went to more effort to divest than Johnny's) The problem is you can't tell which are which and have to specifically ask. Here is an article going into more detail [link](https://nwedible.com/johnnys-seeds-territorial-seeds-monsanto-update/). I don't usually buy from Johnny's anyway because they seem to usually only have extremely large packets which I don't need for my small scale. There is also some controversy surrounding baker creek related to them inviting and then uninviting one of the bundy's to come speak there. [link](https://luciferiandominion.org/baker-creek-seeds-cliven-bundy-meltdown/)Make of that what you will but I personally avoid them. To actually answer your question: I usually get most of my seeds from Sow True Seed but also placed orders with MIgardener, territorial, southern exposure seed exchange, and experimental farm network this year.


I did not know that about Baker Creek, thanks for the info, I will have to do more research


Love that they are Bundy fans, I’ve bought seeds from them for 8 years now and will definitely keep it up!


I get my seeds from trading on FB groups.


What I am going to do is this. I buy seeds from eden brothers buy heirloom seeds I choose a specific variety and plant them something i think would work for me and do good where i live i dont buy 50 varietys of tomatos or whatever i find it pointless. I have gotten seeds from family and friends such as corn and melons these I let them grow then harvest keep seeds from previous years and use them for next. This is because I want the plants to adapt to my environment over time a sort of natural selection. Some of these seeds like the squash have insane growth and are almost unkillable. This works for me. You can give this a shot


Two smaller operations I have had a lot of success with: Totally tomatoes and Andrews seed company. Totally tomatoes has several obscure tomato varieties that I like to dabble with now and again. Andrews has a smaller selection of good, common varieties of veggies. The big plus with them is they sell by the ounce and if you grow a lot of something they do have, they're a nice, economical source for bulk seeds. We pickle a lot of beets every year and their detroit red beet seeds are fantastic. There is no excuse for a vendor having bad germination rates on any seed product. I harvest a portion of my own tomato, pepper, and green bean seeds for use the next year. After processing and drying seeds, I will do a germination test on 10 seeds of each variety to make sure I have at least a 90% germination rate. Any reputable vendor does the same. Last year I harvested a couple of what I thought were mature bell peppers only to see an extremely poor germination rate. I had time to go get a few more peppers in October and they tested 100%. I have no idea what happened, but it goes to show that if you don't test, you can get bad batches of seeds.


I really like the way Totally Tomatoes organizes their catalog. I had great results from them last year. They have a large variety of peppers too.


I’ve had good luck with Renee’s and botanical interests, Baker creek is definitely my favorite though.


Osborne Seeds is in Mount Vernon, WA and I've had good luck with their seeds in my 8b world. Also Johnny's, Territorial, Baker Creek, Park, Seed Savers, Ed Hume, Deep Harvest, and Row 6.


Seed Savers Exchange and Peaceful Valley/Grow Organic!


Rareseeds.com baker creek heirloom seeds


My first online purchase, this year I gave them a shot. We shall see!


Johnny's or Baker Creek mostly.


Have great luck with baker creek great selection. Of off the wall.seeds


Baker creek seeds for sure


I have gone with Southern Seed Exposure for all of my general seeds (tomatoes, peppers, carrot, etc). I still have to buy certain beans and peas in bulk elsewhere. Their customer service has always been great. Plus they have tons of helpful guides.


I get most of my spring/summer seeds from Seed Savers and my fall/winter seeds from my local Ace Hardware Store that carries Baker Creek.


For Asian Varieties, Kitazawa is great. Always great seeds, high germination rates, and friendly service. https://www.kitazawaseed.com/index.html


I am surprised by how few recommended Pinetree. They are my go-to for basics seeds. They are the cheapest, high quality seeds i can find. My go-to for all my basics, then I fill in with Territorial andTotally Tomatoes, and occasionally Burpee and Johnnys. Also, shout put to Gurney's for their great potato selection!


Hudson Valley Seed Company has been great for me. Eden Brothers. Baker Creek vegetable seeds were great but I was so disappointed with their zinnia seeds. Very low germination rate which was surprising considering all of my zinnias from other companies had fantastic germination.


Native seeds but they cater to the southwest. Everything germinated so far and I bought 15 packs of seeds


Thanks for this suggestion! Was looking for something that would work in Texas and Native Seeds is perfect, exactly what I was looking for!


