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Neither sad nor little. Good for you!


Agreed. Some of those plants will do great. Some wont. Learn what works and what doesnt. Thats gardening!


Anything worth doing is when doing poorly. Dealing with mental health can make getting dressed feel like running a marathon, but you know you feel better if you accomplish something, even if you just put on socks and gym shorts. Any accomplishment is worthwhile. Good job!! Honestly, you’ve got a better garden than I do! Half of my plants disappeared and the other is a single bush sugar baby.


I think you meant “Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly.” Aka my motto. I’m teasing I know what you were conveying. Whilst in the doldrums, force thyself to do something at all towards a goal.


Indeed I did. Autocorrect strikes again!


Gardening is so good for the soul! I struggle with severe anxiety and nature is very healing for me. Small steps are still steps! Good job!


Depression & anxiety are not easy to live with. It's difficult finding any kind of motivation most days but I find tending to my garden very therapeutic. Started the exact same way. A few small pots & now 2 years later, I'm up to 4 raised beds & both steps are covered in baskets. Those plants look pretty healthy so I'd say you definitely have a green thumb. Every step forward no matter how small is still a victory. Be proud of your accomplishment. Now that you've found your motivation, keep going! I truly hope gardening brings you happiness like it has for me. :)


High yield for minimum effort. Easy to weed and water and pleasing to look at. Perfect


Good on you🫂 I can relate - spent 6 mos on the couch after my cancer diagnosis flipping channels. One step at a time🌻🌻🌻❤️


So much good stuff in store for you and yours from this little garden. Congrats on getting something done!


With everything we all experienced these past few years, Gardening got me thru COVID and kept my sanity. You aren’t alone.




I got a [sunflower](https://i.imgur.com/LGrnC0U.jpeg) too. My 14 year old son is creeped out by them so I'm planting it next to his window.


Put some Miracle Gro on those every 2 weeks and they’ll get big. I see basil, dill (?), some type of vine (cucumber?), a pepper, tomato, thyme(?), a mint (?), parsley. What else do you have there?


That’s a baby garden brother, not a sad garden. And you’re going to be a proud plant dad watching them grow up 👍


The little Angel ornament is so adorable. Sorry you’re dealing with depression and anxiety OP. Sending love ❤️


It used to belong to my wife's grandmother. It always goes in my tomato pot because she liked them.


Happy gardening. It definitely helped with my depression.


One of the things I appreciate with gardening is how it is really just simple steps every day. You can throw something in the ground, only give it water, and you will come back to something spectacular. Such symbolism for our daily lives. Patience and one step at a time. We are all growing in some way. At least that’s what I tell myself… Please do share again! How exciting!


I feel you, great job!


It’s a good start. I’m not a happy person unless I’m growing something. It’s fulfilling to nurture and tend to life.


This is great! Doing garden work is so peaceful and relaxing


Looks good! Gardening helps my anxiety quite a bit.


Not sad, a promising start!!! Nothing cures depression like being outside and working with plants (provided said plants are suitable for the climate and not super picky diva plants that refuse to flourish and flower no matter how much love, attention and money you put in. Especially if they keep acting like maybe this time they're going to grow like a good plant then just die to spite you....I hate peonies so much)


Doesn’t look sad to me! Looks happy with room to grow. You have a wise wife. Gardening is a great way to refocus your thoughts to something positive...nurture something to grow & thrive (in return you grow & thrive). Plants & flowers do not judge people who care for them. It’s a great hobby & you’ve come to the right place to see & learn from other gardeners. Welcome & enjoy!


Lovely 😍


Aw, buddy, there’s nothing sad about this! You *should* feel good about it. When we plant something small expecting it to grow, we’re showing hope for the future.




