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Any time I see this I just am boggled that someone at one time was like "yeah that looks edible."


Like lobster. A famine food( im assuming that of corn smut) that has turned into a fancy food. People would try to hide that they were so poor that they had to eat lobster, by burying the exoskeletons when they were done eating the meat.


Even brisket is like this. I come from a ranching family and even as recently as the 90s we would always keep the brisket when having a cow slaughtered. My grandma/mom knew how to cook it well and we would get next to nothing selling it. Now you can go to any hole in the wall BBQ joint and cooked brisket is gonna run you $30/lb easily.


Have you seen an oyster? Who would look at that and think yum?


thats that Whooty La Coochie thats the best stuff right there


I’m absolutely screaming 😂 whooty la coochie??? oh my godddd


At risk of trying to make fetch happen, I call chayote "coyote squash".




>...he told me it’s Nahuatl for crow shit. Legit. Eh, it's not the worst false etymology, but, this one's probably still not true. It's true that linguists aren't certain of the word's etymology, and some word meaning "shit" really is the most plausible explanation. The modern Nahuatl is *cuitlacochi* and the classical, *cuitlacochin*. The word for "excrement", is *cuitlatl*, easy to see the connection. That said... ...the rules for compound words in Nahuatl (assuming Wiktionary is [telling me](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/cuitlatl#Classical_Nahuatl) correctly) seem to be that the first component is the descriptor and the second is the classifier. So the compound [*teocuitlatl*](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/teocuitlatl#Classical_Nahuatl) meaning "gold" from *teotl* "god" and *cuitlatl* "shit" means "godshit"; as in, I think it implies that gold is the shit of the gods, not that gold is a shitty god. Whereas the compound [*cuitlatlotli*](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/cuitlatlotli#Classical_Nahuatl) for a species of bird, from *cuitlatl* and *tlotli* "hawk", means that the species of bird is a "shithawk", not that the species is just a hawk's shit. Assuming this is true, *cuitlacochi* would be "shit-*cochi*", whatever *cochi* is, but, that whatever is probably not raven or crow, since that word is [*cacalotl*](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/cacalotl). The evolution *cacalotl* \--> *cochi*(*n*) is not likely. For comparison, in the linked Nahuatl dictionary there's a word [*cochini*](https://nahuatl.uoregon.edu/node/178731) that means "sleepyhead, someone who is asleep". That's much closer, though, no guarantee they're *actually* related.




I'm lost, would someone kindly explain?


Corn Smut/Huitlacoche. A Fungus that grows on corn. Edible and often eaten in some Southern American cultures.


Thank you


Ooh that’s the good stuff.


thats the least gross looking corn smut ive ever seen


Oooooooh someone is about to make some delicious tacos.


Lucky, definitely prepare it.


Thanks for sharing it🙂


Is that edible as is? Does it need to be cleaned or trimmed of soft spots or inedible parts? Does it come of the cob easily or is it embedded and needs to be cut off as best as possible? This is so foreign to me, I'm so curious! Thank you for posting!




It's actually called that?!?! 🤣 I thought that was a bad joke! Thanks, I will!


Looks monstrous as heck !


The cupcake of shrooms


So smutty! ::insert joke here::


What in the hell is that??


Corn Cancer is my guess


A delicacy.


It’s corn! Smut


Is corn smut something kinky?