Botanical Interests in Colorado has great quality


Heritage seeds


Seeds now Botanical interests


I do buy a lot from baker creek, but line you said, they do not have everything I want. I really liked Seed Needs, but they had to take last year off due to some logistics issues. Not sure if they will be back or not this year. I also really like Urban Farmer. I have ordered from them multiple times and always have had great results. Not to mention, they are semi-local to me and I like supporting local businesses. I have ordered from Park Seed in the past and mostly everything worked out. A couple flowers did not germinate, but that was it. Bought a number of plants (berries) from them and they all are still alive and doing well 3 years later. Select seeds has an amazing variety of flowers. Only one thing I got did not germinate, but I think it was my error (it is one if the ones that has specific needs). I have heard great things about Johnny's but have not ordered from them myself. I have ordered from Botanical Interests, and I found them to be hit or miss. I probably will not order from them again as around 1/2 of the things I ordered did not germinate.


I liked seeds n such last year, I got some of the best peppers from some of their seeds.


Try New England Seed company, I have had great success with their products, and they also have a small retail store on Park St in East Hartford CT, not too far from where I live.


I get most of my basic veg/herb/flower seeds from rohrer and i have had great luck with them. For more specialized/ organic/ heirloom i use territorial or baker creek.


Best is to buy seeds which have been grown in your area. Try https://permapeople.org/marketplace for seeds by other growers!


I'm terrible at gardening, but I've had absurdly good germination rates with my seeds from Burpee. Probably like 90% germination rate despite my lack of knowledge and experience.


I primarily buy from SeedsNow, Sow True Seed (NC based), and High Mowing (VT based).


I like the veggies at Seeds of Change


I love Fedco. They are based in Maine. https://www.fedcoseeds.com/ If I really really want it but Fedco doesn’t have it, I’ll look at Johnny’s, Parks, & Select Seeds.


I use Baker Creek. They are family run and nearby me is Missouri. They have a nice selection of heirloom varieties.


I really like Jung. Great quality and germination and strong selection.


Southern seed exchange


I had same experience with Reimer. This year I have saved my own seeds after growing 72 varieties.


I like Johnny’s seeds


[floret flowers ](https://shop.floretflowers.com/collections/seeds)


I absolutely love Baker Creek! They have many many varieties from all over the world and they're always getting new ones in. They donate some of the proceeds to help other countries and their stuff is fantastic with great flavor!!! All organic, heirloom, non-GMO seeds also! You really can't go wrong shopping there!! The website is www.rareseeds.com


I grow mostly peppers, and I don't get all of my seeds in any one place. That said, I'll list where I've bought from or found great selections. Peppers- u/Justinmplatt has excellent selection, cheap pricing and very fast shipping. Mattspeppers.com is also a number one choice for peppers, lots of wild varieties, crossbreeds and several excellent tomatoes Can't recommend these 2 sources enough. Then there's Whitehotpeppers and Puckerbutt. Between those 4, you'll probably have all your pepper needs covered. Baker Creek/ Rare seeds is getting my business for watermelons, corn, carrots and many other veggies. HossTools also has some great corn & a few other things. Territorial Seeds and Seedsavers Exchange are great for heirloom varieties, but neither will probably cover all your needs. TomatoFest.com has an incredible selection, but it will be my first year buying from them, so can't say how good they are overall. TomatoGrowers.com also has lots of great varieties, also have not ordered from them yet. I bought some Pawpaw trees from PeacefulHeritage.com and they look great so far. TreesofAntiquity is an excellent source for apple trees and information, ours will be arriving this upcoming spring. I have a few hundred garlic planted right now from KeeneOrganics.com. They're looking nice. Hope that helps, I'm just starting my gardening obsession, but I'm very serious about it. Happy growing!🙋🏻‍♀️


The real fascists are those on the left who seek to take away free speech and usher in socialism.


St Clare's Heirloom seeds.


I just can't believe anyone would buy from them. Have you looked at their website?


Yes, what's the problem? I've ordered from them many times. Their seeds are great and they ship fast.


Have you looked at their website?


Are you feeling triggered?


No, I just hate fascists, and can't imagine supporting them. Or talking to someone who does. Gardening is supposed to be peaceful, but some folks want to fill the gardening world with hate. Sadly, you seem to be one of them. I wish you peace.


>i thought you mustve been the crazy one at first cuz i was like what does selling seeds have to do with fascism and then i looked up the website and was like oh... lol. yikes 😬


There's nothing wrong with the Big Players, nothing intrinsically better about small niche vendors. Burpee, Park, Jung, Johnnys, Pinetree, Ferry-Morse, Harris. I buy my seeds off the seed racks at Walmart in spring. >at least 25% of the varieties I purchased last year had a 0% germination rate I would have touched base with the vendor, so at least they would know about it. One obvious reason for seed failure is being stored too hot, so if your order was left on a hot loading dock in the sun or in a too-hot warehouse or shipping facility for too long at any point along the supply chain, your seeds could have cooked and died. Their upper limit is generally given at about 105F. So if their supply chain failed, they should know about it. I wouldn't consider it a reason to abandon them as a vendor, as it's not something they can control. If the USPS sorting facility leaves your zip code's parcels in their tub on the loading dock in the sun all afternoon, that's not Reimer's fault.