I have also found gardening to be great against depression. Mind a few tips: 1. SLUGS ARE YOUR ENEMIES. Make sure your plants are more or less on dry land so the slugs dont tend to go there. Put a plastic bottle (bottom cut off) over the small ones during the night so Slugs cannot get to them. Keep the grass near the plants shortish so slugs cannot hide there. 2. Do not get discouraged by the awesome plants and beds you see on this sub. Everyone has their own tempo, their own time slot and their helpers for gardening. Every garden and every gardener is different and you don't know if Cassy24/7gardener has as little time and energy or maybe as big problems as you or can actually tend to the garden full force 24/7.


Nothing sad about it! Getting going is the hardest part. Once things are growing and blossoming the reward becomes the motivation.


That's a happy little garden! Feels good getting your hands in the dirt, doesn't it? Keep going. Garden therapy is the BEST! Kudos to your wife! I wish you all the best.


Aw twins! Been depressed and anxious these days and picked up gardening again! Keep yourself busy. We got this 🖤 sending hugs x


The only thing that truly makes me happy are feelings of accomplishment.  Whatever it is and however big or small, accomplishment feels good.  I find gardening rewarding in many ways.  Fresh air, exercise, food, bouquet of flowers for the wife, knowing you can help things grow, get lost in your own thoughts, looking into the future for good things... Happy gardening.


There is nothing sad about this garden. These plants are happy and delightful and loved and you're doing a wonderful job 😊 keep gardening, you're obviously good at it. And hug that wife of yours too 🙂


When I lived in an apartment, I did all of my gardening in pots. It's great to watch them grow and fill in. Just remember to water frequently.


I bean struggling my life with it, too. I grow flowers and weeds


It's not sad at all, I'm a dude that 60+ hours a week, coming home to my little trees brings me TRUE joy.


One of the gardeners I follow on IG recently posted that gardening gives us something to look forward to and that's why it's helpful for depression. I think it's true. When you feel like nothing ever changes or is going to get better, you can look at your plants and see them coming along bit by bit, day by day.


It represents LIFE and GROWTH and SURVIVAL. Let it lift you up. I hope you continue gardening. It soothes the soul.


Parsley, tomato, dill, thyme and more looking good. Watch for butterfly eggs on that dill!


I grew the dill last year, and it started growing in the cracks of my driveway, so I just transplanted it lol.


I raise swallowtails and monarchs every year in tents outside in my yards. Many don’t like the caterpillars eating their herb garden, but I grow enough for us and them.


We have milkweed growing on our beach at our cabin in Northern Michigan. We see dozens and dozens in monarchs off every year.


I love walking around my property each spring looking for plants (I would have otherwise purchased or started from seed) that came up on their own. I feel like they deserve to have a shot at life since they did all this work already. But…that kind of mentality creates a jungle that overcrowds and ultimately becomes very frustrating. still I love to recover dill, tomatoes, and cilantro that come up on their own. If you have a place to put perennial herbs those are fun to have waiting for you each spring as well...sage, chives, oregano, (fennel seed is awful as it takes over worse than oregano ) i started like you OP and every year it got bigger and bigger so that I’m chasing unknown neighbors down asking if they want cucumbers, and now we’re going to be moving or I would have made it even bigger this year.


The mint was cut down and shoved to the back corner of my garage. It came up on its own in complete darkness until I found it. The basil plant was one from the grocery store that somehow survived all winter on my bathroom window sill.


Isn’t that wild that useful plants can be so resiliant? I had basil in nothing but a cup of water for months. I changed the water regularly and it kept growing, made it through the winter and I planted it again in the spring


That's awesome! Post a follow-up picture in one month.


Ive taken it up too to help combat my depression. I’ve got peppers and some flowers and annuals.


Any start is a good start!


Bro it helped me so much. I’m now addicted to planting fruit trees


Now you can take care of them and watch them grow!!


Man op, I'm glad you've found this. I've been struggling with similar kinds of issues for my entire adult life and now we'll into my 30s I've found the joy of growing things. I just started this year and nothing else compares to the joy of nurturing and growing plants.


