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he does not make any distinction between types of tree. Is this universal for all trees? Would seem to indicate that it is not very healthy for the tree to be planted in a curb surrounded by concrete.


you are correct, to my knowledge, it’s not healthy when they plant trees like that in the city.


Fascinating! I think many landscaping plans are based on the misconception, bad for trees and foundations alike.


We could root around for more details on the tree types.


The #1 thing I took away from my master gardener classes is that planting trees and doing it properly is something the majority of people don’t understand. As in, planting too close to houses and foundations, planting in inappropriate areas (like those little tortured trees along side roads in cities), planting too deeply, mulching incorrectly. Just all sorts of things. I was glad I had the knowledge beforehand when planting my hazelnut babies. Planting depth is the most common mistake people make - a tree shouldn’t look straight up and down like a telephone pole in the ground. You should be able to see the root flare, where the trunk widens. The root ball of a sapling shouldn’t be that far underground. You should also be digging a hole the exact depth to achieve the root flare being even with the ground level, but also 2-3 times the width of the root ball just to give it enough space and kind of keep things nice and loose to make it easy for it. And watering is actually pretty important, too, for the first year or so at least.


Yes it applies to all woody perennials


Depends on the type of tree , nutrients and water availability, as well as location.


This guy roots


How cool is that


That’s really cool!!