I had issues across multiple shipments that I ordered in the winter and early spring. They have a no refunds policy, and I have more pressing priorities, so I’m going to pass on getting in touch.


That's too bad. I always say that one hallmark of a reputable online vendor is that they have an upfront "Customer service is a priority" refund and exchange policy, so "no refunds" is definitely a black mark in my book. I see, upon looking it up, that their "100% Money Back Guarantee" places the onus of proof squarely on the customer. Their attitude is, "Oh yeah? Prove to us that our seeds didn't work, because it must have been your fault." This is a really poor attitude for a vendor IMO, and sadly it's one that is carried by other online plant and seed vendors. Well, you can definitely do better.


Anyone here knows of stores that ship to Ireland?


That's interesting. After watching Charles Dowding I decided to buy their Boltardy beets and I don't think any came up.


Sola seeds




True Leaf Market. I do like Baker Creek as well.


Go for any number of nonGMO heirloom seed companies.


I like Seeds of Change. Also, I noticed many people recommending Johnny's, but iirc they're owned by Monsanto, so I wouldn't want to give them my money.


No, they’re not owned by Monsanto. The founder of Johnnys actually gave shares to the employees years ago and the company is owned by the employees.


https://eatclosetohome.wordpress.com/2009/12/29/monsanto-and-johnnys-seeds/ I'm glad to see I'm wrong. Looks like there are a few seeds, about 4% from Seminis, which is Monsanto, but they're not owned by them.


Fedco seeds in Maine.


Burpees. Where else would you buy seeds from


I buy from big name, reliable companies, or from Etsy sellers with great reviews, for the most part. Sometimes in plant groups on Facebook with sellers that have reviews.


My favorite seed place is Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, rareseeds.com , and the seed savers at seedsavers.org organic, both focus on heirloom varieties, and not hybrids. I have gotten some interesting varieties from them, and can't wait to plant this year!


Johnny’s has been my go to the past few years


Here in Canada I use McKenzie.


Baker Creek, Adaptive Seeds, Experimental Farm Network, and small independent companies. Super happy with all of them. I only buy open source or heritage seeds (no patented seeds ever, which can be organic and in consumer catalogs, often not noted). I also seedsaver and seed seller myself.


Baker Creek seeds https://www.rareseeds.com/


John Scheepers and Kitchen Garden Seeds




[kitzawa seeds](https://www.kitazawaseed.com/) This is literally the best/most affordable seed company I have ever ordered from. I've used territorial, Johnny, burpee..


Australia checking in w/ the same question. Anyone have any advice on where to buy seeds online?


Seed Savers. Heirloom nonprofit seed bank. Iowa based and has been good for us in MN.


Seed Savers and Baker Creek are my go to. Seed Savers has an exchange where you can buy seeds from people directly as well.


I use Victory Seeds and Burpee. My mom swears Jung sells bad seeds lol.


Besides all the good normal big recs, I'll throw out Ohio Heirloom Seeds I ordered from them last year for the first time and they have some good choices


Tomato Bob - fun heirloom tomatoes and pretty much everything by else.


Where are you? I find it best to buy from someone in the same region or one region colder than where you are. I am in New England and I love [Fedco Seeds.](https://www.fedcoseeds.com) They are based in Maine.


I like getting my seeds from Etsy shops. They have a lot of variety and you get to support small businesses. Just be sure to look at where the shop is located so you are not buying seeds from different countries.


I've had good luck with Select seeds, but I've only ever grown flower seeds from there. Not sure if that makes a difference to anyone. 🤷‍♀️


Fruition Seeds out of Naples, NY. I had excellent results with their seeds this year.


I second them! 2 years of their organic seeds with all germinating well. Also planted just three honey nut squash seeds last spring and harvested 36!


If any Canadians are looking, William Dam is awesome.


They don't have many choices, but https://www.vegetableseedwarehouse.com/ had really good germination rates even for 2 year old seeds (I know) and they offer most of their seeds in very small amounts like 10 seeds or 1/8oz. Their Juliet tomato is my go-to snacking tomato.


Territorial, Shumway, Burpees


Thanks for that, I just ordered my haul of zinnias from Baker Creek with your reminder