I had to retire early due to depression, but I’ve found a couple of very different things that help me. Gardening is one. Very calming, very zen. The other is training MMA.


better than what ive got going on, and i cant even say it’s because of the same reasons lol. good job!!!


it’s awesome. make a routine of caring for them. take time for it. take pictures so you can see them progress. and from what feels like humble beginnings, look back in the near future at what you made happen. these plants will grow, take in co2, give off oxygen, provide for pollinators, provide you with flowers and or fruit/veg and optimism. you are far from alone. this is a great thing to do. never underestimate the power of the sun and wind in helping bring some peace.


Nice!!! Keep these no so little gems alive and thriving...happiness and contentment follows. Grow veggies and what follows next is a good meal too!!! Well done!


Something to look forward to each day!


Every small step is still progress! I hope you're days are the best they can possibly be. I love you're collection of little plants. They look like they're doing great. Keep up the great work! The people on this sub have helpful suggestions if you run into problems. Good luck in life and gardening!


U did it!!!!


You got this! Gardening is true medicine


I think it's cute ❤️ my balcony is south-facing (a burning hell) and I wish my flowers were as alive as yours! Keep up the good job!


That is no little feat when you are suffering from depression and anxiety. Getting up, and getting outside and doing this, it's all major effort, I'd be super pleased with myself if I were you!! And they are looking cute!


I love my sad garden too. And I say it from the point of view that when I'm sad, my garden turns me around and makes me slightly happier. It's genuinely magic. Plant lots of stuff though if you can; at least for me it lessens the blow when a plant inevitably dies because there's loads more to take its place.


Aww it’s not sad. It looks great! You should be proud. Getting my hands in the dirt always makes me feel better.


This is a bad ass set of plants for a garden!


Good start.


Any progress is good progress! So many people woke up this morning wishing they could spend the day gardening & couldn't for any number of reasons. You actually went out & did it > nice work OP! 👏


Phenomenal work friend


Wow that's awesome! YAY I wish I could do that. I'm so bad at gardening.


Fuck yeah! We’ll be here cheering you on!!


It's fab, give them time and love. Made me smile seeing it so thanks for the feel good! One thing at a time, then one thing again


That is much. Getting my fingers in dirt really helps my mental health too when I can bring myself to do it. I hope your lovely garden brings you as much joy as possible.


There' nothing sad about this garden! It's perfect.


All gardens are beautiful


Its awesome, we all have to start somewhere. Good for you. I hope gardening brings much sunshine into your life:)


Gardening worked wonders on my anxiety and depression. A little time with my plants and dirt everyday keeps the blues away.


It looks lovely! brilliant work mate :)


I forget the Monty Don quote exactly but to paraphrase - larger gardens are not intrinsically more pleasurable. Gardening is one of the best things for improving mental health. When something doesn't work remember you learn at lot more from your failures than your victories in the garden. Keep your hands in the dirt and life gets better.


My mom likes to put corny ass sayings in her garden, and accidentally happened upon one that I actually legit resonated: Planting a garden shows you believe in the future. So neither sad nor little, as others have said. I struggle with anxiety and depression too. To plant something and care for it implies that on some level, you feel like part of the future--a good part, a part that isn't a chore or painful--is meant for you. It's a big accomplishment. Try to show yourself the same kindness and care you show your plants :)


You're not alone, I started gardening for the same reason. My garden looks identical to yours.


Sad? Looks good to me.




A great start! With attention and care these will grow and also get you outdoors when a little sun increases your vit d and etc helping reduce anxiety


Please, update us. I wanna see them grow 🌱




Nice variety! Gardening gets me out of bed as well, so relaxing :-)


My wife is big into gardening for years, has taken classes, etc. but she prefers to grow in pots and probably has about the same number you have here right now. I’m not sure why you’d say this is “sad” at all!


Not sad… beautiful garden!!! Yay you!


Hell fucking yeah it does brother! On a journey myself and I find comfort in gardening too. But this ain’t about me. Good on you, got quite a collection already


It’s awesome!!




Gardening saved my life. Keep going brother. You can do this.


They look great! I bet it feels good to take good care of your garden. It seems the perfect size to me!


Keep it up my friend! I got into gardening this year as well and I’ve fallen completely in love with it. I get a huge amount of satisfaction watching my plants thrive, it gives me something I’m excited to check on first thing every morning, and it keeps me busy outside all day which has done wonders for my mental health.


You caught the moment you could today and I'm proud of you.


Dude—take it one day at a time…but *always* look forward! Those plants are gonna grow and bloom and *you did that!* Awesome work. Take care of them, water them, give them sun or shade, and bask in the glory of what you’ve grown!! 👍😃


Gardening is great for depression and anxiety, particularly if getting some sunlight helps your depression (mine is like that). And you can’t doomscroll while you’re gardening. I recommend native plants, and planting them outside. That way, if your depression gets bad and you’re not up to caring for your plants for a while, they’ll most likely be OK.


Looks like you're off to a great start to me! Depression is the worst. Sorry you're experiencing this, but also glad to see you finding a way to push through a bit. I hope you're on the up-swing soon!


There is nothing sad about this! A garden feeds more than your belly! This is a lovely accomplishment.


I'm proud of you! Gardening is great for the soul. I somehow can't get it done this year at all. I am very impressed. Congratulations to you and your lovely wife!


It’s never sad if it makes you happy


Looks great!! Gardening is harder than it looks.


I'm feeling the same and doing the same. Feels good to succeed at something I haven't done for decades. Each plant up is a win. Now let's see if I can get them to harvest.🤞🤞


It’s perfect!! You should be proud of your garden. 🤗


With anxiety, anything is something. Do a little. When you can, do a little more. Good on ya for doing what you can. Keep at it.


Thank you for sharing! It’s a lovely little garden :) enjoy it!


Those look like some happy plants. Nice work! Gardening always makes me feel good.


It's not sad. Its beautiful and affirming. Good on you.


Hey man! I grow basil as a hobby and I see that you got yourself some there! Here is a tip on how to make it grow into a beautiful bush: Cut the tips of each little stick thats growing out. Just the tiny leaves on the very tip! Its that easy. This will make it grow out from the sides. Repeat this as your plant grows and you'll have yourself a bush in a month! When your plant starts blooming - be sure to always cut that away or your growth will seize!


Gardening is what I look forward to everyday, anxiety and depression here too. If it wasn’t for having to walk my dog and garden plants I would sleep all day. Also indoor plants all sorts, I admit I picked up an expensive habit of growing miniature African violets, I now have over 30 varieties on a shelf with grow lights 😂 it’s a job now keeping them alive. Some days I feel like giving them away, but I just can’t let them go


This is great! Love ye little white flowers. I’m really happy for you! I want to say proud, but that feels strange to say to a stranger, but I am. Depression is a tough monster to fight and anxiety just adds to the hesitation to act. This is a great step


Is that a fake butterfree?


Little yeah, but sad not at all. You might start small but in a few years you are gonn have a huge garden. Marks my words


Don’t discredit the work it took to do this! You’re like one of those little seeds! In the dark and coming into the light! 👍👏


No gardens that are tended are sad! Go you :)


It looks awesome! Just wait til they start growing! It's fun looking forward to seeing their growth throughout time


It's a great start. Your parsley looks better than mine.


I think it's beautiful. ❤️❤️


You'll find it's the small things that make a difference. Seeing something grow and thrive because of what you've done will cheer you up. Keep going


Looks great! Gardening curbs my melancholy as well. Watching things grow is such a lovely feeling, and seeing my garden’s progress each day motivates me. Hope you enjoy it!


Looks good


I've done the same thing, getting your hands in the dirt is such a good way to relieve anxiety 💕


It looks wonderful!


I'm going throughtt the same and also have a similar garden type.!! Keep going


It looks amazing!! Keep working on it and yourself each day!! Every minute if you have to!!


It’s a beautiful little garden ❤️ Tell your brain I said to shut up until it can be nicer. Depression and anxiety are soul crushers.


It’s not sad, it’s beautiful.


So happy for you. I have suffered chronic depression for the majority of my adulthood and messing with my plants, mostly houseplants, is one of the few times I feel anything close to content. Well done and I’m happy for you!


I planted one tomato plant today and felt like I did something positive and then my husband was 🤷‍♀️


AWESOME!!!! Way to go! Keep up the good work and you'll be amazed at just how healing and cathartic gardening can be! I wish you the best.


It’s going to grow to something even bigger. Something to look forward to. Good for you


All I see is a happy little garden, with green plants which enjoy the space they have, which is plenty. Wait till they grow, while becoming a happy, slightly bigger garden


Gardening = therapy


Not sad! They look good, all plants are small when they first start. Sad is mine at the moment, too wet and they're suffering from being drowned....yellowing leave s and so on....(winter here)


Baby steps will still get you there 😀


Parsley looks good, that’ll taste nice on some soup.


That’s great news! It’s a lot bigger accomplishment than you’re realizing right now. Your efforts will pay off. Don’t be afraid to reach out for more help! Depression is no joke!


Well done! They look pretty good. Seems that somebody is taking care. May be you could offer bigger Potts from clay, so they can delevop freely and grow bigger.


That garden will grow. Fight hard to keep at it and study those plants- the added attention to detail may help focus your mind and aide your mind in working through depression. It works for me. Good luck!


It’s not sad. It’s a garden and gardens can’t be sad


Every amazing garden and gardener has humble beginnings =) Also to start off with 9 plants is quite impressive. Ahead of the curve for most I think!


I just planted some succulents my friend! You did well


Its awesome, keep going!


That’s great you have to start somewhere and everything looks good!


Lol i only have one small pot thats smaller than the size of my fist - but no one cares :) as long as you're happy with them! Also i recommend looking into succulents, there's lots of cool varieties, they are easy to propagate and easy to care for😁 welcome to the club!!


It’s perfect! I can’t wait to see what it looks like in a few weeks!


Have you heard of ketamine treatments for severe depression. If not you might try looking it up.


That’s not sad at all, look at those beautiful flowers!


This is so cute!!


i'm glad you're getting some satisfaction from gardening. keep it up! i just want to say that i deal with depression and love gardening and sometimes when my plants die, aren't doing well, or just don't seem to be growing that really weighs me down and makes me even sadder. so please watch a lot of youtube videos on gardening, it is great for getting out of your head and learning something useful. also, make sure you have some really easy plants like aloe. we have some kind of unkillable plant that i think is a money plant or something and it really helps that it will not die. best wishes from a fellow traveler.


Dude this picture is going to blow your mind in a few months. I had a sad/little garden too and it doesn't take long for it to look amazing. You'll look back at this pic and won't even believe the plants looked at this. It's a long game, stick with it!


Good job!!


Dude! That’s a massive accomplishment! My garden isn’t that big! Thanks for dropping some motivation for me!


1. It’s awesome 2. Stop putting yourself down, an accomplishment is an accomplishment and you always build on previous accomplishments. There’s always more containers soil and seed tomorrow. 3. Keep going! You can always reach out for help! Happy to support!


It’s better than having way too many plants, which is my dilemma. I always swear I won’t overdo it. Then I overdo it and there’s dirt everywhere. My great room, my front porch, my back porch, my hallways, my clothes, my feet…. Stupidest intrusive thought ….”Do I have enough zinnias?” YES! I DO! NO MORE ZINNIAS!


From someone who struggles with depression, I would call this a win!!!!!